HRE Campaign Session 13

1 minute read



  • Magnus, Sid, Authlbert, Mad Tim, Bromely, and Zelphas descend into the deepest level of the catacombs.

  • They find a lone cannibal, serving as a jailor for the Inquisitor St. James. Four cells hold a sole captive and survivor of the Inquisitor’s questioning. One cell contains a strange mirror showing reflections of the party members.

  • Exploring to the West, the party finds some rat swarms and plunders grave niches.

  • Past an old trap in a room with Roman wall murals, they find a clay tablet. Bromely, speaking the words inscribed on the tablet, is suddenly swarmed by his fellow mercenaries, bloodlust in their eyes. Mad Tim buries a dagger deep in Bromely’s chest. Suddenly, everyone’s bloodlust is gone, but the damage is done: Bromely has passed. Mad Tim appears strangely invigorated by the experience.

  • Exploring further West, they find a room filled with the smoke of incense. Beyond, a room of burial niches filled with warped, child-sized skeletons. A statue of an emaciated woman, made whole with its missing head, calls for a fire sacrifice. Burning the strange skeletons in the offering bow, the party is rewarded with many gems. Upon the third burnt offering, the statue opens its eyes and screams, awakening the dead in the catacombs. The party flees, aided by the incense smoke.

  • Before leaving the fifth level, the go East, ringing the suspicious bronze bell. The lattice door opens, revealing access to the Inquisitor’s Fragstatt.

  • Descending down the winding stair case, suddenly Mad Tim finds himself tied to a torture device, the shadowy spirit of St. James looming over him, accusingly questioning the others. The party attacks, realizing the ghost of St. James can only be hurt by sanctified weapons and King Carr’s Deadwood Sword. Sid ends up in the torture chair, her bones broken and a screw drilled into her head, before the others manage to hurt St. James enough to make him retreat. The shadowy spirit vanishes through a door in the North.

  • Recovered treasure: 94 gp in coins, 1 gold cup (300 gp), Fire coral amulet, gems worth 1620 gp, 1 bone flute