HRE Campaign Session 17

1 minute read


10/02/1631 – 10/03/1631:

  • After a night’s rest, Magnus, Mad Tim, Cromby, and Cröde resolve to explore the crypt below the keep. With effort they remove the slab blocking access and enter the ice-cold crypt.

  • They find two sarcophagi, one opened, and a stalking creature in the shadows.

  • As they approach, the shadowy being speaks. it is the dead body of Duchess Gudrun, calling in her servants to provide warmth.

  • They entertain her notions to distract her as Cromby sneaks up from behind. Magnus raises his holy symbol and attempts to turn the creature, but the woman only starts issue an eye-piercing screech. She claws at Magnus and he collapses. Cromby jumps from the shadows and thrusts his sword into her back–a deadly strike! But the Duchess seems unaffected and turns on the thief.

  • The group retreats up the stairs, saving Magnus’ body and administer a healing potion. They live to fight another day.

  • The party regroups and rests for the night. They re-enter the crypt with Sid, her deadwood sword, and sanctified weapons. This time, their collective might vanquishes the creature.

  • The find a diamond-studded diadem, the book Magic of the Toad sought by Cafarelli, and three pieces of toadglass.

  • They return to Bruckstadt, deliver the book to Cafarelli for a reward. They learn that he belongs to a secret fraternity of scholars that will pay handsomely for more relics of the toad god. He believes a secret sanctuary of the cult exists in the nearby swamp–the fabled Cloister of the Frog God. The Wolfguard is to retrieve relics and ceremonial oils from this accursed place.

  • The pastor Ludwig von Acht wants to hire the group to retrieve a vial of holy water of St. Aurelia from Kloster Mariastein. A member of his parish has fallen ill and needs the remedy. He offers a reward of 3,000 gp.