HRE Campaign Session 19

3 minute read


10/06/1631 – 10/8/1631:

  • Mad Tim, Magnus, Authlbert, Sid, and their two retainers Cagna and Anzor, prepare for a sortie to the Cloister of the Frog God. Equipped with two canoes they make their way through the swamp.

  • Approaching the Cloister’s island from the lakeside, they spy three cave entrances at the bottom of the cliffs.

  • The Easternmost cave houses a sinkhole. Hot water trickles down the cave walls and makes the floor slick.

  • The middle cave opens into a small grotto. Two unusually large rodents nest here and guard a strange copper ball submerged in the mud. The rodents defend their lair. Anzor is severely injured, but Authlbert saves him with the healing powers of the Eye. The two rodents put up a fight but are eventually defeated. The group secures the fist-sized copper orb. It exudes a pleasant warmth and emits a coppery light.

  • The Westernmost cave moth opens into a system of tunnels. Down several passages, Sid discovers a cave with a mossy tree, ten large stone statues, and a pool filled with a glowing amber substance. Four monstrous creatures sit on the statues’ shoulders, gnawing on bones: large birds crossed with the upper bodies of a woman. Sid acts quickly and unleashes a Sleep spell. All four of the harpies fall into a slumber and Cagna carefully dispatches them.

  • In the pool, gold, an iorn flask, and a dagger are visible. The amber substance though seems to dissolve organic matter. The group, using rope and a grappling hook, are able to retrieve the flask and the dagger, before the rope frays. The gold remains submerged for now.

  • Through a bricked up wall, the party finds catacombs. They are immediately rushed by a mob of eleven undead, dressed in green robes and armed with rust flails. The turning powers of Magnus and Authlbert, paired with a strategic use of the amber pool allows the group to dispatch the zombies. But not without serious injuries to the whole party. Sid nearly goes down and Anzor had to be saved again by Authlbert.

  • The undead emerged from a set of two crypts, one warning: “THE CRYPT OF MOOS DIARMOS. MAGIC AND ENCHANTMENT GUARD HIS WAY.” The other “THE GRAVES OF THE UPPER PRIESTHOOD”. They ignore the crypt with the warning about magic and push South. Cagna is startled as a green slime drops from the ceiling and engulfs her. The others try to save her by burning the green slime with their torches. This method proves successful in removing the slime–but also in burning Cagna to death. The party decides to retreat and rest on the grotto of the rodents. A cold and wet space that offers just enough shelter. The group spends a grim night without incident.

  • The next morning, they resolve to explore tunnels leading East. They discover a larger cave with glowing fissures that also connects to a room blocked by rubble. Removing some of the rock, the party finds six slabs of green glass embedded in the cave walls, containing shadowy skeletons. A strong aura of evil emanates from whatever is imprisoned in the glass. Searching through the rubble, the discover another passage to a different part of the crypt. They decide to retreat back to Moosbach for now.

  • Treasure recovered: A magical dagger, a magical copper orb, a flask of brandy (10gp)