Tolomak Crawl


  • Master Zagarius of the Golden Factor is planning an expedition to the Tolomak Islands.

  • He is hiring adventurers to help him map the island and capture exotic animals:

    • He will pay 200gp for location discoveries

    • He will pay 100-2,000gp for exotic animals.

    • He will pay 20,000gp for the capture of the rumored giant ape.

    • PCs can keep any found treasure, but they have to pay a 10% tax.

They journey takes about two weeks. Master Zagarius will have three ships coming and going on a rotating schedule. The ships are repurposed whaling ships.

Rough ship schedule:

Week 1 Rat and Mistress leave
Week 2 Hornet leaves
Week 3 Rat and Mistress arrive, build camp
Week 4 Hornet arrives with fresh supplies, Mistress leaves
Week 5 Hornet leaves
Week 6 Mistress resupplies in Punjar and leaves again
Week 7 Hornet arrives in Punjar and resupplies
Week 8 Mistress returns to Tolomak
Week 9 Mistress leaves Tolomak, Hornet arrives in Tolomak
Week 10 Hornet leaves Tolomak
Week 11 Mistress arrives in Punjar and resupplies
Week 12 Hornet arrives in Punjar and resupplies
Week 13 Mistress returns to Tolomak
Week 14 Mistress leaves Tolomak, Hornet arrives in Tolomak

Each week, there is a 20% chance a ship is delayed by one week.


Master Zagarius. Level 4 Lawful Thief. Has an unusual cloak (+2 Luck, -1 STA, Adds +1d4 to saves against magical attacks). Silver band with a ruby (Magic ring, upgrades the action die one step for a social skill).

Qorin of the Isles Level 4 Elf Bodyguard . Rolled stats on Purple Sorcerer. Has a +1 Longdsword (+5 speed as well).

Captain Ozmandus (Level 1 Warrior) and the crew of the Vainglorious Rat. The second ship is the Mistress of the Waves. The third ship is the The Hornet.

The crew is 36 men per ship. Crew have stats like Gongfarmer Militia.

Trocereo’s Crew A rivaling group of adventurers, also hired by Zagarius. They will go on their own expeditions and try to sabotage the PCs.

The Beach Base

One anchored ship and an make-shift fort on land. PCs can purchase supplies here, rest, and hire retainers.

There can be new rumors and the possibility of a mutiny.

A ship will arrive every 1d2 weeks with new supplied and men.


After every every ship supply run, there are

  • always 2d10 gongfarmer militia available for hire. Cost: 2 cp per day and food.

  • Specialist:

1D100 Hireling Cost
1-50 1d3 Hired Muscle 10 sp per day, 10% of all treasure and profits from a player share
51-55 Temple Acolyte as hired muscle
56-65 Halfling cutpurse as hired muscle
66-70 Hedge Mage 1gp per day and 50% of a PC share in scrolls and magic items
71-80 Elven Guide double as hired muscle
81-85 Dwarven Sapper 5 gp per day and 50% of a PC share of treasure
86-95 Obsequious Toady Cost: 10% of a PC share.
96-100 Camp Cookie 1 gp per day + 1 gp per mouth to feed


1 The islands are the domain of a witch (true)
2 The island is haunted by the ghosts of the dead (false)
3 The lair of the mythical moon bird is to be found here (true)
4 There are bloodsucking vampires about
5 A demon dwells of the Isle of the Moons (false)
6 Cannibals inhabit the islands (true)
7 The rivers are filled with cursed treasure (false)
8 The wizard Shadankin has a secret sanctuary in the island
9 Treasures of an ancient serpent-folk civilization are to be found on the island.
10 There is a small, swampy island to the South. You can hear loud croaking noises from afar. Sailors that went there, never returned.


  • 1 hour of travel moves PCs by 1/4 miles (interior), 1/2 miles (sunken ruins), 2 miles (beach).

  • Every four hours, roll for a random encounter based on the local terrain.

  • Characters wearing metal armor must make a Fortitude save at DC 5+Armor AC bonus, each day of travel, or be forced to incur a -2 penalty to all checks.

  • Traveling by rowboat on the water increases the speed to 3 miles per hour.


Maze of the Sunken Ruins:

  • Blood of the Serpent King (AREA 2)

  • The Sea Queen Escapes! (Maze of the Sunken Ruins for the idol, Shadankin’s Sanctum is somewhere hidden on the islands–)

  • The Croaking Fane (Southern Islands) 5-1

  • 5-2 Lone Ait, the prison for the Sea Queen.

  • 5-3 Shadankin’s Sanctum.

  • Piercing the Demon’s Eye (5-4). Trocereo’s rival adventuring crew is messing with them.

  • 5-5 Elephant encounter. Describe elephant in a away that makes them sound scary (Tentancle in the face, leathery skin, massive legs, tusks, trumpet sound), then have them realize it’s an elephant, when in fact this elephant is a terrible predator with razorsharp teeth and the ability to shoot acid out of its trunk. Will attack and kill! HD: 5D10+5 35, Attack: acid (ranged) +7 2d6, destroys armor, tusks +7 1d8+5, AC 10, special: trample charge–everyeone in the movement path Reflex save DC 14 4d6+4 damage.

  • 5-6: Ant-Queen and her hive. 2D6 soldiers, 6d6 workers.

PC Map
PC Map
GM Map
GM Map