Abomination Vaults Session 1

1 minute read


1 Pharast 4721: Traveling to Otari

  • The party encountered a farmer looking for help on the way to Otari.

  • He asked them to look in on his neighbor.

  • They found evidence of scorch marks around the farmhouse.

  • In the barn, they encountered a hell hound and two wolves.

  • The party, with some luck, defeated the monsters and saved the farmer and the visiting farmers’ guild leader Jala Highstepper.

  • Jala invites the party to stay in the Otari Guildhouse.

  • The party arrives in Otari, rests, shops for supplies, and does some basic research on the Gauntlight. They learn it was built by one Belcorra Haruvex.

  • The town is dominated by the fishing and lumber industries. The families Menhemes, Inkleholtz, and Chertel are the wealthiest lumber merchants in town.
  • A scion of the powerful Haruvexes from Absalom, she build the Gauntlight 500 years ago. An adventuring group from Absalom, the Roseguard, confronted and defeated her.

  • The survivors of the Roseguard subsequently founded the town of Otari.

2 Pharast 4721: Towards the Gauntlight

  • On 2 Pharast, the party ventures fourth through the forest and the Fogfen, towards the Gauntlight Ruins.

  • They encounter some Mitflits in the gate house and a Slurk hiding in the water. One of the mitflits tried to flee towards the Southeastern edge of the Gauntlight ruins, climbing across the murky waters, using a vine.

  • The party quickly dispatches the Mitflits and the Slurk.