HRE Campaign Session 24

2 minute read



  • The Wolfguard rests outside the Abbey Mariastein. The next morning, they begin to explore.

  • Entering through the main gate, they spot tracks in the snow–a group of humans has been here recently. They explore the inner courtyard and hear noises to the East and West. Going West first, they confront three grave robbers and bribe them to leave. To the West, a flayed zombie attacks but Gaspard blows its head off with his pistol. Also in the central courtyard, they find a frozen dwarf next to a fountain. Something invisible seems to be moving in the water, making Mad Tim and Cröde hesitate to retrieve the glimmering gold and a key at the bottom of a fountain. Cröde attempts to shoot at the invisible creature but only draws its ire. An Icescale Viper materializes! A quick Magic Missile from Mad Tim and a deep cut with Cröde’s Messer ends the threat.

  • The others explore the Abbey. They find an area with strange, creeping shadows. Further North, protected by seven skeleton guards, Sid, Magnus, and Authlbert encounter the ghost of St. Maria. She charges them to rid the Abbey of an festering evil: Abbot Guillaume. She promises to reward them with access to the Secret Garden. Authlbert swears an oath to follow through on the promise. They explore further and find a library with a locked metal cabinet. Eventually, they decide to face the threat in the Southwest. In a darkened room, they find the undead Abbot. He makes them another offer: steal seven golden chalices and he will offer them St. Maria’s treasures. The Wolfguard honors their oath and attacks the Abbot. Authlbert is able to turn the rotting corpse while the rest flees, but not before Cröde snatches a brass key off the Abbot. The key opens the metal cabinet and reveals the Abbot’s spell book.

  • The move into the basement and find a torture room and in its center a black pit. On the Northern wall, a strange gateway seems to open to a lush garden. Before they can investigate further, three flayed zombies crawl out of the pit and attack. The power of Magnus’ faith repels them and the threat is handled.