Abomination Vaults Session 2

2 minute read


2 Pharast 4721: Exploring the Gauntlight

  • The party circles eastward around the Gauntlight Ruins. They make their way across a bit of swampy water to access a collapsed part of the eastern wall.

  • Through the wall, they encounter more Mitflits and a Mudflicker Maggot. The fight with the Gremlins attracts three more Mitflits from a room to the South. The party prevails. They find evidence of a large magical battle that occurred in the L-shaped hall.

  • Pushing forward to the Southeastern part of the ruins, they find a sinkhole with a buried passage to a dungeon level below (currently inaccessible). Through a set of double doors, they encounter an old skeleton in armor. Rizzard senses a magical aura nearby: the skeleton is holding a magical morning star! Corbin takes possession of the mighty weapon.

  • Through another set of double doors, they enter a ramshackle throne room, ruled by one Boss Skrawng, the Mitflit leader. He is accompanied by three Mitflits and his pet spider Bite-Bite.

  • Boss Skrawng seems to be surprised by the heroes arrival. He implies that he hasn’t even attacked the town yet, but is still preparing his “grand plan”!

  • After an attempt at peaceful resolution, violence ensues. Boss Skrawng poisons Rizzard and Bite-Bite takes several painful bites out of him. Some timely healing by Arryn, Corbin crushing a Mitflit skull with his new morningstar, Zgaz raging through the enemies, and Rizzard unleashing a powerful Shocking Grasp with his elven sword, brings a quick end to the gremlins.

  • Before his demise, Boss Skrawng was able to obscure parts of his battle plan for Otari, which he had drawn in a small sandbox. Under his throne, the party retrieves a hand-drawn map of the Ruins. Where did the Mitflits come from? What where their plans? There is certainly more to this…

  • Exploring a room to the West, Arryn investigates the corpse of a giant frog, but is surprised by two more maggots, bursting from its guts. Rizzard gets caught in the mandibles of the beasts, but Corbin’s morning star has no trouble breaking through the chitinous armor, crushing the soft maggot flesh underneath. Zgaz is sure the frog was killed by a draconic creature.

  • The party decides to retreat for the day and returns to Otari around mid-day.