Abomination Vaults Session 28

less than 1 minute read


7 Gozren 4721: The Arena

The heroes resupply in Otari and venture back to the Gauntlight. They place the four icons of the Roseguard on the altar dedicated to Nimbaloth, which cleanses the unholy fane and destroys the magical barrier blocking access to the level below.

They descend and find a staircase winding around a gaping pit. Several doors provide access to the East, West, and South. They move East and confront a crazed Velstrac. The creature was locked into a prison area. In some abandoned cells, they find Shanrigol flesh heaps that attack them.

The explore to the South and West, finding a prominent hallway running from North to South. To the West, they find abandoned living quarters and a secret hallway that was used to spy on the rooms. In a large mead hall, they have to destroy a giant bone gladiator. What else is to be discovered in these quiet halls?