Delta Green Campaign Session 5

1 minute read



  • The agents sequester the second Brandon McGill and have to handle the confused parents and the head of the ranger station.

  • Kreese notices figures skulking in the bushes close to the station.

  • The agents decide the best course of action is to remove Brandon from the station and to bring him to Devil’s Chair. They try to convince the head of the ranger station, but fail. They take him outside and show him the second Brandon McGill and he is swayed.

  • The agents, Tomika Gallegos and the head ranger, and the two Brandon McGills move through the storm towards Devil’s Chair.

  • At Devil’s Chair, they are confronted by four 4-5m tall strangers, wearing only crude loincloths. They demand Brandon, who shakes in fear. The stand-off ends in violence. The strangers display teleportation and telekinetic abilities. A violent firefight and melee ensues. Karl is stabbed in the gut but is able to land a shotgun hit on a stranger. Tomika Gallegos is stabbed in the neck and collapses to the ground. Brandon loses his composure and unleashes extreme psychic abilities, rending two of the strangers apart. During the combat, one of the strangers throws a strange rock and a fleshy mass emerges, growing dramatically in size within second. The fleshy mass shoots tentacles at Kreese and Derek, attempting to crush their bodies.

  • With luck, the agents are able to retreat. The head ranger loses his mind gazing upon the alien creature and is consumed by it. The creature eventually collapses in on itself and vanishes. The agents clean up the scene and leave.

  • Delta Green commands them to deposit the two Brandons in a storage facility. They lock both of the boys in a storage facility off the highway, concluding their mission.