Alchemical GloG–A Cube of Ooze

Alchemical Lich

This GLoG is largely based on Scott Wegener’s RELIC, Skerples’ Many Rats on Sticks, Yochai Gal’s Cairn, and Colin Le Sueur’s Runecairn.


  • Only 4 main abilities and Luck.
  • No to-hit roll mechanic, but different damage scaling from Cairn.
  • Tweaked character creation (Ability bonus distribution, professions, ancestries)
  • Changed and added combat maneuvers based on equipment.
  • Changed progression
  • Removed Vancian casting
  • Tweaked initiative
  • Tweaked flavor text
  • Added Powerful Opponents rule / guidance on adjusting DCs.



1. Select your Ancestry. Choose or roll your PC’s traits, such as their physique, face, skin, hair, speech, clothing, virtue, vice, and alignment using the tables below. Choose a name for your PC.

2. Player Characters (PCs) have four regular abilities: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Wits (WIT), and Personality (PER). Each ability has a bonus value. For character creation, simply pick one of the following arrays and distribute the bonuses however you like (or roll one randomly):

1D3 Ability Bonus Array
1 +3, +0, +0, +0
2 +2, +1, +0, +0
3 +1, +1, +1, +0

The fifth attribute is Luck. At level 0, each PC has a D3 of Luck. A PC can permanently burn a point of luck to re-roll a Save. Luck is gained at the GMs discretion, but typically at the end of an adventure or for heroic and daring actions.

3. Pick or roll for a Profession. This describes your broad area of expertise before you started adventuring.

4. Select your first Character Class Template. Templates grant you a number of special abilities and skills. At levels 2, 3, and 4, choose an additional template from any class, always starting with Template A, following the Base Adventurer Table. At levels 8 and 10 you receive Bonus Templates (you still have to start at Template A for each new class).

5. PCs start with a random assortment of Gear, possibly some coin. See the tables below for Gear. Your Character Class will also give you some starting equipment.

6. Note your starting Hit Points (HP) and armor value (AV).

HP is your STR Bonus modified by your level, as indicated on the Base Adventurer table below. HP is explained in the Core Rule Section.

AV is a form of damage reduction. Combat is explained in the Core Rules Section. If a PC is not wearing armor, their base AV is 0.

Starting Gold

1–3 4–17 18–20
None. Broke. 2d6 4d6
1–3 4–17 18–20
2d100 gp 1d6 x 100 gp 4d6 x 100 gp
1 A distant uncle
2 Local money lender
3 A group of thugs
4 The local lord
5 A merchant
6 A sketchy wizard

Random Starting Gear

Roll once for rations, once for dungeoneering gear, and once each on general gear table A and B.

1–3 4–17 18–20
None. Hungry. 1 Day 2 Days
1. Caltrops, 20 8. Lamp oil 15. Rope, 50ft.
2. Candles, 5 9. Lantern 16. Sack
3. Chalk 10. Manacles 17. Bag of ball bearings, 100
4. Crowbar 11. Mirror 18. Spikes, 5
5. Grappling hook 12. Padlocks 19. Tinderbox
6. Hammer 13. Pole, 10ft. 20. Torches, 6
7. Holy Water 14. Pulleys
1. Air bladder 8. Fishing line 15. Nails
2. Bear trap 9. Glue 16. Net
3. Bellows 10. Grease 17. Pick
4. Iron pot 11. Hourglass 18. Rope, 50ft
5. Caltrops 12. Lock-picks 19. Shovel
6. Chisel 13. Shield 20. Tongs
7. Drill 14. Metal file
1. Blank book 8. Horn 15. Rope, 50ft.
2. Bottle 9. Incense 16. Sponge
3. Card deck 10. Instrument 17. Spyglass
4. Cook pots 11. Lens 18. Tar pot
5. Dice set 12. Big wheel of cheese 19. Twine
6. Questionable mushrooms 13. Quill & Ink 20. Bag of charcoal
7. Pliers, loop of wire 14. Small bell


The list below provides information on some suggested Ancestries. The listed bonuses and weaknesses are only suggestive. Feel free to modify or make up your own entry (Trollkin, Slugling, Automaton, …).

1 Dwarf Pick one: Lowlight vision, Stonecunning. Save PER to bond magic items unless they are weapons or Dwarven made.
2 Elf Pick one: Lowlight vision. Glade & Glen (you move through the landscape without leaving a trace, and the natural world conspires with you in this. When traveling through a wilderness alone or with other elves you cannot be tracked and you gain +2 when rolling to avoid surprise). Wearing worked metal armor of any sort makes you nauseous (Poisoned condition).
3 Gnome Pick one: Become invisible if you close your eyes, hold your breath, & don’t move; Truculence (Advantage on saves vs Charm effects) Dangerously curious.
4 Halfling Pick one: Halflings are small creatures. You gain a +1 to AV when attacked by larger creatures; Brave (Advantage against fear effects) Big eater–you need 1.5 times the rations others require.
5 Human +1 Item Quick Draw Slot and gain a random piece of gear. -2 saves vs. being mutated or transformed
1 Cambion Pick a Demonic inheritance, e.g., horns (1d4 damage), forked tongue (improved smell), prehensile tail (can manipulate items). Cannot tell a direct lie, but can lie like a lawyer.
2 Changeling Many faces. You can spend 1 Good Night’s Rest to change your appearance for the day Not trusted. If people know you are a Changeling, they are distrustful of you.
3 Duergar 1/per day turn invisible. Lasts for 1 dungeon turn or until you take an attack or cast a spell. Compulsive Greed. Save vs PER to retreat from the opportunity of acquiring treasure.
4 Fleshwarp Mutation. Roll once on the Random Mutations Table. You rolled on the Random Mutations Table. People likely are weirded out by your mutation.
5 Frogling Prehensile tongue (as whip). Drink twice as much water.
6 Gnoll Lowlight vision. Cackle. You can make your distinct cackle appear to come from anywhere within a 60ft radius Lazy. You need to rest 12 instead of 8 hours every day to remove Fatigue (8 hours provide all other benefits).
7 Goblin Improved smell. Squishy–you can squeeze through tight spaces. Mutator. Whenever you roll on the Scars table, also for a random mutation.
8 Jotun-kin Huge. You gain extra item slots equal to your STR mod. Calmness. You have Advantage on PER saves against mind-altering effects. You eat twice the rations and all your gear has to be custom-made (200% of regular prices)
9 Kobold Cringe. 1/per day you can posture pitifully and impose Disadvantage on an attack Fearful. You have Disadvantage when saving against fear effects.
10 Magpie Always know the approximate value of mundane items. WIS save or pick up shiny objects. Can’t actually fly.
11 Rockfolk Natural AV2 (or +1 AV when wearing other armor). Slow to act. You always act last in Initiative.
12 Orc Relentless. 1/per day you can remove 1 level of Fatigue. Save vs PER to resist a challenge.
13 Ratfolk Scurry. You can Withdraw or Retreat at 1.5 times your regular speed. Improved smell. You feel uncomfortable out in open spaces and direct sunlight.
14 Undead You don’t to eat or breathe. You don’t heal naturally and need to consume blood or raw flesh to regain hit points. Regular folk will be afraid of you.

Lowlight Vision. Can see clearly in dim light. Light brighter than moonlight or candlelight negates. Ineffective in complete darkness (windowless room, dungeon, deep cave, etc.).

Improved Smell. You have a keen nose and can determine the location of creatures within a 25ft radius around you (as long as there is not too much wind!).


Professions represent an area of expertise. There are no explicit skills in this game. Tasks are either resolved by simply letting them happen or through a save. If the PC can make a convincing case that their profession is relevant to a task, the PC can make the save with Advantage.

01 Alchemist Oil, 1 flask
02 Animal trainer Pony
03 Armorer Iron Helmet
04 Apothecarist Steel vial
05 Astrologer Spyglass
06 Barber Scissors
07 Barrister Quill and paper
08 Beadle Holy symbol
09 Bearleader 20ft of rope
10 Beekeeper Jar of honey
11 Blacksmith Steel tongs
12 Butcher Side of beef
13 Caravan guard Line, 1 yard
14 Chandler Candles, 20
15 Cheesemaker Stinky cheese
16 Chest-maker Wood, 10lbs.
17 Chicken butcher Chicken meat, 5 lbs.
18 Cobbler Shoehorn
19 Confidence artist Quality cloak
20 Cooper Barrel
21 Costermonger Fruit
22 Cutpurse Small chest
23 Ditch digger Fine dirt, 1lb.
24 Dock worker 1 late RPG book
25 Dyer Fabrid, 3 yards
26 Falconer Falcon
27-37 Farmer * Hen
38 Forester Herbs, 1lb.
39 Fortune-teller Tarot deck
40 Gambler Dice
41 Glassblower Glass beads
42 Glovemaker Gloves, 4 pairs
43-47 Gongfarmer Sack of nigth soil
48 Grave digger Trowel
49 Guild beggar Crutches
50 Haberdasher Fine suits, 3 sets
51 Healer Holy water, 1 vial
52 Herbalist Herbs, 1lb.
53-54 Herder Herding dog**
55-57 Hunter Deer pelt
58 Indentured servant Locket
59 Jester Silk clothes
60 Jeweler Gem worth 20 gp
61 Locksmith Fine tools
62 Mariner Sailcloth, 2 yards
63 Mendicant Cheese dip
64 Mercenary Hide armor (light)
65 Merchant 4 gp, 14 sp, 27 cp
66-67 Miller/baker Flour, 1 lb.
68-69 Miner Lantern
70 Minstrel Ukulele
71 Moneylender 5 gp, 10 sp, 200 cp
72 Mushroom-farmer Sack
73 Navigator Spyglass
74 Noble Gold ring worth 10 gp
75 Orphan Rag doll
76 Ostler Bridle
77 Outlaw Leather armor (light)
78 Pissprophet Jug
79 Rat-catcher Net
80 Rope maker Rope, 100’
81 Sage Parchment and quill pen
82 Scribe Parchment, 10 sheets
83 Shaman Herbs, 1lb.
84 Slave Strange-looking rock
85 Smuggler Waterproof sack
86 Soldier Shield
87 Stonemason Fine stone, 10 lbs.
88 Squire Steel helmet
89 Tanner Piece of hide
90 Tax collector 100 cp
91 Trader 20 sp
92 Trapper Badger pelt
93 Urchin Begging bowl
94 Vagrant Begging bowl
95 Wainwright Pushcart ***
96 Watchman Club
97 Weaver Fine suit of clothes
98 Winemaker Jug
99 Wizard’s apprentice Black grimoire
100 Woodcutter Bundle of wood

* Roll 1d8 to determine farmer type: (1) potato, (2) wheat, (3) turnip, (4) corn, (5) rice, (6) parsnip, (7) radish, (8) rutabaga.

** Why did the chicken cross the hallway? To check for traps! In all seriousness, if the party includes more than one farmer or herder, randomly determine the second and subsequent farm animals for each duplicated profession with 1d6: (1) sheep, (2) goat, (3) cow, (4) duck, (5) goose, (6) mule.

*** Roll 1d6 to determine what’s in the cart: (1) tomatoes, (2) nothing, (3) straw, (4) your dead, (5) dirt, (6) rocks.

Adapted from DCC.


EXPERIENCE POINTS There are several ways for PCs to earn XP:

  • PCs receive 1 XP per gold coin of treasure recovered.

  • Problem solving (100-500 XP).

  • Achieving adventuring goals and exploration discoveries (25-1,000 XP)

  • 10 XP per 100 gold coins per coin spent on carousing.

  • Besting monsters.

When a PC gains a level, consult the Base Adventurer table and adjust HP, Ability Bonuses, and Templates, etc.

To advance a level, PCs need to spend Current level X 1 week in downtime training and Current level X 1,500 gc in training costs.

Until Level 5, no Ability Bonus may be higher than +3. Until Level 8, no Ability Bonus maybe be higher than a +4. The maximum Ability Bonus for any stat is +5.

At levels 1–4 select a new Class Template. Every time a template is selected from a new class, begin with Template A. Multi-classing is easy and encouraged. At level 8 and 10, you receive a bonus template.

Level XP HP Class Template Ability Bonus Max Bonus
1 0 STR+8 1 - +3
2 2,000 STR+10 2 +1 +3
3 4,000 STR+12 3 +1 +3
4 8,000 STR+14 4 - +3
5 16,000 STR+16 - +1 +4
6 32,000 STR+18 - +1 +4
7 64,000 STR+20 - +1 +4
8 128,000 STR+22 Bonus Template - +5
9 256,000 STR+24 - +1 +5
10 384,000 STR+26 Bonus Template - +5

For more detailed rules on carousing, training, and downtime activities, see On Downtime and Demesnes.


Playing the Game


  • Strength (STR): Used for melee attacks and saves requiring physical power, like lifting gates, bending bars, or leaping a chasm. Also used to resist poison, sickness and cold.
  • Dexterity (DEX): Used for ranged attacks, delicate tasks, moving silently, and saves requiring poise, speed, and reflexes.
  • Wits (WIT): Used for saves requiring perception, recalling obscure knowledge, for saves requiring concentration and precision; such as wielding magic, deductive reasoning, logic, cleverness, and wisdom.
  • Personality (PER): Used for saves to persuade, deceive, interrogate, charm, provoke, or read a person. Also used to resist magic through sheer willpower. Half (rounded down) of your PER bonus is added to Reaction Rolls. PCs may employ a number of retainers equal to 1+ their Personality bonus.

Saving Throws

Saves are the default resolution mechanism in this game. The default difficulty for saves is 12.

Saves occur when a PC attempts something where the outcome is uncertain and failure has consequences. Rolls are risks. Good plans mean less risk and fewer rolls. Poor planning can mean lots of risky rolls.

The Referee may say “Save vs Personality” or ask for a “DEX Save”.

To make a save roll 1d20 and add the applicable Ability Bonus. A result of 12+ is a success.

Saves are not necessarily a binary pass/fail resolution mechanism.

Consider if a failed save will stall the game. If not, let the PC fail and suffer the consequences. If a failed save would negatively impact the flow of the game, try introducing a complication instead. Think of it as success at a cost.

A failed save might mean that the Thief picked the lock, but their tools break. The Fighter misremembers a bit of gossip and tips off the guards to their deception. The Wizard scours the archives for a critical bit of lore, but alerts their enemy’s agents.

If a PC makes a save by a margin of +5 or greater, consider granting them a small boon: a free action, a bonus to their next roll, etc.

Critical Success and Failure

Rolling a natural 20 on a save is a critical success. The PC may receive a boon, such as advantage on a future related roll.

Rolling a natural 1 is a critical failure. Expect a complication relevant to the situation at hand.

Advantage & Disadvantage

Not all saves are equally difficult.

An old castle wall may offer easy hand- and footholds to a climber. A glass tower could be nearly frictionless. Having proper tools or foreknowledge of a situation can increase the odds of success.

Likewise, trying to sneak past alert guards in broad daylight will be significantly more difficult that sneaking past drowsy guards on a moonless night.

When making a save with advantage, roll 2D20 and use the higher result. Use the low result if making a save with disadvantage.

Adjusting DCs

The standard DC should be adjusted when facing an especially difficult/easy tasks.

One useful rule-of-thumb relies on level and HD differences. To calculate the adjustment, compare the difference between the PC’s level and the task’s or opponent’s level/HD (representing an average difficulty for a PC of that level). If the difference is larger than 1, adjust the DC by the difference. E.g., a 1 HD creature saving against a magical spell by a 2nd-level PC, faces a standard DC of 12. The same 1 HD creature facing a 3rd-level character, now, has to roll 13 or higher to pass. Conversely, a 4th-level PC trying to open a lock of level 9 with a DEX save would face a hefty +5 increase of the standard DC to 17.

This rule of thumb is particularly useful for Saves involving spells or combat maneuvers.

OPPOSED SAVES When 2 or more characters have mutually exclusive goals, but aren’t in combat.

PCs describe their actions and must save vs the appropriate ability. The active PC rolls against a DC12 modified by the opposing character’s appropriate attribute and an adjustment based on the level/HD difference between the contestants using the Adjusting DCs guidelines. A success counts in favor of the active PC, a failure is a success for the opposing NPC.

If the contest requires 2+ successes to be won, count Critical successes as two successful saves and critical failures as two failures.

IMPROVING THE ODDS A PC can improve their odds of success in a number of ways, the most obvious being by deploying items from their inventory.

Breaking down the door before the gelatinous cube reaches the party is a lot easier with a crowbar or sledgehammer. Finding a tomb in a burning library is easier if a PC knows what it looks like.

In these cases, Referees can award Advantage to a save. It does not have to be the first roll, but the PC must declare they are using the bonus before they attempt a save.

Using gear to improve the odds leads to wear and tear. On a successful save using gear, roll a 1d6. A result of 1-2 causes the gear to loose a Usage Dot. On a failed save using gear, the gear automatically loses one Usage Dot. Most gear has three Usage Dots before it is considered broken and must be repaired.

AID How many PCs can aid another is situational and up to the Referee.

It’s hard to imagine how anyone could help a thief pick a lock, but they might help disable a trap. How many PCs can kick down a door? Can the illiterate Barbarian help the wizard conduct research?

Receiving aid. Give the main PC involved in the save or opposed save Advantage. NPCs cannot provide aid.

In matters arcane (like a wizard battle) the caster may spend magic dice to re-roll failed saves.

Dungeon Turns

Turns are 10 minutes long or can be abstracted to represent the time it takes to change the state of the party in-game.

It takes 1 Turn to search an area for traps and secret doors, move to a new area of the dungeon, pick a lock, resolve a combat, listen at a door, etc.

More complicated actions will take longer.

1 Referee rolls encounter die.
2 Party moves, maps, enters rooms, listens at doors, searches, etc.
3 Resolve encounters (distance, surprise, reactions, possible combat).
4 Track light sources & ongoing spells, recover arrows/bolt.
5 Turn ends.

The Encounter Sequence

When the party moves into a new area or spends time on an exploration activity, advance time by 1 dungeon turn.

Roll the encounter die every other dungeon turn and interpret the results. More dangerous areas might trigger more frequent encounter die rolls.

If the PCs are moving cautiously, or have a Hunter in the party, they get the omen before the encounter and spot signs of traps. The fun part isn’t noticing the trap, it’s how the PCs deal with it. Use common sense and inventory items.

PCs moving quickly or incautiously may get a chance to Save vs WITS to notice a trap (Referee’s discretion). Otherwise, they find traps via HP and hirelings. You can cover twice as much ground between encounter rolls when moving quickly. It’s a gamble whose risks must be weighed.

1 Wandering monster appears at a distance of 2d6 x 10’ away.
2–6 Nothing of note occurs

VARIABLE ENCOUNTER DIE If you don’t like the static nature of a 1-in-6 wandering monster, consider rolling a D20 and a wandering monster appears when you roll on or under T, where T is the number of turns that have passed.

=<T Wandering monster appears at a distance of 2d6 x 10’ away.
>T & even No monster, but a clue or omen
>T & odd Nothing of note occurs.
20 Rest for 1 Turn or suffer fatigue.

ENCOUNTER DISTANCE Dungeon: 2d6x10ft Wilderness: 4d6x10 yards (1d4 if surprised)

SURPRISE A check for surprise is made by the side/s that are not expecting the encounter. A monster waiting quietly in the dark for an incautious party would not roll for surprise. The PCs would. Light sources can be seen a mile away.

Make a WIT save with DC 6 for each PC to determine surprise. Any surprised groups cannot act in the first round of the encounter. However, a group that is not surprised gets one free round of actions.

REACTIONS When the PCs encounter an NPC whose reaction to the party is not obvious, roll 2d6 and consult the following table. Add the PER bonus of the PC interacting with the NPC.

2 Hostile. Immediate attack.
3–6 Unfriendly. Possible attack.
7–9 Neutral.
10–11 Friendly. Monster/NPC leaves or considers offers.
12+ Helpful. Enthusiastic friendship

FATIGUE Sprinting repeatedly, overland travel without rest, or excessive activity inflict Fatigue. Each level of Fatigue takes up 1 Item Slot. Fatigue can easily fill up the available inventory slots and lead to Encumbrance.

Resting during Lunch or after a Good Night’s Rest can remove fatigue.

At 5 levels of Fatigue a PC collapses. They are conscious but in a death spiral. If they do not consume a ration or healing potion within 1 Turn, they die. Rest alone will not save them.



A Round of combat lasts 10 seconds. A PC can move and perform a single action during a round. This action may be casting a spell, making a second move, making an attack, retrieving an item from inventory, attempting a combat maneuver, or any other action deemed reasonable by the Referee. Some PCs may have access to Reactions, which can be taken out of initiative order (and only once per round).


  1. Declare scroll or grimoire casting. Declare Fighting Withdrawal or Retreat.
  2. Roll Initiative.
  3. Winning PCs take their turn.
  4. Enemies take their turn.
  5. Losing PCs take their turn.


At the start of every round, every PC saves vs DEX. On a success, the PC acts before the enemies. On a failure, they act after the enemies. The Order of Combat still applies. Spellcasters casting from a book or scroll have to declare so before initiative is rolled. They automatically fail their initiative test.



Outside of combat, movement is generally abstracted. In combat it is more important to know where everyone is in relation to one another and how far they can move or shoot.

A lightly armored creature can move 40ft per combat round. A creature wearing medium or heavy armor receives additional movement penalties (see Armor table). An encumbered creature moves at half their normal rate. Each level of fatigue reduces movement speed by 5ft.

Some creatures may move faster or slower as noted by their Character Class.

Once a create as entered Melee with an enemy, they cannot move away without declaring a Fighting Withdrawal or Retreat.

ATTACKING Attacks and damage are handled in a single roll:

  • Melee Attacks: Roll weapon damage +STR.

  • Ranged Attacks: Roll weapon damage+DEX. Cannot be used if Close to the target. Shooting into a melee incurs Disadvantage on the damage roll.

  • Multiple Attackers: If multiple attackers target the same enemy, only the highest roll is used.

  • Two Weapons: Roll Damage for both weapons and keep the highest single die.

  • Advantage: Roll your damage roll twice and use the better result.

  • Disadvantage: Attacks that are at Disadvantage, such as firing through cover, roll their attack twice and take the worse result.

If your character has the Extra Attack feature, you can attack a second time on your turn (or attempt a combat maneuver). If this ability is gained from multiple templates, it does not give you any additional attacks.

PUSH YOURSELF Any PC can decide to push themselves in a combat round. This gives the PC an extra Action that can be used for a physical activity, e.g., another attack, maneuver, or movement (i.e., no spellcasting) at the cost of 1 Fatigue. This can only be done on your own turn and once per round.

DAMAGE Incoming damage is reduced by the target’s AV, unless otherwise noted (magical damage typically bypasses armor). Damage from melee attacks can never be reduced below 1 by regular armor (creature immunities can reduce damage to 0), while ranged attacks do not receive this benefit.

When an individual takes damage, they lose that much HP. If they take more damage than their remaining HP, they have taken Critical Damage. They have to Save vs STR, modified by the excess damage. On a success, they stay conscious but take a Wound. A Wound takes up an inventory slot and incurs a penalty on all saves of -1.A character that incurs Wounds equal to their STR bonus+1 dies. On a failure, the PC goes unconscious and rolls on the Scars table when waking up.

CRITICAL SUCCESS When you roll the maximum on your weapon damage die, you land a critical hit. This may trigger a special effect, based on your weapon type.

DODGE If your AV is 2 or lower, a character can take a Reaction to Dodge a melee attack. This can only be done once per round and has to be declared before the attack roll. The character needs to be able to see the attack coming. Save vs DEX and incur 1 Fatigue. If unsuccessful, reduce the incoming damage by 1 before applying AV. If successful, halve the incoming damage (rounded down) before applying AV.

HELD ACTIONS A creature may hold their action until a specified circumstance triggers it. Held actions not resolved during the round they are declared are lost.

FIGHTING WITHDRAWAL The creature in melee moves backwards at up to half their movement rate.

RETREAT The creature turns and flees from melee, moving up to their full movement rate. This round: the creature may not attack; their opponent’s attacks have Advantage and ignore any AV bonus due to shields. If the creature loses Initiative, their enemies still get to take advantage of these benefits, despite the creature not having moved yet.


Based on the weapon used, PCs have access to special tricks during combat, called maneuvers:

Aim Pick a target. Forego your attack this turn and gain Advantage on the next attack and ignore 2 points of AV on the same target.
Block Reaction. Costs 1 Fatigue. Raise your shield to block an incoming melee attack. Reduce incoming damage by an extra five points.
Brace Reaction. Costs 1 Fatigue. When an enemy moves in to attack, brace and roll a free attack yourself before being hit.
Charge Move an extra 15ft and attack with Advantage. Costs 1 Fatigue.
Disarm Attack to disarm your enemy. Instead of rolling for damage, their weapon lands 2d6x10 feet in a random direction. Target gets to Save vs STR to avoid being disarmed, modified by your STR or DEX (PC’s choice).
Feint Attack and ignore 1 point of AV. Costs 1 Fatigue.
Grapple Attempt to hold your opponent. Make a STR save. On a success, your target cannot move and their attacks against you have Disadvantage. Target can attempt a STR save modified by your STR mod to break free.
Knock-Down Save vs. STR. On a success, your target takes STR mod damage and is knocked prone. Melee attacks against them have advantage until the end of your next turn. Target may stand up but this counts as their movement.
Parry Reaction. Costs 1 Fatigue. Parry an incoming attack. Roll your own damage and subtract from the incoming attack. If you roll higher than the enemy, you take no damage.
Reckless Attack Costs 1 Fatigue. Roll your attack with Advantage.
Shove Save vs STR and shove an enemy 5’ backwards. You still cause STR mod damage (add flat modifiers from abilities or magic items).
Shield Bash Costs 1 Fatigue. Attack and cause STR mod damage (add flat modifiers from call abilities or magic items). Target has to Save vs STR or become Stunned for one round. Stunned creatures have disadvantage on their attacks and saves and attacks on them have advantage. Some creatures may be immune to being stunned.
Trip Save vs DEX to trip the target. On a success, the target falls prone and melee attacks against them have advantage until the end of your next turn. Target may stand up but this counts as their movement. You still cause STR mod damage (add flat modifiers from all abilities or magic items). Targets that are much larger than you get a Save vs STR or may be immune to being tripped (up to the GM).
Crippling Shot Costs 1 Fatigue. Roll for attack. If you cause damage, your target cannot move for 1 round (automatic fail on DEX saves). Target must Save vs DEX with Disadvantage to move.


Being on a mount in combat lets you exchange your characters movement for the mounts. A horse and warhorse both have a 60ft movement.

If you take critical damage while mounted, you must succeed a DEX save to not fall prone on the ground. If your mount is a warhorse, you gain +2 to this roll.

Mounted PCs have access to the Charge maneuver.


Monsters and NPCs all have a morale rating, usually between 5 and 9. When they face more danger than they were expecting, the Referee will make a morale roll by rolling 2d6 and comparing the result to the NPC’s morale rating. If the roll is higher than the rating, the NPC will attempt to flee, retreat, or parley. Two successes: If a monster or NPC makes two successful morale checks in an encounter, it will fight until killed, with no further checks necessary.

Morale rolls can be triggered by drawing first blood, defeating half of an enemy group, defeating a group’s leader, or reducing a solo enemy to half HP. Other effects may trigger a morale roll at the Referee’s discretion.

Retainers also make morale rolls when they aren’t paid, their employer dies, or they face extraordinary danger. Morale may be improved by paying retainers more and treating them well.


Assuming that you have not died…

1. Lunch. Heals a character for 25% of their max HP (round up). Lunch takes 1 hour, requires a safe place, and consumes 1 ration. Save vs STR to remove 1 Fatigue.

2. A Good Night’s Rest. Restores all HP, removes 1 Wound, and 2 Fatigue. Requires 8 hours of rest, a safe place, a fire or heat source, and consumes 1 ration. For PCs with MD, all of your MD return if you get a Good Night’s Rest. If you didn’t sleep well, your rest was disrupted by a hazard, or combat, you do not automatically remove Fatigue or recover MD. Make two STR saves to remove up to two instances of Fatigue despite a poor rest. Make a PER save for each MD to have them return to your pool anyway. Test for Random Encounters once.

3. Magical Healing. Usually in the form of potions or spells, heals a character for 50-75% of their max HP (round up). Ruinously expensive; 10gp per 10% of HP restored. Otherwise works as Lunch and requires 1 hour to take effect.

Unless found in a dungeon (scrolls/potions) magical healing can be obtained from a temple or large shrine. Useful for curses, plague, amputated limbs, death, etc. Large donations to the temple are required in exchange.

1. Battle Scar A part of you is violently marked. Roll 1d6: 1: Eye 2: Cheek 3: Neck 4: Chest 5: Stomach 6: Hands. Increase Strength bonus permanently by +1.
2. Shaken Nerves You stammer and shake. After you take something to calm your nerves, increase your Dexterity bonus permanently by +1.
3. Hobbled Reduced to a limp. Until fixed, movement is halved. Will require a barber surgeon or cleric. Reduce Dexterity bonus permanently by -1.
4. Smashed Face You spit teeth and blood. You look a mess until you see a dentist. Disadvantage to NPC Reaction Rolls and social interactions until fixed. Reduce Personality bonus permanently by -1.
5. Bloody Mess You need stitches. You are unable to gain the healing benefits from lunch. Potions and a Good Night’s Rest are only 50% effective until treated by a barber surgeon or cleric. Once healed, increase Strength bonus permanently by +1, adjust Inventory Slots and HP accordingly.
6. Punctured Organ A vital organ is in a critical state. You die if you take more than 5 points of damage from a single blow after Healing or are reduced to 0HP again before seeing a barber surgeon or cleric. Reduce your Strength bonus permanently by -1, adjust Inventory Slots and HP accordingly.
7. Enlightening Concussion You are delirious for 1d4 Turns and in your fevered dreams you discover some insight into the nature of the universe. Increase Wits bonus permanently by +1.
8. Torn Limb A random limb is torn off or in need of amputation. Must be done by a barber surgeon or a cleric or you die. 1: Hand, 2: Arm, 3: Foot, 4: Leg. Reduce Strength bonus permanently by -1.
9. Splintered Mind You are unable to gain the healing benefits from Lunch. Potions and a Good Night’s Rest are only 50% effective until you spend a whole evening emotionally unloading. Reduce Wits bonus permanently by -1.
10. Shattered Ego You are dealt a humiliating blow. If you achieve revenge increase your Personality bonus permanently by +1.
11. Fractured Skull You feel like a slightly different person. Reduce your Wits bonus permanently by -1.
12. Doomed to Die You shouldn’t have survived that. You have nightmares of your own death. You die if you take more than 5 points of damage from a single blow after Healing or are reduced to 0HP again before you can make an appropriate offering to whatever gods you believe in. Requires visiting a temple, shrine, or other appropriate holy place. Increase an ability bonus of your choice permanently by +1.

Scars Table adapted from Chris McDowall’s Electric Bastionland:

Exploration and Travel

Hex Crawling

A typical hex represents 6 miles. An adventuring day is divided into 6 Watches of approximately 4 hours each. Two of these phases, approximately 8 hours, must be spent camping in order to avoid becoming fatigued. In each turn, the following procedure is followed:

  1. Action: The party decides on one exploration action for that turn.

  2. Event Roll: The GM rolls on the event die for encounters and other random events if required by the Action.

  3. Resolution: The action and event rolls are resolved.

Exploration Actions

The party may choose one of the following standard actions each 4-hour wilderness turn.

  • Travel: passing through a hex and into an adjacent one. On roads marked on the map, the party travels through two hexes (three if mounted). Offroad, one hex is traversed. There is also a 2-in-6 chance, when traveling off-road, of getting lost. This is increased to 3-in-6 in hexes classified as difficult terrain. An experienced woodsman decreases the chance of getting lost by 1-in-6. If players get lost, they will need to spend the next turn using the “search” action to reorient themselves. The effects of getting lost are rolling a 6d, assigning a number to each side of the hex, and moving the players one hex off course in that direction. Once the PCs enter a new Hex, obvious features are revealed. Major features of neighboring features can be determined from a suitable vantage point. After resolving the action, roll on the Event Table.

  • Explore: Looking for interesting features within a hex. There is a 4-in-6 chance of discovering a hidden location in the hex description. Difficult terrain reduces this to 3-in-6. An experienced woodsman increases the chance by 1-in-6. Roll on the Event Table.

  • Interact: Staying in the current location (e.g. exploring a dungeon, town, etc).

  • Camp: Resting and/or sleeping. PCs should determine watches and need the right supplies for a Good Night’s Rest. Roll on the Event Table.

  • Hunt & Forage: The party collectively replenish their supplies from the wilderness. 1d4 rations are gained per character (apply negative modifier for harsh environments). Barbarians, Hunters, Vagabonds & Chefs or PCs with a applicable professional background save vs WIT to roll an additional 1d4 for the party. After resolving the action, roll on the Event Table.

FATIGUE: PCs gain 1 level of Fatigue each night they skip Camp.

1 Encounter
2 Weather change
3 Location
4 Hazard
5-6 Uneventful

UNEVENTFUL: No unexpected event unfolds.

WEATHER CHANGE: Roll on the weather table or decide how the weather conditions improve or worsen. Assume they don’t change again until another Weather Change result.

ENCOUNTER: Based on the time of day and the party’s activity, generate an appropriate encounter using your method of choice.

HAZARD: The party comes across an environmental hazard that tests their skills and possibly diminishes their resources.

LOCATION: The party stumbles upon a hidden location within the hex, or a known one if they set out to reach a specific location.

2 Angry godling or spirit. Roll a d6: skulls / skeletons / heads / headless corpses / garbage / ectoplasmic ghost guys that crawl around moaning piteously before dying. 20% chance that this stuff comes to life and attacks everyone.
3 Temperature plummets. Find shelter or save vs STR to avoid gaining 1 level of fatigue. Consume 1 extra ration.
4-5 Strong winds. If this result is rolled a second time blown objects become a hazard and visibility is reduced due to dust and debris.
6-8 Clear skies & pleasant weather
9-10 Light rain. If this result is rolled a second time it becomes a downpour. Downpour causes a level of Fatigue.
11 Temperature spike. Find a cool glade/ stream or save vs STR to avoid gaining 1 level of fatigue. Consume 1 extra ration.
12 Hungry Fog! Comes in on little cat feet, a hungry stomach, and sucking tendrils. Hide and seek as the fog breaks down doors and windows, trying to suck you into its central stomach, where you will be held above the ground, paralyzed, slowly whirled around, and digested in layers. Lasts 1d6 hours, and usually leaves piles of bones, shoe-leather, and keychains in the town square.

Adventuring Odds and Ends


An excellent source of adventure hooks, and potential income/XP, are rumors. PCs may attempt to learn rumors from NPCs that they meet in a steading or on the road (or anywhere else for that matter). To discover a rumor make a PER Save.

Good role-playing, plying the NPC with food and drink, flattery, etc. may allow them to roll with a bonus or advantage.


Adventuring can be profitable sometimes, but it is always expensive.

The ongoing costs of maintaining gear and armor, municipal fees and taxes, burning candles to study magic tomes in dark cells, local nobles taking huge cuts from the treasure you “recovered” on their land, and the vast quantities of alcohol and psychotropic substances needed to cope with the things one sees down in those dungeons really add up.

This can be abstracted as Level x10 gp per week.

As PCs gain levels and their powers grow, so too do their appetites. Any time the party returns to town from adventuring roll 1d6 to determine how many weeks pass before their next adventure. If it is winter, roll 1d4 to determine how many months since the party last ventured out of town.

If the party can’t pay their bills then they are in debt. Some debt-holders will accept repayment in coin (with interest) but most will want repayment in the form of a task to be performed. The table opposite is intended to inspire your own ideas.

Upkeep is an abstraction. As PCs gain levels and acquire treasure their ability to exert influence on the game world increases. They may wish to open a tavern, build a keep (usually requires a grant of land) or a wizard’s tower. They may be granted a fief by a local noble.

These things all have associated costs and responsibilities that can replace Upkeep at the Referee’s discretion.

Monster Menu

Simple rules for harvesting monsters and magical creatures for consumption and profit.

Untrained PCs have a 1-in-6 chance of successfully finding and preparing food scavenged in a dungeon or wilderness. A failed roll means they ruin all ingredients being used.

It will take 1d4+1 hours to prepare such a meal.

The following add +1 to their chance of success up to a maximum of 4-in-6 chance of success.

A. Fire
B. Water (1 gallon min.)
C. Pots & pans
D. Proper utensils
E. Spices

Character Classes that make specific mention of prepping meals (Beastmaster, Chefs, Hunters) are considered trained and competent in this area and need not make a roll to succeed. Additionally these classes only require 1 hour to prep and cook a meal/prepare rations.


Any flora or fauna gathered in the wild or deep within a dungeon will yield a number of rations equal to twice their hit-dice (HD) and remain edible for 2 days.

Characters must consume 2 rations a day or they begin to accumulate levels of fatigue – one level for each missed meal.

MAGICAL MONSTERS Magical creatures count as exotic ingredients and eating them is not without risk. But the rewards often make it worthwhile.

Consult the Monster Menu All PDF available free at for specific details on many monster types.

HARVESTING MONSTERS Many creatures have valuable parts such as poison glands, spore sacks, venom projectors, etc.

PCs can attempt a DEX Save with a -2 modifier to attempt to harvest these organs. Amazons, Dungeon Gourmands, and Hunters may attempt the save without any penalty. Dungeon Gourmands of Level 3 or above automatically succeed.


Blinded Attacks against you have advantage. You can only attack something that you are in physical contact with. DEX Saves are made with disadvantage.
Charmed Cannot attack the creature that charmed you. Charmer has advantage to reactions and social interactions with anyone they have charmed. Save vs PER to end, unless a spell or magic item provides other rules.
Deafened Auto-fail any saves that rely on hearing alone.
Fatigued Each level of Fatigue takes up 1 Inventory Slot. At 5 levels of Fatigue a PC collapses. They are conscious but in a death spiral. If they do not consume a ration or healing potion within 1 Turn, they die. Resting alone will not save them.
Frightened WIS Save to resist and end effects. Disadvantage on saves, attacks, etc. while you can see the source of your fear. Cannot willingly move closer to the source of your fear.
Grappled Cannot move. Spend an action to make a STR Save to escape (negative modifiers may apply). You can move normally after breaking free.
Incapacitated Cannot move or speak. Cannot take actions or reactions. Auto-fail DEX Saves.
Invisible Can still be heard, smelled, etc. Advantage to Move Silently & Unseen. Attacks against you have disadvantage. Your attacks are made with advantage.
Paralyzed See Incapacitated. Auto-fail STR and DEX Saves. Attacks against you have advantage.
Petrified See Incapacitated. You and all non-magical gear transform into a solid inanimate substance. Weight increases by factor of 10. Attacks against you have advantage. Auto-fail STR and DEX Saves.
Poisoned Disadvantage on Saves and attack rolls. STR Save to end.
Prone Movement reduced by 75%. 50% the round you stand up. Melee attacks against you have Advantage. Ranged attacks are at Disadvantage.
Restrained See Grappled. While being restrained, attacks against you have advantage and you cannot attack. Spend an action to make a STR or DEX Save (determined by the Referee) to escape(negative modifiers may apply). You can move normally after breaking free.
Stunned Your attacks and saves are made with disadvantage. Attacks against you have advantage.
Unconscious Drop whatever you are holding. Auto-fail STR and DEX Saves. Attacks against you have advantage. If you take damage, incur an automatic wound.



PCs have a number of item slots equal to 10 +their STR bonus. The number of slots that an item requires is noted in the equipment section. The first 100 Coins are not counted against item slots, 200 Coins take up 1 item slot. Bulky treasure also takes up 1 item slot.

The first 4 slots are quick-draw slots, and can be accessed at any time. You can put weapons, shields, wands, or other hand-held gear into your quick-draw slots. Worn armor counts to your non-quick-draw inventory slots. It takes 1 round to retrieve an item from any other inventory slot. Digging in your pack during combat will give enemies advantage on their attacks against you.

Inventory management is crucial.

Selecting and tracking problem-solving tools and equipment is a player skill in adventure role-playing games.


Carrying more items than you have slots for means that a PC is encumbered. When encumbered, all saves, skill checks, and to-hit rolls have disadvantage. The PC also take a movement penalty of 20 ft. You cannot carry more than twice your inventory.


Each class template confers proficiencies with certain weapons and armor types. A PC that is using a weapon without proficiency, has to step down the weapon damage by two die types. Wearing armor without proficiency incurs a general penalty to saves of -1 for medium armor and -2 for heavy armor.

Dagger 1d4 1/2 1 5 Melee, Range: 15ft (thrown) Weak Point Concealable, Light, Agile -
Hand axe 1d6 1/2 1 5 Melee, Range: 15ft (thrown) Brutal Light -
Shortsword 1d6 1/2 1 5 Melee Rend Light Parry
Rapier 1d6 1/2 1 5 Melee Bleed Light, Agile Feint
Club/Hammer 1d6 1/2 1 5 Melee Knock-out - Shove, Knock-Down
Staff 1d6 1 2 5 Melee Knock-Out Reach Shove, Trip
Whip 1d4 1 1 10 Melee - Light, Reach Grapple, Disarm
Spear 1d8 1 1 10 Melee Bleed Reach if wielded with 2 hands. Brace
Sword 1d8 1 1 10 Melee Bleed or Rend Versatile Parry
Mace 1d8 1 1 10 Melee Knock-out Versatile Knock-Down
Battle Axe 1d8 1 1 10 Brutal Versatile Reckless Attack
Flail 1d8 1 1 10 Melee Chained Disarm
Halberd/Pike 1d12 2 2 20 Melee Heavy Reach Brace
War Hammer 1d12 2 2 20 Melee Smash Heavy Knock-Down
Zweihänder 2d6 2 2 20 Melee Cleave Heavy Reckless Attack
Great Axe 1d12 2 2 20 Melee Brutal Heavy Reckless Attack
Sling (including ammunition) 1d4 1/2 1 5 Range: 30ft. Knock-out Ranged, Concealable Knock-Down
Bow 1d6 2 2 15 Range: 50ft. Bleed Ranged Crippling Shot
Crossbow 1d10 2 2 60 Range 50 ft Weak Point Ranged, Reload-1 Aim
Arrows/bolts (20) n/a 1 n/a 15 3-in-6 chance to recover after an encounter
Musket 1d12 2 2 300 Range 50ft. Weak Point, Bleed Ranged, Reload-2, Unusual Aim
Unarmed Attack 1d2 n/a n/a n/a Melee Knock-out Grapple, Shove, Trip
Oil/Acid Flask 1d8 1 2 15 Range: 30ft. Ranged Double Splash Splash
Net - 1 2 25 Ranged - Entangle -


Agile You can use DEX instead of STR for melee attacks.

Concealable Can be hidden from sight.

Chained Ignores AV bonuses from shields.

Entangle Target must Save vs DEX or become grappled.

Light Can be held off-handed in two-weapon fighting.

Heavy Requires STR+2 to use.

Ranged Ranged weapons cannot be used against targets within 5ft.

Reach Can reach enemies with in 10ft.

Reload Requires 1-2 actions to reload.

Splash Causes 1 point of damage to adjacent targets.

Versatile Increase damage die by 1 step if wielded 2-handed.

Unusual Proficiency can only be attained in-game via training and instruction.

Critical Effects:

Rend Reduces target’s movement speed by half.

Bleed Causes 1 point of persistent bleed damage on subsequent turns for 1d6 rounds (or until healed or attended by a medic).

Brutal Roll an extra 1d4 and add to the total damage.

Cleave Make an extra attack against a nearby enemy.

Knock-out Target has to Save vs STR or be stunned for 1 round.

Smash Permanently reduce target’s AC by 1.

Double Splash Causes ongoing damage for 1d4 rounds on the main target and 3 points of splash damage on adjacent targets. Target can take an action, e.g., Save vs STR or Save vs DEX, to extinguish or rub off the liquid and stop the damage.

Weak Point Ignores target’s AV.

Unarmored 0 0 5 Every day clothes
Light armor
Gambeson/Boiled Leather/Furs 1 1 30
Medium Armor
Ring Mail, Chain Mail 2 3 250 Disadvantage to stealth
Heavy armor
Splint Mail 3 4 1000 Disadvantage to stealth and swimming, -5ft movement, requires a minimum of STR +2
Full Plate 4 6 4000 Disadvantage to stealth and swimming, and initiative tests, -10ft movement, requires a minimum of STR +3
Shield +1 1 10 Requires 1 free hand. Gives the Block and Shield Bash maneuvers.

AV can never be higher than 5.

Sleeping in medium or heavy armor inflicts 1 level of Fatigue that cannot be cleared until a PC’s next Good Night’s Sleep. These armors do incorporate a padded undergarment that can be slept in and counts as light armor (equivalent to a Gambeson). It takes 5-10 minutes to put on medium or heavy armor.

Spellcasters can wear Light armor without any impediment. Wearing Medium armor reduces their available Magic Dice by 2. Wearing Heavy Armor reduces available Magic Dice by 4. Holding a shield reduces available Magic Dice by 1.


All prices are given in “value” to encourage barter and trade in addition to using gold. Payment for things like ships, real estate, and so on usually takes the form of trade goods, favors, or oaths of fealty rather than currency. “Value: 1” is equal to 1 gold coin or 10 silver pieces.

Adventuring gear can be used to provide Advantage for Saves when reasonable. E.g., thieves’ tools can provide advantage for a lock-picking test or a crowbar for a STR save to break open a door. Using gear in this way causes wear and tear. On a successful use, roll 1D6. On a 1-2 the item mark a Usage Dot. When three Usage Dots are marked, the gear is broken. Repair costs 50% of the original price.

Air Bladder 1 5
Bear Trap 1 20
Bedroll 1 10
Bellows 1 10
Black Grease 1 1
Block & Tackle 1 30
Book (Blank) 1/2 50
Book (Reading) 1/2 300
Bottle/vial 1/3 1
Bucket 1 5
Caltrops (bag) 1 10
Cards with an extra Ace 1/3 5
Chain (10 ft) 1 10
Chalk (10 pieces) 1/3 1
Chisel 1 5 1 5
Cook Pot 1 2 1 2
Crowbar 1 10
Drill 1 10
Fishing Line & Tackle 1/3 10
Glass Marbles (bag) 1/2 5
Glue (bottle) 1/2 1
Grappling Hook 1 10
Lens/ Magnifying Glass 1/3 100
Lock-picks 1 100
Manacles 1 10
Metal file 1 5
Mirror (small, steel) 1/3 20
Musical Instrument 1 200
Nails (small bag) 1/3 5
Net 1 10
Oilskin Bag 1 5
Oilskin Trousers 1 10
Padlock & Key 1 20
Pick 1 10
Pole (10ft) 1 5
Quill & Ink 1/2 1
Ration 1/2 5
Rope (50ft) 1 10
Sack 1 1
Saddle & Tack 2* 100
Saw 1 10
Shovel 1 10
Spike, Iron (12) 1 5
Sponge 1/3 1
Spyglass 1 1000
Tar (Pot) 1 10
Tent (3 man) 2 100
Tent (personal) 1 50
Water/wineskin 1 2

* Saddle & tack occupy 0 Slots when worn by an appropriate mount

Candles (10) 1 10
Lantern 1 30
Lamp oil (1 flask) 1/3 10
Tinderbox 1 5
Torches (5) 1 1

Beyond the listed range, light sources illuminate shadows. Vague shapes, movement, and reflective surfaces are visible. Light sources are visible a mile away.

Candle: 5ft light, +5ft shadow, 6 Turns.

Torch: 30ft light, +10ft shadow, 6 Turns.

Lantern: 30ft, +10ft shadow, 9 Turns/flask.

Flint and tinder requires 1 Round to ignite a light source. PCs are assumed to have basic fire starting gear. Magic may ignite a light source immediately.

Light sourced dropped in combat have a 2-in-6 chance of going out.

Bed, per night 1
Private room, per night 2
Meal 2
Hot bath 2
Stabling and fodder 2


PCs may employ a number of retainers equal to 1+ their PER bonus. Their are subject to Morale rolls when in danger. Check the Gig Economy supplement for more detail.


Magic is a powerful and mysterious force in the world. Harnessing eldritch powers is a dangerous undertaking. Across cultures, many traditions and approaches exist to bend magic for practical purposes. In game terms, a Magic User (or M-U) is a PC that has gained at least 1 Magic Die or MD through a class template and gained some understanding of magic–ranging from the intuitive, religious to the analytical. Think of MD as magical fuel.

Having access to MD alone though is not enough to generate any practical effects. A PC needs to have a way of translating MD into effects. This comes in the form of class abilities (e.g., Fey Walker ability to infuse arrows with magical effects), access to a magical item that already contains a spell, or the Spellcasting ability granted by some class templates.


If a PC gains the Spellcasting feature through a class template, they gain the ability to translate MD into real world effects in the form of spells. Spells can be cast from memory (Signature Spells), directly from a spellbook or scroll, or from magic items containing spells. The Spellcasting feature also grants the ability to Identify Magic (see below).

OPTIONAL RESTRICTION: A PC can only ever gain the Spellcasting ability from a single class. That means a PC cannot multi-class into several classes that grant Spellcasting (but they can multiclass into classes that grant MD and other magical powers).

To cast a spell, select the number of Magic Dice (MD) you wish to invest, roll them, and add the numbers together. MD are d6s. As a Magic User, you get 1 MD per Magic User template. Most spells depend on the number of [dice] invested and the [sum] they show. If you roll doubles you suffer a Mishap. If you roll triples you suffer a Doom. Magical damage typically bypasses armor.

Dice that roll 1-3 return to your casting pool and can be used again that day. Dice that roll 4-6 are removed from your casting pool for the day.

Your MD return if you get a Good Night’s Sleep. If you didn’t sleep well, you can Save vs PER for each MD to have them return to your pool anyway.

Wearing armor can impinge on the flow of magic energies and hinders the arm movements necessary to cast spells. Spellcasters can wear Light armor without any impediment (but that means they don’t get the benefit of robes). Holding a shield reduced available Magic Dice by 1. Wearing Medium armor reduces their available Magic Dice by 2. Wearing Heavy Armor reduces available Magic Dice by 4.

Blood Magic Desperate spellcasters that have run out of MD have a dire option: sacrifice their own blood to fuel their spells. A spellcaster can imbue a spell with new MDs that are immediately spent after the roll. The MD work as usual (including causing Mishaps and Dooms) but also cause Critical Damage. The PC has to Save vs STR with a penalty equal to [DICE].

Signature Spells

A spellcaster can dedicate a substantial amount of practice and study to commit a spell to memory. Such spells are the spellcaster’s Signature Spells.

The total number of Signature Spells is determined by their WIT mod. Each key attribute bonus point equates to one Signature Spell. Spellcasters gain additional Signature Spells through spellcasting class templates. The number of Signature Spells gained through class templates is equal to 1 per Template A–C. The Master of Magic ability grants 5 Signature Spells.

If the spellcaster gains the ability to assign a Signature Spell, either through an ability bonus increase or an additional class template, they can wait to do so until they find a suitable spell while adventuring.

To make a spell a Signature Spell, the spellcaster needs either the instruction of a teacher, access to a spellbook describing the spell, a scroll, or a wand/stave containing the spell. It takes one week of study to make a spell a Signature Spell and a save vs WIT.

Once a spell has become a Signature Spell, it cannot be easily unlearned. The M-U has to dedicate one month of research and study to replace an existing Signature Spell with another, in addition to the basic requirements for learning a new spell.

Casting a Signature Spell does not have to be declared before initiative is rolled and cannot be disrupted through damage. The M-U simply has to assign the desired MD to determine its effect.

A spellcaster can also cast non-Signature spells from spellbooks, scrolls, wands, and staves but this is inherently more difficult and risky.


A spellbook, or grimoire, contains information on up to 10 spells and occupies 1 Item Slot.

In order to use a spellbook, the PC needs to have gained the Spellcasting ability through a class template (or a special ability granting their use).

A solid volume, with thick vellum pages and a sturdy cover. Each page is littered with runes, arcane symbols, diagrams, calculations, and hand-written notes in the margins, describing the theory and practice of casting a particular spell. Spellbooks start in a waterproof, acid- and fire-resistant bag. Outside the bag, they are not waterproof. They are flammable. And they are also valuable–even an empty book is worth 1000 gp, +500-1,000 gp per spell it may contain.

A spellcaster can try to make a spell in a spellbook one of their Signature Spells, if they have not yet exhausted their maximum number of signature spells and they pass a Save vs WIT. Attempting to commit a spell to memory takes one week of study.

Upon gaining the Book Casting feature, a spellcaster can try to cast a spell directly from the spellbook. This is slow and dangerous because the caster has not yet mastered the spell. The spellcaster has to declare the intent to cast a spell from their spellbook before initiative is rolled for the round. They automatically lose initiative and go after the enemies in a fight. The spellcaster has to decide how many MD to invest, hold the spellbook in their hand, and they cannot move during their turn. If they take any damage during the round Save vs STR. If they fail the save, they fumble the spell and there is no effect, but the spellcaster still rolls the MD for the purposes of determining Mishaps or Doom and the loss of MD.

Some rare spellbooks may also have additional MD stored inside of them.


A scroll is effectively a page from a spellbook with some extra magic built in. It contains the description of a single spell and the power to cast it once. Three scrolls fit in one Item Slot.

In order to use a scroll, the PC needs to have the Spellcasting ability, gained through a class template (or a special ability granting their use).

A spellcaster can try to make a spell on a scroll one of their Signature Spells, if they have not yet exhausted their number of Signature Spells and they pass a Save vs WIT. Attempting to commit a spell to memory requires one week of study.

A spellcaster can try to cast a spell from the scroll. This is slow and dangerous because the caster has not yet mastered the spell. The spellcaster has to declare the intent to cast a spell from as scroll before initiative is rolled for the round. They automatically lose initiative and go after the enemies in a fight. The spellcaster has to decide how many MD to invest, hold the scroll in their hand, and they cannot move during their turn. If they take any damage during the round Save vs STR. If they fail the save, they fumble the spell and there is no effect, but the spellcaster still rolls the MD for the purposes of determining Mishaps or Doom and the loss of MD. If they succeed, roll MD as normal to determine the spell’s effect. Doing so unleashes the stored magic of the scroll. The scroll burns and you add +1 MD to your roll for the purposes of determining the effect. Roll different colored dice to keep them sorted. This MD is automatically consumed and does not return to your pool.

The Flame Proof class ability allows the Wizard to cast a spell from a scroll without burning it (not using the +1 MD stored in the scroll). A wizard can invoke this ability once per day.

Wands & Staves

In order to use a Wand or Stave, the PC needs to have at least one M-U class template (or a special ability granting their use).

Wands and Staves contain extra MD that are tied to specific spells. Wands provide the ability to cast a single, specific spell (e.g., a Wand of Magic Missile) and can store up to 4 MD. Casting a spell from a wand requires no save. The PC has to use at least 1 MD from the wand itself, but can add additional MD from their own pool. Roll different colored dice to keep them sorted. Be wary of rolling too many MD at once! Quadruples, quintuples, sextuples, etc. count as stacking Mishaps in addition to any Doom a PC might roll.

MD from the wand are automatically lost, regardless of what you roll.

You may also invest 1 MD into the wand per day, and you take 1d6 damage from the strain. The MD invested in the wand is held there until it is used. Each day, you can add +1 MD to the wand, as above. MD moved to a wand reduces your total for the day, but you regain your full number of MD with a Good Night’s Sleep.

Big wands (staves) can hold up to 6 MD and cast up to 3 spells. The art of making wands died with the Ancients and they are essentially priceless. Expect to be ambushed by collectors, thieves, and other wizards if you are unsubtle about possessing one of these artifacts.

Magic Robes

The Big Hats and fancy robes are not just fashion statements. Magic Robes provide +1 MD to a spellcaster’s casting pool. Some ancient robes may even offer more power!

Anyone with at least one M-U class template (or a special ability granting their use) can wear magic robes in lieu of armor. That means magic robes can be used to fuel spells but also other magical abilities.

Obtaining the materials necessary for creating magic garments almost always involves a quest to a mist shrouded forest or a dismal swamp where you will undoubtedly do battle with a giant sentient spider or make promises you cannot keep to an ancient hag.

Identifying Magic

Spellcasters can sense magic in the air. By tasting, smelling, rubbing, or closely inspecting an item, you can tell if it is magical. You may need to test the item in game to determine what type of magic it holds. A WIT save may reveal additional information after such.


If you roll doubles while casting a spell, roll on the Mishap table for your M-U class. Unless otherwise specified, the spell still works. Magic is dangerous; this was just a hiccup or misfire.


If you roll triples while casting a spell, one of your wizard Dooms takes effect. Each class has 3 dooms. The third doom is invariably fatal or worse. All wizards walk a dangerous path. They burn their souls like candles, and in doing so, court damnation.

It is possible to seek solutions to a wizard’s doom. These are always unique quests.


Any Save for resisting a spell’s effect is modified by the Level-HD difference between the caster and the target if this difference is larger than 1. E.g., a Level-5 Wizard casts a spell on a 1-HD goblin. The goblin’s save receives an additional penalty of -4. The the wizard had cast the spell on the 4-HD goblin captain, no additional penalty is incurred.


MAGIC ITEMS Check out or any other classic OSR game.


This section contains a large collection of spells that exist within universe. These spells might be different or slight variations from spells that can be accessed through class templates. These spells can be found on scrolls, within grimoires, or accessed through teachers and magical academies.

If you want to randomly determine a spell, first determine the general spell list: roll a D2 for the choice between (1) The Great Grimoire of Al’Qudz or (2) The Hermetic Library of the 7th Order. Then roll or 1D100 for the Great Grimoire or a 1D200 for the Hermetic Library.

The Great Grimoire of Al’Qudz

1 Bartholomew’s Pit
2 The Razor Spiral
3 Oxhold’s Lament
4 Negasonic Ray
5 Summon Candles
6 Perilous Bridge
7 Wending Bolt
8 Thunderclap
9 Compartmentalize Mixture
10 Master Ludwig’s Guiding Lights
11 Roaring Flames
12 The Astrolger’s Helper
13 Heroic Leap
14 The Magnificent Sponge
15 Ice-Bridge Step
16 Embroider Deed
17 Multielemental Spray
18 Miniature Sandstorm
19 Embed Memory
20 Moon Lust
21 Orbiting Spikes
22 Resonating Command
23 Flip Person
24 Sword of Infamy
25 Hammon’s Arrow-Directing Lens
26 Pergaman’s Synesthesia
27 Lengthen Limbs
28 Alter Local Gravity
29 Thicken Air
30 Scything Discs of Nog
31 Delayed Noxious Odour Sphere
32 Scuttle
33 Gelatinous Form
34 Transfer Exhaustion
35 William’s Fingerbreaker
36 Geld Animal
37 Draw Heat
38 Thurmond’s Prolonged Bombardment
39 Visualize Madness
40 Cuspit’s Swarm of Irritating Vermin
41 Cone of Dense Foam
42 Weighty Sphere
43 Duelist’s Wings
44 Screaming Teeth
45 Beatific Scrying
46 Glamour of Servitude
47 Ulric’s Beam of Blindness
48 Saw and Plane Tree
49 Glorious Starburst
50 Identify Owner
51 Become Delicious
52 Cube of Spell Splitting
53 Entangling Smoke
54 Capture Wind
55 Enfeebling Sigil
56 Redwyn’s Excellent Clamp
57 Light’s Own Scourge
58 Scamper’s Bouncing Sphere of Destruction
59 The Creature Comforts of Tuttle Wren
60 Package Neatly
61 Flying Syringe
62 Spitting Stone
63 Shackle to the Earth
64 Legulian’s Potion Alloy
65 Mind Labyrinth
66 Roiling Polymorph
67 Horsebane
68 Move Enchantment
69 Mangling Blows
70 Conflicting Command
71 Paralyze Bird
72 Liquefy Gold
73 Butterfly Hurricane
74 Paper Automaton
75 Violently Depilate
76 Sturdy Circle in the Air
77 Trifurcate Arms
78 Wellingbert’s Obsessive Expertise
79 Mirror Item
80 Lock Joints
81 Suspend Objects
82 Hone
83 Wernher’s Embafflement
84 Ultralucent Paint
85 Lavin’s Pathclearing Servant
86 Battering Beam
87 Circle of Noise
88 Ulrich’s Forceful Sigil
89 The Automatic Marching Mule
90 Shrikeblast
91 Sympathetic Resonance
92 Cacophony
93 Alberecht’s Unreliable Disintegrator
94 Squelch
95 Everland’s Perfectly Reproduceable Test
96 Sonorous Seeker
97 Dredge
98 Rolling Spark
99 Pyre
100 Cascade of Power

1. Bartholomew’s Pit R: 50’ T: creature D: 0

Target creature has the illusion of falling into bottomless pit filled with accusatory voices. Save negates. If they fail, the creature is stricken with a deep depression (if sentient) or lethargy (if mindless), and takes [sum] Charisma damage. If they are of [dice] HD or less, the effect lasts [sum] days, and if [sum] is greater than 12, the effect is permanent. If the target has more than [dice] HD, the effect lasts [sum] rounds.

2. The Razor Spiral R: Self T: [dice]x10’ radius D: concentration

Blades of invisible force fly around the caster. All creatures in area take 1d4 damage each round the spell is maintained. Roll damage for each creature individually, starting with those closest to the caster. The spell ends automatically when [sum]+3 damage has been dealt. The blades will also cut or damage fragile objects in the area.

3. Oxhold’s Lament R: 120’ T: creature D: 0

Target creature of [dice] HD or less must Save vs Fear or take a Morale check, or believe that someone close to them has suddenly and tragically died. They will not associate the caster with this death, but intelligent creatures may believe the caster is only informing them to cause them grief.

4. Negasonic Ray R: [dice]x20‘ cone T: area D: concentration

Rippling rings of purple light pour from the caster’s forehead. All sounds are cancelled within the area of this spell. Creatures are deafened until the spell ends or they leave the spell’s area.

5. Summon Candles R: touch T: object D: 5 minutes / 3hrs

[sum] dribbly candles appear on objects you touch. You can walk around placing candles as required, for up to 5 minutes. The candles are lit and burn for 3 hours. They can be detached, but will fade from existence within 5 minutes. If any spells are cast within an area illuminated by a summoned candle, the candle’s flame will turn blue and point to the caster.

6. Perilous Bridge R: [dice]x100’ T: object D: 1hr

A shimmering bridge of force appears from an object the caster touches, and extends, perfectly level, in a single direction. Both ends of the bridge must touch solid objects. The bridge is 1’ wide and thin as a sheet of paper. Slowly walking across it does not require a Save vs Dexterity, but running or a slight breeze will require one. The bridge shatters if it is dealt any damage.

7. Wending Bolt R: 200’ T: creature D: 0 Target takes [sum] damage. You do not need to see the target, but you do need to know their approximate location (within 10’), and there must be a clear path a bolt could trace to reach them. The path can be as convoluted as required. The bolt can pass through gaps as small as a fist.

8. Thunderclap R: 200’ T: creature D: 0

Target takes 1d6 damage. All creatures within [dice]x10’ of the target are deafened for [sum] rounds. If [sum] is greater than 12, the effect is permanent.

9. Compartmentalize Mixture R: touch T: object D: 1hr

Command a mixture of items (a soup, a pile of coins) that weigh no more than [dice]x100lbs to separate into [sum]+1 categories. The separation is slow, and hindered by even the slightest effort. The categories must be clearly defined and identifiable by inspection. For example, you could split a soup into “vegetables” “broth” and “poison”, or a pile of coins into “minted during the last century” and “older”. You could not, however, split a pile of coins into “handled by Xerphion the Tyrant” and “not handled by Xerphion the Tyrant”, as there’s no way to tell just by inspecting them. You could not separate “a locked chest” and “its contents”, because the items could not flow freely into separate piles.

10. Master Ludwig’s Guiding Lights R: [dice]x1 miles T: self D: [sum] hours

Small glowing lights flow from your fingertips. They are as bright as a match, but you can always see them, even in bright sunlight or pitch darkness, at any distance up to 1 mile. The lights guide the caster to an object, person, or location that they believe will result in the emotional state named when the spell is cast. If the caster names “love”, they will lead to the nearest sexually compatible person of similar age. If the caster names “joy” they might lead to a well of nitrous oxide, or to a pile of treasure, or to a crude goblin joke scrawled on a wall. The lights are not malicious, but they are not very clever.

11. Roaring Flames R: 30’ cone T: area D: 0

A wide cone of crackling fire races across the ground. Creatures in the area take [sum] damage, Save vs Dex for half. The flames are particularly damaging to inanimate objects, which take [sum]x2 damage. Creatures and objects are not set on fire by this spell.

12. The Astrologer’s Helper R: 10’ T: self D: [sum] minutes

Outlines of the planets, major stars, sun, and moon appear around you. You can use them to determine the time of day, true north, and your approximate position on the globe. You can also spend 5 minutes to read the horoscope of [dice] sentient creatures per casting. Roll 1d10. 1-8. No effect aside from the usual platitudes. 9. Doom. Creature must reroll their next Save and take the worse result. 10. Triumph. Creature automatically passes their next Save.

13. Heroic Leap R: touch T: creature D: [dice] minutes

Target can leap up to [sum]x5’ high and/or [sum]x5’ forward in a straight line. They take no damage on landing, provided they land on or above the level they started from. For example, you could leap from the ground to top of a steeple, or you could leap over the steeple to land on the ground, but you couldn’t leap from the top of a steeple to the ground. On landing, the target may Save vs Dex with a +[dice] bonus to change direction and repeat the leap. You cannot cast spells or attack while leaping.

14. The Magnificent Sponge R: touch T: point D: [dice] hours

You summon a yellow sponge the size of your head. The sponge can instantly absorb up to [sum]x100L of liquid without growing heavier. You can squeeze the liquid free, but only at the rate of a normal sponge (10L/minute). The sponge can be reused if it is wrung out completely. If you cast this spell with 4 [dice], the sponge lasts for a year and a day, but the spell does not return to your spellbook until the sponge duration expires or the sponge is dispelled. The sponge is impervious to harm caused by the liquids it absorbs.

15. Ice-Bridge Step R: touch T: [dice] creatures D: [sum] minutes

You can run over water as if it were land. Ice forms beneath your feet with each step. If you slow down, you’ll sink. Very wavy seas may require you to Save vs Dex.

16. Embroider Deed R. Touch T: object (cloth) D: permanent

By dictating descriptions of your heroic deeds, you can cause a tapestry to sew itself into cloth you provide. The cloth can be as small as a handkerchief or as large as a house’s wall. The deeds must focus on you and your actions, but other characters can be added in, as required by the story. The tapestry is worth [sum]x10gp. It takes [dice] hours of work to dictate the tale, and if you are interrupted, you must Save or the spell fails.

17. Multielemental Spray R. 15’ cone T: area D: varies

If [sum] is equal to or greater a creature in the area’s HD, they take 1d4 fire damage. If [sum] is twice the creature’s HD or more, they also take 1d4 cold damage. If [sum] is three times the creature’s HD or more, they take 1d4 lightning damage. If [sum] is four times the creature’s HD or more, they also take 1d4 acid damage and are knocked prone.

18. Miniature Sandstorm R: 30’ radius T: self D: [dice] hours

You cough up a swirling spiral of sand. Everything up to 30’ away from you is obscured. The sand deals no damage, but creatures move at half speed within the sandstorm’s effect.

19. Embed Memory R. touch T: creature D: varies

You pull a single memory out of your head and transfer it to another creature. Unwilling creatures may Save to negate. The memory must be short, and it must be distinct. The memory is perfectly vivid for [sum] days but begins to fade after that. If [sum] is greater than 12, the memory will never fade, even if the target loses all other memories.

20. Moon Lust R: 50’ T: creature D: varies

Target creature loves the moon. They want to stare at it, jump up and hold it, or write poems about it. If [sum] is equal to or greater than the target’s HD, they are stunned for 1d6 rounds. If [sum] is greater than 12, the target is stunned for 2d6 rounds and becomes permanently obsessed with the moon.

21. Orbiting Spikes R: 30’ T: self D: [sum] rounds

You summon [dice] daggers of force that orbit your head like a very angry halo. With a thought, even if you are doing something else, you can throw a spike at a target. Treat this as a thrown dagger, but with a maximum range of 30’. You can throw one spike per round.

22. Resonating Command R: 50’ T: creature that can hear and understand you D: 3 rounds

You shout a single-word command to your target, who must Save or obey. For two rounds after you cast this spell, it resonates. Targets who previously passed their Save must Save again at the beginning of the next 2 rounds, with a +4 bonus the first round and a +8 bonus the second. The command cannot directly cause the target harm, or force them to commit a directly harmful action. You could cause them to run into a trap they didn’t know was there, or into a tactically disadvantageous position, but not off a cliff. For each [dice] you add past the first, you can affect 2 additional creatures, or add an additional word to your command.

23. Flip Person R: 50’ T: [dice] creatures D: 0

Target creatures with total HD of [sum] or less are flipped head-over-heels, to land on their feet unharmed and in the same position. Loose items, coins, etc. may be shaken free. Targets must Save or be stunned for 1 round.

24. Sword of Infamy R: touch T: sword D: [sum] rounds

Creatures killed by a sword you target reveal their souls briefly before death. For most creatures, the soul appears as a small, vaporous homunculus which vanishes after a few moments. This effect may cause a Save vs Fear or a Morale check.

25. Hammon’s Arrow-Directing Lens R: 200’ T: creature D: [sum] rounds

A lens of force appears 5’ over the target. Any arrows that pass within [dice]x10’ of the lens are directed to the target. Make a new attack roll if the arrows would have ordinarily missed the target. This only affects arrows, not stones, spears, or crossbow bolts.

26. Pergaman’s Synesthesia R: touch T: creature of [dice]x2 HD or less D: [sum] rounds

The target’s senses are confused and mixed. Colours also evoke sounds. Tastes evoke flashes of light. Different textures cause different flavours. The target is befuddled for the spell’s duration. If [sum] is greater than 12 the effect is permanent, but the target will become used to their new senses and no longer befuddled in 20-Int days.

27. Lengthen Limbs R: touch T: willing creature D: [sum] minutes

Up to [dice]x2 of the target’s limbs double in length. If all a creature’s walking limbs are affected, the creature’s move speed is also doubled for the duration of the spell. Weapons wielded in a lengthened limb can reach farther than normal. This effect does not change the structure or form of the limbs. It merely affects one of the many dimensions surrounding them, which also causes the limbs to appear farther away than usual. If you invest 3 or more [dice] the spell’s duration becomes [sum] hours.

28. Alter Local Gravity R: 50’ T: [sum]x5’ squares D: [sum] rounds

You must cast this spell indoors, in an area with a solid roof no more than 50’ high. An areas that you specify has its gravity altered a) an angle that you specify (90 degrees left, 180 degrees up), or b) to a lower strength that you specify (50%, 0%) for the duration of the spell. The spell’s effect takes place gradually, giving creatures a chance to Save vs Dex to hang on to something. Creatures take fall damage as normal. In lower gravity, you can jump proportionately higher and farther, but virtually any action requires a Save vs Dex. If you invest 3 or more [dice] the spell’s duration becomes a year and a day.

29. Thicken Air R: 50’ T: [sum]x5’ squares, 50’ high D: [sum] rounds

Air in an area you select becomes as dense as water. You can still breathe it, but you can also swim in it. Projectiles passing through the area count as moving twice as far for range penalties. Flying creatures entering the area must Save or be stunned for one round. If you invest 3 or more [dice] the spell’s duration becomes a year and a day.

30. Scything Disc of Nog R: 200’ T: creature D: 0

You fire a whirling disc of force and light from your fingertip. The disc screeches like a sawblade. It deals [sum] damage to its target. If it deals more than 6 damage, it bounces towards a random creature within 20’, dealing [sum]-2 damage. If it deals more than 6 damage, it bounces towards another random creature within 20’, dealing [sum]-4 damage. This continues, losing 2 damage with each bounce, until there are no valid targets or the spell deals 6 or less damage to a creature.

31. Delayed Noxious Odour Sphere R: 50’ T: point D: [sum] rounds/0

A marble-sized bead of grey-green ooze lands at a point you select. At any time within [sum] rounds, you can cause the sphere to detonate. Any creatures within a 20’ of the sphere’s detonation must Save vs Constitution or flee the area, as a failed Morale check, to wash. The area is filled with a thick green mist that lasts for [dice] hours. The spell does not affect creatures with no sense of smell, mindless creatures, or creatures who habitually live in filth (goblins, shambling mounds, etc.)

32. Scuttle R: touch T: [dice] creatures D: [sum] minutes

Your clothes and hair animate to carry you. You can move at full speed in any orientation, and you can freely rotate as you move. For instance, you could run while standing on your head, holding a torch, and turning counterclockwise. You can lie on your side and, while flipping end over end, move backwards. This effect does not allow you to climb up walls, but you can climb ladders or rope at twice your usual speed.

33. Gelatinous Form R: touch T: self D: [sum] minutes

Your flesh becomes gelatinous. You can squeeze through gaps as small as keyhole with a great deal of effort. You take no damage from bludgeoning weapons for the duration of the spell. Any acid damage you take heals HP instead. Your clothes and items are not affected by this spell.

34. Transfer Exhaustion R: 20’ T: self, creature D: 0

This spell can only be cast if you are exhausted. At a bare minimum, you need one sleepless or restless night. You bundle your exhaustion into a ball and toss it at a creature. The creature must Save or be stunned for [dice] rounds. You immediately heal [dice]x2 HP. The creature may take on some aspects of your personality. This spell has no effect if you have less than 0 HP.

35. William’s Fingerbreaker R: 100’ T: creature of [dice]x2 HD or less D: 0

The target of this spell must have fingers. You snap your fingers and your target’s fingers crack, break, and bend. They take [sum] damage and must immediately Save or drop whatever they are holding. You can choose to have the target take no damage, but they get +2 to their Save.

36. Geld Animal R: 20’ T: creature of [dice]x2 HD or less D: [sum] days The target must Save or take 1 damage, and lose [dice]+1d4 Strength, to a minimum of 1, for the duration of this spell. The target is also rendered sterile for the duration. There are no visible physical effects from this spell. If [sum] is greater than 12, the target is rendered sterile permanently, but they will recover their lost Strength after [sum] days. This spell only works on living creatures capable of reproducing.

37. Draw Heat R: [dice]x100’ T: 2 objects or creatures D: concentration

You must have at least two working eyes to cast this spell. You stare at one target with one eye, and another target with another. You can transfer heat between them. For example, if you stared at a torch, you could transfer the fire’s heat (1d6 damage)/round) to a creature. You can do nothing else while casting this spell. You cannot amplify the heat, so a candle’s flame cannot melt an iron bar, but you could transfer the icy cold of a glacier to a campfire and extinguish it.

38. Thurmond’s Prolonged Bombardment R: 200’ T: creature or object D: [sum] rounds

Each round, a fist-size sphere of force appears and slams into the target, dealing 1d6+[dice] damage. Save each round to negate. If the target is human-sized or smaller and takes 7 damage, it is also knocked prone.

39. Visualize Madness R: 20’ T: creature D: [sum] minutes

Target must be insane. The spell create an illusory scene above the target’s head that conveys their insanity. If a king believes himself to be an owl, the illusion might show a forest of trees and a grey owl crowned with gold flitting among them. If the target is paranoid, shadowy figures with long knives might surround their head, plotting and muttering. The target cannot see the illusion.

40. Cuspit’s Swarm of Irritating Vermin R: 50’ T: [dice] creatures or objects D: [sum] rounds

A cloud of tiny magical insects attack your target. They do 1 damage per round to living creatures and no damage to nonliving creatures or objects. Each round, a non-mindless creature must Save or take a -2 penalty to their next Attack. If the target is an object, the vermin will do minor cosmetic damage, such as chewing holes in paper, gnawing wood, chipping paint, and scratching glass.

41. Cone of Dense Foam R: [dice]x10’ cone T: area D: 0

A huge cone of white foam sprays from your hand. It’s as dense as porridge, but tastes like seawater. Creatures inside must Save vs Con or begin to drown unless they struggle free. Any creatures covered in foam have -2 to Attack until they can wash.

42. Weighty Sphere R: touch T: point D: [sum] hours

You summon a stone sphere with a radius up to [dice]x2’. The sphere is immensely heavy. 2’ radius: 2.5 tons. 4’ radius: 22.5 tons. 6’ radius: 78 tons. 8’ radius: 182 tons. It is perfectly smooth and very difficult to lift. You must summon the stone onto a stable surface. For example, you can’t summon it by touching water or sand, but you could summon it on top of a flimsy wooden railing. If you invest 3 or more [dice], you can make the spell’s duration permanent.

43. Duelist’s Wings R: touch T: [dice] creatures D: [sum] rounds

Tiny white wings sprout from your ankles and wrists. In combat, you may make a free Combat Maneuver to reposition yourself each turn. Your move speed increases by 5’ and you reduce all fall damage by 2.

44. Screaming Teeth R: 50’ T: creature D: [sum] varies

Target’s teeth scream whenever the target opens its mouth. The screaming is very unpleasant, and causes them to lose [dice]+1d4 Charisma, to a minimum of 1, for the duration of the spell. The target may Save at the end of each duration interval to negate the effects. 1 [dice]: rounds, 2 [dice]: days, 3 [dice]: weeks, 4 [dice] months. The spell fails if the target has no teeth.

45. Beatific Scrying R: 1 mile T: creature D: [sum] rounds

You gain a misty vision of the nearest sentient creature, aside from creatures you can see, who is performing a genuinely kind or selfless act. You might see a mother tucking her squabbling children into bed or a gardener freeing a wounded fox from a trap. If no targets are available, the spell fails.

46. Glamour of Servitude R: touch T: sentient humanoid creature D: [sum] varies, see below

Target’s clothes transform into livery. Other minor cosmetic effects, such as a change in hair colour, may also occur. The target appears to be a minor servant or hireling. This effect is so convincing that even people close to the target will believe the target has been demoted or promoted, and must Save to believe otherwise. The target may Save at the end of each duration interval to negate the effects. 1 [dice]: minutes, 2 [dice]: hours, 3 [dice]: months, 4 [dice] years

47. Ulric’s Beam of Blindness R: 100’ T: creature of [dice]x2 HD or less D: varies

A brilliant white ray shoots from your forehead. Target must Save or go blind for: 1 [dice]: minutes, 2 [dice]: hours, 3 [dice]: months, 4 [dice] years. You may chose any number of the target’s eyes to blind. This spell can be reflected by mirrors

48. Saw and Plane Tree R: touch T: 1 tree D: 0

A tree no larger than 60’ tall and 25’ in diameter topples over, as if neatly cut. The result depends on the dice you invest. 1 [dice]: cut and broadly de-limbed, 2 [dice]: cut, de-limbed, debarked, 3 [dice]: cut, de-limbed, debarked, cut into planks as per your specifications, stacked, 4 [dice] cut, planed, de-limbed, debarked, cut into planks, stacked, sanded, and finished. Small limbs and offcuts will be piled for kindling. Alternatively, you can reduce the tree to sawdust or wood chips in 24-[sum] minutes

49. Glorious Starburst R: 100’ T: area D: [sum] rounds

You fire a flare 100’ upwards. It hovers there, providing light as bright as moonlight for 300’ around you, for [sum] rounds. You can command the starburst to move horizontally, change colour, rise an additional 100’ per round, or explode into sparkles. If it strikes a creature or object, it deals 1d6 fire damage and then explodes into sparkles.

50. Identify Owner R: touch T: object D: 1 minute

Letters appear over the object you touch, spelling out the name of the object’s owner or owners. If the object has no owners, the spell fails. If you invest 2 [dice] the spell will also show if the ownership is disputed. Dead people cannot dispute ownership. If you invest 3 [dice], arrows will appear pointing in the approximate direction of the owner (or a skull will appear if they are deceased). The name revealed will be name the owner used when they purchased or acquired the object. For example, if Tabitha Winklewort was using her alias “Jane Crow” when she bought her boots, the name listed would be Jane Crow. If you targeted a ring she stole and invested 2 [dice] or more, the names listed would be Jane Crow and Baron Summerland. If you invest 4 [dice], true names will be listed alongside aliases, provided the owners are mortal. This spell also works on slaves and domesticated animals.

51. Become Delicious R: touch T: creature of [dice]x2 HD or less D: [sum] varies

Target creature smells and tastes delicious for the spell’s duration. The smell radiates 20’ in calm air, but can spread via wind or leave a trail. Sentient creatures can usually resist the urge to eat the target without a Save, but animals and other ravenous creatures must Save or select the spell’s target as their primary attack target. Insects will be attracted to the target for the spell’s duration. The target may Save at the end of each duration interval to negate the effects. 1 [dice]: minutes, 2 [dice]: hours, 3 [dice]: months, 4 [dice] years. This spell can also affect dead creatures.

52. Cube of Spell Splitting R: 50’ T: point D: [dice]+1 rounds

A 5’ cube of grey light appears in the air at a point you specify. It can be targeted by non-magical attacks (Defense 10, 5 HP) and disappears if it takes more than 5 damage. At any point during the spell’s duration, spells that enter the cube through one of it’s faces will be split, and identical copies will fire out of the spell’s 5 other faces. The copies are not specifically targeted, but will hit any valid targets in their path, and within the original spell’s range. For example, you could fire a magic missile straight through the cube at a target 30’ away from the cube. Four other magic missiles would fire from the other four sides of the cube and disappear after 30’ unless they hit a target or obstacle within 30’. Touch spells and spells with a range of “self” are not affected. Other spellcasters can use your cube.

53. Entangling Smoke R: 50’ T: [dice]x2 objects or creatures D: varies

Target creature or object is grabbed by tendrils of thick black smoke. Save vs Dex to negate, prone creatures automatically fail. Target moves at half speed and takes a -2 penalty to Attack until it can win an opposed Strength test against the smoke to end the effect. The effective Strength of the smoke depends on the dice invested. 1 [die]: 10, 2 [dice]: 14, 3 [dice]: 18, 4 [dice] 20.

54. Capture Wind R: touch T: point D: concentration

A magical circle [dice]x2’ in radius extends from your fingertip. As long as you maintain concentration, you can absorb any wind passing through the circle. You can then collapse the spell. At any point, as long as you devote a spell slot to maintaining the spell, you can reactivate it with the same radius (no [dice] are needed) to release the wind you absorbed. The wind flows out at the same rate it entered. If you activate this spell in a light breeze for 5 minutes, the spell will release a light breeze over 5 minutes. The wind only flows from the circle, so anyone standing behind it is not affected (unless you release hurricane-force winds indoors). You can cancel the release at any time, which expends the spell as usual. If you die while this spell is “loaded” and in your brain, it activates facing a random direction.

55. Enfeebling Sigil R: touch, 50’ T: object D: [sum] rounds

A writhing arcane symbol appears on an object you touch. Any creature within 100’ of the sigil who looks at it must Save or be reduced to Strength 1 for [dice] rounds. Nothing can cause their Strength to drop lower than 1 while they are under the effects of this spell. The symbol vanishes after [sum] rounds. If you invest 3 [dice] or more, you can instead set the duration of this spell to permanent, provided no one looks at the sigil. Once it is seen, the duration becomes to [sum] round as usual.

56. Redwyn’s Excellent Clamp R: 30’ T: object D: [sum] varies

A clamp of red light appears over one or two objects you designate. The maximum width of the clamp is [dice]x10’. The clamp will push the objects together until they are held securely (effective strength of 20), but it will not damage either object or any living creatures. If you designated an orc’s shirt and the back of a chair as targets, the clamp would firmly secure the orc to the chair. The clamp must be able to fit around the objects. You could not secure a chair to the floor or walls. Creatures can break free with an opposed Strength check, and, most of the time, can wriggle free in a few hours. The spell lasts for 1 [dice]: minutes, 2 [dice]: hours, 3 [dice]: days, 4 [dice] months, or permanent.

57. Light’s Own Scourge R: [dice]x20’ radius T: light sources in area D: 0

All light sources in the radius of this spell deal damage to the creature nearest to them. Candles and matches deal no damage. Torches and lanterns deal 1d6 damage. Bonfires deal 2d6 damage. Magical light sources with a duration of at least 1 round deal damage equal to the [dice] invested in their casting +1d6. If a light source deals 4 or more damage it is also extinguished.

58. Scamper’s Bouncing Sphere of Destruction R: touch T: point D: [sum] rounds

A small yellow sphere appears on your fingertip and fires off at enormous speed. Any creatures struck must Save or be stunned for 1 round. If you cast this spell outside, or in a very large room with multiple exits, you strike 1 target before the spell vanishes into the distance. If you cast this spell indoors, in a room with a limited number of exits, the sphere is trapped and begins to bounce around at high speed. The effects depend on the room size. 400 square feet or less (20’x20’): all creatures must Save or be stunned each round for the spell’s duration. All objects that could be shattered or broken have a 20% chance of breaking each round. This includes potions, flimsy furniture, windows, etc. 1600 square feet or less (40’x40’): creatures have a 20% chance per round to be hit. Objects have a 10% chance of breaking each round. Any larger rooms: creatures have a 5% chance per round to be hit. Objects have a 5% chance of breaking each round. These chances may be adjusted by the GM depending on the room size and contents. If you invest 3 [dice] or more in this spell, creatures that fail their Save also take 1 damage. If you invest 4 [dice] or more, creatures that fail their Save are also knocked prone.

59. The Creature Comforts of Tuttle Wren R: 10’ T: area D: [sum]x2 hours

In an area you designate, no larger than 15’x15’ by 10’x high, a magical camp appears. The camp includes a bedroll, a sleeping platform, a small purple and gold tent, a small table and chair, a kettle, a cookpot, an iron arm to hold the kettle or cookpot over a fire, a book entitled “The Erotic Poems of Plumtarch” (less erotic than expected), and a pair of dry wool socks. Any items removed from the area vanish instantly. In the spell’s area, the temperature is moderated very slightly, wind and rain are lessened, and vermin cannot enter.

60. Package Neatly R: 20’ T: objects D: concentration / permanent

Up to [dice]x500lbs of nonliving objects, as you designate, are packed neatly. You must name the objects or their general category when you cast the spell (“those coins”, “the contents of that room”) If no packing materials are provided, the objects will be stacked into compact cubes, with the largest and most stable objects at the bottom. If chests, paper and twine, sacks, carts, etc. are provided, the spell will use them as you direct. The packages created will take up the minimum space possible, and will be remarkably sturdy. The spell will continue to pack objects for as long as you maintain concentration. The objects must be able to move freely. You could not use this spells to pack clothes someone was wearing. The objects will not lift more than 10’ off the ground during the packing process.

61. Flying Syringe R: 100’ T: object, creature D: 0

You must hold a potion, vial of poison, or other liquid in one hand while you cast this spell. The spell changes the potion’s container into a glass dart and fires it at an enemy within range. The enemy must Save or be struck and immediately take the effects of the potion. If you invest 2 [dice] or more, you can redirect a missed syringe, once, to a new target with a successful Save vs Int. If you invest 3 [dice] or more, you can mix [dice] potions together into the same syringe. If you invest 4 [dice] or more, the target does not get a Save.

62. Spitting Stone R: touch T: object D: [sum] hours

You touch a stone no larger than your head, and it grows a face that resembled a gargoyle’s. You can designate [dice] conditions under which the stone face will discharge water. You could say “always”, “whenever any one but me walks past”, “only when an orc walks past”. The conditions must be obvious. The stone is not very observant. The water sprayed by the stone does not deal damage, but it has a 50% chance to extinguish torches. The water disappears once it passes more than 100’ from the stone. The stone sprays water in a [dice]x5’ cone. If you invest 4 [dice] or more, creatures passing through the cone must Save vs Dex or be knocked prone.

63. Shackle to the Earth R: 100’ T: [dice] creatures D: [sum] rounds

Targets must be touching the ground. For as long as the spell is active, they must keep at least one limb touching the ground at all times. They can jump or run if they make an opposed Strength check against Strength 20. If a target is knocked prone, they must Save vs Strength to rise from prone. Targets take a -2 penalty to all Saves vs Dex.

64. Legulian’s Potion Alloy R: touch T: objects D: permanent

You combine up to [dice] potions in a flask or [dice] flasks that can contain them. The mixture is stable. None of the usual rolls for mixing potions are made. The new potion or potions have all the effects of the originals.

65. Mind Labyrinth R: 0 T: self D: [sum] hours

You create a spiraling labyrinth of thought in your mind. Anyone attempting to read your mind or cast a memory-altering spell must Save or become trapped in the labyrinth. Once per hour, they can Save vs Int to escape. Very experienced mind readers may expended a [die] to automatically escape in 1d10 minutes. While a creature is trapped in your mind, you can distantly hear it’s thoughts.

66. Roiling Polymorph R: 10’ T: willing creature, or unwilling creature of [dice]x2 HD or less D: [sum] rounds

For the next [sum] rounds, target creature transforms through a wide variety of shapes. Save once at the start of the spell to negate. Roll on the list below at the start of each round: 1-2: no change from current form, 3: small mammal, 4: small amphibian, 5: small bird, 6: small crustacean, 7: medium mammal, 8: medium bird, 9: creature of the same size and species as the target, but of different appearance, 10: creature of the same size as the target, but different species and appearance. The creature’s Stats and HP are quartered when transformed into a small creature and halved when transformed into a medium creature. When the spell’s effect ends, the creature is stunned for 1d6 rounds.

67. Horsebane R: 100’ T: area D: [sum] rounds

A circle 20’ in radius becomes sticky and soft. Creatures in the area move at half speed and take 1 damage per round. Any creature that was running or charging in the round before this spell was cast must Save vs Dex or take [sum] damage and be immobilized for 1d6 rounds. Creatures with multiple legs get -4 to their Save.

68. Move Enchantment R: touch T: objects D: permanent

You touch an enchanted object with one hand and a ritually prepared object with your other hand. Save, with a +2 bonus for each [dice] invested in this spell. If you succeed, the enchantment moves to the new object. If you fail, the enchantment vanishes forever. You take a -2 penalty to the Save for each [dice] the caster invested in the original enchantment, and a -2 penalty if the target item and the original item are significantly different. It’s not easy to move the enchantment for a sword into a ring, but you could probably move an enchantment from a ring to a crown without too much trouble.

69. Mangling Blows R: 100’ T: creature D: 0

Invisible hammers of force strike from every direction. Target creature takes [sum] bludgeoning damage, Save for half, and is pushed [dice]x5’ in a random direction.

70. Conflicting Command R: 50’ T: creature that can hear and understand you D: 0

You shout a magic phrase to your target. To you, and to anyone else, it is incomprehensible but your target interprets it as a magical command that is impossible to fulfill. “Fall down and jump up at the same time” is a possible translation, but the conflict is more fundamental. The target takes [sum]+ their Intelligence bonus damage and is stunned for [dice] rounds. Save negates.

71. Paralyze Bird R: 200’ T: creature with feathered wings D: [sum] rounds

Target creature must Save or be paralyzed for the spell’s duration. They may make a new Save at the start of each round.

72. Liquefy Gold R: 10’ T: [dice]x500lbs of gold D: [sum] hours

Gold you target becomes liquid and flows like thick soup. It is cold to the touch. Alloyed metals are also carried with the gold, though they may appear as streaks or bubbles in the liquid. The gold reforms into its original shape when the spell ends.

73. Butterfly Hurricane R: 30’ radius T: self D: [sum] rounds

You create a whirling, brightly coloured mass of butterflies that cloaks you completely. Any ranged attacks fired into our out of the hurricane automatically miss. Attacks that target an area (such as a dragon’s fire breath or a circle of frost) are not affected. Creatures other than the caster who end their turn inside the hurricane must Save or be befuddled for 1 round.

74. Paper Automaton R: touch T: paper D: [sum] hours

You enchant a piece of plant-based paper or parchment to obey your commands. The paper folds into a tiny humanoid shape and follows simple instructions. It can lift nothing heavier than a single coin, but it can write and read. It has [dice] HP and Defense 10, but takes no damage from bludgeoning weapons. The size of the automaton depends on the dice you invest in the spell. 1 [dice]: mouse 2 [dice]: dog, 3 [dice]: person, 4 [dice], elephant.

75. Violently Depilate R: 50’ T: [dice] creatures D: permanent

Target creature’s hair flees it’s body in a sudden, painful burst. The target is stunned for 1 round and takes 1d6 damage. Save negates. Creatures that prize their hair, such as Orthodox Wizards or Elves, may need to make a Save vs Fear or a Morale check. The target’s hair will regrow at the normal rate. This spell has no effect on hairless creatures or creatures immune to pain.

76. Sturdy Circle in the Air R: 100’ T: point D: [sum] minutes

You draw a circle [dice]x5’ in radius in the air. The circle is made of force, as solid as iron. You can draw the circle at any orientation.

77. Trifurcate Arms R: touch T: self D: [sum] rounds

For the duration of the spell you arms split into three identical copies, moving independently with all the dexterity and strength of your normal limbs. You gain +2 to Strength, can carry multiple weapons, and take a -2 penalty to Wisdom for the purposes of Initiative.

78. Wellingbert’s Obsessive Expertise R: touch T: self D: [sum] minutes

Name a Skill. Save, with a +2 bonus for each [dice] you invest past the first. If you fail, take [dice]+1d6 psychic damage. If you succeed, gain the chosen Skill with a rating of 8 for the spell’s duration. You cannot learn things that would not be contained in a well-stocked library, or skills that are so rare only a few people could teach them to you.

79. Mirror Item R: touch T: object D: varies

You touch a non-magical object you could carry without assistance. The object is mirrored along one axis. Left becomes right. All details are otherwise preserved. The spell lasts for 1 [dice]: minutes, 2 [dice]: hours, 3 [dice]: days, 4 [dice] months, or permanent.

80. Lock Joints R: 100’ T: [dice]x2 creatures or objects D: [dice] rounds

Creatures or objects you target must Save or have their joints locked at their current angle and position for [dice] rounds. This could affect the hinges of a door, the links in a chain, or the legs of a sprinting horse. Stumbling creatures usually take 1d6 damage.

81. Suspend Objects R: touch T: [sum] objects D: concentration or 1 minute

Objects that weigh no more than [dice] lbs are suspended in the air. The slightest effort knocks them to the ground. You do not need to see the suspended objects, but you do need to maintain concentration to keep them afloat. If you break concentration, the objects fall in up to one minute.

82. Hone R: touch T: object D: permanent

You run your hands over a metal or wooden edge and hone it. The object becomes razor sharp. Blunt objects deal 1d6 damage. Weapons deal an extra 1d6 damage for the next [dice]x2 hits. The edge must be smaller than your outstretched arms.

83. Wernher’s Embafflement R: 100’ T: creature of [dice]x2 HD or less D: [sum] varies

A blinking globe of light flies from your hand and sink’s into the target’s head. The target must Save or become befuddled for the spell’s duration. The target may attempt a new save at the end of each duration interval. 1 [dice]: rounds, 2 [dice]: minutes, 3 [dice]: hours, 4 [dice] days. If you invest 3 [dice] or more, the target also loses 1d6 Intelligence, to a minimum of 1, for the duration of the spell.

84. Ultralucent Paint R: 50’ T: creature or object D: [sum] hours

You splatter the target in bright octarine paint, leaving a mark the size of an apple. The mark is visible through fog, smoke, or total darkness, at any distance up to [dice] miles. It is also visible through solid barriers, such as stone walls, up to 10’ thick. The paint drips off and marks the ground below the target. Unless bandaged or swabbed, the paint will leave a faint trail behind the target.

85. Lavin’s Pathclearing Servant R: [dice]x100’ T: area D: 0

You send an invisible blade of force along a clearly defined path. Any light debris on the path (snow, small stones, leaves, grass) is pushed to the side. Any pressure plates or tripwires are activated. You do not have to be able to see the entire path, but you do need to know the approximate route the blade will take. The path is [dice]x10’ wide. If you cast this spell with 3 [dice] or more, the range becomes [sum]x100’.

86. Battering Beam R: 100’ T: creature or object D: concentration.

A beam of force strikes a target you can see, pushing them backwards. Target must win an opposed Strength test against the beam or be pushed away from you 10’ per round. Very large creatures only move 5’ per round. The effective Strength of the beam depends on the dice invested. 1 [die]: 14, 2 [dice]: 16, 3[dice]: 18, 4 [dice] 20. If the target is an object, treat it as being struck by a blow of equivalent Strength each round. Each round you maintain concentration adds +1 to the Strength of this spell, to a maximum of 22 Strength. If the target cannot move backwards, it takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage per round.

87. Circle of Noise R: 100’ T: area D: [sum] rounds

A circle of crackling white light 20’ in radius appears at a point you designate. Creatures inside the circle must Save or be deafened for [sum] rounds. If [sum] is greater than 12, they are permanently deafened. Creatures inside the circle cannot hear anything outside the circle, and creatures outside the circle cannot hear anything inside the circle.

88. Ulrich’s Forceful Sigil R: touch, 50’ T: object D: [sum] rounds

A writhing arcane symbol appears on an object you touch. Any creature within 100’ of the sigil who looks at it must Save or be pushed back 5’ and knocked prone. The symbol vanishes after [sum] rounds. If you invest 3 [dice] or more, you can instead set the duration of this spell to permanent, provided no one looks at the sigil. Once it is seen, the duration becomes to [sum] round as usual.

89. The Automatic Marching Mule R: touch T: point D: [sum] hours

You create a mule-like creature out of pure force. The creature has two bucket-like saddlebags on each side. It walks forward at a brisk trot. It will stop and turn at your verbal command, but you cannot make it reverse or slow down. You can only give it the commands “go”, “stop”, “turn left”, and “turn right”. The mule can carry twice as much as an ox. It has [dice]x2 HP, and any attacks automatically hit it. It is completely mindless and extremely literal. The mule will obey your last command until the spell’s duration expires.

90. Shrikeblast R: [dice]x10’ cone T: area D: 0

Howling shards of raw magical power fly from your body. The shards lacerate anything in their path, dealing [sum] piercing damage, Save for half. If a creature is killed by this spell, it will be suspended in the position it was killed for [sum] rounds by several embedded shards. A suspended creature is capable of bearing up to its own body weight in additional pressure before falling.

91. Sympathetic Resonance R: touch T: two creatures or objects D: [sum] minutes

You touch one creature or object and then touch another creature or object. For the duration of this spell, any spells that affect one target will have their effects applied to the other target as well. Both targets must be valid, but range and line of sight between the targets is not considered. For example, you might touch a goblin and a dragon. If you strike the goblin with a magic missile, the dragon would be hit as well, for the same damage, even if the dragon was several hundred feet away and inside a cave.

92. Cacophony R: 100’ T: point D: [sum] hours

You send a small orb of force to a point you designate. The spell creates an incredibly loud clattering, wailing, and whistling when it detonates. Creatures within [sum]x5’ must Save or be stunned for one round. It is audible in clear air up to a mile away. You can designate [dice] conditions under which the orb will detonate. You could say “now”, “if anyone steps on it” or “if water touches it”. The conditions must be obvious and must occur within 5’ of the orb. When the spell’s duration expires, you can choose to have the orb detonate or vanish silently. The orb is solid, and can be moved or thrown.

93. Alberecht’s Unreliable Disintegrator R: 100’ T: object creature of [dice]x2 HD or less D: 0

Target creature, or an object weighing less than [dice]x200lbs, disintegrates into nothingness. Save +4 negates. Magical objects gain an additional +2 to their save. You can disintegrate a section of an object or creature but not very precisely.

94. Squelch R: [dice]x10’ T: spell D: 0

You can cast this spell as a reaction. You halve the duration, effects, and/or damage of a spell that would affect you or anything within [dice]x10’ of you. You cannot affect the spell’s range or area. If the spell requires a Save, you may instead have any affected targets gain +4 to their Save. The [sum] of this spell must equal or beat the [dice]x2 invested in the spell you are attempting to squelch.

95. Everland’s Perfectly Reproduceable Test R: touch T: two creatures or objects D: [sum] minutes

You designate two targets. One target acts as the test subject. Any effects applied to the test subject will be, if conditions are identical, applied to the other target. For example, if you give a potion to one target creature, an identical potion given to the other target creature will have precisely identical effects. The two targets must be reasonably similar. You could not compare a stone to a mouse, but you could compare a mouse to a man. If you invest 2 [dice], the effect lasts for [sum] days. If you invest 3 [dice] or more, the effect is permanent. If you invest 4 [dice] or more, you may test more esoteric effects, such as philosophical arguments, love, or fear.

96. Sonorous Seeker R: [dice]x1 mile T: object D: [sum] hours

You create a fluttering star of light that twitters like a bird. Name a unique object you have clearly seen before, and, if the object is within the spell’s range, the seeker will fly to it at the speed of an arrow and hover near it, chiming as loud as a bell. The seeker has 1 HP and a Defense of 16. If the object is not within the spell’s range, the spell has a 50% chance of seeking out a similar object. Otherwise, it fails.

97. Dredge R: 100’ T: area D: 0

Buried or covered objects rise to the surface in area you designate, [dice]x10’ in radius. If you cast this spell on the ground, coins, stones, and root will be pulled to the surface. If you cast it on water, sunken objects will rise to the surface and remain there as long as you maintain concentration. The total weight of dredged objects cannot exceed [dice]x100lbs. If you cast this spell targeting creatures in the area instead, the creatures must Save or be stunned for 1 round. If [sum] is greater than 12, they also take 1d6 damage and are knocked prone. Instead of targeting area, you can instead target a single sentient creature. The creature must Save (if unwilling) or recall a memory in perfect detail. You designate the memory (“the first time you met your wife”, “where you buried the treasure”). The creature will be lost in a reverie for [sum] rounds. This reverie ends if the creature is attacked, threatened, or has to perform any action. This memory may induce a Fear or Morale test. It must be specific. “The scariest thing you have ever seen” would not work, but “the night your village burned” would.

98. Rolling Spark R: 10’ T: area D: [sum] rounds

A spark of lightning appears within 10’ of you. Each round, it moves 5’ straight ahead (you designate the original direction). Creatures or objects in a 10’ radius of the spark (so a 3x3 grid of 5’ squares) take 2d6 lightning damage. Save negates. If the spark strikes a creature or object directly, or it is struck (Defense 12), the spark will bounce in a random direction. It may gain speed if struck with significant force. The spark floats 5’ off the ground.

99. Pyre R: 100’ T: [sum] creatures or objects D: 0

Targets must Save vs Dex or catch on fire. Targets that are completely inflammable (soaked creatures, metal, etc.) do not need to Save. Targets that are very flammable (soaked in oil, dry wood) may not get a Save. You can target this spell precisely enough to light the wick of a single candle in a bundle, provided you can see the wick.

100. Cascade of Power R: touch T: creature D: [dice]+1 rounds

During this spell’s duration, any [dice] your target expends on other spells return to their pool on a 1-5, rather than a 1-3. When this spell’s duration ends, you must Save or suffer a Mishap.

The Hermetic Library of the 7th Order

1 Absorb Potion
2 Absorb Toxicity
3 Absurdity
4 Acid Fog
5 Acute Senses
6 Adhesive Blood
7 Adhesive Spit
8 Aggravate Thundercloud
9 Agony
10 Air Bubble
11 Air Step
12 Alarm
13 Allure
14 Ant Haul
15 Antimagic Field
16 Anti-Life Shell
17 Anti-Undead Shell
18 Aphasia
19 Apport
20 Aqueous Orb
21 Arcane Lock
22 Atavism
23 Augury
24 Aura of Doom
25 Aversion
26 Babbling Curse
27 Bane Weapon
28 Banishment
29 Barbed Chain
30 Barrier of Force
31 Battering Wind
32 Bestial Speech
33 Black Tentacles
34 Blight
35 Blindness
36 Blink
37 Blood Tentacles
38 Bone Fists
39 Burning Gaze
40 Cacophony
41 Call Object
42 Call Vermin
43 Calm
44 Carry Companion
45 Catatonia
46 Challenge
47 Charm
48 Clone
49 Cloudkill
50 Coldsnap
51 Colour Spray
52 Command
53 Command Construct
54 Command Undead
55 Comprehend Language
56 Confession
57 Confusion
58 Consecrate
59 Constricting Coils
60 Continual Flame
61 Corpse Lantern
62 Corrosive Touch
63 Countless Eyes
64 Create Armament
65 Create Pit
66 Create Treasure Map
67 Cure Mutation
68 Cure Wounds
69 Darklight
70 Darkness
71 Death Knell
72 Deathless
73 Decollate
74 Delectable
75 Desecrate
76 Dimension Door
77 Disintegrate
78 Dispel Magic
79 Dominate
80 Dragon’s Breath
81 Dream
82 Eagle Eye
83 Ear-Piercing Scream
84 Ear Send
85 Earthquake
86 Ectoplasmic Hand
87 Escape From Time
88 Enervation
89 Enlarge
90 Entangle
91 Eruptive Pustules
92 Ethereal Jaunt
93 Etheric Shards
94 Explode Corpse
95 Explosive Rune
96 Faerie Fire
97 False Life
98 Feast of Ashes
99 Feather Fall
100 Fester
101 Finger of Death
102 Fire of Judgement
103 Fire Snake
104 Fireball
105 Flaming Sphere
106 Flesh to Stone
107 Floating Disc
108 Fly
109 Fog Cloud
110 Force Mutation
111 Freedom of Movement
112 Frostfall
113 Gaseous Form
114 Ghost Mouth
115 Ghostbane Dirge
116 Ghoul Touch
117 Grease
118 Hallucinatory Terrain
119 Halt Undead
120 Haste
121 Heat Metal
122 Healing Thief
123 Hold
124 Holy Smite
125 Ice Armour
126 Icy Spears
127 Illusory Double
128 Illusory Image
129 Incorporeal Chains
130 Inflict Wounds
131 Interplanetary Teleport
132 Invisibility
133 Isolate
134 Jump
135 Knock
136 Levitate
137 Light
138 Lightening
139 Lightning Conductor
140 Lipstitch
141 Locate Object
142 Lock Gaze
143 Longarm
144 Mage Armour
145 Mage Hand
146 Magic Circle
147 Magic Jar
148 Magic Missile
149 Meat Slave
150 Memory Lapse
151 Mirror Images
152 Monkey Fish
153 Named Bullet
154 Paranoia
155 Passwall
156 Phobia
157 Polymorph
158 Protection from Evil
159 Prying Eyes
160 Rage
161 Raise Skeleton
162 Raise Zombie
163 Ray of Exhaustion
164 Reduce
165 Remove Affliction
166 Replicating Ammunition
167 Resist Element
168 Restoration
169 Resurrection
170 Reveal Illusions
171 Reverse Gravity
172 Sanctuary
173 Sebacious Twin
174 See Invisible
175 Shadow Step
176 Share Senses
177 Silence
178 Slow
179 Slumber
180 Speak With Dead
181 Spell Resistance
182 Steal Size
183 Stinking Cloud
184 Stone To Flesh
185 Stoneskin
186 Stunning Barrier
187 Summon
188 Suppress Curse
189 Swarm of Wasps
190 Telepathic Link
191 Teleport
192 True Form
193 Unwilling Shield
194 Vomit Twin
195 Wall of Fire
196 Wall of Force
197 Wandering Flame
198 Water Breathing
199 Web
200 Zone of Truth

[ Absorb Toxicity ] D: [dice] hours R: self

You take no damage from poison for the duration. You can pass poison from yourself to creatures you touch.

[ Absurdity ] D: 1 minute R: 30’

Target saves vs. Charisma; on failure, they consider one thing completely absurd. The caster chooses which things the victim considers absurd. The target does not fear, & cannot be intimidated by, the absurd object. If 2 dice are invested, a person can be the absurd object; one additional person or object can be included per die.

[ Acid Fog] D: [dice] minutes R: 100’

Creates a cloud of fog with radius equal to 5’ times the highest die rolled (up to 30’). The cloud is opaque, and creatures in the cloud take [dice] acid damage per round.

[ Acute Senses ] D: [dice] minutes R: self

You have the sight of a hawk & the scenting ability of a hound for the duration.

[ Adhesive Blood ] D: [dice] minutes R: self

Whenever an attack hits you & deals damage, the weapon sticks to your body. The attacker must make a STR save to pry their weapon loose.

[ Adhesive Spit ] D: [dice] minutes R: self

You can spit up to [dice] times, up to 30’. The target struck saves vs. DEX or is tangled up & can’t move from the spot; they also take -2 to attack rolls. They must save vs. STR or attack the slime with a slashing weapon to free themselves.

[ Aggravate Thundercloud ] R: 120’

Can only be cast if there are clouds overhead. A bolt of lightning leaps from heaven and strikes the target, dealing [sum] lightning damage. They take double damage if wearing metal armour.

[ Agony ] D: [dice] rounds R: sight

Target experiences wracking pain. They must save each round while afflicted or miss their turn.

[ Air Bubble ] D: [dice] minutes R: touch

Creates a bubble of air around the target, allowing them to breathe even in environments that lack oxygen.

[ Air Step ] D: [dice] minutes R: touch

Target walks on air [dice] feet above any solid surface.

[ Alarm ] D: [dice] hours

Ward a single area up to [sum] square feet in size. If any creature enters the area, you instantly know about it. If you so choose, a loud noise can also emanate when the alarm is triggered, heard up to [dice] x 100’ from the area. You can designate up to [dice] creatures who will not set off the alarm. You are automatically excluded.

[ Allure ] D: [dice] rounds R: sight

Any creature that can see you saves vs. CHA (with penalty equal to [dice]) or is compelled to approach you. If they are hostile, they will approach you with hostile intent.

[Ant Haul] D:1day R:touch

Target can carry [dice] x 2 extra equipment slots without being encumbered.

[ Antimagic Field ] D: 1 minute R: self

The field emanates from you in a radius of 10’. Spells cast with spell dice equal to or less than [dice] within this radius have no effect.

[ Anti-Life Shell ] D: 1 minute R: self

Living creatures with Hit Dice equal to or less than [dice] cannot approach within 10’ of you. Creatures already in the shell when the spell is cast are unaffected unless they leave the shell (or you move far enough away from them).

[ Anti-Undead Shell ] D: 1 minute R: self

Like Anti-Life Shell, but affects the undead instead.

[ Aphasia ] D: [dice] minutes R: 120’

Target saves with penalty equal to [dice]. On failure, they cannot speak or comprehend any language, written or spoken, for the duration.

[ Apport ] R: [dice] miles

You can teleport a small object (fits in your hand) up to the spell’s range. You can teleport an object to you - you must have seen the object before & be able to visualize its location. You can teleport an object from you to somewhere, in which case you must be touching the object and able to visualize its destination. If you invest at least 4 dice, you can teleport an object that is human-sized or smaller (but it must be an object & not animate!).

[ Aqueous Orb ] D: [dice] rounds R: 60’

Conjure an orb of water about 6’ in radius. If you spend your turn concentrating, you can cause it to move up to 30’ in a direction of your choosing. It rolls along the ground - it can’t float. Anything smaller than the sphere in its path is caught up inside; creatures can save vs. DEX to avoid it or to escape.

[ Arcane Lock ] D: permanent R: touch

Touch a lock to magically enhance it. Only a Knock spell with an equal or greater number of spell dice can open the lock thereafter; no key can open it.

[ Atavism ] D: [dice] minutes R: 10’

Target animal reverts to a primeval, frenzied state; it gets +4 to all saving throws & attack rolls, & +2 to damage rolls.

[ Augury ]

Consult the gods to learn whether an action will result in weal or woe. The chance of a meaningful answer is equal to 50% + [sum]%, rolled in secret. State the course of action; the answer will be either weal, woe, or uncertain. If the % roll is failed, the answer will always be uncertain.

[ Aura of Doom ] D: [dice] rounds R: self

You exude an aura of terror. Creatures within 15’ of you save vs. CHA (with a penalty equal to [dice]) or are terrified of you (they roll Morale immediately).

[ Aversion ] D: 1 day R: sight

Target saves vs. CHA (with a penalty equal to [dice]) or becomes profoundly averse to an object or location of your choice. The object can’t be something they’re currently holding or touching.

[ Babbling Curse ] D: [dice] minutes R: 30’

Target saves vs. CHA (with a penalty equal to [dice]) or starts babbling incoherently and uncontrollably. Anyone hearing the babbling saves or becomes fascinated & unable to focus on anything else. Attacking the victim, or a fascinated creature, ends the spell prematurely.

[ Bane Weapon ] D: [dice] rounds R: touch

Touch the weapon and name a creature. The weapon [sum] extra damage to that creature for the duration. You can lock the dice used to make the effect permanent.

[ Banishment ] R: 120’

The target must be an extra-planar creature with Hit Dice equal to [sum] or less. They are instantly returned to their home plane and can’t be re-summoned for 24 hours.

[ Barbed Chain ] D: [dice] rounds R: self

You conjure a lacerating length of chain, which protrudes from your body. You can use it to lash creatures like a whip - it inflicts bleeding and deals damage based on the number of dice invested:1die-d2;2dice-d4;3dice-d6;4dice- d8; 5 dice - d10; 6 dice - d12. You can lock the dice to make the effect permanent.

[ Barrier of Force ] D: [dice] rounds R: touch

A barrier of force surrounds the target. Nothing (except for air) can pass inward through the barrier, though anything can pass outward. The barrier can be attacked; it breaks when [sum] points of damage are dealt to it.

[ Battering Wind ] R: 60’ + 10’ x [dice]

Target saves or is thrown back 10’ per [dice]. You can affect 1 target per [die], so long as they’re fairly close together.

[ Bestial Speech ] D: [dice] hours R: self

You can communicate with animals for the duration. You can lock the dice to make the effect permanent.

[ Black Tentancles ] D: [dice] rounds R: 60’

Black tentacles surge from the ground. Affects one 5’ square per [dice]. Victims must save vs. STR to escape, with a penalty equal to [dice], and the tentacles deal 1d6 damage to each victim per round.

[ Blight ] R: self

Plants in a radius of 1/2 mile per [dice] wither and die at your touch.

[ Calm ]

Affects up to [sum] HD of creatures in your vicinity. Strong emotions (such as fear, hatred, excitement) are reduced to mildness and relaxation. Creatures may save to resist if they wish (with a penalty equal to [dice]).

[ Carry Companion ] D: [dice] hours R: touch

A target person or animal turns into a stone statue about 6’’ high. Target must be willing.

[Catatonia] D:[dice]hours R:touch

Target appears, even on close inspection, to be dead. Only magical means can expose the artifice.

[Challenge] D:[dice]minutes R:hearing

The challenged creature is compelled to fight you. If they don’t, they take a -2 penalty to all attack rolls & saving throws.

[ Charm ] D: [dice] days R: touch

The target saves (with penalty equal to [dice]) or regards you as a trusted friend for the duration. They aren’t aware that they’ve been charmed until the spell wears off.

[ Clone ] R: touch

A perfect duplicate of the person touched sprouts from their side, rapidly growing into a fully-formed copy. It has HD equal to [dice] or the target’s HD, whichever is lower. The clone is essentially a mindless zombie, but if the target dies, their consciousness is instantly transplanted into the clone.

[ Cloudkill ] D: d4 minutes R: 120’

Cloud fills a 20’ radius sphere and lingers for 1d4 minutes. Creatures with HD less than [dice] within the cloud are killed instantly. Other creatures are unaffected.

[ Coldsnap ] R: 30’+30’x[dice]

An area [dice] x 5’ in diameter is exposed to a sudden burst of frigid cold. Creatures in the area take [sum] cold damage, water freezes, & so on. The area gradually returns to its normal temperature over the course of an hour.

[ Blindness ] D: permanent

Target is cursed with magical blindness.

[ Blink ] R: 10’ x [dice] R: touch

You teleport in a straight line to a point you can see. You can’t move through solid obstacles.

[ Blood Tentacles ] D: [dice] minutes R: self

Smear blood across your chest; [dice] blood tentacles burst forth. They can be used to attack any creature within 15’ for 1d6 damage; on hit, the tentacle is destroyed, and you regain hp equal to damage dealt.

[ Bone Fists ] D: [dice] minutes R: self

Struts of bone burst from your fists - for the spell’s duration, you can punch for d6 damage (d8 if 3 dice are invested, and d10 if 5 are invested). You can lock the dice to make the spell permanent.

[ Burning Gaze ] D: [dice] rounds R: self

Anything you look at for the duration catches on fire, if human-sized or smaller. For each invested die past 4, double the maximum size of affected objects.

[ Cacophony ] D: [dice]x2 rounds R: 120’

A deafening cacophony fills an area up to [dice] x 10’ in diameter. Nobody can hear each other speak. Spellcasters must save or fumble spellcasting.

[ Call Object ] R: 10’ x [dice]

Summon an object you’ve touched within the last 10 minutes to your hand. (It must fit in your hand to be eligible.)

[ Call Vermin ] D: 1 hour

A swarm of [sum] rats or similar vermin are magically called to you from the surrounding area (if there are no such vermin in the vicinity, the spell is useless). They will obey simple spoken commands you issue for the spell’s duration.

[ Colour Spray ] R: 15’ cone

Creatures with HD less than [dice] are are knocked unconscious for 2d4 rounds and blinded for 1d4 rounds after waking. Creatures with HD equal to [dice] are blinded for 1d4 rounds. Creatures with HD greater than [dice] save or are stunned for 1 round.

[ Command ] D: 1 round R: hearing

Target saves (with penalty equal to [dice]) or must obey a 1-word command you give. If you invest at least 4 dice, the command must be obeyed for 1d3+1 rounds instead.

[ Command Construct ] D: [dice] minutes

Target construct obeys your commands for the duration. You must be able to issue commands in a way the construct will understand: usually speaking the language of its creator works. Some constructs may understand telepathic commands too.

[ Command Undead ] D: [dice] hours

Target undead creature obeys your commands for the duration. Intelligent undead get to save, with a penalty equal to [dice].

[ Comprehend Language ] D: [dice] hrs R: self

You understand, speak, read, & write one language perfectly for the duration. You must have an example of the language present (eg a written sample or a speaker).

[ Confession] R: touch

Target must answer a question you give truthfully, or they take [sum] damage.

[ Confusion ] D: [dice] rounds R: 60’

Target saves or is confused for the duration. On their turn, they roll 1d4; on (1), they act normally; on (2), they attack themselves with whatever is on hand; on (3) they attack the nearest creature, friend or foe; on (4) they do nothing but babble incoherently.

[ Consecrate ] D: 1 day

Takes 10 minutes to cast & requires 25sp worth of silver dust. You consecrate an area 60’ in diameter against the undead. Undead that enter the area take a penalty equal to [dice] to all d20 rolls. If they have HD less than [dice], they are killed instantly. Undead can’t be created in the area, except by spells with more [dice] invested than were used to cast Consecrate.

[ Constricting Coils ] D: [dice] rounds R: 30’

A false serpent rises from the earth beneath the target, constricting the victim. Treat the serpent as having Strength equal to [sum]. The victim is grappled by the serpent & takes [dice] damage each round. They can escape with a successful grapple roll or by dealing [sum] damage to the serpent, at which point in slinks back into the earth.

[ Continual Flame ] D: permanent R: touch

A heatless flame is created at the point you touch. It can only be put out by magical means. It illuminates an area of diameter equal to [dice] x 10’. If at least 4 dice are invested, the light has all the properties of natural sunlight.

[ Corpse Lantern ] D: [dice] hours R: touch

Touch a corpse of human-size or smaller. It immediately begins to glow with a sickly light, & to float. It will drift after you for the spell’s duration, illuminating an area 10’ x [dice] in diameter.

[ Corrosive Touch ] R: touch

If you touch flesh, the target takes [sum] acid damage. If you touch an object subject to corrosion, it is damaged instead.

[ Countless Eyes ] D: [dice] hours R: touch

Countless eyes sprout all over the target’s head. They can see through all the eyes at once.

[ Create Armament ] D: [dice] hours R: self

A mundage weapon or suit of armour, of your choice, appears in your hand or in your vicinity. At the end of the duration, it dissolves into nothingness.

[ Create Pit ] D: [dice] hours R: touch

A pit [sum]’ deep and 10’ in diameter appears at the point you touch. The sides are smooth and difficult to climb. Anything in the pit when the duration expires is summarily disgorged.

[ Create Treasure Map ] R: touch

You must carve off a section of the skin from a corpse dead no more than 1 hour & cast this spell upon it. A map appears on the skin, guiding you to the location of [dice] items or stashes of valuable that the creature knows about.

[ Cure Mutation ] R: touch

Target loses [dice] mutations. If they have multiple mutations, choose randomly which are removed.

[ Cure Wounds ] R: touch

The target is healed for [sum] points of hit point damage.

[ Darklight ] D: [dice] hours R: self

You are surrounded by an illuminating aura that only you can see. Illuminates an area of diameter [dice] x 10’.

[ Darkness ] D: [dice] hours R: 120’

Fills an area [dice] x 10’ in diameter with total darkness. Light sources within the area are snuffed out. If at least 3 dice are invested, torches and other light sources have no effect in the area. If at least 5 dice are invested, even creatures with darkvision can’t see in the area.

[ Death Knell ] D: [dice] rounds R: 60’

A creature with no more than [dice] hit points remaining is killed instantly. You heal [dice] damage.

[ Deathless ] D: [dice] rounds R: touch

The target can’t be killed by hit point damage while the spell persists - their hp can be reduced to zero, but any blow that would kill them thereafter mysteriously misses or otherwise fails.

[ Decollate ] D: [dice] days R: touch

The target can safely remove their own head. They can still see through their own eyes, & can move their body around as usual. If you spend at least 4 dice on this spell, you can lock them to make the spell permanent.

[ Delectable ] D: [dice] minutes R: 5’+5’x[dice]

The target appears so delectable that everyone in the vicinity wants desperately to eat it.

[ Desecrate ] D: 1 day

Takes 10 minutes to cast & requires 25sp worth of silver dust. You desecrate an area 60’ in diameter, increasing the power of undead within: they get +[dice] to all d20 rolls, and any undead created in the area have +1 HD per [dice].

[ Dimension Door ] R: 60’ + 30’x[dice]

You step through an extradimensional door & emerge at a point you can see or clearly visualize. The passageway is open only for an instant, but with quick refexes or foresight it is possible for others to move through it as well.

[ Disintegrate ] R: 30’ + 15’x[dice]

Target turns to dust. Creatures with more than [sum] hit points are immune. An apple-sized object can be disintegrated with 1 die; cat-sized with 2 dice; human-sized with 3; and so on, proportionately.

[ Dispel Magic ] R: 30’

Removes one magical effect, or counters one magical spell, with invested [dice] less than or equal to the [dice] invested in this spell.

[ Dominate ] D: [dice] days R: 60’

Target saves or is subjugated utterly to your will for the duration. Creatures with HD greater than [dice] may save. Creatures with HD greater than or equal to [dice]x2 are immune.

[ Dragon’s Breath ] D: [dice] rounds R: self

You can breathe fire for the duration. Each breath of fire deals [sum] fire damage in a 15’ cone. The horribly hot breath deals [dice] fire damage to you each time it is used, if you’re not fire-resistant or something.

[ Dream ]

Send a dream to any creature you have seen before & can name or clearly visualize (& which is capable of dreaming). The dream lasts up to [sum] minutes.

[ Eagle Eye ] D: [dice] minutes

Creates a magical floating eye in the sky 200’ above you. It follows you around. You can look through it with the clarity of an eagle’s vision.

[ Ear-Piercing Scream ] R: 30’ cone

Creatures in the cone save or are struck deaf for [sum] rounds. They also take [dice] damage thanks to ear-blasting pain. If at least 4 dice are invested, they must also save or be stunned for 1 round.

[ Ear Send] D: [dice] minutes

Your ear detaches and flies away. You can’t see through it but you can still hear through it clearly, and you can telepathically direct it to fly up to [dice]x100’ away. When the duration expires, the ear teleports back to its proper place on your head.

[ Earthquake ] D: [dice] rounds R: 10’x[dice]

Affected area is subject to a violent earthquake for the duration: the ground shakes, stuff falls of shelves, people are knocked over.

[ Ectoplasmic Hand ] D: [dice] minutes R: self

Your hand turns ectoplasmic. It can no longer interact with physical objects & creatures - in fact it passes right through them - but it can interact with incorporeal objects & creatures.

[ Escape from Time ] D: [sum] days R: self

You enter suspended animation for the spell’s duration. From your point of view, you fall asleep and wake up [sum] hours later; you don’t need to eat, sleep, breathe, etc. in the interim. If any harm comes to you during the duration, you wake up immediately.

[ Enervation ] R: touch

Drain [dice] levels from the creature touched. Creatures with HD more than [dice]x2 may save to resist.

[ Enlarge ] D: [dice] minutes R: touch

Touched object or person doubles in size. An unwilling creature may save to resist.

[ Entangle ] R: 60’

Plants in the area move to entangle and grapple the target.

[ Eruptive Pustiles ] R: self

[Sum] acidic pustules sprout on your body. Each time you are hit in melee, 1d6 of the pustules burst, spraying acid on everything within 5’ of you. Each pustule deals 1 point of damage.

[ Ethereal Jaunt ] D: [dice] rounds

You become incorporeal for the duration.

[ Etheric Shards ] D: [dice] minutes R: self R: 120’

An area 10’x[dice] in diameter is filled with tiny shards of etheric matter. They drive into the flesh of anything that moves too quickly through the area: if a creature moves more than 5’ per round through the region, they take 1d4 damage per 5’ extra they move. You can lock the dice to make the spell permanent.

[ Explode Corpse ] R: 15’ + 15’x[dice]

All corpses in a radius of 60’ around the caster explode, dealing 1d6 damage per HD to victims within 10’. Corpses created by creatures with HD greater than [dice] are unaffected.

[ Explosive Rune ] R: touch

You write the rune on a surface. When a creature sees the rune, they take [sum] fire damage & the rune is destroyed. You must lock the dice used; you get them back when the rune is triggered, or you can expire the rune at will.

[ Faerie Fire] D: [dice]x5 rounds R: 120’

Target is outlined in bright light for the duration.

[ False Life ] D: [dice] minutes R: self

You gain [sum] temporary hit points for the duration. You count as undead as long as these hit points persist.

[ Feast of Ashes ] D: [dice] days R: 60’

Target experiences unassuageable hunger. They will not die, but feel as though they are starving; worse, eating food causes them horrible nausea.

[ Feather Fall ] D: [dice] minutes R: touch

The target falls slowly & lightly as long as the spell is active. They won’t take any damage from falling.

[ Fester ] D: 1 hour R: 30’

Any time the target recieves magical/alchemical healing, they must roll a d20 greater than or equal to [sum] or recieve no healing at all. You can lock the dice to make the spell permanent.

[ Finger of Death ] R: 15’

Target saves. They take [sum] x 5 damage on failure, or [sum] damage on success.

[ Fire of Judgement ] D: [dice] rounds R: 30’

Target takes [sum] fire damage each time they attack.

[ Fire Snake ] D: [dice] rounds

Every time you move, you leave a trail of fire behind you. Anything adjacent to the fire takes [sum]/2 fire damage, and anything in the trail takes [sum] fire damage. The trail burns away 1d4 rounds after the spell ends.

[ Fireball ] R: 120’

Blast of fire fills a 20’ radius sphere, dealing [sum] fire damage to everything within.

[ Flaming Sphere ] D: [dice] rounds R: 30’

Summon a ball of fire, 5’ in diameter. You can use your action to direct its movement, up to 30’ per turn; otherwise it rolls 30’ in the direction it last moved. Anything the fire passes through burns, taking 1d6 damage/round.

[ Flesh to Stone ] D: [dice] hours R: touch

The target saves or calcifies. Their maximum hit points are reduced by [sum], and they take a penalty equal to [dice] to any roll requiring agility or freedom of movement, such as attack rolls or Dex saves. If the spell reduces their hit points to zero, they are permanently turned into a stone statue.

[ Floating Disc ] D: [dice] minutes

Creates a float disc, 5’ + 5’x[dice] in diameter, that levitates 5’ off the ground. It can support the weight of about 1 average human per [dice]. You can move it laterally at will.

[ Fly ] D: [dice] hours R: touch

Target can fly at a rate of [dice]x20’ per round.

[ Fog Cloud ] D: [dice] minutes R: 120’

Summon a cloud of opaque fog with radius [dice]x10’.

[ Force Mutation ] D: permanent R: touch

Target gains a random mutation. You roll one mutation per [dice] and choose which one to inflict. Unwilling creatures can save to resist.

[ Freedom of Movement ] D: [dice] minutes R: touch

Target is immune to any effect that restricts movement for the duration, unless the effect has more dice invested than were used in this spell.

[ Frostfall ] D: [dice] rounds R: 120’

Affects an area 5’x[dice] in diameter. A flurry of snow falls in the region for the duration, freezing everything within and making it impossible to see. Only works outside. At the end of the duration, the snow will be subject to the normal effects of temperature.

[ Gaseous Form ] D: [dice] minutes R: self

Your body and equipment turns into gas. You can fit through very small spaces and fly at a speed of 20’ per round. You’re immune to most damage, but vulnerable to being blown around by strong winds.

[ Ghost Mouth ] D: [dice] minutes R: 15’

You create an invisible mouth, which can gibber incoherent sounds at your will. If you invest at least 3 dice, the invisible mouth can speak coherent words.

[ Ghostbane Dirge ] D: [dice] minutes R: 60’

A haunting dirge emanates from your body. Corporeal weapons within the 60’ radius of the spell affect incorporeal creatures.

[ Ghoul Touch ] D: [dice] rounds R: touch

Target saves or is paralyzed for the duration. Paralyzed victims emit a hideous stench that sickens anything within 15’ (-2 to all d20 rolls while nearby).

[ Grease ] R: 30’

Summon a blob of slippery, flammable grease. Enough to cover one 5’ square per [dice].

[ Hallucinatory Terrain ] D: [dice] hours

An area of terrain, up to 100 sq.ft. per [dice], appears to be a different type of terrain. Fine details are not possible.

[ Halt Undead ] D: [dice] rounds R: 30’

Undead within 30’ of you are paralyzed for the duration. Intelligent undead get a save with a penalty equal to [dice].

[ Haste ] D: [dice] rounds R: touch

Target moves twice as fast for the duration. If at least 3 dice are invested, they can take any extra action each round instead, such as making another attack.

[ Heat Metal ] D: 1d6 rounds R: 10’+10’x[dice]

Metal object becomes unbearably hot. A 1-handed weapon can be affected; a 2-handed weapon with at least 2 dice; a suit of human-sized armour with at least 4 dice. A wearer/wielder takes 1d6 points of damage per round in contact with the object.

[ Healing Thief ] D: [dice] minutes R: 30’

Any time the target is healed, you steal half the healing.

[ Hold ] D: [dice] rounds R: 10’+10’x[dice]

Target is paralyzed for the duration.

[ Holy Smite ] D: until death R: self

You indicate an undead/demonic/obviously evil creature you can see to be the target of your holy smite. Until that creature dies, you add +[dice] to all attack and damage rolls against them. You can only smite one creature at a time.

[ Ice Armour ] D: [dice] minutes R: touch

Target is encased in magical armour of ice. They are immune to cold damage, and the armour grants AC equivalent to chain-mail. If [sum] fire or heat damage is dealt to the armour, it melts away completely.

[ Ice Spears ] R: 60’

[Dice] spears of ice burst from the ground at any point(s) within range that you designate. Each spear is 10’ long, and creatures struck by the spears take 1d6 cold damage.

[ Illusory Double ] D: [dice] minutes

Creates an illusory duplicate of you, which acts as you direct (but can’t actually interact with anything).

[ Illusory Image ] D: [dice] hours R: 120’

Creates an illusory image, as large as 10 cubic feet per [dice]. The image can’t move unless at least 4 dice are invested. The image can’t make sound unless at least 6 dice are invested. You can lock the dice to make the illusion permanent.

[ Incorporeal Chains ] D: [dice] rounds R: 120’

Chains grapple [dice] incorporeal creatures with strength equal to [sum]. Has no effect on corporeal creatures.

[ Inflict Wounds ] R: touch

Target you touch takes [sum] damage and saves or starts bleeding.

[ Interplanetary Teleport ]

Teleport yourself and up to [dice] willing others to a planet within [dice] parsecs.

[ Invisibility ] D: [dice] minutes R: touch

Target is invisible. Unless 4 or more dice are invested, the invisibility ends as soon as the creature attacks.

[ Isolate ] D: [dice] minutes R: 120’

The target cannot be seen or heard by their allies for the duration.

[ Jump ] D: [dice] minutes R: touch

The target can jump up to [dice] + 1 times their height for the duration.

[ Knock ] R: touch

Instantly opens any mundane lock touched. Can open a magically-enhanced lock if an equivalent number of spell dice are invested. (A magician can tell how many dice are invested in an arcane lock by touching it.)

[ Levitate ] D: [dice] minutes R: touch

The target levitates off the ground, like a balloon. You can move them up to 10’ up or down each round. They can move laterally by pushing against solid surfaces.

[ Light ] D: [dice] minutes R: touch

Object you touch glows with light, illumating an area [dice]x10’ in diameter. If you invest at least 4 dice, the light has all the properties of natural sunlight.

[ Lightening ] D: [dice] minutes R: touch

Object’s weight is halved for the duration. If you invest at least 4 dice, you can affect a living creature human-sized or smaller.

[ Lightning Conductor ] D: [dice] minutes R: self

You absorb up to [sum] points of damage from electricity without harm. At any point during the duration, you can end the spell & release all the stored damage, affecting everything with 10’ of you.

[ Lipstitch ] D: [dice] hours R: 30’

Target’s lips are sewn together. Their HD can’t be greater than the [dice] invested. You can lock the dice to make the spell permanent. The victim can cut their lips open again, but they take [dice] damage in the process.

[ Locate Object ] R: [dice] miles

You know the direction to an object - either a specific one that you visualize & have seen before, or an object of a type you designate. If no such object exists within the spell’s radius, you feel nothing.

[ Lock Gaze ] D: [sum] rounds

At the start of each turn, the target must save or is forced to hold your gaze. The spell is broken if you leave their line-of-sight.

[ Longarm ] D: [dice] minutes

Your arms double in length. If you invest at least 4 dice, they triple in length instead.

[ Mage Armour ] D: [dice] minutes R: self

A suit of magical force armour surrounds you. It acts as leather armour; if at least 3 dice are invested, it acts as chain; if at least 5 are invested, it acts as plate.

[ Mage Hand ] D: [dice] hours R: 30’+10’x[dice]

You can lift and move objects weighing no more than [dice] x 5 lbs within 30’.

[ Magic Circle ] D: [dice] hours

You draw a circle with radius up to [dice]x5’ on the ground. You choose what type of creature the circle is against: good-aligned, evil-aligned, demonic, undead, or similar. You also state whether the circle prevents such creatures from entering or exiting.

[ Magic Jar ] D: [dice] days R: 60’

You need an actual jar to cast this spell. The target saves, or their consciousness is transported into the jar, your consciousness is transported into their body, and your body becomes a useless husk. When the spell expires, everyeone’s consciousness goes back to its proper place. Can’t affect creatures with HD greater than [dice].

[ Magic Missile ] R: 100’+50’x[dice]

Fire one missile per [dice] that deals 1d6 points of magical force damage to whatever it hits. You can direct each missile to a different target. The missiles never miss.

[ Meat Slave ] D: [dice] hours

You need a blob of dead meat (eg from a corpse) for this to work. The meat forms into a helpful servant, which will obey your commands for the duration. The servant can’t wield weapons, but it can manipulate objects. It has [sum] hp and Strength. If 4 dice are invested, it can speak. On death or expiration, it turns back into meat.

[ Memory Lapse ] R: touch

Target forgets everything that happened in the last [dice] rounds.

[ Mirror Images ] D: [dice] minutes R: self

Creates [dice] duplicates of you, which overlap with you and confuse attackers. Any time you’re attacked, the attack has an equal chance to hit you or any of your images. If an image is hit, it is destroyed.

[ Monkey Fish ] D: [dice] minutes R: touch

Target can climb like a monkey and swim like a fish.

[ Named Bullet ] R: touch

Name your enemy while touching a piece of ammunition (arrow, sling bullet, etc). When the target is struck by this piece of ammunition, roll damage [dice] additional times. You must lock the dice used.

[ Paranoia ] D: [dice] rounds R: 120’

Target saves with penalty equal to [dice] or considers all creatures their enemy for the duration.

[ Passwall ] D: 1 minute R: touch

Creates a magical opening in a wall, up to [dice] x 5’ thick, large enough for a person to pass through.

[Phobia] D:permanent R:touch

Target saves with penalty equal to [dice] or is permanently and irrationally terrified of something you name. It can be a specific object; a type of object, with 2 dice; a specific creature with 3 dice; or a type of creature, with 4 dice.

[ Polymorph ] D: [dice] minutes R: touch

Target is transformed into another type of creature. They can save if they wish. The polymorph form must be of a type you’ve seen before.

[ Protection from Evil ] D: [dice] minutes R: touch

Target can’t be attacked or targeted with spells by inherently evil creatures, such as demons or undead. The spell is broken if the target attacks or casts a spell. Evil creatures with HD greater than 2x[dice] can save to attempt to overcome this protection.

[ Prying Eyes ] D: [dice] minutes

Creates [dice] tiny flying eyes, which you can send out to scout for you. You can’t see through the eyes, but when they return you can absorb them into your body and recieve images of everything they saw.

[ Rage ] D: [dice] rounds R: touch

Target flies into a rage (unwilling targets can save). They add +[dice] to all attack and damage rolls for the duration, and must make a melee attack each round - if no other targets are available, they must attack themselves.

[ Raise Skeleton ] R: touch

Target corpse returns to life as a skeleton with hit points equal to [sum] and HD equal to [dice]. If you lock the dice used, they are loyal to you; otherwise, they are neutral. Skeletons can wield weapons.

[ Raise Zombie ] R: touch

Target corpse returns to life as a zombie with hit points equal to [sum] and HD equal to [dice]. If you lock the dice used, they are loyal to you; otherwise, they are neutral. Zombies can slam for d6 damage. They can’t wield weapons.

[ Ray of Exhaustion ]R: 30’ + 15’x[dice]

Target saves with penalty equal to [dice] or is exhausted.

[ Reduce ] D: [dice] minutes R: touch

Target halves in size. Unwilling creatures can save to resist.

[ Remove Affliction ] R: touch

Cures one affliction - blindness, deafness, sickness, disease, poison, etc. If the affliction was caused by a spell, at least the same number of [dice] must be invested to cure it. Otherwise, the number of [dice] required should be based on the severity of the affliction.

[ Replicating Ammunition ] D: [dice] rds R: touch

Touch a piece of ammunition. Whenever it leaves the quiver, a copy of it immediately appears where it was previously. The replicas vanish at the duration’s end.

[ Resist Element ] D: [dice] minutes R: touch

Target absorbs up to [sum] points of damage of an elemental type you select (acid, cold, electricity, fire, etc).

[ Restoration ] R: touch

Restores levels lost to level drain. You must spend [dice] equal to the levels lost - you can’t cure them bit by bit.

[ Resurrection ] R: touch

Dead creature is returned to life. They must have died within [dice]x10 minutes. If their HD was greater than [dice], they return to life with negative levels equal to the difference.

[ Reveal Illusions ] R: 30’

Strips away all illusions within 30’ of you, unless more [dice] were used in their casting than you invested in this spell.

[ Reverse Gravity ] D: [dice] minutes R: 30’

Affects 10 sq.ft. per [dice]. Gravity is reversed in the area. You can lock the dice to make the effect permanent.

[ Sanctuary ] D: [dice] rounds R: touch

Target is protected by an invisible bubble of force for the duration. They can’t affect anything outside the bubble, and nothing outside the bubble can affect them. Unwilling creatures can save to resist.

[ Sebaceous Twin ] D: [dice] rounds R: touch

A parasitic twin bursts from the victim’s midsection. At the start of round, they save or lose 1 Strength. Each time they recieve healing, extend the duration. Each time they take damage, reduce the duration by 1 round. If taking damage reduces the duration to zero, the twin is violently excised and the victim starts bleeding.

[ See Invisible ] D: [dice] minutes R: touch

Target can see all invisible things, unless the invisiblity spell used more [dice] than are invested in this spell.

[ Shadow Step ] D: [dice] minutes R: self

During the spell’s duration, you can teleport from a shadow to any other shadow you can see.

[ Share Senses ] D: [dice] minutes R: touch

You and the creature you touch can freely exchange sensory information for the duration - ie they can see through your eyes, feel what you touch, smell what you smell, etc; and vice-versa.

[ Spell Resistance ] D: [dice] minutes R: touch

For the duration, any time a spell affects the target, the caster must roll d20 greater than or equal to [sum] or the spell has no effect.

[ Silence ] D: [dice] minutes

No sound can be emitted in the radius.

[ Slow ] D: [dice] rounds R: 20’ radius R: 120’

Creates a cloud 20’ in diameter. Anything within the cloud saves each round or is horribly sickened - they take a -2 penalty to all rolls, and the sickness persists 1d4+1 rounds after they leave the cloud.

[ Stone to Flesh ] R: touch

Heals [sum] points of petrification (see the Flesh to Stone spell).

[ Stoneskin ] D: [dice] minutes R: touch

Target reduces all non-magical damage taken by 5 for the duration. They’re also immune to bleeding.

[ Stunning Barrier ] D: [dice] rounds R: self

Any time a creature attacks you in melee, they must save (before rolling the attack) or be stunned for 1 round.

[ Summon ] D: [dice] rounds R: 30’

Summon a creature you have seen before with HD up to [dice]. It serves you for the duration. You can lock the dice to keep the summoned creature around.

[ Suppress Curse ] D: [dice] hours R: touch

The target ignores the effects of a single curse of your choice for the spell’s duration.

[ Swarm of Wasps ] D: permanent

Summon a swarm of wasps (about 10x[sum]) in number). They won’t leave the approximate area in which they are summoned, but they ruthlessly harass anything within.

[ Slumber ] R: 60’

Up to [sum] HD of creatures in the radius save or fall asleep.

[ Speak With Dead ] D: [dice] minutes

You can ask a dead creature up to [dice] questions, and it will answer - though it is not obligated to be truthful.

[ Steal Size ] D: [dice] minutes

You double in size. The target halves in size.

[ Stinking Cloud ] D: [dice] minutes R: touch R: 120’

Creates a cloud 20’ in diameter. Anything within the cloud saves each round or is horribly sickened - they take a -2 penalty to all rolls, and the sickness persists 1d4+1 rounds after they leave the cloud.

[ Telepathic Link ] D: [dice] hours

Link up to [dice] + 1 willing creatures to one another; they can communicate telepathically over any distance, so long as they’re on the same plane. You can lock the dice to make the effect permanent. Target moves at half speed for the duration.

[ Teleport ] R: [dice] miles

Teleport to a place you have been before and can visualize. Alternately, you can specify a direction and a distance, but this is Not Recommended.

[ True Form ] R: 120’

Removes polymorph effects. Effects with more [dice] invested than are used in this spell are unaffected.

[ Unwilling Shield ] D: [dice] rounds R: 120’

Any time you take damage, the target takes the same amount of damage.

[ Vomit Twin ] D: [dice] rounds

You vomit up an oozy duplicate of yourself. Every time you move, you can choose to either have the ooze-twin follow you, or not. At any time during the duration, you can instantly switch places with the twin. The twin is destroyed if it takes [sum] damage.

[ Wall of Fire ] D: [dice] rounds R: 60’

Creates a wall of fire, 10’ across per [dice], 10’ high and 5’ thick. Anything within 5’ of the wall takes [dice] fire damage, and anything inside the wall takes [sum] fire damage.

** [ Wall of Force ] D: [dice] rounds R: 60’**

Creates a wall, 10’ across per [dice], 10’ high and 5’ thick. Nothing can move through the wall, even incorporeal creatures, and it can’t be damaged.

[ Wandering Flame ] D: [dice] rounds R: 30’

Flame embeds itself in the victim & they take [sum] fire damage. At the start of the next round, the flame leaps to a random creature within 30’, damaging them as well. This continues until no new victims are available or the spell expires. The caster & their allies are not immune!

[ Water Breathing ] D: [dice] hours R: touch

Target can breathe underwater.

[ Web ] D: [dice] rounds R: 120’

Fills an area 20’ in diameter with a sticky web, which entraps anything within, and sticks to anything trying to move across it.

[ Zone of Truth ] D: [dice] minutes

You create an area 30’ in diameter, centred on you, in which nothing can knowingly lie.


Taken from:

Some cults worship them as gods, intercessors, or oracles. They are as varied and as wondrous as Creation. Entities have a base Attack/damage modifier of 0, AV 0 , and 10 HP unless otherwise noted.

If an Entity is reduced to 0 HP it vanishes, but it takes no permanent harm.

The names listed are not their true names. Their true names are very difficult to write and pronounce.

To summon Entities, Summoners invest Summoning Dice (SD). SD are d6s. At level 1, a Summoner has 1 SD, and gets a maximum of 4 SD at level 4. The [sum] of the dice invested, as well as the number of [dice], may affect the result. Entities are summoned for [sum] hours.

Scrolls of Summoning Contain a true name and a few scraps of ritual instruction. If interpreted by a Summoner, the summoner can permanently call on the Entity. If interpreted by anyone else, the scroll is one use, cast with 1d4 [dice].

99 Entities

Roll 1D100.

1. Melchior, of Eyes Unblinded

Enters from somewhere not observed by the summoner. Appears as a withered old man in fine robes, or a beautiful young woman with no hair. In either form, Melchior will mutter constantly, repeating meaningless phrases or snippets of conversation. As long as Melchior can see the tongue of a creature, it can tell if the creature is lying. It will hiss and lunge at anyone who lies for purely selfish reasons, and will seek to remove their tongue. Melchior will carry items for you and will provide banal and useless advice if asked. Believed to be one of the most powerful Entities. Armour as plate, at least 30 HP.

2. Cantopas, the Grey Mirage

Enters and moves like smoke. Appears as a rippling cloud of grey-white fabric. Sheds light like a candle. An object smaller than an apple given to Cantopas will vanish. Cantopas moves as quickly as an arrow (150 miles per hour), and will bring the object to the location or person you designate, provided it can reach them before vanishing. If it cannot, it will try and drop the item somewhere along the quickest path. If Cantopas descends onto the head of a living creature, the creature must Save or be deafened and blinded for 1 round. Cantopas has 1 HP.

3. Thoriel, who Demands Reverence

Enters with a thunderclap. Appears as two rotating rings of white light, one inside the other, tumbling through the air. The size of a clenched fist. Shakes, as if enraged. Speaks in high-pitched monotone. Up to [dice] times per summon, can demand a single creature it can see “PRAY”. The creature must make the sign of the Authority or, the next round, by struck by a 4d6 lightning bolt. Animals of Creation will kneel or bow instead. Can sense the presence of those who have consciously rejected the Church within 100’, but cannot sense mindless creatures, undead, or those who were never converted.

4. Rone, the Blade of Love

Enters silently, in the summoner’s hand. Appears as a black dagger of stone and grey leather. Cannot speak or see, but can hear very, very well. Creatures injured by Rone feel no pain, only a curious sensation of pressure. If you hold it like a pen and use blood as ink, Rone will write the answers to any questions you ask, provided it has overheard the answers since you summoned it. It could transcribe a conversation in perfect detail or tell you how many people entered a room, what they said, and when they left. If anyone holds Rone against the summoner’s will, they must Save or take 1d6 damage, and Rone vanishes. If anyone holds Rone with the summoner’s permission, they must Save. If they fail, each morning they must Save against the desire to hold Rone again.

5. Gornim, Lord of Vermin

Enters on a cloud of flies and biting insects. Appears as statue of a child made of clay. Crude. Gluttonous. Can command vermin to move, assemble, or bring tribute (food). Any other requests are met with suspicion and peevish demands. If provided with sufficient food (a larder or storeroom), Gormin will call all vermin within [dice] miles to him for a grand feast.

6. Malrane, the Scholar’s Aide

Enters from somewhere not observed by the summoner. Appears as a thin, tired young man or woman with wiry hair. Can speak and translate any language, living or dead. Will not speak or translate blasphemies, or prayers to any god but the Authority. Can only offer a literal translation unless reading by the light of the noonday sun, in which case, a full allegorical and contextual translation is prepared. Cannot, or refuses to, write.

7. Esilan, the Keeper of Hours

Enters in a shower of feathers. Appears as a floating hourglass orbited by wings. Can accurately and precisely measure any time interval it sees. Up to [dice] times per summon, can demand a single creature it can see “AGE”. Target creature’s age mirrors for [sum] rounds. A 20-year-old creature becomes 2 years old. A 92-year-old creature becomes 29. A 106 year old dragon becomes 601. This cannot directly cause a creature to die or suffer any damage, but it may affect HP or stats. If confronted by blasphemies, glows as bright as a torch.

8. Simpulex, Carnal Bookkeeper

Enters from just behind the summoner. Appears as an androgynous humanoid wrapped in a silk ribbon. Is extremely beautiful. If Simpulex touches a creature, it learns the creature’s entire sexual history in graphic detail. Will attempt to seduce a suitable target it if not directly observed by the summoner. Uses poetry and flattery. If the target willingly kisses Simpulex, both the target and Simpulex vanish. The target never returns.

9. Bantos, Life-Leech

Enters by squirming up from cracks in the ground. Appears as a smiling man who vaguely resembles the summoner. Creatures touched by Bantos take 1d4 damage per round. Bantos heals 1d4 HP per round. Bantos has a Strength of 16 and does not need to breathe.

10. Hisbic, the Coin Counter

Enters in a puff of greasy smoke. Appears as a squashed and twisted humanoid, with a huge mouth and gut, no neck or eyes, and tiny limbs. Floats and tumbles through the air like a leaf. Will devour any coins given to it. Will regurgitate the coins at the summoner’s request, at any point, even if summoned years later. Loves the taste of rare or unusual coins. Will only swallow metal coins, not jewelry, shells, or promissory notes. Can accurately guess the amount of currency a person is carrying at any given time. Can convert 10 gp per hour from one currency to another, in any format. Loathes counterfeiters.

11. Raspalan, the Urgent Guide

Enters by running in via a door or window. Appears as a thin human with a scraggly beard and no clothes other than sandals. Cannot stop running. Will lead the summoner to any destination they name, provided it can be reached by running at a breakneck pace and leaping over obstacles. Will attempt to warn the summoner of traps, monsters, jumps, spikes, and other hazards in time to allow a Save. If the summoner does not follow or falls behind, Raspalan will still run to the destination and then vanish when not observed. If trapped, manacled, or cornered, will come up with some means of escape that may also benefit the summoner. Cannot be persuaded to run into a battle, but often runs through them accidentally.

12. Gemwick, Spell Tutor

Enters in a shower of sparks. Appears as a red humanoid the size of an acorn. Has a wizard’s robe, hat, and staff. If a wizard sacrifices a limb or eye (of their choice), Gemwick will either teach them a new spell or improve (mutate) a spell they already know. Is respectful, but slightly bored of the summoner. Once per day, can summon 1d6 Limb Homonculi (as Apes, with 1HP), which are made from the fused limbs and eyes of wizards he has assisted in the past. The homunculi obey only Gemwick. Gemwick desires magical items, spells, and the shapely limbs of wizards.

13. Banzatoul, the Morphing Chain

Enters with a musical clang. Appears as a floating ring of chain the size of a barrel, spinning slowly. If a living creature passes through the centre of the chain, it is temporarily randomized. Roll for a random gender, appearance, and new stats (3d6 in order). The creature’s species does not change. A creature can only be changed once per day. When Banzatoul vanishes, the effects end. Arrows fired through Banzatoul have a 50% chance to catch on fire. Spells with an elemental damage type that pass completely through Banzatoul on the way to their target have a 50% chance of changing elemental damage types.

14. Quen, the Truculent Goat

Enters with a clatter of hooves. Appears as a six-legged grey goat. Attack 14, armour as chain. Loves to charge things. If Quen charges and hits an enemy of 2 HD or less, the enemy is automatically knocked prone. Any gate or door less than 20’ tall or wide and not protected by magic that is charged and hit by Quen bursts open. Quen prefers to charge targets taller than it, targets with horns, or targets that look cheerful. If no targets are designated by the summoner, it has a 50% chance of charging a random target each hour.

15. Fizby, Friend of the Stars

Enters with a faint hiss and crackle. Appears as a tiny blue sphere the size of a berry. Glows as brightly as a candle. Will move as you direct and follow people or objects. Each hour it is summoned, there is a 10% chance a falling star fragment will strike Fizby, or the area directly above Fizby if not exposed to the sky. Roll 1d6+[dice] for the type of stone summoned. 1. Tiny fragment of cold stone (no damage). 2-5. Minor stone fragment, 2d6 bludgeoning damage. 6. Minor iron fragment. 2d6 damage but worth [damage]x5gp to wizards or blacksmiths. 7-8. Major stone fragment. 4d6 bludgeoning damage, target must Save or be knocked prone. 9. Major iron fragment. 4d6 damage, target must Save or be knocked prone, worth [damage]x5gp to wizards or blacksmiths. 10. Star Core. Everything in a 1 mile radius takes 6d6 fire damage. Everything in a 100’ radius is obliterated. The star core is the size of a fist and burns for 2d10 days while slowly evaporating into nothingness.

16. Doron, the Shield of the Righteous

Enters with a small thunderclap. Appears as a round shield of brass engraved with tightly packed combatants. Can be carried by anyone as a shield (+1 Defense). If you “sunder” the shield (reducing incoming damage by 1d12), Doron does not break, but instead reveals one of your sins or failings to all present in a disgusted tone. It will present your sins in the least charitable way possible. If you are attacked by an agent of the Authority (a paladin, an angel, etc.), Doron will still defend you but will reveal one sin every round.

17. Astokepolos, Diagnosticator

Enters in a stream of leaves and smoke. Appears as a gnarled walking stick with a serpent wrapped around it. Astokepolos can diagnose one illness per day, no matter how obscure or complex, and offer a cure. Roll 1d6+[dice]. 1. Cure is impossible (decapitation), 2-4. Cure is difficult but possible (the blood of an albino donkey, the tears of a virtuous raven, a stone from a lost temple), 5-6. Cure is possible to achieve shortly (a rare local plant, a particular ritual), 7-8. Cure is trivial (a common plant, a short ritual chant), 9. Cure is instant (a pressure point, a single word), 10. Cure is instant but the target will die in 1d6 days, target is not offered a choice. Any creatures cured with Astokepolos’s advice owe their souls, or a portion of them, to him, and he will claim them at death unless prevented. He bears no ill will if prevented provided it is done politely. Astokepolos can also speak to and translate for serpents.

18. Orniel, the Ash Knight

Enters in a cloud of ash. Appears as a suit of charred plate armour, stacked neatly on the ground. Any humanoid who puts on the helmet will be compelled (Save once to immediately remove the helmet) to put on the rest of the armour. If they succeed, they immediately immolate, and the Ash Knight is created. The Ash Knight has Attack 14, armour as plate, and the HP of the person inside the armour. It wields a sword made of smoke and cinders (d8+2 damage, cannot be parried or blocked by shields). The creature inside the armour can be faintly heard screaming as they burn to death. The Ash Knight loses 1 HP per hour, and disappears when the summon ends. It does not speak, but will obey most commands without hesitation.

19. Weeblen, Blade Tamer

Enters from somewhere not observed by the summoner. Appears as a portly man with grey eyes and slightly stained traveling clothes. Can sharpen any blade. Up to [sum] times per summon, can (a) create a sword, dagger, arrow, or axe that lasts for the duration of the summon (b) sharpen a weapon to give it +1 slashing damage until the end of a combat, (c) identify who forged a blade and when or (d) identify when a blade was last used. Weeblen will not fight, but will assist with mundane tasks if given ale or rations.

20. Creston, who Adjudicates

Enters by floating down from above. Appears as a floating stone sphere the size of a cabbage, carved to resemble a stylized human head. Speaks in a booming tone. If two objects, items, values, or issues are presented to Creston, along with a criteria, Creston will judge them. For example, you could ask “Which of these gems is most valuable?”, “Which of my friends is most cowardly?” or “Which of these two wines would I enjoy most?” Creston cannot answer questions that are not local and immediate. It cannot answer “Which country will win the war?” or “Which hallway did the King run down?”. Creston enjoys finely made handicrafts and loathes cheats and pretenders.

21. Jalpirtan, the First Assassin

Enters from the shadows. A thin woman in black and grey, beautiful, but cold. Speaks in whispers. Once per day, Jalpartian can kill a single mortal target you name, provided you have a piece of the target’s hair or flesh, and the target can be reached within the duration of the summon. Jalpirtan will demand an equal sacrifice: a lord for a lord, a peasant for a peasant, or the equivalent value in lives, calculated by some obscure process. Alternatively, she can offer advice in the arts of poison-making, stealth, burglary, and knife-fighting. If the advice is simple and the conversation is pleasant, she may not demand a price, but she might demand the summoner test their new-found knowledge on an arbitrary target. If the summoner provides her with a suitable apprentice (a child under 10 with no living family, who has killed at least one person), Jalpirtan will take the apprentice and provide the summoner with a detailed plan to locate and kill one mortal target of the summoner’s choice.

22. Antrac, the Dark Flame

Enters in a flare of fire. Appears as a floating orb of dark red flame that emits no light. The orb is the size of a horse. Antrac can imitate any voice it has heard while summoned. It can shrink to the size of a marble. The flame causes no damage to living creatures or plants but otherwise burns as a normal fire.

23. Louchan, the Scythe of Bones

Enters silently, in the summoner’s hand. Appears as a scythe of bones. Can be wielded with two hands (d6 slashing damage). Any creatures reduced below 0 HP by the scythe have a 50% chance to crumble to dust and rise as skeletons of appropriate size and HD in 1d6 rounds. The skeletons last for the duration of the summon, and obey whoever holds Louchan. Both Louchan and the skeletons it creates instantly crumble to dust if exposed to sunlight.

24. Sbendis, Helpful Vermin

Enters by burrowing from beneath the earth. Appears as a thin, flattened, asymetrical crustacean. Speaks in a whistling tone. If you boil and eat Sbendis (which she readily encourages), the delicious broth formed by her body can nourish up to 10 creatures for a day. If you consume her entire body without cooking it, you gain 10 temporary HP for the duration of the summon. Sbendis can burrow into the body of a creature that died no more than 1 minute ago and control its body for up to an hour. She is a very poor mimic and is nearly useless in combat.

25. Hypanian, the Land-Ship

Enters with a ruble of earth. Appears as a stone ship, crudely carved, with stone sails and a stone rudder. Can only be summoned in an area with solid ground. Will move at 2 miles per hour across land, cutting a furrow that folds behind it. Ignores trees, mountains, hills, elevation, and lava. Treats rivers and glaciers as reefs and islands. Ignores wind as well. Can carry up to 10 people or equivalent goods in moderate discomfort. Hypanian is intelligent and understands commands, but sometimes forgets to warn passengers of danger.

26. Goamloamer, the Warming Beast

Enters with a shuffle and a pop. Appears as a pig-like creature with no face. Gloamloamer is twice the size of a horse, moves as slowly as a person walking, and cannot attack. It has 20 HP, is always hit by melee attacks, and feels no pain. It is very warm. You cannot eat its flesh, but if you sleep next to it, you count as being inside a tent. If you place a healthy egg under Gloamloamer it will hatch in 1/100th the usual time (5hrs for a chicken’s egg). You can put up to 20 eggs under Gloamloamer at once.

27. Lukian, the Eye of the Gatekeeper

Enters with a trumpet blast. Appears as a grey glass orb the size of a marble, flickering with faint shadows. Hovers and faintly chants hymns. No ghost or demon can willingly come within a 10’ radius of Lukian. Any invisible ghosts or demons within 30’ are fully revealed in their true form. Lukian can also tell false priests of the Authority from true ones.

28. Xeriandel, Whose Form is Agony

Enters with a hideous shrieking noise. Appears as a pulsing rift of light the size of a clenched fist. Targets looking at Xeriandel must Save or take 1 damage per round. Even if they Save, targets develop a splitting headache. Xeriandel will always remain within 20’ of the summoner, passing through walls and barriers if needed. If not given instructions every 10 minutes, will slowly drift towards the summoner’s line of sight. If the summoner falls unconscious with Xeriandel nearby, Xeriandel will descend into the summoner’s ear and reduce them to 0HP.

29. Jentro, the Mirror of Life

Enters by stepping up from the summoner’s shadow. Appears as an identical duplicate of summoner, save for some subtle detail, such as eye colour or a missing scar. Will act as directed for the spell’s duration, with the summoner’s stats or 10, whichever is higher. Is intelligent enough to carry out very complex tasks, but has trouble improvising. Cannot deal damage or cast spells, but can appear to do so via illusions. The illusions are always minor and short-lived.

30. Kylon, Discord Manifest

Enters with a clatter of stones. Appears as a dusty stone idol the size of a brick. Up to [sum] times per summon, Kylon can cause two people to Save or disagree on topic they were discussing. The disagreement may be resolved, or it may turn to violence. If the dust from Kylon is rubbed into a book or letter, the text will change to contain veiled insults and contradictions for the duration of the summon. Kylon can hear and speak, but prefers to remain smug and silent.

31. Uziam, the Creeping Death

Enters as a black stain on a surface. The summoner has [sum] minutes to flee the area. After [sum] minutes, a white figure with tar-like hand and footprints will crawl from the stained surface. Uziam will stalk and strangle (Strength 14) any sentient living creatures in the area, starting with those closest to the summoning point. Serious opposition will cause Uziam to vanish and select a new target. Uziam can pass through walls and turn invisible if required. It only targets the fearful, the isolated, and the weak. Uziam cannot enter areas of direct sunlight, but it can extinguish non-magical flames at will, provided it is hunting a target. It will happily hunt and strangle the summoner.

32. Krentos, Knight of Leaves

Enters with a storm of dried leaves. Appears as ancient suit of animated plate armour with branches growing from the joints. The Knight of Leaves has Attack 14, armour as plate, and HP equal to the hours of the day remaining until sunset (18 to 8, depending on the season). At night, or if not exposed to sunlight in the past 2 hours, the Knight of Leaves is completely dormant. While active, it will attack any targets you designate. It does not speak. Dryads and tree-creatures will be polite to anyone in the company of the Knight of Leaves.

33. Enti, Kite of Eyes

Enters with an accompanying host of winds. Appears as a tattered blue kite with painted eyes. In a good wind (not provided), Enti will rise up to 1,000 feet in the air over the course of the summon. While in the air, anyone holding the other end of Enti’s kite string and spool will be able to see from Enti’s eyes. You can use this ability at any time (to peek around corners or under doors, for example), but Enti is happiest while flying, and may provide insight into the things it sees while in the air. Anyone holding Enti’s string and spool can cast spells through its eyes.

34. Ophinania, Rot Butterfly

Enters with a cloud of stinking air. Appears as an ordinary yellow-grey butterfly. Is invulnerable to harm. Constantly produces an odour so foul that a) no one within 100’ can eat unless starving b) food rots or spoils in 1/10th the usual time c) white fabric or paint becomes discoloured and d) creatures with a sense of smell must Save once to enter the area, and once again to enter within 10’ of Ophinania. The summoner is immune to the last effect, but allies are not. The last effect only applies if creatures are voluntarily approaching Ophinania. Walking towards a creature does not require them to Save or flee. Ophinania can tell how long a body has been dead, a flower cut, bread left since baking, or any other duration related to rot and spoiling. She will examine up to [sum] items per summon.

35. Banalor, the Light of Creation

Enters with a shimmer of golden light. Appears as floating sphere of golden flame. The sphere sheds light as a torch. Up to [dice] times per summon, Banalor can flare and illuminate, briefly, an area 100’ in radius. Sighted creatures in the area who are not aware of Banalor’s flare must Save or be blinded for 1d6 rounds. The flare temporarily cancels magical darkness, which will re-emerge at 10’ per round from its source. Banalor’s flare does not have the properties of sunlight, but unholy or unnatural creatures will instinctively flinch from it. Banalor knows a great deal about scripture, hymns, and glassworking.

36. Irukan, the Tick of Wakefulness

Enters by scuttling out from the summoner’s sleeve or coat. Appears as blue-white tick the size of a thumb, with three beady black eyes. Once per summon, Irukan can attach himself to a living target. For the duration of the summon, the target cannot be fatigued or knocked unconscious, and does not require sleep for 10 hours after the summon ends. Irukan will grow gradually more bloated as the summon progresses. He has 1HP and, if burst, anyone within 10’ must Save or fall asleep (as per the sleep spell). Irukan does not like being burst, and will give the summoner nightmares. If Irukan is burst 3 times within a week, he will lay painful (1 damage) eggs in the summoner’s blood, and in 1d6 weeks a swarm of baby ticks will crawl from the summoner’s tear ducts. If kept warm and flattered, Irukan can also purify a creature’s blood, allowing a new Save vs Disease or Poison.

37. Thosban, Cloak of Beasts

Enters by falling into the summoner’s hands. Appears as thick cloak of mixed furs, crudely sewn. Anyone who puts on the cloak and names a furred, flesh-eating beast they have personally killed transforms into that beast for the duration of the summon. They must Save each hour past the first or let the beast’s nature take hold. They can remove the cloak at any time, provided they have Saved for the hour. Thosban provides guttural advice, suggesting mayhem, death, and gorging on flesh.

38. Leticular, Stairway Between Realms

Enters silently, subtly, and nearly invisibly. Appears as a faint stairway of glass, rising either up or down (randomly determined). The steps appear to be 1’ high, but in fact raise anyone stepping on them by 1’, 10’, 100’, 1,000’, etc. respectively. By the 5th step up, the air becomes cold. The 6th step up causes nearly instant death by freezing cold and lack of air. Similarly, if the staircase, leads down, you can descend the first 1’, 10’, 100’, and 1000’ safely (though you will emerge into solid rock unless you step off very carefully). By the 5th step, the air is intolerably warm. Any further, and you are either incinerated by the heat or dragged from the stairs by the guardians of Hell. You can step off the stair at any time, and if you carefully judge your step, emerge at a useful height.

39. Zantaliar, Lord of War

Enters with a stiff march. Appears as a scowling man in heavy robes. Will consult and advise on any matters of military strategy, from the raiding of a camp to the invasion of a continent. His advice is useful to amateurs but redundant and irritating to experts or those unwilling to grasp the realities of war. He will refuse to assist in tomb-robbing, burglary, or other unsavory acts. His advice is no more than a year behind the cutting edge of the area or conflict he is examining. Zantaliar will not fight for you, and will occasionally shout advice to your enemies if they seem particularly disorganized.

40. Oswing, the Merchant of Delight

Enters from somewhere unseen by the summoner. Appears as a thin grey-skinned man or woman in a pale blue cloak. Up to [sum] times per summon, can touch a willing living creature to transport them to a rapturous ecstasy that lasts [dice]+1d6 hours. Only pain can wake them from their vision. Oswing will demand payment for the visions. At first, the payment will be trivial, but it will quickly escalate to outrageous sums, cruel tasks, or impossible items. The weak-willed, the desperate, or the poetic must Save after the first vision or forever desire another. Oswing will not give you a share of its payments, but will allow the Summoner to enjoy a 1hr vision, per summon, for free. If paid or flattered, it can tell you what visions its clients enjoyed best.

41. Iescophcos, Arrowhead of Sorrow

Enters in the summoner’s pocket or boot. Appears as black stone arrowhead, shiny like glass. If placed on a horizontal surface, the arrowhead will rotate to point at the nearest newborn person, no matter the distance. Newborn, in this case, means within thee days of birth. If Iescophcos is brought within 10’ of a newborn, it begins to shake. If plunged into a newborn’s heart, two effects will occur: the child’s heart will forever beat at a steady, slow pace, and on their sixteenth birthday, they will be compelled to seek out and obey (as a permanent charm person spell) whoever held the arrowhead at the time they were wounded. The infant is not otherwise harmed. If attached to an arrow, the arrow deals 1d6+[sum] damage on a successful hit, but the summon immediately ends. Iescophcos speaks a language no one can understand.

2. Antoban, the Harbinger of Winter

Enters in a storm of freezing air, from a nearby door or window. Appears as a pale white humanoid of the same species and gender as the summoner, but stiff and frozen like a frostbitten corpse. An area 100’ in radius around Antoban will always be uncomfortably cold. An area 10’ in radius around Antoban will, provided Antoban is not moving, become painfully cold (1d4 cold damage per round, unless creatures are well insulated or immune to arctic temperatures). Antoban takes half damage from all weapons and spells, but double damage from fire. It can discuss the history of winters in the area, focusing on famine, madness, and murder wherever possible. Ice elementals fear and revere Antoban, but it will not command them for any reason. In battle, it wields a short iron sword (1d6 damage).

43. Noroyo, the Useless Fish

Enters with a loud plop. Appears as a horse-sized fish with green scales and whiskers. Sits quietly, slowly breathing and looking around. Despite being out of the water, will not die. Noroyo’s flesh is edible but tastes foul and vanishes at the end of the summon, possibly with disastrous effects. If summoned in water, Noroyo appears as a stunted pony with short limbs, and swiftly sinks. The main use of Noroyo is summoning it in the air to squash your enemies (inflicting 3d6 bludgeoning damage on a typical summon, Save vs Dex negates).

44. Uskip, Protector of the Virtuous

Enters with a ringing sound. Appears as a purple disc of light, floating 2’ over the summoner’s head. Any objects falling on the summoner from above, no matter how heavy, are instantly stopped by the disc. If trapped by a rockfall or avalanche, Uskip will shield the summoner and create a small air space around their body. This will not help the summoner escape, but will prevent them from being crushed or immediately suffocated. Additionally, for the duration of the summon, the summoner gains a +2 to Save vs Magic. Uskip vanishes if the summoner utters any blasphemies or strikes a priest.

45. Warlence, the Perpetual Relative

Enters with a shuffle. Appears as a peasant in appropriate local dress, with a rucksack full of rags and rotten onions. Up to [dice] times per summon, Warlence can designate a target who is not aware Warlence is an unnatural creature. The target will treat Warlence as a distant relative. At a minimum, this will involve a simple meal (Warlence is ravenous) and a warm bed for one night. Warlence is happy to go along with any deceptions the summoner suggests, but cannot invent lies on its own. Will carry supplies and assist with other simple activities, but will not fight for you.

46. Loswach, the Universal Chisel

Enters in the summoner’s hand. Appears as an iron chisel with a wooden handle. Loswach can separate any two layers. You can use it too separate skin from muscle, gold foil from wood, rust from iron, or bark from a tree. You can’t separate things that are not fused, so Loswach couldn’t chisel the armour off a warrior or the nose off a statue (at least, not any more than a normal chisel could). In combat, Loswach counts as a dagger. Loswach cannot speak, but it will carve answers to simple questions into stone, if guided by an idle hand.

47. Benlib, Door of Possibilities

Enters on a nearby wall. Appears as an ordinary wooden door. Will allow [sum] creatures plus the summoner to pass through it, once per summon, and walk through any other door the summoner has seen and marked with a tiny symbol. The door must be within [dice] miles, and must not be locked or magically protected. Benlib vanishes after [sum] creatures or spells have passed through it. Non-living objects pass through Benlib normally, appearing at the door the summoner designated.

48. Nauox, Tapestry of Lies

Enters with a thump and cloud of dust. Appears as a rolled up tapestry, 6’ by 10’, with ornate designs featuring scenes from the summoner’s life as well as fictional scenes. All of them are slightly embarrassing to the summoner, but this is only noticeable on very close examination. Nauox can speak and insists it is a flying carpet. It is not. It also insists it can crush anyone wrapped in it. This is also a lie. The tapestry is animated, and can walk (very slowly) on its corners. Though it will claim otherwise, it cannot be harmed by acid, fire, or spells. A solid hit from an arrow or spell will knock it over.

49. Eb, the Tasting Lizard

Enters around the summoner’s neck. Appears as a sleek yellow lizard with a bright blue tongue. Eb can taste poison gas on the air, and provide information about the source of odours, smoke, or fog. Eb always knows the local tides, and will tell you which hour in the day will be most propitious for sailing, fishing, or conceiving children. Eb desires warm stones.

50. Yigmarial, the Soul Cache

Enters with a glimmer of light. Appears as a tiny grey cloth effigy of the summoner, with strange wet-looking eyes. For the duration of the summon, the summoner automatically passes all Saves vs Death. Decapitation or extreme bodily harm will still kill the summoner, but almost everything else will merely knock them unconscious. The effigy has 1HP and, if torn, burnt, or damaged, immediately requires the summoner to Save vs Death, which is not automatically passed (of course).

51. Rix, Bisector

Enters in a shower of gold light. Appears as an old man with a long golden beard and a pair of comically oversized gold scissors. Rix will cackle and snip [dice] creatures objects in half, then vanish. Objects are not harmed in any way and will remain bisected for the duration of the summon. When the summon ends, the halves join back together, no matter the distance or implausibility. Both halves function independently. Halves of creatures have 1/2 the HP of the original. Creatures or objects can be as large as a castle.

52. Dave

Enters with a leaden thump, a brief fall, and a short scream. Appears as a bedraggled teenage human with brown hair and a dull brown robe. Dave was once a wizard’s apprentice. A botched spell trapped him in a pocket dimension. Dave lives on, immortal, invulnerable, and extremely confused. He is perpetually being dragged into combat, danger, dismemberment, and extremely awkward situations. Dave will sort-of obey you for the duration of the summon, but he is only an immortal teenager. He’s awful at everything. Dave only lasts for [sum] minutes instead of [sum] hours. If you summon Dave with 3 or more [dice], Dave’s efforts are accompanied by appropriately dismal music.

53. Clippet, Lord of Ducks

Enters with a regal quack. Appears as a white duck with a golden crown. Clippet can command all ducks (with reasonable success). He desires bread, tribute, flattery, and clean water to splash in. Up to [dice] times per summon (but at least once), Clippet will engage someone in conversation. Anyone speaking with Clippet must Save each hour or continue speaking. They can take other actions, but are distracted and possibly dismayed by the duck’s fascinating wordplay. If he is well flattered, the summoner may be able to direct him to speak with specific targets. Otherwise, he will just pick interesting people at random.

54. Cerein, The Sword of Strange Girdles

Enters with a triumphant orchestral roar in the summoner’s outstretched hand. Appears as an amazing enchanted sword. Its pommel is a crown. Its blade is mirror bright and covered in strange runes. Its hilt is two dragons devouring each other. The sword appears with [dice] other supernatural effects (flames, clouds of rose petals, lightning, etc.) and mythical connections appropriate to the era and location. It is a perfectly ordinary sword and deals 1d6 non-magical damage. The summoner cannot drop the sword. If spun or left to drift, Cerein can tell true kings and knights from false ones.

55. Elorham, Wand of Repulsion

Enters with a moist pop in the summoner’s hand. Appears as a thin wand of willow wood covered in scowling faces. Constantly fires a 30’ stream of egg-like projectiles that weigh as much as a scrap of paper. The projectiles deal no damage. They could fill three 10’x10’x10’ cubes per hour. They could slowly knock a candlestick off a table. A creature struck by the full stream must Save with a +8 bonus. If it fails, it cannot move towards the wand’s wielder this round.

56. Pentornax, Traitor’s Friend

Enters silently with a slight drop in temperature. Appears as a faint humanoid shadow on a wall. Up to [dice] times per summon, Pentornax can step away from the wall and strike a creature with a concealed shadow dagger, dealing [dice]x2d6 damage. Creatures targeted must be friends of the summoner or have pledged loyalty to the summoner. Pentornax only betrays. Dogs can sense Pentornax but must Save vs Fear to approach it. Pentornax does not speak but it does obey commands, no matter how complex. It can move as fast as an arrow.

57. Fasin-Gelth, the Zone of Madness

Enters with a shimmer. Appears as a faint outline around [dice]x10’ cubes, visible only to the summoner and owls. Anyone inside Fasin-Gelth cannot see out or affect the outside world. Instead, they see to a featureless white plain and a cloudless white sky. Creatures outside Fasin-Gelth can see and affect creatures inside. Creatures can pass in and out freely, but Fasin-Gelth will disorient them and Stun them for 1 round. Sighted and mobile creatures who spend more than 10 minutes inside Fasin-Gelth take 1 Wisdom damage every 10 minutes.

58. Nessalor, Cloudlight

Enters with a soft glimmer of light. Appears as a floating sphere of fine white hair lit from within. The size of a person’s head. Moves as if underwater. Casts light as a candle. Up to [dice] times per summon, Nessalor can fill a 40’ radius with dense fog. Alternatively, it can suck in and absorb a 40’ radius of fog or smoke. Nessalor has 1 HP and, if struck, bursts and fills a 40’ radius with fog (as above).

59. Yorax, Avian Sommelier

Enters with a polite cough just behind the summoner. Appears as an elderly raven the size of a man. Yorax can shrink to the size of a wren, but prefers to maintain its full (impressive) size. It can determine the vintage, quality, and market value of any wine by tasting it and write a short review on a scrap of parchment using one immaculately sharpened claw. If provided with a bottle of wine worth at least 50gp, or 50 fresh eyeballs, Yorax will also set one object (not creature) on fire for you, provided the target can be reached within the duration of the summon and set on fire with a torch. Yorax will not fight for you, but it might be persuaded to carry you out of danger.

60. Fensington, the Consolation of Conscience

Enter with a shuffle. Appears as a middle-aged, bland, faintly concerned human. Further descriptions are impossible; Fensington’s appearance evades memory. Fensington’s voice is low and soothing. Fensington will assist anyone in justifying any behavior, plan, or crime. People who engage Fensington in conversation must Save or be calmed and freed from guilt or doubt. Fensington has no secret knowledge but may hint vaguely at schemes, accusations, religious authority, etc. Fensington will not fight for you, but any arrows or projectiles aimed at Fensington or anyone within 10’ automatically miss.

61. Burchub, Bringer of Infatuation.

Enters from above in a shower of rose petals. Appears as a portly baby with dove’s wings, a bow, and a quiver full of sickly pink arrows. Burchub will fly around giggling and poking things. He will shoot [dice]x2 targets, always in pairs, per summon. Each pair is must Save (once per pair, chose the highest Save) or fall in deep, romantic love for the duration of the summon (or possibly beyond it). Nothing physical, just bad poetry, longing gazes, shy conversation, and capital-F-Feelings. Burchub’s bow has a 60’ range and hits on a 19-in-20. On a critical miss, the shot strikes an adjacent creature or object. Burchub will also open any mundane lock provided it separates two people.

62. Pultrudia, Worm of Worry

Enters with a moist plop on the summoner’s shoulder. Appears as an earthworm with a scowling face. Pultrudia induces anxiety. Anyone within 100’ is mildly worried. Anyone within 10’ is extremely concerned, paranoid, and doubtful. Anyone holding Pultrudia, or allowing her to nestle against their neck (her favourite spot), is immune to all mind-altering effects and cannot be surprised. They also immediately assume the worst in any given situation and cannot relax, sleep, or enjoy idle pleasures. Up to [dice] times per summon, Pultrudia can sing a horrible piping song that causes milk to curdle, leaves to fall from trees, and fruit to rot within 300’.

63. Robolotanobar, The Un-Cursed Sphere

Enters with a thunderclap. Appears as a bright red orb the size of an apple. Casts light as a candle. Makes a quiet but ominous keening, like someone using a bandsaw in a distant room. Robolotanobar will follow a target you designate for the duration of the summon, steadily drawing nearer and nearer. Its speed increases to match the target but with a few moments of lag time. It cannot be blocked, dispelled, diverted, tricked, or avoided. It will touch the target just before the summon ends. Nothing happens.

64. Kwis Bizmac, Swift Sustenance

Enters with the patter of running feet. Appears as a scruffy-looking person in an off-white, stained, and ragged uniform. Kwis Bizmac will hand the summoner a package containing [dice] rations, bow politely, and run off. The rations are bizarre and inconsistent. They are usually warm, highly spiced, and very salty. Seafood, strange cured meats, sweet sauces, unusual vegetables. The rations have all normal effects, but also completely remove hunger for the duration of the summon. Any items handed to Kwis Bizmac will be returned (contemptuously) the next time it is summoned as if no time has passed.

65. Lisnan, Solemn Guardian

Enters with a warp and ripple of flesh. Appears as a bulky, ogre-like humanoid with blue flesh and no head. Its face, small and crude and cruel, is sunk into its chest. Lisnan has a Strength of 16 and will carry things or lift heavy objects. Up to [dice] times per summon, Lisnan will roar, pose, or glower, forcing a reroll on a Morale check or a Reaction roll. This can be positive (your hirelings are encouraged by the giant blue enforcer) or negative (the goblins are dismayed) or confusing (the king isn’t sure who you are but rethinks his position). Lisnan will not fight for you, but will block people attacking you with precise whip-fast blows, granting you +2 Defense. Lisnan wants to drop beautiful and expensive things from a very great height and watch them smash.

66. Orlinhorn, the Tree of Slumber

Enters with a draft of warm air. Appears as an acorn in the summoner’s hand. The acorn will sprout into a sapling in 2 rounds, then grow into a 100’ tall, 50’ wide oak tree in 10 minutes. The oak will grow straight upwards from wherever the acorn was planted. It has an effective Strength of 20 when it comes to smashing walls, lifting objects, and pushing upwards. It will bend to avoid very strong obstacles. Its trunk is grey and its leaves are green and silver. Any water that touches the leaves becomes a sleeping draught. If ingested, Save or sleep for 1d6 hours or until the summon ends. If you can speak with trees, Orlinhorn will tell you everything its roots and leaves touch. Orlinhorn disappears when the summon ends.

67. Melwax, Protocherub

Enters with a moist plop. Appears as a ball of flesh 3” in diameter with a wet and toothless mouth. Screams and cries like an infant. Melwax has 1 HP, but can only be damaged by the summoner. It can be eaten to provide 1 ration. It can be thrown (as a dagger). If you summon Melwax with 2 or more [dice], it has tiny arms with grabbing hands. If thrown, it will stick to whatever it hits and remain their for the duration of the summon. If you summon Melwax with 4 or more [dice], it also grows tiny wings and will fly around screaming, pulling on peoples hair, and throwing a tantrum. You can feed Melwax a few drops of a potion to determine the effects.

68. Iplimble, She Who Denounces

Enters with a roar and a shouted accusation, 10-[sum] hours after the summon is initiated. Appears as a middle-aged woman of a suitable race and appearance for the area and situation. Iplimble will denounce the summoner in general terms (Coward! Thief! Adulterer! Poisoner!) and drag the summoner away. Iplimble’s appearance may be enough to convince guards or authority figures of her right to take the summoner prisoner. If that fails, she can produce false documents, seals, food, and even bribes. She will drag the summoner out of sight and then vanish. Her Strength is 18. She will not rescue anyone else, return for dropped equipment, or heal the summoner . No barriers, magical or otherwise, can hinder Iplimble, but she will only take the summoner to the next unlocked and unobserved area.

69. Bhors, Fire Crane

Enters with a flash of orange light. Appears as a human-sized bird with long legs, a long sharp beak, and feathers made of flame. Bhors casts light as a torch. It will attack any frogs or fishes it sees without hesitation. It can be bribed (with fishes, frogs, or flattery) to attack other targets. Its beak deals 1d6 piercing + 1d4 fire damage. It can speak, but it isn’t very clever, and mostly wants to talk about eating small wriggling things.

70. Gundobart, Vision-Keeper

Enters by hopping. Appears as a fat green toad the size of a housecat. Surly yellow eyes, many warts. Gundobart speaks with a hoarse, deep voice. Anyone who licks Gundobart must Save or vividly hallucinate for [dice] hours. Gundobart does not particularly enjoy being licked. Objects swallowed by Gundobart effectively cease to exist for the duration of the summon. He spits them back out before he vanishes. He will only swallow things that look delicious but he is easily tricked.

71. Knorlian, Beast Trapper

Enters from somewhere not observed by the summoner. Appears as an old man wearing a heap of furs. Carries a large iron cage. Up to [dice] times per summon, Knorlian will try to stuff a single creature into the cage. An aware and unwilling creature gets a Save with a bonus equal to its HD. Somehow, no matter the size, the creature fits inside the cage, though they may look compressed and unhappy. They remain in the cage for the duration of the summon. Knorlian will not drop the cage, throw it into danger, or allow people to attack creatures inside it. Knorlian can also track any creature by footprints, smell, or signs. He will also lecture for [dice] hours on a trapped creature’s habits, biology, weaknesses, dietary needs, and unusual characteristics.

72. Xrim, He Who Desecrates

Enters as a pool of blood. The summoner has [sum] minutes to flee the area. After [sum] minutes, an alligator-like beast made of bone and congealing blood will emerge from the pool. Xrim will try to destroy any artwork, carvings, decoration, or written works it can see. It has 30 HP, Attack 12, armour as chain, and very good eyesight. It will not attack any living creatures (unless they are decorated) except for the summoner, who it particularly loathes. It is intelligent enough to use fire, sabotage, and threats to destroy artwork, and will progress from area to area smashing things and wreaking havoc until the summon ends.

73. M’tubana, the Wobbling Stone

Enters in the summoner’s hand. Appears as a stone idol of a round, stylized, humanoid figure with a cheerful grin. Anyone holding M’tubana cannot be knocked prone, pushed, or tripped. If you would fall into a pit or off a cliff, M’tubana wobbles you back to safety at the last possible moment. It won’t help if the building collapses, your airship explodes, your broomstick fails, etc. If you are about to be hit by an attack, there is a 50% chance M’tubana flings you 10’ in a random direction before the attack hits. Additionally, any soups made with M’tubana in the pot are never poisonous or toxic.

74. Postidon-Pru, the Telescope Worm

Enters by falling from the ceiling in a heap. Appears as a white rope, 30’ long, with a lamprey-like mouth at both end. The mouths can be stuck to any surface. Postidon-Pru can be stretched an additional [dice]x100’. Just before the summon ends, Postidon-Pru will contract to 5’ long. It has an effective strength of 20. If properly coiled, it can lift heavy objects, crush people, or pull two things closer together. If Postidon-Pru’s two mouths are connected together, it contracts immediately and the summon ends. If the both mouths are not stuck to a surface, small objects (coins or smaller) placed in one end appear at the other end in 1 hour.

75. Malofin, Cursed Instigator

Enters with a low whistle. Appears as a stick-thin monkey-like figure in ragged blue robes. Has a huge toothy grin and tiny red eyes. Up to [dice] times per summon, Malofin will taunt a target you designate. Malofin’s taunts, capers, jeers, gestures, and wails are extremely distracting. Targets must Save or attack Malofin first. If they were previously neutral or friendly, they may need to Save or become hostile. Malofin is extremely annoying. It has armour as plate. It will run away from any fight to taunt again from a safe distance. Malofin can also climb and perform simple tasks with a monkey’s patience and skill.

76. Soriel, Monstrous Bat

Enters with a flap of leathery wings. Appears as a mouse-sized bat with eight spider legs, three red eyes, and a fanged drooling mouth. Anyone who sees Soriel must Save or believe Soriel is gigantic, at least elephant sized, possibly larger if outdoors at night. Any inconsistent movements are explained away as “a near miss” or “unnaturally folding itself”. Soriel likes to frighten people, but will apologize if anyone starts crying or screaming. Its voice sounds like glass being crushed, so apologies rarely help. Soriel can speak to bats and spiders and will translate for you.

77. Moriana, whose Word is Peace

Enters with a polite knock on a door or a quiet shuffle. Appears as an old woman in very clean black traveling clothes. Carries an empty scabbard but no sword. Once per summon, Moriana will read a story for [dice] hours. In order to begin the area must be relatively quiet and at least one sentient creature must be present. While reading, no violent actions can take place within 100’. Non-sentient creatures will quietly wait at the edge of the circle. Sentient creatures (including the summoner) who can hear must Save or sit down somewhere convenient to listen. If they pass, they can move freely, Anyone making a noise louder than a dropped coin will cause Moriana to shush them. Shushed creatures are affected by the sleep and hold person spells for the duration of the story. They can still hear Moriana speak. Moriana appreciates well-crafted books and well-told stories. She speaks and reads all languages, but won’t read tales without artistic or moral merit.

78. Wilinspat, Chest of Torment

Enters with a loud crash. Appears as a plain wooden chest large enough to contain a person. Screams quietly when opened. Flickering red light comes from within. If a creature is placed inside Wilinspat, both it and the chest vanish for the duration of the summon. A creature inside Wilinspat loses 1 HP and 1 Wisdom (to a minimum of 1) for each hour they spend in the chest. At the end of the summon, Wilinspat returns, disgorges its passenger, then vanishes. Creatures remember nothing of their experience, but are feverish, nervous, and prone to nightmares.

79. Grenchan, Roving Limb

Enters with a wet thud. Appears as a blue-green arm and hand. If the shoulder is attached to a person (it sticks to skin), Grenchan will act as an extra limb. On a willing person, it grants +1 attack per round. It can wield any one-handed weapon, carry a shield or a lantern, or assist with climbing. If attached to an unwilling creature, Grenchan will punch them in the nearest vulnerable spot, dealing 1d4 damage per round. Grenchan has a Strength of 14 for punching or removal purposes. If detached, it can be stuck to [dice] additional creatures per summon.

80. Ieducomer, Cauldron of Uniformity

Enters with a clatter of iron. Appears as an iron cauldron with five clawed feet. Ieducomer is just large enough to contain a curled-up person. Up to [dice] times per summon, if completely filled (use water or sand to fill in the gaps), Ieducomer will grumble, grind, and mix everything inside it into a perfectly uniform slurry. It will then dump this slurry on the ground unless specifically instructed not to. One person can ride inside Ieducomer, but it only travels at a walking pace.

81. Vorgar, Death’s Harbinger

Enters with a sudden drop in temperature and a cold shudder. Appears as a deformed, eyeless skeleton in ragged black robes. Vorgar is visible only to the summoner, creatures near death (0 HP or below), and wizards. Once per summon, Vorgar can remove [dice] fatal wounds from a dying creature, or add [dice] fatal wounds to a creature at 0 HP or below. Undead creatures cannot willingly approach within 30’ of Vorgar. If a creature has evaded death through unnatural means, Vorgar will fight them. Attack 15, defense as plate, 20 HP, 1d8+2 damage and 1 level drained on a hit. The summoner has 1/2 HP for the duration of the summon.

82. Barlinfort, Spirit of Delight

Enters with a poof of magic sparks. Appears as a tiny glowing humanoid the size of an apple. Barlinfort constantly makes a noise like quiet silver bells. It can fly and speak in a high-pitched whine. Barlinfort will sprinkle glowing dust on up to [dice] creatures. The creatures will fly for the duration of the summon provided the constantly compliment Barlinfort. If they stop complimenting Barlinfort, they will begin to sink. If they insult Barlinfort they will fall. Barlinfort has 1 HP and no sense of shame or irony. If bored, it will cast light as a candle, fly around the summoner’s head, nest in their hair, pick flowers, or chatter inanely.

83. Caperlin, Avatar of Debauchery

Enters with a cheerful roar and a drunken hug. Appears as a portly monk with brown robes, a tankard full of beer, and a rosy complexion. Caperlin is absolutely smashed and very cheerful. Unless provided with a party (at minimum, snacks and two happy people), Caperlin will fall asleep in [dice] hours. If a party is provided he will continue to drink from his ever-full tankard, tell wild tales, propose mad schemes, sing songs in all languages, give very solemn yet very shallow advice, and occasionally vomit. He cheers up any low-class social event and scandalizes anyone tasteful. Caperlin can locate up to [dice] things per summon, provided they are party related and can be reached within the duration of the summon. Examples: more beer, a safe place to crash, a person of negotiable virtue, musicians.

84. Subansu, the Rose of Luck

Enters with a shimmer in the summoner’s hand. Appears as a red rose with a silver stem. Anyone wearing Subansu above their heart gains +[dice] to their Save and may reroll up to [dice] d20 rolls for the duration of the summon. If a random effect would target one person in a group of people, someone wearing Subansu is not selected. Subansu induces confidence. Anyone wearing it must Save vs. Wisdom when presented with a risky but thrilling plan or accept it. If Subansu is stabbed into the heart of a dying person, that person remains alive for the duration of the summon. They gain no other benefit.

85. Yingilnip, the Three Fingers of Regret

Enters with a cold swirl of air. Appears as a withered three-fingered hand and wrist lying on a convenient surface. Yingilnip grants wishes. Bend a finger back and speak a wish and Yingilnip will grant it. Effects last only for the duration of the summon. Yingilnip will twist wishes in every possible malicious way, including ignoring the original phrasing. Wish for gold and a huge block falls on your head. Wish to be a king and get kidnapped by political conspirators. Wish for a friend to come back to life and they rise as a revenant. With to travel to a distant city and Yingilnip flings you through the air or drags you through the earth. Etc. You may be able to convince someone to use Yingilnip. You probably won’t be able to convince them to use it twice.

86. Ootremak, Unquiet Spirit

Enters with a rolling fog. Appears as a swarm of tiny ghosts, nothing more than an acorn-sized head and a faint trail of vapour. There are [sum] ghosts. One vanishes each hour. A single ghost can push a sheet of paper, rustle a curtain, or roll a coin along the ground. They can barely coordinate their efforts. Any number of Ootremak’s spirits can possess dying or mentally shattered creatures of [dice]x2 HD or less for the duration of the summon, controlling them until the summon ends. They are monumentally stupid and easily distracted.

87. Murlspeth, Slaughtercaller

Enters with a sizzle in the summoner’s hand. Appears as a red stone the size of an apple, carved to resemble a snarling tiger biting its own tail. All damage dealt within a 30’ radius of Murlspeth is doubled. If Murlspeth is thrown (as a dagger) or dropped it returns to the summoner’s hand in one round. Murlspeth is warm enough to melt wax. It growls just before ambushes.

88. Koilcren, who is Lost

Enters with a polite shuffle. Appears as ragged and tired middle-aged man or woman with bright blue eyes. Anyone who engages Koilcren in conversation must Save or give them directions to a location Koilcren names. The summoner can designate up to [dice] locations at the time of the summon. Directions given will be to the best of the target’s knowledge, and may include the location of locked doors and keys, traps, hazards, patrols, supernatural effects, etc. Ask a peasant how to get to the moon and he’ll shrug and suggest a mountain. Ask the Grand Archmage of the College of Elderstone and you might get a very different answer. Koilcren will not fight for you, and will watch with disinterest if a fight occurs.

89. Joolsorel, the Ravenous Maw

Enters with a rumble and grind. Appears as a 2’ wide ring of bone and teeth floating in the air. Anything that touches Joolsorel takes 1d6 damage per round. It moves at a slow walking pace. The summoner can designate a point and Joolsorel will move directly towards it, chewing everything in the way. You can define [dice] points in the route (so 1 is a straight line, 2 is an L-bend or a patrol, 3 is a triangular patrol, etc.). Joolsorel will slowly chew through wood but will just noisily grind against stone and metal. Soft objects thrown into Joolsorel are immediately shredded.

90. Koskalbanodan, First Among Horses

Enters with a clatter of hooves. Appears as an ordinary-looking but very tidy grey mare. Koskalbanodan can speak to horses and will translate contemptuously. She will not fight for you. She will permit one person to ride her, but will travel at a slow trot unless racing another creature. She will win all races over any terrain, no matter how terrifying or improbable. The race can be to a destination or to exhaustion. If you invest 3 or more [dice], Koskalbanodan will consider racing inanimate objects, spells, the weather, etc.

91. Narthiel, the Sight that Binds

Enters with a thunderclap. Appears as a floating white eye with a pupil of black fire. Up to [dice] times per summon, time stops in a 30’ cone in front of Narthiel for [sum] rounds. Anything that moves into the cone gets sucked in and freezes on the edge. Living creatures partially struck by the cone, or creatures that move into the cone, take 1d4 damage. While stopping time, Narthiel cannot move. Narthiel’s sight also reveals any invisible creatures and illusions in a 30’ cone.

92. Alifane, the Hat of Marvels

Enters with a brief burst of light on a person’s head within 100’ of the summoner. Appears as a magnificent hat, crown, turban, etc. appropriate to the wearer’s desired social status and Alifane’s whimsy. Wearing Alifane grants +2 to Defense. Spells specifically targeting Alifane’s wearer have a 25% chance to fail. Alifane can hear the wearer’s thoughts. It despises murderous intentions or cruel behavior and will shout warnings (in a nasal, peeved voice) to anyone the wearer is thinking of attacking. It will also judge fashion shows or evaluate the worth of clothing.

93. Quis-Quispon, Immaculate Draughtsman

Enters with a polite cough. Appears as a young man in very fine clothing. If provided with suitable materials and a work surface (anything from paper and a pencil to blood and a stone floor will do), Quis-Quispon will accurately and meticulously draw anything it can see. It takes 1hr for a basic sketch, 5hrs for a detailed drawing, and 10hrs for a drawing that resembles life itself, frozen. Quis-Quispon’s drawings are worth at least 10gp per hour invested. Anyone who views them and Saves vs Intelligence can discern hidden allegorical meanings and hints. Quis-Quispon will not fight for you and will try to seduce any nearby beautiful people. He hates distractions, wind, birds, and coarse things. He will offer mocking etiquette lessons.

94. Prokiglov, Master of the Dance

Enters with a merry burst of music. Appears as a person in red robes. Age and appearance vary, Prokiglov’s expression and clothing rarely do. Prokiglov will play casual but refined music on any instrument provided. One per summon, Prokiglov will draw its own instrument (varies) and play a tune. Everyone within 200’ must Save or be compelled to dance. They can still move normally, but some actions may be difficult. If combat occurs during the dance, any odd numbered attack rolls succeed or fail as normal, but any even-numbered attack rolls automatically fail. All participants have a pool of points equal to their Dexterity that they can use to modify rolls by +1 or -1. Prokiglov cannot abide disobedient or noisy children, cats, and lavender.

95. Husbap, Sea-Speaker

Enters with a moist slap and a smell of seawater. Appears as a cat-sized purple octopus. Husbap can speak with any body of water larger than a cup. Husbap’s touch inflicts 1d6 poison and 1d6 electrical damage, but Husbap moves very slowly on land and does not like being thrown around, attached to weapons, or put in danger. It will shock the summoner if it feels threatened. It can fit through 2” wide gaps and report on what it sees, though it tends to exaggerate. Up to [dice] times per summon, Husbap can emit a horrible keening noise as loud as a church bell. No one knows why.

96. Krepsobar, the Laddermaker

Enters with a shuffle and a polite greeting. Appears as a disheveled middle-aged man in brown overalls. Carries a tool belt and a very large canvas bag. Up to [dice] times per summon, Krepsobar can pull a wooden ladder from his bag that reaches between to points the summoner can see. This might be convenient (up a cliff, across a chasm), improbable (through a portal, to the bottom of a river) or mythological (to the sun). The ladders created are only made of wood and vanish when the summon ends. They will not fall on their own but they can be broken. Krepsobar will also offer advice on carpentry, map-making, and, incongruously, dark sorcery.

97. Valsbur, the Throne of Power

Enters with a trumpet blast. Appears as a chipped wooden throne with eight wooden legs. All the gold has been chipped off, taking most of the red paint with it. Anyone sitting in the throne can project their voice clearly up to 200’. They are also immune to all mind-altering effects. Halsbur moves at a slow walking pace. If threatened with fire, Halsbur can run as fast as a horse, though it will try and toss anyone sitting on it into water.

98. Bowoworth, Primordial Slime

Enters with a sulphrous burbling. Appears as a grey goo boiling up from the ground, filling [sum] 10’ squares to a depth of 1’. Bowoworth will very slowly digest plant and animal matter. It has effectively unlimited HP but deals no damage. Anyone moving through Bowoworth must Save vs Dexterity or fall prone. If ingested by a creature, Bowoworth reverts them one evolutionary step (elves become humans, humans become apes, lizardmen become lizards, etc.) for [dice]x10 minutes.

99. Yeltran, Bearer of the Cups of Haste

Enters with a billow of steam. Appears as a silver tray with six spindly silver legs. Carries [dice] cups of a miraculous liquid. Anyone who drinks the liquid acts twice per round for 1d6 minutes. They are jittery, excitable, and unable to focus. Yeltran will follow the summoner, acting as a mobile tray or carrying light burdens. Any poisons poured into Yeltran’s cups have a 50% chance of being neutralized. If they are not neutralized, the poisons become doubly effective.


There are only 99 entities in all creation. If a 100 is rolled, roll again twice and allow the summoner to select an Entity based on the name only.


1 Blindsight Your eyes turn milky-white as mycelial hyphae sprout from your eye sockets and form a dense crust over the top of your head. You no longer “see”, per se, but you can sense vibrations out to 60’, regardless of environmental conditions (light, dark, etc.)
2 Extra Limbs You sprout d4 extra limbs. 1-4: arm, 5-6: leg. For each extra pair of arms you gain an additional attack per round and gain the Spiderclimb ability (as the spell). For each additional leg, increase your movement speed by 5’ per round.
3 So Many Eyes You grow 1d6 functioning eyes. Roll location for each. 1. Back, 2. Chest, 3. Forehead, 4. Mouth, 5. Back of Head, 6. Palm of hand.
4 Toothy Maw Your mandible detaches, splits, and grows down into your chest cavity. A horrific trefoil mouth full of razor sharp teeth that now occupies the upper third of your body mass. You gain a bite attack that does 1d8+STR piercing damage.
5 Cuttlefish Face You grow a great mass of tentacles where your nose and mouth used to be. You mouth is a little crushing beak.
6 Misshapen Brute Bones break and muscles tear as your body expands and reshapes itself into a lopsided juggernaut. Your STR ability bonus increase by +2. Your WIT ability bonuses decrease by -2. Your PER ability bonus is decreased by -4.
7 Barbed Spines A spiny bramble grows from the inner joints of your elbows to wrap around your wrists and hands. You can wield them as daggers or shoot your spines 50’. They inflict 1d6 damage. Creatures struck by your spines Save vs STR or become poisoned. Successful save ends.
8 Prehensile Tongue Your tongue swells and elongates until it is as long as your arms. You can hold objects with your tongue. Speech is nearly impossible. Eating is difficult. Your saliva causes blindness. On a successful melee attack you inflict 1d6 damage and the creature hit must Save vs Constitution or be blinded for 1d6 Turns.
9 Tentacle Guts A seething mass of jelly-like pseudopods erupts from your abdomen. Reach 10’. Advantage when attempting to grapple a creature.
10 Cronenberg A random body part (1d6: 1-2 legs, 3-5 arms, 6 head) is replaced with the equivalent from a (1d10: 1-3 jelly, 4-6 crustacean, 7-9 insect, 10 you become a goblin)
11 Extra Mouths You grow 1d6 extra functioning mouths. They mutter and grumble constantly. Roll location for each. 1. Back, 2. Chest, 3. Forehead, 4. Mouth, 5. Back of Head, 6. Palm of hand.
12 Eye Stalks A pair of thick spiny eyestalks grow out of your skull, capped with enormous insect eyes. These replace your normal eyes but do not change you vision significantly.


Monsters need HD (1d8 default), HP, Attack, AV, Morale, and special abilities/crit effects.

HD and Abilities Range from 1/2-10. Each HD is roughly 5-9 HP.

Monsters have an average Save bonus equal to their HD. Specific bonuses to STR, DEX, WITS, and PERS should be adjusted up or down as appropriate (e.g., a lumbering rock monster might have weaker DEX saves than STR), trading point for point. The Powerful Opponents rule also applies, i.e., when a 4HD monster is resisting an effect by a PC of Level 2, the DC is lowered by 2.

Attack Pick a base damage die for the attack (1d4–1d12) and add 1+HD/2 (rounded down). E.g., a 2HD creature might have a claw attack of 1d6+2. Exceptional monsters can have higher flat bonuses up to +10. Each monster attack causes minimum damage of 1, regardless of AV.

Dangerous monsters can have multiple attacks or area-of-effect attacks. Starting with 4HD, monsters should have two attacks more often.

A minimal stat block for an enemy looks like this:

Goblin 1/2 6 1d6+1 or weapon+1 0 or armor type 5 Infravision, Sneaky (Adv on stealth), Critical effect: finds a weak spot, ignores 1 AV.
Orc 1 8 1d6+2 or weapon+2 0 or armor type 7 Infravision, Relentless (when reduced to 0, Save vs STR to stay at 1 HP)

NPC and monstrous spellcasters should have a pool of MD and a list of available spells or custom abilities.

B/X Conversion

Double the HP of the monster.

Keep the number of attacks and attack damage die, add 1+ 1/2HD as a flat bonus.

AC 10 and less is AV0

AC 11-12 is AV1

AC 13-14 is AV2

AC 15-16 is AV3

AC 17-18 is AV4

AC 19+ is AV5

Keep morale as is.