Abomination Vaults Session 4

1 minute read


3-7 Pharast 4721: The Otari Fishery Camp

  • The party retreats from the heavy bronze door barring access to the Gauntlight’s copula.

  • On their way out, they are waylaid by two giant maggots, one of which critically injures Zgaz.

  • Back in Otari, Corbin has to attend to some private business and leaves. Zgaz spends some time working for a farmer, tilling the fields (ineffectively), earning him 4 cp. Arryn, having received permission to set up a study area in the Dawnflower library, has a mishap while embalming the body of the giant maggot for study purposes, heavily damaging a valuable book. Vandy Banderdash is upset and banishes him to the damp basement for his research. Rizzard has to spend four days in bed, curing his fly pox. Arryn provides valuable assistance, while Zgaz tries to administer a variety of strange home cures.

  • The party takes on a mission by Tamily Tanderveil, the halfling fishery baron. She hires them to clean out an old fishery camp outside of town for the mighty reward of 50 gp.

  • On 7 Pharast, they take off. Heavily injured by a wild boar on the way, they make it to the fishery camp. Some careful exploration and overcoming giant centipedes, rats, spiders, and a ghost, rewards the party with valuable treasure: a magical sword, a magical dagger, the mummified hand of an elf, several potions, excellent healer’s tools, and the distinct feeling of having earned rich life experience! Sadly, Zgaz contracts filth fever from a rat bite…