HRE Campaign Session 11

2 minute read



  • Straggling members of the Company, Zelphar and Bromely, make their way to Bruckstadt and join the others. Myreg briefs them on the local situation.

  • Zelphar, Bromely, and Yohann decide to scout the location of Castle Aarhorst–afterall it was promised to the Company.

  • After a two hur hike, the see the ruin from a distance and spot a plume of smoke. Some bandits seem to have taken residence in the structure.

  • Bromely sneaks closer and climbs up the rockface. He accidentally makes some noise and attracts the attention of a bandit guard. The guard approaches and searches the area for the noise. The others use the opening to advance on the main gate. They engage with the second guard, while Bromely faces off with the searching bandit. Despite a Magic Missile from Zelphar and a hit from Yohann, the female bandit guard does not go down and lands a massive hit on Yohann, crushing his skull. The party decides to retreat, barely getting away.

  • The retreat to Bruckstadt, return Yohann’s body, and let midwife Schippel tend to their wounds.

  • The group decides to return as quickly as possible to the ruin for revenge. Authlbert joins the expedition.

  • They return to the Castle. While the bandits have set another lookout, the group is able to circle around and approach from the Northwestern side, climb up the rocky hill, and sneak around the backside. They realize the number of bandits is much higher than expected and they even have dogs!. They move around the outer walls and form a bold plan of attack.

  • They surprise attack the guards at the main gate and then close the oak doors to stop additional bandits from joining. One bandit, carrying a huge Zweihänder, is able to barrel into the battle before the gate closes. He cuts down Bromely, but is himself struck by Zelphas and Authlbert. The party retreats with the unconscious body of Bromely, guard dog and bandits in hot pursuit, only momentarily delayed by a blocked outer gate.

  • The party sets a quick ambush in the forest and is able to dispatch the pursuing bandits.

  • The recover a few pieces of gold (27 gp total), a bandit’s diary, two arquebuses, and the massive Zweihänder.

  • The diary reveals that the bandits are called Jeka Marauder’s and are led by the eponymous Jeka Garcia. They have been raiding the wider region, but their leader is holding a grudge against someone in Bruckstadt…

  • Total treasure and XP: 27 gp, 2x Blunderbuss/Arquebus, bandit’s diary, +1 Two-handed sword. 209 xp per person.