HRE Campaign Session 15

1 minute read



  • After receiving the deed to Castle Aarhorst, the Wolfguard decides to claim the ruin and deal with the squatting robbers. Cromby, Authlbert, Zelphar, and Sid set out to accomplish this mission.

  • Cröde and Stiubhart MacDubhtaich join the Wolfguard in search of glory and coin.

  • After a half-day journey, the party arrives at Castle Aarhorst. Stiubhart MacDubhtaich, approaching on his war pig, provides a distraction for Cromby’s ambush attack. The group handles the gate guards and distracts the guard dog with some sausage.

  • The quietly approach the main building, surprising the remaining robbers. A well-placed sleep spell, cast by Sid, incapacitates a group of five rough men and women. Bromley sneaks upstairs but draws the attention of a giant Eunuch.

  • The Eunuch follows Cromby donwstairs to confront the party. He is joined by Jeka Garcia, the leader of the brigands. An attempt at parley is cut short by a crossbow shot from Cröde. A fight ensues. The leader spits on Authlbert and he suddenly cannot breathe anymore. The party piles on the enemies, undeterred by the danger. The giant Eunuch nearly cuts down Authlbert and Sid. Th Eunuch provides enough of a distraction for the leader to turn invisible and flee the melee. The group is able to kill the brute in the end. The party plans to secure the rest of the building, but a nagging question looms: Will Jeka Garcia return with a vengeance?