HRE Campaign Session 7

1 minute read


9/23/1631 afternoon:

  • The party paid Scribe Cafarelli 250 gp to identify the Deadwood sword.

  • Sid ordered plate mail that will arrive on 9/26 (63gp).

  • The group prepared for a violent confrontation with the cannibals led by Valentin Stelzer. A well-timed sleep spell by Sid and massive warhammer hits by the dwarf Gerencser swung the battle in their favor. They killed the whole cabal of cannibals and secured coins and treasure.

  • The proceeded to explore Level 4 of the catacombs. They plundered some children’s grave niches, and opened the cannibals’ treasure chests. They also gained access to a series of three tombs, one made from sandstone (left unopened), one from porphyry (contained a single cursed gold ducat), and a hidden marble sarcophagus (unopened). The last sarcophagus seems to be protected by a magical ward. Next to it, a shaft filled with acid bars access to three golden cups.

  • The party retreated to safety and rested for the night. Myreg awoke without his hair on his head. The odd ivory doll he found in some grave niche suddenly sprouted some nice new hair instead…

  • The party ordered a gold-plated hook for 10gp. The hook will be ready on 9/24 in the afternoon.