Odds and Ends


Tolomak Crawl Session 3

3 minute read


Day 5 on the Tolomak Isles – Continued The party puhses deeper into the wizard Shadankin’s Sanctum. Further down a damp hallway, they happen upon a nest of six lampreymen. While Colin Robinson prepares a defensive slash with his katana, Tottino the Toothless surges forward by himself into the midst of the eel-creatures. He is swarmed by four of the beast, two attaching their round, toothy mouths to his body. Loud sucking sounds echo through the cavern. A wild melee ensues to save Tottino. Luka Donic, sneaking between fishes hanging from the ceiling, attacks form the shadows and dispatches two lampreymen. Margerita rushes to attack with her elven sword, but stumbles on the slippery floor and breaks her sword.

Tolomak Crawl Session 2

4 minute read


The Story So Far: Destiny called upon a group of simple individuals in the Accursed Heart of the World Ender. The survivors braved the perils of adventures such as Frozen In Time, The Corpse That Love Built, The One Who Watches From Below, and The Jeweler That Dealt in Stardust. Many lost their lives, but the remaining heroes are:


HRE Campaign Session 12

less than 1 minute read


9/26/1631: Prior excursion to the Keudel Mausoleum

CWN Campaign Session 1+2

3 minute read


Seattle, 2063. The fixer Fat Freddy recruits a team of runners for a simple job: Mr. Smith, an ex-corporate mage; Reiki, a glamorous sweet-talking summoner with a sordid past; McBain, a geared-up street samurai; and Bernie, cyberdoc and drug pusher extraordinaire.


CY_BORG X Shadowrun

18 minute read


Here are some thoughts on how to use CY_BORG to play Shadowrun.

Cairn Damage Analysis

8 minute read


I recently got to run Cairn for the first time and it was a blast. I really enjoyed the auto-hit mechanic, inventory management, and generally simple rules. Bonus points for not using Vancian casting (we used the GLoG magic option).