Abomination Vaults Session 10

2 minute read


18 Pharast 4721: The Gauntlight Ruins

  • The party rests after their mission for Olaria Gallentine and reunites with Corbin.

  • The next morning, they finish some shopping (striking runes!) and set out for the lower level of the Gauntlight Ruins.

  • First, they explore the basement of the boat house. They find another workshop of Volluk Azrinae’s, designed for the transfer of souls to constructs and swarms of vermin. They find the dead body of a goblin, in servant’s livery, floating in a large tank. They also recover a half-finished goblin puppet. In the workshop, they discover a secret door that reveals a set of stairs that lead deeper below the Gauntlight.

  • They decide to return to the ground level and go down the stairs on the main island. They explore to the East and find a set of two Morlock Engineers. They engage in combat are joined by two more Morlocks from the South. They dispatch the Morlocks without too much trouble.

  • Further to the North, they rescue three of the missing thieves, kept prisoner by the Morlocks. In a small room to the East, they find an old well. Strange sounds echoes up the stone shaft. Zazgaz, made invisible by Rizzard, is lowered down the 40ft shaft. The shaft opens into a large cavern. In the cavern, a writhing mass of flesh, eyes, and mouths senses Zazgaz’ presence. He quickly climbs up the rope. The creature quickly spits three times into his direction, but missing by an inch. The spit sizzles on the bare stone. Zazgaz retreats to safety.

  • The group decides to explore the Morlock territory to the South. They find some new traps left by the Morlocks. In a former kitchen to the West, they find a make-shift shrine of a female figure. They secure the offerings (several interesting gems) and find a secret door to the North.

  • Through the secret door, a narrow corridor is revealed. Alcoves filled with stone sarcophagi line the walls. Arryn takes the lead, looking for traps. As he was scanning the floor in front of hime, a shadowy being emerges from a sarcophagus and drains him from his life force. The others rush to his aid and the group dispatches the shadow being.