
  • Obvious features are discovered when entering a hex.
  • Hidden features are discovered in a 1:6 chance when entering a hex. If a party spends 1 day searching a hex, they have a 3:6 chance of finding hidden features. Rangers, Barbarians, and Elves (or other characters with appropriate knowledge) have a 4:6 chance.
HEXDescriptionEncounter Table
Hex 0100Rolling hills and a river. Two vagrants, Moritz and Alfons Kerbach fish in the river. Sporting overly bushy mustaches, full of breadcrumbs and ale foam from their early breakfast. Slur their words and constantly talk over each other. They have stashed away a keg of golden ale in the river, stolen from the brewery in Waldrach. They sell their day’s catch for 2sp per fish. Can provide a rumor about the region or be retained as (unreliable) hirelings.Encounter Table A
Hex 0101Rolling hills and a river. Outskirts of the Frasswald.Encounter Table A
Hex 0102Trade Road Weinweg and farm fields.Encounter Table A
Hex 0103Trade Road Weinweg and farm fields.Encounter Table A
Hex 0104Farm fields.Encounter Table A
Hex 0105Farm fields.Encounter Table A
Hex 0106Forest.Encounter Table A
Hex 0107Forest and Owlbear lair.Encounter Table B
Hex 0200Frasswald. Hag hideout of Esmeralda Fettnagel. Use statistics of a Black Hag.Encounter Table B
Hex 0201FrasswaldEncounter Table A
Hex 0202FrasswaldEncounter Table A
Hex 0203Farm fields, river, trade road WeinwegEncounter Table A
Hex 0204Camp of the Witch Hunters. Wilhelm von Hagen, accompanied by 2 clerics (Level 2, chainmail, shield, mace), 20 Fighters (Level 1, chainmail, spears, longswords, shields, bows, horses), 25 civilian faithful acting as porters. Made camp here and erected simple defenses. Wilhelm is a staunch Catholic and looking for heretics, magic-users, witches, etc. He has heard rumors of the Werewolf killings in Bedburg and undead rising in Metz’ graveyard. The city of Metz has barred him from entering.-
Hex 0205Farm fields.Encounter Table A
Hex 0206ForestEncounter Table B
Hex 0207ForestEncounter Table B
Hex 0300Frasswald and Lechsee. Lake has crystal clear water. Sunken smuggler’s boat at the bottom of the lake (can be seen from above). Boat contains a sealed barrel with jewelry worth 3,000 gp. Giant Bass prowls the bottom of the lake. Fisher’s hut on the shore, abandoned. Fisher Waldemar took his own life 12 years ago. His Ghost haunts the hut. The hut contains fishing rods, various tools, Ring of Water Walking.Encounter Table B
Hex 0301Frasswald.Encounter Table B
Hex 0302Frasswald.Encounter Table B
Hex 0303Waldrach. See Section @ref(waldrach)-
Hex 0304Trade road Weinweg and farm fields.Encounter Table A
Hex 0305Trade road Weinweg and farm fields.Encounter Table A
Hex 0306The Graveyard. See below for details.-
Hex 0307Trade road Weinweg, river, and light forest.Encounter Table A
Hex 0400Frasswald.Encounter Table B
Hex 0401Frasswald. Forest shrineEncounter Table B
Hex 0402Frasswald. Secret tunnel exit from the Waldrach Brewery (Very Hidden, needs a double success on the 1:6 chance to find randomly).Encounter Table B
Hex 0403Meadows.Encounter Table A
Hex 0404Farm field, river and the Old Mill. Miller Theodor has had trouble with ruffians from Waldrach. Waldrach clan purchased flour from him and has not paid yet. The mill has some hidden treasure under a heavy flagstone. 900 gp and the skeleton of Erwin Merbeck, the former apprentice of Miller Theodor. Theodor strangled him in a fit of rage and told Erwin’s family in Waldrach that he ran away. The Waldrach clan is damming the river and threatening the survival of the mill.Encounter Table A
Hex 0405Metz. See 4. Metz.-
Hex 0406Trade road Weinweg and farm fields.Encounter Table A
Hex 0407ForestEncounter Table B
Hex 0500Frassberg Mountains.Encounter Table B
Hex 0501Frassberg Mountains. The Rotbart Cave, Hex 0501 (Hidden).Encounter Table B
Hex 0502Frasswald.Encounter Table B
Hex 0503Frasswald. A loud grunt heard from afar. Towering elk caught in bear trap. A group of three hunters is converging. The antlers would fetch a pretty penny in a larger town (up to 800 gp). If the PCs let the elk die, roll a secondary Encounter die whenever the regular Encounter die is rolled. On a 1, a pack of wolves appears.Encounter Table B
Hex 0504Farm fields.Encounter Table A
Hex 0505Farm fields and trade road GutsherrnstrasseEncounter Table A
Hex 0506Farm fields.Encounter Table A
Hex 0507Forest and logging camp.Encounter Table B
Hex 0600Christman’s Lair (Hidden). See 8. Christman’s Lair-
Hex 0601Frassberg Mountains and nest of 2d4 Harpies.Encounter Table B
Hex 0602Frassberg Mountains and bandit’s lair. 1 lair of Brigands, likely including a leader.Encounter Table B
Hex 0603Frasswald.Encounter Table B
Hex 0604Farm fields.Encounter Table B
Hex 0605Farm fields and trade road Gutsherrnstrasse.Encounter Table A
Hex 0606Farm fields.Encounter Table A
Hex 0607Forest. A small pond with blooming flowers, drifting lazily on the surface. The smell of sweet pollen fills the air. A small water kobold hides in the water. She likes human teeth and will trade one tooth for expertly carved jade rings (each worth 400gp)Encounter Table B
Hex 0700Frassberg Peak. See 9. Frassberg.Encounter Table B
Hex 0701Frassberg Mountains.Encounter Table B
Hex 0702Frassberg Mountains.Encounter Table B
Hex 0703Frasswald and Hunter’s Lodge (Hidden) used by Bandits. The Sisters’ Camp, Hex 0703.Encounter Table B
Hex 0704Trade road Gutshernnstrasse and Roadhouse.Encounter Table A
Hex 0705Site of the Battle of Erichfeld. Nothing grows here, flies buzz.Encounter Table A
Hex 0706Troll Hills and Goetz von Berlichingen’s Keep Die Rabenburg, Hex 0706.Encounter Table C
Hex 0707Forest. The Hidden Tomb of St. Jakobus, Hex 0707 (Hidden).Encounter Table B
Hex 0800Frassberg Mountains.Encounter Table B
Hex 0801Frasswald and The Torfstecher Hideout, **Hex 0801 (Hidden).Encounter Table B
Hex 0802Frasswald.Encounter Table B
Hex 0803Farm fields and trade road Gutsherrnstrasse.Encounter Table A
Hex 0804Farm fields.Encounter Table A
Hex 0805Meadows. The smell of honey and a loud buzzing sound. Dangerous bee hive (use Killer Bee stats), tended by a beekeeper. Bees are aggressive, beekeeper will protect bees, will trade honey (has a positive effect), bees tend to a nearby vineyard that makes the wine special.Encounter Table A
Hex 0806Troll Hills.Encounter Table C
Hex 0807Forests.Encounter Table B
Hex 0900Frasswald.Encounter Table B
Hex 0901Frasswald.Encounter Table B
Hex 0902Meadows.Encounter Table A
Hex 0903Bedburg. See 5. Bedburg.
Hex 0904Farm fields and Werewolf murder site: a family of six, torn to pieces, crows feasting.Encounter Table A
Hex 0905Troll Hills and The Greencloak Pikes’ Cave, Hex 0905 (Hidden).Encounter Table C
Hex 0906Troll Hills.Encounter Table C
Hex 0907Troll Hills.Encounter Table C
Hex 1000Frasswald.Encounter Table B
Hex 1001Trade road Gutsherrnstrasse.Encounter Table A
Hex 1002Trade road Gutsherrnstrasse. Totenbaum. Use stats of a Giant Octopus and remove Ink cloud. Instead, every creature killed by the tentacles/vines through constriction has a 3:6 chance of turning into a zombie. A dozen corpses (Zombie) hang on vines from the branches of the large willow tree. In the center, a hanging cage with treasure in it (jewelry worth 2,000 gp and a +1 rapier). Corpses attack anyone who approaches the treasure/center of the tree. The tree hungers for flesh. Shrewd characters might distract the tree/zombies with an offering of animals.Encounter Table A
Hex 1003Peter Stumpps’ Farm.Encounter Table A
Hex 1004Farm fields.Encounter Table A
Hex 1005Troll Hills.Encounter Table C
Hex 1006Troll Hills.Encounter Table C
Hex 1007Peter Niers’ Tower. See 7. Tower of Bones.Encounter Table C
Hex 1100Trade road Gutsherrnstrasse.Encounter Table A
Hex 1101Forest and buried bandit’s treasure cache.Encounter Table B
Hex 1102Trade road Kantonweg. By the side of the road, a skeleton without legs, wearing the rags of a Landsknecht. A shiny golden glint can be seen from a distance. The skeleton sits on a pile of gold coins (567gp). When approached, the skeleton begins to move its head and arms, welcoming anyone who dares to approach. The skeleton is sad and lonely, will trade gold coins for jokes.Encounter Table A
Hex 1103Trade road Kantonweg.Encounter Table A
Hex 1104Troll Hills.Encounter Table C
Hex 1105Troll Hills and Monster lair. Ogre cave. The stench of burnt flesh. 1D4+2 Ogres roasting halflings on a spit. Two halfling are bound and alive. Ogres are in a feud with the local trolls. Ogres also lack spices for cooking.Encounter Table C
Hex 1106Troll Hills.Encounter Table C
Hex 1107Troll Hills.Encounter Table C

Wilderness Encounter Tables

1—3Bandits. Manfred and Hegel Rotbart.. Both of them.
4—6Bandits. The Sorry Sisters. 1d3+1. Expert bowhunters (Brigands).
7—9Bandits. 1d4+3 members of the Torfstecher Gang. Halflings armed with slings, shortbows, daggers, and shortswords. Led by one named member of the gang.
10—12Bandits. The Greencloak Pikes. 6+1d6 of them armed with spears and shortbows (use stats of a Bugbear).
13—15Bandits. 1D8+3 The Waldrach Clan members (Berserkers). Armed with clubs, slings, knives, and morningstars.
16—19A pack of 1d6+2 wolves and 1 direwolf. They are more aggressive than usual due to the Werewolf Peter Stumpp in the region.
20—231D4 deer.
24—25A mean Giant Ferret.
26—30A pack of 1D6+3 rabid stray dogs (use stats of a Wolf. If bitten, save vs disease or contract Tollwut. After two days, the infected have a 10% chance of falling into a biting rage in every social encounter. Chance increases by 10 percentage points every day. Infected dies on day ten.
31—50Soldier patrol. Use Veteran stats. A group of 1D4+3 militia men from Metz guarding the road. Morale roll: negative disposition means the soldiers will attempt to extract a tax (10 gp per person).
51—55Witch hunters. On patrol from Hex Hex 0204. Suspicious of odd travelers, expect absolute deference. They have a writ from Wilhelm von Hagen charging them to hunt down heretics (legal experts can discern this is a extreme interpretation of the document). 1 Acolyte, 5 Fighting Men (Veteran). If hurt, will retreat to report to Wilhelm von Hagen.
56—60A peddler and his wagon. Long beard, colorful hat, whistling a tune. Three cats roam the inside of the wooden wagon. Happy to trade in unreliable rumors, trade goods. 25% chance he has a minor magic item for sale.
61—65A wandering carpenter’s apprentice on the Walz. Coming or going to Metz. Kindness to apprentices on the Walz is rewarded with good fortune (1 re-roll one failed roll).
66-75Cloth or wine merchant from Metz. Large cart (full of trade goods) with 2 Guards (stats of an Orc. Strongbox with 400 gp.
76—80Ale wagon from 6. Waldrach. 4 burly coachmen (Normal Human) with large clubs. Associated with the The Waldrach Clan.
81—84Ale wagon from 6. Waldrach. 4 burly coachmen (Normal Human) with large clubs. Associated with the The Waldrach Clan.
A group of 1d6+2 Catholic Pilgrims (Normal Human) on their way to the Cathedral in Cologne. Pockets full of gold (3D20).
85—88A group of 2d6+4 Protestant refugees (Normal Human) from France. Destitute.
89—93A wandering scribe and scholar from the University of Bologna (1st level M-U). 25% he has a random 1st-level MU scroll and a 10% chance a 2nd-level spell scroll for sale.
94—96A wandering acting troupe. Puts on terrible plays. A good source of rumors and information.
97A traveling puppeteer. Pawel WĂłjcik (57 years-old, male witch). Level 4 MU (Spell Book: Charm Person, Vetriloquism, Sleep, Detect Magic, Read Magic, ESP, Phantasmal Force, Mirror Image). Owns 3 magical puppets that can animate (a little jester, knight, and princess). Needs souls to animate new puppets, will prey on the helpless (use stats of a Homunculus). Has a separate book that details a ritual to create soul-bound constructs. Carries a Wand of Fear and 3 dark red gems, each worth 650 gp.
98A reinforced carriage from the Handelshaus von Bodeck. Transporting coin: 1D6X1,000 gp, 1D8X 1,000 sp. 8 well-trained guards (Veteran), armed with crossbows, chain shirts, longswords.
99The devil traveling in the disguise of a halfling troubadour (stats of a Rakshasa). Long black hair, cap with a red feather, a blue glass eye, seems to have no joints and can bend arms and legs at will. Names himself Red Balthasar. Can share rumors, secret information, or his magical flute Kreischer in exchange for the promise of a favor. Favors: Kidnap the daughter of a silversmith in Metz and bring her to Balthazar; Destroy the remains of Sankt Jakobus (see The Hidden Tomb of St. Jakobus, Hex 0707); Reveal Peter Stumpp as a werewolf to Wilhelm von Hagen. Frame the rest of his family.
100Goetz von Berlichingen. Famous knight and mercenary. Known for having lost his right hand and wearing an iron fist replacement. Booming laughter. Accompanied by a retinue of 8 Fighting-men, 5 porters, 1 wagon full of locked treasure chests (contain 15,000 gp). On his way home from a recent mercenary venture. He is in a Fehde with the city of Metz. Is open to using the PCs to attack and ransack the city. He lives in the Die Rabenburg, Hex 0706.
:Encounter Table A Plains and Roads
1—10Bandits. Manfred and Hegel Rotbart.. Both of them.
11—20Bandits. The Sorry Sisters. 1d3+1. Expert bowhunters (Brigands).
21—30Bandits. 1d4+3 members of the Torfstecher Gang. Halflings armed with slings, shortbows, daggers, and shortswords. Led by one named member of the gang.
31—40Bandits. The Greencloak Pikes. 6+1d6 (stats equal to Bugbears armed with spears and shortbows).
41—50Bandits. 1D8+3 The Waldrach Clan members (Berserkers). Armed with clubs, slings, knives, and morningstars.
51—60A pack of 1d6+2 wolves and 1 Dire Wolf. They are more aggressive than usual due to the Werewolf Peter Stumpp in the region.
61—701 Black Bear.
71—802d6 **Boars.
81—901D4 Hunters (stats of a Brigand) looking for quarry.
91—99Ale delivery for Christman. 4 porters are carrying kegs of ale from 6. Waldrach to one of the entrances to Christman’s lair in Hex 0600. Accompanied by 3 Berserkers and Uncle Otto (Ogre) of the The Waldrach Clan.
100Location of a witches hut (changes location). Algrexia the Green (Level 5 M-U). Might trade spells and potions for services (has a Type D Treasure Hoard in her hut) . Dislikes the witch hunters. Knows about Lise Mueller, but won’t volunteer information. Has general knowledge of Peter Niers and Christman Grippertenius. Might be mistaken for the one that cursed Peter Stumpp. Karla Boxberg is currently staying with her. Karla is 4 months pregnant. The father is married and Karla was afraid of the consequences if people found out. She ran away and sought the help of Algrexia. Algrexia has been helping women in need for decades, assisting their flight to nearby towns and into new lives. She doesn’t only do it out of the goodness of her heart—everyone pays a price. She knows women, especially pregnant women, have been vanishing. She does not know this is due to Peter Niers.
:Encounter Table B Forest and Frassberg Mountains
1—151D6+4 Zombies. Undead Landsknechte.
16—252D12 Skeletons
26—301D6 Ghouls
31—351 Ghast and 1D6+2 Ghouls
36—371D6 Wights.
38—391D4 Wraiths.
40—411 Ghost
42—431 Revenant
44—451D3 Spawn of the Worm
46—601D8 Trolls
61—751d6 Ogres. Feuding with the trolls. Afraid of the undead.
76—85Three Brigands on a cart with dead bodies (hidden), coming from the Graveyard in Hex 0306. Transporting dead bodies to the 7. Tower of Bones to assist his experiments.
86—951D6+4 The Greencloak Pikes (Bugbears stats) on their way to parlay with Peter Niers.
96—100Peter Niers.
:Encounter Table C Troll Hills
2D6Weather Event
3Heavy rain
1-2”Wolves have been stalking these woods. Something is riling them up”T
3”Witches lured Karla Boxberg away from her husband. Someone has to do something!”F
4—8”They say he fights like a demon. Satan himself is in league with Christman.” “His lair is filled with gold to the brim. He could buy the whole town of Metz if he wanted to.”T/F
9”Poor Amelia went to Metz and never returned. She was with child, I hope nothing terrible has happened to her.”T
10—11”The brewery in Waldrach is worth a visit. Best beer in Bergkessel. Just don’t mess with the Waldrach boys. They are nothing but trouble.”T
12—14”If you come across of a small band of halflings, asking for help—don’t! I heard they “T
15—16”Wilhelm von Hagen has made camp to the West. He will save the people of the Bergkessel. There is too much deviltry going on!”T/F
17”Trolls lurk in the Southeast. God-fearing travelers avoid this region.”T
18”The grave of Saint Jakobus is rumored to be around here. He was the kind sort of fellow. I am sure he was buried with a nice golden cross…”T
19”Few people dare to ascend the Frassberg. It’s just too cold up there. Bites into your bones.”T
20”Goetz is a hoaring bastard. He steals with impunity but calls himself a knight! Nothing but a glorified bandit, if you ask me.”F
:General Rumor Table


The Graveyard and Crypts, Hex 0306

The Graveyard. An old section of tombs, full of treasure and undead. The graveyard has problems with opened tombs and missing bodies, main grave digger (Albrecht Stiefel) is incompetent at dealing with this (old, drunk as a skunk, looks like an old leather shoe). He believes the dead are walking at night. Despite the BĂĽrgermeister having commanded him to keep an eye out, he locks himself into his shed and gets drunk every night. The Gravenstein family offers a reward (2,500 gp) for returning a lost family heirloom (found in Peter Niers tower). The assistant grave digger (Hensel Weggeman, 18 years old, red hair, scar across the cheek) has a deal with Peter Niers to give him access to tombs and bodies.

Above ground: 6 graves that have been dug up in the last month:

  • 4 graves that have been dug up with tools. People from all walks of life, some recently deceased, some very old bones.
  • 2 graves dug up by hand/claw. All very recently deceased. The ghouls dig temporary tunnels to the surface, and collapse them after securing a meal. PCs can find evidence of three spots with very loose earth.

Crypts below ground: Albrecht Stiefel recently saw two broken grave niches in the crypts. Access to barred via an iron grate. Only he and certain families in town have keys (Gravenstein, von Eberhart, Reims, Hutmeister)

If Hensel Weggeman is questioned, he will be evasive but will buckle under pressure. He will confess a group of men have paid him to give access to the graveyard and crypts. He hands him the key and hides in the gravediggers hut when Albrecht is sleeping off his drunken stupor. They leave a chalk mark in town when they plan to come. They have a wagon, typically three of them show up.

The Crypts A group of undead have begun to roam the crypts and use it as their lair. Niers’ men wear special amulets that identify them as allies. Monsters in the crypt: 8 Ghouls and 1 Ghast (nest in the secret ghoul tunnel); 2 Carcass Crawlers (one has a hidden hole on the ceiling in the first room with a big column, the other lairs at the end of the Northern spiral).

Random Encounters, check every turn

1-23 Ghouls
3-51 Ghast and 2 Ghouls
61 Carcass Crawler

Any monsters that are part of random encounters should be struck from the overall roster. A loud fight attracts any remaining ghouls.

Crypt Entrance: Dusty floor, but visible tracks of multiple people moving through here, scuff marks on the ground. Christian wall carvings.

Sideroom at the Entrance: Locked, tools and supplies for grave digging and the maintenance of grave niches.

Second side room to the South: Locked, contains blessed candles (when lit, undead need to pass a Saving throw vs Spells to approach, but fast movement is impossible), 8 vials of holy water.

Random small niche or coffin: roll 1D10: 1 broken open and empty, 2-5 sealed no valuables, 6-8 sealed filled with 2D20 gp worth of treasure, 9-10 sealed filled with 3D20+20 worth of treasure.

Random larger niche: roll 1D10: 1-2 broken open and empty, 3-4 sealed no valuables, 5-8 sealed filled with 200 gp + 3D20 gp worth of treasure, 9-10 sealed filled with 400 gp + 4D20 gp worth of treasure.

Ghoul Tunnel: Hidden, found like a secret door.

Gravenstein family niche: End of Western spiral. Broken open, corpse stolen.

Grave niche with Secret door: hidden compartment filled with a scroll case (1 level 1 cleric spells, 1 level 2 cleric spells, 1 level 3 cleric spell), second scroll case (cursed scroll, but looks like arcane script), protected by an old poison needle trap, triggered when the secret level is pulled (3:6 chance of working, Save vs Poison, take 2d6 damage each turn for 1d6 turns).

Most Northern grave: grave of Ritter Ulrich von Eberhart, companion and protector of St. Jakobus. His grave is undisturbed. Two angel statues flank the grave and one tablet with an inscription: “Here lies Sir Ulrich von Eberhart, protector of the weak, friend of the poor, and loyal defender of St. Jakobus.” Several stone reliefs depict the story of Ulrich von Eberhard: 1st relief shows him traveling next to the Saint. 2nd relief depicts the Battle of Erichfeld, where the Saint was attacked by the Fratzenteufel and died. Sir Ulrich defended the body of the Saint from being taken by the devil. Inside the sealed grave: A 3rd relief: Sir Urlich carries the dead Saint to a secret resting place (A cave entrance in a forest, with a castle in the hills in the background). The knight is buried with his +1 Plate, +1 Shield, and +1 Longsword / +3 vs Undead. The statues are of angels, but they are actually Stone Golems. They will animate when the grave is disturbed.

The Hidden Tomb of St. Jakobus, Hex 0707

Hidden cave entrance. Takes several hours of work to remove shrubbery and stones.

Entrance hallway: Wall tapestries show the story of St. Jakobus. Ends with double doors.

1st main room: two sarcophagi of fellow monks of St. Jakobus. Anybody with LG alignment can enter without problem, others need to Save vs. Spell or be subject to a Fear spell.

Small hallway with two doors: Doors are stuck, Secret doors on either side. There are two small alcoves with a statue of Mary and Joseph, each holding their cupped hands out. A little bit of wax residue is visible on the Eastern statue.

Northern crypt: 1st Fake Tomb of St. Jakobus. Necrophidius is hiding here and will attempt to surprise a party. Two sarcophagi of followers of St. Jakobus, flanking an alter with remains. Sarcophagi Have to broken open (1:6 Strength Test). Inside: a rare bible (worth 400 gp), 2 rings (worth 75 gp each), each skeleton is holding a simple red candle. Alter has a valuable cloth (900 gp) and a golden cup (worth 1,200 gp).

Eastern hidden tomb: the grave of Sir Egiert Wozecki, knight sworn to St. Jakobus (also fell in the battle of Erichfeld). Grave niches filled with the remains of his men-at-arms (16 Skeletons). Sir Egiert (and his men) will rise if his grave, the second false tomb of St. Jakobus, or the secret door to the real tomb of St. Jakobus are disturbed. Sir Egiert has the statistics of a Demonic Knight.

2nd False Tomb of St. Jakobus: Locked door. On a simple cloth, skeletal remains of a human.

True Tomb of St. Jakobus: Secret door bars access (1:6 chance to find, simple push mechanism). True tomb has a sarcophagus with the white bones of St. Jakobus (holy relic, a Church housing the remains allows LG clerics, once per week, to prepare 2 additional Level 1, 2 Level 2, and 1 Level 3 spells if they pray the night at the bones. Carrying the bones in a proper box—requires two porters—allows a LG cleric to present the bones and Turn Undead as if 2 Levels higher.). Additional room with treasure: 4,500 gp, 1 Potion of Heroism, 2 Potions of Healing, 1 Ring of Regeneration, 1 Lvl 4 Cleric Spell Scroll.

Die Rabenburg, Hex 0706

Goetz von Berlichingen and his men quarter here. 40 men-at-arms (statistics of a HD1 Veteran, chainmail, shield, spears, swords, crossbows), 4 officers (2HD Veterans, chainmail, shield and longsword), 2 clerics (Level-2, chainmail, mace, shield).

If under attack, his men will pepper any approaching party with crossbow bolts. Double Gate will be barred. They have supplies for at least a month of siege. Walls are 10ft high. There are always guards posted on the walls, towers, and the gate. From the towers, burning tar can be lobbed.

Groundfloor: Stable with 8 horses (2 are for Goetz, the rest for his officers). Kitchen dining room, watch towers.

1st floor: More rooms for his men and common areas. Walkway for the wall.

Northern Tower: Guards on dury.

Southern Tower: Goetz’ personal quarters are in the South Tower, top floor. Other personal rooms are for officers or clerics.

Basement: Vault (South) behind an iron door (Goetz carries the key), contains 25,000 gp, 8,000 gp in jewels. Door to a separate exit. Larder: full of rations for his men. Armory: 2,000 crossbow bolts, 10 crossbows, 50 Spears, 20 Longswords, 20 Shields, 10 suits of chainmail, 10 suits of leather armor.

Goetz von Berlichingen: (Fighter-8) AC 17 (Plate and Shield), HD 8 (51), Attacks: 1x Zweihänder 2d6+3, THAC0: 14[+5/+7 with Zweihänder], Movement: 120’ (40’), ST: D8 W9 P10 B10 S12, Morale 10, Alignment CG, XP 300. Equipment: +1 Zweihänder, Iron Hand (+1 to attack and damage, allows the wielding of two-handed weapons in one hand), Special: 1 Potion of Heroism.

The Torfstecher Hideout, **Hex 0801

The Halflings are camping in the Western ruins. They buried their loot in the Eastern ruins: 983 gp, 340 sp.

The Rotbart Cave, Hex 0501

The Brothers Rotbart have a cave in the Frassberg Mountains. They have a small treasure hoard: 1,200 gp, 2 gems worth 100 gp each, 1 potion of healing, 1 potion of Speed, 1 potion of water breathing, 1 scroll of Protection from Good and Evil. They have lured a Cockatrice into the Eastern Cave and keeping it locked in there, trying to train it (unsuccessfully). They sleep in the Western parts of the cave.

The Sisters’ Camp, Hex 0703

An old ranger outpost. A simple tree house. A ladder leads up (30ft). A square base with a small 20x20 shelter.

The Sisters have rations for 3 weeks and a small armory. They don’t have much treasure (4 healing potions, 1 potion cure disease, 67 gp), because they share their loot with the poor. At least 2 sisters remain at their outpost.

The Greencloak Pikes’ Cave, Hex 0905

There is a total of 31 Greencloak Pikes (statistics of a Bugbear, armed with spear, sword, shortbow, wearing leather armor), excluding Jakob and Johann Straub. 3:6 chance Jakob is in the lair. At least 12 Greencloaks are in the hideout at all times, resting and recuperating. The others are out scouting/raiding.

Jakob has a personal space in the Northern cave. Proper rooms are kept for keeping supplies dry.

Loot: rations for 2 weeks for 30 people, 2,500 gp, gems worth 2,300 gp, cloth worth 7,500 gp (hard to transport).