CY_BORG X Shadowrun

18 minute read


Here are some thoughts on how to use CY_BORG to play Shadowrun.

Setting Adjustments:

  • The megacity CY arose out of the ruins of Northern Europe. It stretches across what used to be Hamburg in the Southwest, Rostock in the Southeast, to Copenhagen and Malmö in the North, and the rest of former Denmark. Northern Germany, Poland, and the rest of Scandinavia are associated territories, full of industrial parks, ag and server farms, smaller commuter cities, and toxic wasteland ruled by Nomad clans.

  • The rest of the Shadowrun universe can be used as is.

  • At some point after 2020, nanotech became all the rage. By now, most biological matter has active and defunct nanobots in their system.

  • Instead of the standard Awakening from the SR universe, asteroids fell on earth and caused widespread calamities. The asteroids carried different strains of alien bacteria that interacted with the nanobot technology and spread across many biological life forms. The first generation of bacterial strains caused Metatype mutations, other, more recent variants, manifested as magical powers.

Character Creation


MetatypeAbility Roll AdjustmentExtra Effect
Humanas rolled by class+1 Glitches
Elf+1 to Presence or Agility, -1 to ToughnessGraceful: -1 DR on tests to charm/lie
Dwarf+1 to Toughness, -1 AgilityHardy: +1 to Toughness tests against pathogen and toxin resistance
Ork+1 to Toughness or Strength, -1 to PresencePredator: low-light vision
Troll+2 to Toughness or Strength or +1 each, -1 to Agility, -1 to Presence,Natural Armor (+1 to any armor roll), Large: -1 DR STR test in melee, +2 DR defense, things cost 2x


PVNKS start with maximum HP and there are modified dying rules (see below).


CY_BORG has no skill system, but skills play an integral role in Shadowrun.

Failed Careers

PVNKS start with a failed career that defines some of their pre-existing skills and knowledge. Make one up, roll on the table below, or look at the NPC Role table on p.116.

1Backalley Doctor
2Disgraced Corporate Drone
3Street Hustler
4Failed Entertainer, Social media influencer
5Ganger/low-level criminal
6Laid-off programmer
7Failed scientist
8Fraudulent accountant, white collar criminal
9Factory worker
10Drug dealer
12Low-rent bounty hunter
14Drugged out pilot
15Semi-professional gambler
16Recently released convict
17Clickbait journalist/writer
18Hazard zone survivalist
19Cybertech maintenance tech
20Political activist

Detailed Skills

Characters have a list of skills with varying ratings, ranging from untrained (+0), to trained (+2), expert (+3), to master (+4).

Skill tests use the associated attribute modifier + the skill rating vs. DR. Some skill checks are only possible for trained skills.

At character creation, PVNKS get to pick two skills in which they have achieved the trained rank, based on their failed career. They also get one additional trained skill that can be chosen freely, representing personal interests.

They also get one Knowledge or Language Skill at the trained rating. For every positive ability modifier in their Knowledge Attribute, they get an additional Knowledge or Language Skill at trained proficiency.

In RAW CY_BORG, attribute modifiers range from -3 to +3 (with an average modifier of +0) vs. a standard DR12 (DR ranges from 6 to 18). This implies an average success probability of 45%, a max success probability of 90% (+3 vs DR6) and a minimum success probability of 0% (-3 vs. DR18).

Adding skill ratings increases the range of modifiers from -3 to +7. This makes PVNKS slightly more competent, which is probably OK because Shadowrunners are professional operators. A trained PC has now a 55% chance of success against a normal task, while a world-class expert (Master) has a 80% chance. If you prefer to keep the game gritty, scale up the DR list on p.41 by 1 or 2 points (e.g., standard DR become 13 or 14).

SkillAssociated Attributes
IntimidationPresence, Strength, Toughness
AthleticsStrength, Agility
Unarmed CombatStrength
Ranged WeaponsPresence
Automatic WeaponsAgility
Knowledge and Language SkillsKnowledge


Each PVNK starts the game with two level 1 Contacts or one level 2 Contact. Roll on the NPC table on p.116.

Level 1 Contacts- Standard contact. Merely an acquaintance. Level 1 contacts will charge for meaningful information and help.

Level 2 Contacts- A friend. You have done each other some favors and there is a certain level of trust. DR-2 on any Presence check when attempting to get a Level 2 contact to do something for you. Level 2 contact will not charge for simple things.

Level 3 Contacts- A true friend. A rare thing in CY. If a test is needed to convince the contact to help you in some way, you receive Advantage on the Presence roll. Level 3 contacts are predisposed to doing favors for free.


Use rules as written with the following adjustments:

  • Every piece of Cyberware increases the DR for nanopower/magic tests by +1.

  • Every piece of Cyberware increases the DR for social test by +1.


New Nano-powers/magic can be acquired in-game. Procedures vary. It always takes Karma Points to successfully acquire a new Nano-power and sometimes also costs credits.

The Nano-Power Skill increases the chances of successfully activating a Nano-power, giving you a bonus on your activation test. Your nanopower skill also makes it more difficult for targets of your power to resist. If the power call for a resistance test, adjust the DR by your skill rating.

Controlling and Unleashing Nano-powers

A key feature of Shadowrun magic is the ability to decide the amount of risk and reward involved in casting a spell. RAW CY_Borg has a risk attached to activating nano-powers, but gives no opportunity for characters to affect that risk. By RAW, activating a nano-power is also fairly difficult, which makes it very risky.

I think two changes are in order: 1) Introducing the Nanopower skill increases the baseline success chance, which addresses basic competence; 2) The Controlled/Unleashing rules below allow a minimum of tactical choice in the activation of nano-powers.

Nano-powers can be activated with more control or unleashed at great risk. This allows the PC to pick a risk-reward level that they are comfortable with. A controlled approach increases the chances of success dramatically at the guaranteed cost of damage. Unleashing nanopowers brings the higher risk of failure and more damage, but promises greatly amplified effects on a success.

ControlledDR8Standard Effect + 1d2 damage1d2 damage1
RegularDR12Standard Effect1d2 damage1
UnleashedDR16Pick one: double duration, double range, double damage, target another creature, DR to resist +4, alter effect substantially1d6 damage1–4

Astral Perception and Astral Projection

Everyone that has acquired a nanopower also acquires the ability to perceive magical energy created by nanobacteria. It takes a Presence DR12 check to activate this sight ability.

Astral Projection is not directly available in CY_BORG, but the Swarm trip nanopower offers a similar functionality.

Magical wards



Summoning can be done via the acquisition of new nanopowers (see below)

New Nanopowers

Here are some additional powers:

Read ThoughtsTarget tests Presence DR14 to resist. Reveals 1-2 important pieces of information.
SuggestTarget has to test Presence DR16 or be swayed by the suggestion.
DominateTarget has to test Presence DR10 or fall under the command of the user for 1d6 minutes. Commands that but the target into serious danger cause, trigger another Presence test.
StunTarget has to test Presence DR12 or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. Target can test again on subsequent turns to end the condition.
SilenceEnforce silence on a circular area with a 10 m radius for 10 minutes.
Change FaceChange your physical appearance for 1d6 hours.
CloakBecome invisible and cloaked from visual sensors for 1d6 minutes. +/- 2 on all attack and defense tests.
FlyGain the ability to fly at half your regular speed for 1d6 X 10 minutes.
Summon AberrationSummon a mutated beast with the stats of a Warg (p.100) for 1d6 hours. The creature will obey your commands. If you die or become unconscious, the create will 1–3 vanish or 4–6 attack the nearest target.

Magical Weapons and Foci

Some items and weapons can be infused with nano/magical powers. For foci, they can give a bonus or special effect on activation checks for nano-powers or give access to wholly new powers. Magical weapons might offer extra damage or the ability to hurt magical creatures.


There is no good equivalent to Ki-Adepts in the CY_BORG rules. It might require a new class and a new set of nano-powers to really get at the feeling of a Ki-Adept.

Nano-Adept Class

Nano-Adepts incorporate infected nanobots into their body to permanently alter themselves.

HP: Toughness +D6

Roll 3d6+2 for Toughness, 3d6-1 for Presence and Knowledge

D2 Glitches

You start with one permanent nano-sculpt power.

Nano-Sculpt Powers are ongoing effects that do not need to be activated. A Nano-Adept can sustain a number of nano-sculpt powers equal to their Toughness +1 for the day. Each piece of cyberware reduces this number by one. You can decide which of your nano-powers to sustain for the day after a full night of sleep (e.g., you might have access to four nano-sculpt powers but can only sustain three at any given time).

Each nano-sculpt power is linked to an infestation. Anytime you fumble on an attack or defense test, you have to test Presence DR12 to avoid triggering one of your infestations (determine randomly).

1Killing HandsTurn your hands into deadly weapons. D6 damage and ignore light armor.
2ArmorInfuse your skin with protective nanobots. +1 on armor rolls.
3Reflexes+2 for initiative rolls.
4Cat’s EyesNight vision.
5Dog’s NoseEnhanced smell.
6Pheromones-2DR on social Presence tests.
7Combat Sense-2 DR on Defense tests.
8Frog JumpDouble jumping distances and heights.
9Third ArmYou have grown a third arm. You can hold an extra item and gain a -2 DR on grappling attempts.
10RegenerationRecover 1 HP per combat round at the end of your turn.
11Meld into Shadows-4DR on Agility tests to evade detection. Also affects cameras and other sensors.
12SpiderclimbYou can scale vertical surfaces with ease.


PVNKs typically earn 1-5 Karma Points per mission. Karma can be used in a variety of ways:

  1. Increase HP.

  2. Increase Attribute modifiers.

  3. Increase Skill Ratings

  4. Acquire/adopt new Nano-infestations.

  5. Training for Talents.

PVNKS can also use credits to acquire better gear, apps, and cyberware.

Advancement TypeKarma CostsCredit Cost
Increase HP by 4 (up to a max of 30)5 KP2.5k credits
Increase an Attribute modifier from 0 to +16 KP5k credits
Increase an Attribute modifier from +1 to +212 KP20k credits
Increase an Attribute modifier from +2 to +320 KP50k credits
Increase a Skill Rating from untrained to trained3 KP2.5k credits
Increase a Skill Rating from trained to expert6 KP10k credits
Increase a Skill Rating from expert to master10 KP25k credits
Acquire a Talent8 KP10k/25l/50k
Incorporate a new Nano-Power6 KP8k
Incorporate a new Nano-Sculpt8 KP10k


Adapted from Unheroic Feats in MB Heretic.

Talents can be acquired by PVNKs when improving between missions (see p.89). PVNKS can gain up to three Talents. The first costs 10k, the second 25k, the third 50k.

11AssassinTest Strength DR12 to grapple an unaware foe and automatically crit with a one-handed bladed weapon or a garotte.
12SpiritualistSacrifice 1k to regain a lost Glitch (once per day)
13Bare-Knuckle BrawlerYour unarmed attacks deal d6 damage and ignore light armor. You may take this Feat a second time, increasing to d8 damage, and a third time to d10 damage. If you crit on an attack, you also stun your enemy. Fumbling an unarmed attack means you break a hand, dealing the damage to yourself. You must seek out a specialist to help you set your bones.
14Spree-KillerWhen landing an attack that kills a target, you must attack another (this may include allies), adding d6 damage for every creature slain. Your onslaught stops when you fail to kill and you fall to the ground exhausted, losing your next turn.
15Field MedicTest Agility DR12 to return a Battered PC to 1 HP.
16Precision StrikerOnce per turn, when making a ranged or melee attack, roll damage with advantage.
21ExpertPick a technical or academic field of expertise. Checks for your area of expertise have advantage. Can be picked multiple times.
22Dual WielderYou have trained to fight with two weapons. Roll both damage dice and keep the higher result.
23Fateful VisionsConsume a Glitch and spend a few moments in quiet meditation. Ask the GM a question pertaining to the current situation. You will be granted a bizarre vision that provides enlightening information. GM rolls a d4 in secret; on a 1, the vision is deceptive.
24Dope FiendAn experienced drug user. -1 for all DR tests to resist negative effects of drugs .
25First StrikeYou gain a +1 to initiative rolls and your first attack in combat gains Advantage.
26Reckless BlowWhen wielding two-handed weapons, you may swing with DR+2. If the attack lands, you add d6 to your damage. Missing allows your opponent to strike with an attack that you can defend against at DR+2.
31Harbinger of MiseryGain 4 maximum Glitches instead of 2. As long as you live, the GM rolls two Misery dice every day.
32Home-ChemistOnce per day, you may scrounge to find the necessary chemical substances to to create an infection-curing elixir that also heals d4 HP. Test Presence DR12 to attempt this treatment. Failing instead creates a toxin dealing d4 damage.
33Hyper AwarenessYou can never be the victim of a surprise attack. Additionally, your side takes the initiative on 3+.
34Tough as NailsYou ignore all DR modifiers from Wounds.
35LikeableWhenever a reaction roll is made, roll 3d6 and keep the highest two dice.
36Deadly DrawYour first ranged attack always deals max damage, assuming it hits. If you miss, your opponent may attack you. This can be defended against at DR+2.
41NegotiatorTest Presence, DR6 + opponents’ highest morale for a chance to de-escalate a situation or gain a bargaining advantage.
42Outback SurvivalistTest Presence DR9 to create a comfortable campsite. DR+1 for every additional person it shelters. When resting at this camp, everyone recovers 2d6 HP instead of d6.
43Catering ChefTest Presence DR9 to cook a meal when resting. On success, each PC may roll the D6 HP recovery with Advantage.
44Ammo hoarderOnly loose ammo on 1-2.
45ConnectedGain another contact or increase an existing contact’s level. Can be taken multiple times.
46Cyberware adaptedDR-2 for resisting Cy Rage.
51SniperWhen aiming receive both Dr-2 to hit and +2 to damage.
52LeaderYour hirelings receive a +2 bonus to morale checks.
53Tough.When Battered, roll twice and take the better result.
54Ear to the Street.You can easily pick up rumors in the city.
55GritGain +4 HP (this is always added after you change your HP from regular Advancement)
56Street CredYou are known among gutter punks. Gain a +1 on First Impressions with streetfolk and enemies from the streets receive +1 on their morale checks.
61Trigger HappyYour autofire can hit more than 3 targets. If you hit 3 or more targets, you have to immediately do an Ammo roll.
62Stealthy As FuckAll tests related to Stealth are reduced by -2DR. Stacks with other abilities.
63BlandYou don’t trigger suspicion and your features are very forgettable. First Impressions tend towards neutral.
64Guts-1 DR on any Presence tests to confront fear or intimidation attempts.
65Nano resistanceYou can attempt an additional DR12 Toughness test to resist the effects of a nano power. Cannot use nano powers.
66Gearhead-2 DR on all tests to tinker with gear, electronics, or mechanics.

Dying Rules

HP represent stamina, grit, and luck, not health. They represent how long you can avoid actual damage.

When a PC hits 0 HP or less, they have to test Toughness test with DR 12:

  • On a success, the PC stays conscious but takes one Wound. For every Wound, all future DR tests (except for damage resistance) are increased by 1 point. If a PC accumulates wounds equal to their Toughness modifier +1 (minimum of 2), they automatically die.

  • On a failure, they roll on the Battered table.

Recovering from a single Wound takes a varying amount of time.

Quality of Medical CareCostsEffect
Shady Doc500 creditsTest Toughness DR12 after 3 days of rest to recover from 1 wound.
Regular Doc1000 creditsTest Toughness DR6 after 3 days of rest to recover from 1 wound.
Premium Doc4000 creditsAutomatic recovery from one wound after 3 days.
High-end Care10,000 creditsAutomatic recovery from one wound after 1 day.


NPC Skills

Some NPCs have specialty skills and professional training. Generally, it is probably easiest to just give an NPC a threat rating (0 untrained; 1 trained; 2 professional; 3 veteran; 4 world-class) that can be applied generally.

In contested tests, adjust the DR for the PC by the skill rating of the NPC. This applies to combat tests as well. Examples: A PC is trying to defend against an attack by an NPC with a particular skill in melee. Instead of using the normal DR12, adjust the DR up by the skill rating of the NPC.

NPC Health

Enemies die on zero HP and cannot incur wounds. Optionally, for special enemies, use their threat rating-1 to determine how many wounds they can take before they die.