Tolomak Crawl Session 4

4 minute read


Day 5–8 on the Tolomak Isles – Continued

The giant sea turtle bobs in the ocean water and the smells of the deep ocean fill the air. The crew devises a plan. Using the rowboats, they paddle over and climb up the ladder affixed to the turtle’s shell. On the top, they find a strange metal grate and cranking mechanism. They open the grate and find a 10ft access shaft. Luka descends first, followed by the rest. Tottino keeps his distance, emanating an Aura of Death. Down in the turtle’s shell, they find a room with two exits. Silt, and seaweed on the ground, fishes flopping and gasping.

They follow the tunnel that descends downward–they can hear the heartbeat of the turtle pulsing through the walls. It leads them to a room covered in barnacles, shells, and coral. On the far side, a large double door with writing on door frame. Luka and Colin approach. As they inspect the door, three humanoids emerge out their barnacle camouflage. A 7ft undead warrior lurches toward Colin, but Colin hits first–and hard. A massive blow with Colin’s shield smashes the warrior against the wall. The warrior surges forward and swings his rusty falchion at Colin but misses. As the creature comes close to Colin, an eel bursts from its chest and snaps at the dwarf. At the same time, Luka is cornered by a dagger-wielding undead, a swarm of crabs covering their face. The creature stabs at Colin, but he dodges to the side. The crabs crawl off the undead’s body and swarm at Luka, attempting to flense his living flesh off his body.On the other side of the room, Margerita is attacked by an undead elf with a coral face and coral fists. He lands a doublejab in Margerita’s face and she slumps to the ground. The contact poison on the coral saps her of her bodily strength while she is one step closer to death.

The group fights hard and eventually destroys all three undead, saving Margerita with a healing potion. They are able to recover two golden lobster claws from the door but fail to decipher the writing. As they open the door, a curse washes over them! Colin Robinson and Obi Wan Cannoli change bodies, while Tottino is turned into a 4ft fiddler crab. What a devious trap the wizard Shadankin has lain!

Behind the doors, they find treasure and the key to the Earth Prison. They explore the rest of the vault and find more treasure…and a deadly Sea Anemone that peppers Margerita with three poisonous spikes. Again, she survives, but is looking increasingly ragged. They leave the sea turtle vault, laden with treasure. After resting for a night, they paddle towards the big caldera North of the islands. In the middle of the caldera, they spy a small island, surrounded by tarry water. As they come closer, they can see a colony of Arachno-Men nesting in the caldera walls. They dispatch two boats to pursue our heroes. The party decides to be prudent and to retreat for now.

Finding safety on a nearby beach, they rest for two days, giving time for recovery and to formulate a plan. Their halfling camp cookie prepares a hearty mutton. Crab-Tino devises a plan of attack: a parallel infiltration from air and sea. Using two jellyfish suits, Crab-Tino, Luka, and Colin Cannoli swim under water towards the Earth Prison, while Margerita conjures a floating disk of energy to transport herself and Obi-Wan Robinson through the air. They approach the Earth Prison unseen and discover the entrance is ajar. The whole prison building is showing several cracks. Inside, the floor is covered with tarry water. They begin to explore and find occult symbols that speak of a strong warding spell, keeping something inside, although the cracks in the stone have weakened the magic. Crab-tino identifies the True Name of the being warded in the prison: Qeel-Ilsh-aaha. Through a tunnel, they find a nearly collapsed room. Luka proceeds carefully through the rubble, attracted by an emerald light. Too late he realizes, the light is emanating from a large Adamantor lizard. Fearing the beast’s attacks, the group retreats while the cavern collapses. Whatever or whoever is really imprisoned here?