Music of the Spheres is Chaos 2
Session 2 Music of the Spheres is Chaos
The party explores the desolate plateau. In an abandoned monastic cell, they find a straneg altar with profaned holy symbols of three gods and a wall tapestry depicting a mandala of chaos surrounded by the elements of water, earth, and fire. Totino peeks behind the tapstry and finds a secret passage. Luka and Margerita sneak into the tunnel to explore. They find the frozen remains of a Theophage, clutching in their frozen arms a wooden box. Luke carefully pries the box free, but the movement triggers icicles to drop. They quickly retreat as the icicles turn into a swarm of ice spiders. Margerita turns around and weaves a spell to block their passage–the party is saved at the last minute!
The heroes proceed to the main temple complex. At the entrance, they find five pairs of prayer wheels. They depict the gods creating the universe and casting out chaos into the void. The gods the enslave the sentient races through religion. The remaining prayer wheels shows the Theophages collecting knowledge and eventually opening the seal of the universe, inviting chaos back in. In alliance with chaos, the Theophages rule over creation and even the gods bend their to knee to them. As the heroes turn the prayer wheels, an infernal screech echoes over the plateau.
They enter the temple and search the abandoned ruins. They find several jars of a strange white paste that Luke later determines to be able to turn metal into gold. They find a room full of despoiled holy symbols and a large clay jig, the rune of Air inscribed on it. The room emanates an atmosphere of spiritual barrenness. As Obi-Wan Cannoli attempts to cast a prayer, the jug begins to crack and a strong wind emerges from it. The heroes retreat to relative safety before the job explodes and a massive tornade erupts. They hear a deep voice rumbling through the storm: “FREE AT LAST!”
They move further through the ruins and find four strange, but abandoned rooms tied to the zodiac signs and elements. Not sure what any of their purpose was, the heroes proceed to a room in the Northeast with as set of large doors barred by two large bronze braziers and flanked by elephantine statues. Colin removes the braziers and pushes on the double doors. As they open, three desiccated, dead bodies tumble out. It is as if they were trying to flee from the tunnel, but someone (or something?) barred their exit. Out of the pocket of one of the bodies a strange metal disk tumbles to the ground. Before Colin can pick it up, the earth starts to rumble and crack. A massive polar worm erupts from the ground and lashes out at Totino. He is bitten by the worm and swallowed, while his companion Messi does his best to pepper the worm with poisoned blow darts.
The others rush to Totino’s help. Colin slashes the beast at the throat and creates an opening. A second hit rattles the beasts head and disorients it for a few second. Luka approaches from the shadows and slashes its eyes with Sparklefang, blinding the monstrous worm. The others pile on after Obi Wan Cannoli pulls Totino out of the worm’s gullet. One final strike by Luka and the beast falls. The heroes patch up their wounds and proceed down the tunnel.
They find a strange dead end. It seems the hallway abruptly ends at a natural wall. They remember the strange metal object and discover it is made of two interlocking discs that depict the elemental runes and zodiac signs. As they rotate the discs the mountain rumbles. It seems the whole mountain is shifting and suddenly the passage in front of them opens up. They find a massive chamber a cross of four stone bridges in the center. The bridges connect to other passages. Deep below the stone bridges, a swirling maelstrom of chaos swirls. From the ceiling, a strange green substance flows down into the chasm. Where the bridges connect to other passages, elemental channels erupt and flow to the chasm below, mixing elemental fire, earth, and water with the green substance to form a swirling sludge.
The heroes are at a loss of what to do next. They decide to rest and contemplate their next move.