HRE Campaign Session 6

2 minute read


9/22/1631 afternoon:

  • The party returns to the catacombs to break into the architects tomb. Authlbert is afflicted by a curse and spiders crawl out of his mouth. He nearly dies, but pulls through in the end.

  • The party recovers the skull of the architect and some valuable treasure (2 rings worth 250 gp each, 60 pieces of topaz worth 300 gp). Sid and Darvan are attacked by flies and contract the Rott.

  • On their way out, the party is ambushed by a group of four cannibals. A well-placed Sleep spell by Sid neutralizes the threat and the group makes quick work of the enemies.

  • Boltan Raureif pays them their reward of 250 gp per person. They agree to recuperate the rest of the day. The party seeks out the help of the midwife Schippel and Pastor Ludwig von Acht.


  • The party, together with Boltan Raureif, make their way to the third floor of the catacombs, looking for the hidden tomb of King Cronman Carr.

  • On their way, more cannibals attacks. One of them breaks through the party’s defense and mortally wounds Darvan. Only the utterance of the beggar’s strange foreign word by Authlbert saves his life.

  • They find the secret passage but are stumped in a corridor that is obviously trapped with a fire spell. Darvan Nimblehands has a hunch he can get across using Wygga’s Robe cloak his life energy. The rest of the party follows one by one. On the other side, they have to blunt a spear trap protecting the entrance to the king’s tomb. Through the door, they find a large glass case containing the bodies of the king and queen—and shadowy butterflies. Boltan Raureif, overcome with greed, smashes the glass. The butterflies enter his eyes and he is overcome with a violent rage, turning on the party. He prepares to launch a powerful spell at them, but a well placed shot by Toblar-Oun breaks his concentration. Sid sticks their sword into the man’s belly and in one fell swoop quadruples the party’s treasure share. They recover a piece of the wolf’s head amulet, jewelry (1000 gp), coins (3000 gp), and a wooden longsword with an engraving: “Balming”.