Lifedrinking Dagger of Heremachus
Lifedrinking Dagger of Heremachus +1 to attack and damage, on a hit, target has to save vs. Poison or lose an additional 1d6 HP that transfer to the wielder, wielding this dagger is a profoundly evil act.
Garoliās Flesh Mask
Garoliās Flesh Mask A mask made from human flesh, lets the wearer assume the looks of another person. Use: once per day, lasts until the next sunrise. Costs 1d6 HP to activate.
Bone Idol
Bone Idol Permanent effect of the Carrion Stench spell, slowly raises and attracts up to 33 undead in a 24 mile radius. Brandishing the Bone Idol, the owner can command the undead. For the purposes of turning undead in the presence of the Bone Idol, treat the cleric as one level lower.
Magic flute.