Abomination Vaults Session 12

1 minute read


19 Pharast 4721: The Gauntlight Ruins

  • The web lurker Mimnivix corners Arryn, shoves him towards the wall, and a silky noose closes around his neck, pulling him upwards. He flails and chokes, as the creature observes him curiously with its eight eyes.

  • The others hear a suspicious noise from the other side of the door. Concerned for their friend, they barge in and engage in combat. Several impressive hits make short order of Mimnivix and his spiders. The group recovers some magic items–one is a shiny necklace of fireballs.

  • The group returns to Otari and rests. Arryn studies the soulbound doll, while the others earn some extra money the next day. They sell some gear and notice that Carman Rajani has taken a new apprentice: A young boy of thirteen that has lost a hand in a logging accident. Arryn and Zazgaz help clean the stump and learn that after the accident the boy lost his job at Oseph Menhemes’ lumber camp and was looking for work. Carman took him in to help the boy and his family.

  • The party returns to the basement of the Gauntlight and explores further. They learn more about the ghostly energy in the washroom–a remnant of the thief Otari Ilvashti, member of the Roseguard. At some point he was down here, hiding from something before he died.

  • They meet the devil Zozzlarin, who has been bound to this level of the Gauntlight to clean it. He has been diligently doing his job for hundreds of years. The group let’s him live (for now).

  • The push down South to confront the Morlocks. They find a tunnel to a damp cave in which a strange maggot-like, tentacled creature dwells. It’s moans cause extreme discomfort. The group acts quickly and lays into the beast, killing it quickly. Morlocks emerge from the North, their leader, Graulgust, among them. They surge towards the group while their king begins to cast occult spells. A battle ensues that sees Corbin lose consciousness after a nasty blow to the head, but the group prevails and slays the Morlocks. The basement level of the Gauntlight seems mostly cleared, but what lies below?