Notes for a DCC Hexcrawl Campaign
Ability score increase: On even levels, you get to roll 3d6 to increase 1 ability by 1 point up to 18. Have to roll above the current ability score.
DCC Lankhmar Benisons. Starting at Level 4, PCs can acquire 1 special talent as a downtime activity.
Additional Carousing and Training rules from on Downtime and Demesnes.
XP is given for overcoming monster challenges, carousing, and exploration (award 1-2 XP for finding cool locations).
Shields Will Be Sundered!: When the player takes physical damage, they may choose to have their shield (if they have stated that they had it out and were using it) take the full brunt of the blow. The shield will absorb the damage and be destroyed and useless from the attack, leaving the character unscathed. This works with critical strikes as well. A character may only carry one shield with them at a time.
Luck cannot be spent to avoid corruption
Reaction Rolls: 2d6 modified by Personality. Rather than doing Personality checks for persuasion, the reaction roll makes Personality useful without removing the need to talk to npcs in character.
Simple version: Item Slots: A Player Character can carry a number of items equal to 10 + Str Mod. Certain items like two handed weapons and heavy armor take two slots.
Based on WWN. Each character gets Avg of STA and STR, divided by 2 (rounded down) readied item slots. These slots cover things you hold in your hands, wear as armor, or have readily accessible on your belt. Readied items can be used during combat without spending an Action to get them our of your backpack. Each PC also gets Avg of STA/STR Encumbrance points (rounded down) for stowed items. These items are packed away and cannot be accessed quickly.
Each piece of gear costs X encumbrance points.
Item Encumbrance Shield 1 Padded, Leather, Studded Leather, Hide 1 Scale, Chain, Banded, Half-plate 2 Full Plate 3 One-handed weapon 1 Two-handed Weapon 2 Regular item 1 Heavy or bulky item 2 200 coins 1 1 week Rations 4 50 ft rope 2 - Porter Loads:
Porter Encumbrance Slots Riding horse/ war horse with rider 5 Enc Riding/war horse only 20 Enc Heavy pack horse 30 Enc Mule/donkey 15 Enc Professional porter 12 Enc Two porters with a litter 30 Enc - Then, for every Encumbrance point above the max, DCC Adventuring
rules p.6 shows penalties:
- For each point, -1 to physical checks, -5’ to movement
- Travel speed: 24 miles > 18 miles > 12 miles > 6 miles > 0 miles
Patron finder:
Additional exploration rules: DCC Adventuring and Exploration Rules
Encounter tables from Martin Ralya, also published in the Gongfarmer’s Almanac Vol. 3
See below a simplified and condensed map of Aereth.
Hexes are 24 miles. PCs can move 1 hex per day in regular terrain, 1 hex per 2 days in difficult terrain (mountains, swamps, thick forests). With horses, then can move 2 hexes per 1 day on a hex with a road.
PC can decide to move to an adjacent hex or explore a current hex. Each takes 1 day.
Whenever the PCs move into a hex or explore a hex, roll for an encounter, using the Gongfarmer’s rules (see above). Roll dX based on terrain type, encounter on a 1 or 2:
Terrain Encounter Encounter Type Barren d6 1d100 Hills d6 1d100 Mountains d4 1d100 Plains d10 1d100 Swamp d4 1d100 Woods d6 1d100 Water d6 1d100 On tens and doubles →
Anywhere: Man on the Road Encounter (1D20 Action Dice, Divine Intervention to put to Rest or they need to figure out the ritual: make unconscious, pierce with the seven knifes of the Abbey from the Abbot in the Woods—he is the old priest—and a lawful Cleric has to pass a DC 20 spellcasting check. ).
Anywhere: Elephant encounter. Describe elephant in a away that makes them sound scary (Tentancle in the face, leathery skin, massive legs, tusks, trumpet sound), then have them realize it’s an elephant, when in fact this elephant is a terrible predator with razorsharp teeth and the ability to shoot acid out of its trunk. Will attack and kill! HD: 5D10+5 35, Attack: acid (ranged) +7 2d6, destroys armor, tusks +7 1d8+5, AC 10, special: trample charge–everyeone in the movement path Reflex save DC 14 4d6+4 damage.
East of the Mountains: Blight Orc raiding party (1d6)
D6 | Blight Orc Encounter |
1-3 | Scouting party 1d6+4 Blight Orcs |
4-5 | Larger scouting party 2d6+4 Blight Orcs, 1d3 Blight Orc Berserkers (deed die 1d3) and 1 Captain (deed die 1d4), 1d2-1 Ogres. |
6 | Raiding party 2d10+10 Blight Orcs, 1d4+1 Berserkers, 1 Captain, 1d3 Shamans (Clerics), 1d3-1 Ogres. |
All Blight Orcs have embedded, green crystals that strengthen them in various ways. Upon death, 51-100 chance the crystal explodes in an alchemical conflagration. 2d6 damage, Stamina save DC 12 for half. Warriors can try to hit the crystal directly with a successful deed. If damage >10 the crystal shatters and the Orc dies but the crystal explodes for 4d6 damage, Stamina DC 12 save for half.
Blight Orc: as Orc but HD 2d8+1, AC 16 (chainmail) Attack: +3 1d10+1 (Axe) or Longbow 1d6+1.
Blight Orc Berserker, AC 14, 1d3 deed die, Attack +4, 1d10+2 (axe), HD 3d8+3
Blight Orc Captain, 2D20 action dice 1d4 deed die, Attack +5 1d10 damage +3 (axe), HD 5d8+4, AC 18
Blight Orc Shaman: 2D20 action dice, Spellcasting 1d20+4, access to Lay on Hands, Turn Unholy, Paralysis, Word of Command, Darkness, Curse, Binding, Other spells, can shoot a green lightning bolt with the crystal, +5 1d6+1 damage. HD 2d8+4
Some hexes have obvious adventuring sites / adventures (see below).
For Empty Hexes, when PCs search, roll a d12 +1d100:
D12 | Empty Hex Discovery |
1-10 | nothing of interest |
11 | Use the d4 Caltrop Wildneress Hexes or draw from another source. |
12 | roll for a random adventure location on the table below. |
Random Locations/Events 1D100
D100 | Location/Event |
1-5 | Descent into the Underhive. Located on a cliff side. Insect burrow. Gongfarmer’s Almanac 2020 |
6-10 | Dyson Tomb of Duran Oakenshield, Generic OSR Adventures, Dyson |
11-15 | Dyson Goblin Gully |
16-20 | Dyson Burial Mount |
21-25 | Too Many Goat |
26-30 | The Imperishable Sorceress. Can be triggered anytime, start if they discover something random during a hex crawl. |
31-35 | Glipkerio’s Gambit. Three fates appear to the PCs in a mountainous area. Have to trek to Mount Tyche (in the central mountain range) |
36-40 | The Tower out of Time. Can be triggered in a wooded or plains area. PCs see a comet. A few days later they are led into the adventure. |
41-45 | Crawl #9 great little horror adventure in a small village, find a hex, randomly discovered |
46-50 | The Undulating Corruption. PCs learn about the Crucible of the Worm through a moldering scroll that promises the removal of sorcerous corruption. Location is a days travel from a settlement |
51-55 | The Infernal Crucible of Sezrekan the Mad (level 5). PCs discover a portal set into the floor in a burned-out building. |
56-60 | The Stygian Library |
61-65 | Mountainous area: Gongfarmer’s Almanac 2020. B Mine. |
66-70 | Dyson Into the Worm’s Gullet |
71-75 | Klazath Heretic Monastery |
76 – 100 | Evidence of a Blight Orc Raid: burnt buildings, vehicles bodies, trail of Orc raiders that suddenly vanishes, 2-in-6 chance of a dead Blight Orc Body (faded crystal, darkened veins, muscles). |
PCs can explore wherever they want and pursue their own goals. Many modules can be spun into their own campaign-length adventures.
There is one over-arching “plot” threat unfolding as the PCs are adventuring.
The forces of Chaos are rising. Ages ago, Chaos Lord Cadixtat’s body was torn in nine pieces, each hidden on the world Aereth. The nine pieces are the heart, lungs, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg, torso, head, and eyes. Each piece is hidden away in a different location and appears as a black, oily sludge.
Now, agents of Chaos are attempting to resurrect Cadixtat. The Ur-Lireans (see Colossus Arise!), an ancient lawful people, are convinced the absence of Cadixtat has unbalanced the cosmos. They are secretely working to resurrect Cadixtat. To that end, they made an alliance with Tarkhan Kurzog, a powerful Ogre mage and acolyte of Cadixtat. With the help of the Ur-Lireans, Tarkhan has sent agents to recover the essences of Cadixtat from across Aereth (e.g., from locations in Sailors in a Starless See or Doom of Savage Kings). He is also amassing an army of Orcs, Ogres, and Goblins East of the Mountains.
Hide 7 other pieces of Cadixtat in different hexes across the map.
Tarkhan rules from Azmog-Azmennum in HEX 1803.
Tarkhan has amassed an army of orcs, goblins, bugbears, ogres, and giants. 5 generals have regional command: 2 orcs, 1 goblin, 1 giant, 1 human. They can be encountered on the Eastern side of the mountains (details below).
Broad timing: Within 1 year, Tarkhan will have found all 9 parts of Cadixtat and brought them to Azmog-Azmennum. Then, Tarkhan will travel (3 weeks) to HEX 2303 to meet with the Ur-Lireans and resurrect Cadixtat.
PC may interfere with this plan at any time. Maybe they find some pieces of Cadixtat before Tarkhan does, maybe they raise an army and confront Tarkhan or his generals on the field of battle. Maybe they find the Rod of Rulership, etc. Make it your own thing depending on how the PCs in your campaign want to operate.
Factions that work against Cadixtat: Kruul the Planar Conqueror, the Church of Klazath, various mortal kingdoms.
The Beginning:
The PCS are from a remote village called Road’s End in HEX 1204.
The Portal is in HEX 1203.
It is part of the Northwestern, rural province of the small Kingdom of Luithea, ruled by “The White Drake of the North, His Royal Majesty King Beldor”.
The kingdom is part of the Large Empire of Crieste.
Road’s End hasn’t seen a tax collector or judge in decades.
The capital is Kassantia, Eisenhold is the next largest town with a large keep, ruled by Prince Seremac
PCs start with the module Portal Under the Stars. The plot hook about the Rod of Rulership can lead the PCS eventually to HEX 2121, where they can find the second half of the Rod of Rulership. The Rod replaces the The Rod of Cadixtat in the module Colossues Arise! and can be used to slay the Chaos god. The entity that appears to the PCs is Kruul the Eternal Conqueror, another champion of Chaos, working against the resurrection of Cadixtat.
To find the Rood of Rulership, the PCs need to burn the wood of a dryad in a living flame, using the brazier they found.
For a living flame, they need to capture the essence of a powerful fire elemental. Instructions on how to make a living flame and the necessary ritual can be found in Frozen in Time, The One Who Watches From Below, The Emerald Enchanter, or the Stygian Library. Maybe add other ingredients that are necessary or let the PCs come up with a creative solution.
A dryad can be found on the island of Noes Caen HEX 0511 (or pick another location).
A wizard character gets to use the demon horn. Randomize the patron:
D15 | PATRON |
1 | Bobugbubilz |
2 | Sezrekan |
3 | Azi Dahaka |
4 | The King of Elfand |
5 | The Three Fates |
6 | Carnifex |
7 | Dzzhali |
8 | Hekanhoda |
9 | Horned King |
10 | Klarvgorok |
11 | Magog |
12 | Nhool |
13 | Obitu-Que |
14 | Serbok |
15 | Yila-Keranuz |
Southern coast (anywhere): Attack of the Beakmen
Map location north of Hirot HEX 1509: the barrow in the woods is The Crystal Crypt of Zhool.
Northern, icy mountain hexes: location for Frozen in Time, PCs found treasure map that leads there. HEX 1401.
Northwestern forest, grave HEX 0701: The Abbot of the Woods (Lvl 1-3), in the back of Blades Against Death, rumors of hidden treasure with an Abbot+chapel in the woods.
Forest to the West of Hirot HEX 1610: Croaking Fane.
Tower hex north of Cragwatch HEX 1207: The Emerald Enchanter. The Emerald Enachter traded Stryggal Threestake the secret of the green Orc crystals. PC encounters Blight orc Raiding party in a steading on the way to the Tower (have captured 15 villagers). Stryggal has been supplying the Emerald Enchanter with test subjects in exchange for crystals and the teleportation mirror. Village by the Tower is eerily empty.
Punjar HEX 1017: The One Who Watches from Below, Jewels of Carnifex, The Jeweler that dealt Stardust, Blades Against Death, The Dread God Al-Khazadar (side-quest that just starts).
Green Island in the West HEX 0510: Maze of Yggdrasil, location for some dryad wood. Lost in the Briars (Lvl 3), in the back of Jewels of Carnifex, small town is threatened by a treant, maybe set it on the same island as Maze of Yggdrasil.
Fields by Kassantia HEX 0911: Well of the Worm.
Kassantia (HEX 0813): Fates Fell Hand, invite to Moon Slaves of the Cannibal Kingdom.
Far island (around HEX 0219): Moon Slaves of the Cannibal Kingdom.
Ash Haven (HEX 2008): For Ash Haven, maybe the town’s head councilor has vanished in the Manse and the town is being run (ineffectively) by a council, preparing for the attack by Tarkhan Kurzog’s army. PCs are asked to retrieve the Head Councillor. The Mad Prince lured the Lord into the Manse on the promise of help. The town only knows that the abandoned manse belonged to the old ruling family, before their fall and the takeover of the town council. Mother Muun is threatening the city from the East.
Fair Haven (HEX 1912): 13th Skull Adventure, Wizard Alameister the Fair is operating in the city. Uses the Enter the Dagon to challenge the PCs.
HEX 2121: Location for the other half of the Rod of Rulership &rraw; find a cool dungeon and put the Rod in there.
East of the Mountains:
Events driven by Tarkhan Kurzog’s machinations
Tarkhan Kurzog has amassed an army of orcs, goblins, bugbears, ogres, giants. 5 generals have regional command: 2 orcs, 1 goblin, 1 giant, 1 human. They can be encountered on the Eastern side of the mountains
1 Orc general is Stryggal Threestake (inspired by Trilemma Adventures.). He has implanted powerful demonic crystals in his Orcs that give them special powers. He also owns a teleportation mirror which he uses for his raids. PCs can encounter his patrols or witness a raid on a nearby village. He has a forward base close to the mountains in HEX 1506, Use map from Dyson Fortress on the Ironflow River. Forward base is used to explore the Iron Flow as a way of crossing the mountains. Main Base is east of the mine symbol in an abandoned keep HEX 1706 (mini-dungeon).
Giantess general is Mother Muun, threatening Fairhaven. Comes from the Eastern-most mountains.
2nd orc general commands a small group of vampiric Orcs. His name is Zarguz the Wicked. Roams the plains North of Ashhaven. Has his base of operations in a cave system in the bluffs of the plains. Has been harassing the villages and nomads of the plains. Desert cave orc vampires!
Goblin general is the Shaman Krixx. Has his base in a main war fort in the Northern plains HEX 1803. Under his fort is his research base where he is breeding mutated wyrms and dragons (mini-dungeon). PCs can find evidence of Tarkhan’s pilgrimage to the Lost City of Stylos in the East. .
Human general is the Wizard Alameister the Fair. Operates around Fairhaven. Has infiltrated the city and beging machinations.
Tarkhan Kurzog has his war camp in HEX 1803.
HEX 2303 is the location of the Lost City of Stylos, Temple of Cadixtat. Tarkhan has traveled here and woken the Daughters. They are preparing the wakening of Cadixtat and the Second Sons. He has brought the nine pieces of Cadixtat (portions of Hel-Ooze). Add Tarkhan as a presence in the Adventure. He is probably camping outside the House of Cadixtat and is gloating. Replace the Rod of Cadixtat with the Rod of Rulership. PCs need to have acquired the rod before the adventure or flee from the Undead Titan and find it quickly. Using the Rod of Rulership acts like the Rod of Cadixtat. Lawful clerics become Chaotic and become clerics of Kruul—The Eternal Conqueror.
Sailors on a Starless Sea
Adventure location is in HEX 0501.
For Level 1, PCs travel to Eisenhold (HEX 0707) to train for their classes.
They also get to carouse for XP and spending some of their wealth, even if they don’t have enough gold.
The ruler of Eisenhold, Prince Seremac, has appointed a new Magistrate: Jasper Osgood.
Jasper has been tasked with improving governance (tax collection, law enforcement, solving problems) in the region.
He asks the PCs to investigate an old, abandoned keep, near the town of Welwyn. They can keep any treasure they find, if there is a danger, remove it. Reward: 150GP per player and some information about the location of a dryad.
PCs can hire hirelings in Eisenhold:
Wilhelm: has two daggers, a thin moustache, thin dude in his 40s, thinning hair. Food+lodging+1 sp per day.
Obra–female trapper with a shortbow. Same rate.
Yuri—16-year old boy, Has a club. 2cp per week +lodging and food.
Lodging costs: simple place in common room (bed+food) 1sp, private room (3sp)
Wellwyn: pop, 921, A wilderness town standing in the shadow of the Cairnswild forest
Wellwyn is home to trappers and huntsmen who earn a dangerous living hunting the dangerous dire boars that rut in the forest glades. The town is ruled by the young and charismatic Lady Arabella, daughter to the late mayor. Arabella shares the duties of her post with the town’s magistrate, a grim man known as Malchor.
The problem: Several animals have died of disease over the last few months. Villagers have started to disappear. At first, we thought people just left for better fortunes, but now we think that someone or something is taking them. A peasant family of 6, 3 woodsmen, 4 sheepherders, a couple of townsfolk have gone missing. Most recently, the sons of the village smith, Keary and Alban, have vanished 11 days ago. We think it has something to do with that dreaded keep. A banner has been seen flowing on top if the tower.
Roll for rumors from the adventure when they get to the village.
Plot hooks to add:
The vault also contains a large, opened black chest, made from an unknown metal. It is empty. The inside is coated in some oily, black/reddish liquid. This liquid is one of the Essences of Cadixtat–the heart.
Drop in correspondence from Tarkhan Kurzog, thanking him for retrieving the heart, instructing him to raise the Chaos Lords and join him in Azmog-Azmennum. Letter is written on halfling skin, carried by the cult leader. Letter is written in Chaotic language. PCs may know that Ogres love Halflings for the taste of their flesh.
PCs can find a ring belonging to the wizard Sezrakan, maybe this can be a tie in.
Treasure map → leads to another module (Frozen in Time).
Doom of Savage Kings
HEX 1513: Eastern side of the mountains, northern continent, next to the swamps, foot of the mountains.
PCs go to Hirot to attend to the Shrine of Klazath, a place of healing for wounded soldiers.
Hirot is a remote village at the feet of the Trolltooth Mountains, in the Western Part of the Free Province of Thire.
Flophouse with the Rogues: they will try to steal some of the PCs magic items.
The Lair of the Hound contains a black metal chest, full of black slime, like in Sailors. A party of rogues stole the Left Leg of Cadixtat, this released the Hound.
People of the Pit
HEX 1309: North of Hirot in the mountains, the town is called Cragwatch
Church of Klazath contacts them about a problem: a renegade warrior priest vanished and now the tentactle monster of the People of the Pit had returned. People of the Pit.
PCs have earned a reputation for dealing with beasts, citizens of a small town (Cragwatch) ask them to help, 500 GP each
High priest’s chest contains some valuable information: They were a heretic priest of Klazath. They allied with Tarkhan Kurzog to raise Cadixtat as a formidable foe for Klazath. Tarkhan told them to go to Cragwatch and release the corrupted earth elemental that dwelled there. The priest went there and started the Cult of the People of the Pit.
The chest also contains a bag of ancient, blackened silver coins (module Imperishable Sorceress). They show a beautiful woman vaguely repellent and resembles one of the characters (determine randomly), reverse side reads in archaic script “Beauty Devours”. Adventure is triggered when PCs walk through any door.
Locals tell them about a nearby Wizard’s tower (Emerald Enchanter).
The Emerald Enchanter
Tower hex north of Cragwatch HEX 1207
The Emerald Enchanter traded Stryggal Threestake the secret of the green Orc crystals. PC encounters Blight orc Raiding party in a steading on the way to the Tower (have captured 15 villagers). Stryggal has been supplying the Emerald Enchanter with test subjects in exchange for crystals and the teleportation mirror. Village by the Tower is eerily empty (inspired by Trilemma Adventures.)
Hexes around the tower have been subject to Orc raids. PCs can find evidence of this and encounter Orcs.
In the Tower, PCs can find notes on the deal: Emerald Enchanter supplies crystals and the mirror in exchange for people. Shipping notes specify the location of Stryggal’s Forward Base in HEX 1506 and mention of the main camp not too far away (HEX 1706). Forward Base is inside the mountain with access to the underground river.
Wandering Monsters inside the Emerald Enchanter’s Tower: Roll 1D6 every 3 turns. On a 5 an omen, on a 6 an encounter:
1-2 | 1 Eidolon |
3-5 | 1d3+1 Eidolons |
6 | Chimera |