Chapter 4 Mining Trouble in Bracken

4.1 Overview

  • Players arrive in Bracken and can settle in and engage with a few minor encounters.

  • They can pursue some leads with regard to the mysterious M. Eventually, their efforts will run into a wall.

  • Godefrey Bast (BMC) hires the players to kill a monster and then escort a shipment of telerium and dream dust.

  • BMC hires players to break up the strike, i.e., convince the dwarf leader to send their men back to work. Dwarfs may convince the players to help them.

  • Players investigate the mine: discover telerium mining area, confront a group of duergar.

  • PCs need to storm the BMC head office to acquire essential documents of the activities to help the Rumnaheim Society. Doing so, they find Godefrey’s journal, discover M.’s involvement, M. is a representative of the Helsundburg Merchant Bank. M. suggested establishing contact with the Duergar to begin telerium mining and to acquire a glass shard from them, in exchange they would supply them with surface resources, weapons, and information.

4.2 Arriving in Bracken

Players are able to take in the town for the first time in the light of the morning.

Bracken has the feel of a frontier town–a little rough and tumble with a wild and chaotic atmosphere. The town is quite busy during the day and early evening. Buildings are mostly new, build with a good level of craftsmanship, few made of stone, most of timber. The town is clearly booming. Lots of new people are arriving, walking in the streets, seeking opportunity. The town’s population consits mostly of humans and dwarves. Many miners, coachmen, porters, and skilled craftsmen, but also teams of loggers that use the town as a base for logging treks. The town has maybe a total population of 600ish permanent residents but there are a lot of transients. Like many frontier settlements, the population is younger and male. You don’t see too many children or old people. The streets are patrolled by guards of the Bracken Mining Corporation, but you can see lots of weapons being carried by everyday folk. This clearly is a place were scuffles and fights are an everyday occurrence. You could see this being an attractive destination for someone trying to make their way or forget their past.

The Town of Bracken. Source: Made with Watabou City Generator

Figure 4.1: The Town of Bracken. Source: Made with Watabou City Generator

Major areas of the town and points of interest:

  • 1 Trade Quarter

    • The Bracken Inn and Tavern–good-quality inn

    • Torin’s General Goods Store

    • Fine Metalwork–Armor and Weapons

    • 4-5 additional smiths, mostly focused on tools

    • Several artisans

    • Trading offices

    • A doctor’s practice

    • A temple to a god of craftsmanship or commerce

    • Courier’s Office

  • 2 Bracken Mining Corporation Headquarters

    • Main Office

    • Warehouse

    • Barracks

  • 3 Dwarven Quarter

    • Temple of Moradin

    • Dwarven armorer

    • Rumnaheim Society House (drinking room, back room, office)

    • The Well — simple Dwarven tavern.

  • 4 The Toil–Worker’s Quarter

    • The Corner House–low-quality inn, workers stay here first

    • Renard’s–tavern and brothel

Stuff to do in Bracken:

  • Buying/selling items

  • Healing/resting

  • Carousing

  • Getting in a fight

  • Gambling at Renard’s

  • Looking for gossip and information:

1 One of the girls at Renard’s has a disease (false)
2 The BMC is a godsend and made this town what it is. There are lots of jobs available: miners, engineers, cooks, loggers. If you want to make something of yourself, hire on with the BMC!
3 The town is attracting a lot of newcomers and they are putting strain on the community. Maybe we should kick some of them out–looks at PC.
4 The BMC is the big dog in town, but there are some other merchants and tradespeople starting to set up shop in town.
5 Everyone is wearing weapons because it’s a somewhat dangerous place: mines are dangerous, forest is dangerous, mountains are dangerous, the city is dangerous. The BMC is keeping the peace in most of the city. Dwarfs are keeping the peace in their quarter (the safest one).
6 A few months ago there was a cave-in and some noxious gas was released. That area of the mine is now closed. (true)
7 The dwarfs are starting to complain too much–if they don’t like it here, they should go back to Rumnahold! (Said by a human)
8 This town is full of vagrants and crime is soaring. The BMC is not doing enough to keep order. (Said by a dwarf).
9 Godefrey Bast controlling all criminal activity in Bracken (partially true).
10 The Rumnaheim Society has opened a chapter and is spreading its influence. Their sigil is a pick axe and a war axe over a shield. They are here to help the dwarfs take over! (partially true).

4.3 Investigating M.

The PC may want to pursue the identity of M. based on the note they recovered from the Stranger’s body.


  • The Courier Service

    • They can go and talk to the courier’s office. They’ll have to the convince the clerk to check the logbook. Turns out, no record of the client’s name was kept, but the clerk’s initials are visible: ``O.T.’’ A different clerk took in the order.

    • Find the clerk Orwin Teller. They’ll have to track him down in the Toils. He likes to visit Renard’s.

    • Orwin can offer a description of the client (Intimidation/Persuasion DC-16): Looked human, male, hard to guess the age, long blonde hair, fine clothes, probably a merchant. Further prodding reveals the client had a birthmark on his wrist, covered by a glove. Characters with the Charlatan background can guess it is a disguise. Birthmark may be a misdirect.

  • Lynn the Maid

    • The PCs migth ask around in town about Lynn. A pretty girl with red hair would stick out and, in fact, they can get pointed to Renard’s.

    • Renard and his bartenders won’t say anything. The sex workers in the establishment will reveal some information if sufficiently compensated or convinced.

    • This much can be gleaned from the staff and patrons: Lynn worked the bar at Renard’s. She hasn’t been there in over 6 months though. She was not an inexperienced woman, could defend herself. She would sometimes chat with a man that had a birthmark on his wrist outside of Renard’s.

    • It’s unlikely the PCs will gather enough actionable information about M. at this stage to identofy him. They may ask around the Trade Quarter with Mencius’ description, but that won’t get them far. There are simply too many traveling merchants that come to town. Mencius has also been careful to disguise himself at times when doing business in Bracken.

    • If Lynn successfully stole the shard during the flight from the Wayward Inn, she immediately brought it to Mencius, who killed her and stored her body in a box in his office.

    • Mencius has a small office in the Trade Quarter as an agent of the Helsundburg Merchant Bank.

4.4 The Execution of Shargak

If Shargak surrendered to the PCs and they took him prisoner, the BMC will announce his planned execution in a few days time (big event!).

  • PCs may want to visit Shargak in the cells of the BMC barracks. This might be a goo dopportunity to learn more about the BMC and its role in Bracken. They will have to approach through the main gate and be escorted to the cell. They’ll have to convince the guards or an officer to gain access to Shargak. The only prisoners in the cells are Shargak and a humn that accidentally killed someone in a bar brawl.

  • Shargak is not willing to say much, but he will eventually reveal that he was drawn to the shard and does not feel the shard anymore. He does not know if that is because the shard is gone or because of something else.

  • He is to be executed in 2 days.

  • Perception DC-17: he has a bunch of dead rats stuffed into his straw mattress. The rat carcasses are material ingredients for a spell he is preparing to aid his flight during the execution.

  • The other prisoner is Born Lagerfell. He looks unwell. Won’t talk.

  • The day of the execution:

    • Brisk sunny day. Execution is meant to happen at noon.

    • Townsfolk congregate in the main square, a small platform has been erected. Sausages and meat pies are being sold.

    • 1st execution is Born Lagerfell, convicted of manslaughter.

    • For Shargak’s execution, an eagle will be circling. Right before the execution, Born rises from the dead as a Zombie (MM). Shargak will transform himself into 13 rats and disperse. Only one of the rats carries his consciousness. He will either try to scurry away into a dark hole or be picked up by the eagle. Be reasonable. Shargak is clever nad will do his best to get away, but if the PCs are on top of things or get lucky, then Shargak’s story ends here.

4.5 Working for the BMC

The PCs might take on some jobs through the BMC that’ll send them outside of Bracken. This is the chance for a little wilderness exploration. Here are some very simple hexcrawl rules:

  • Each hex is six miles. For each day, the PCs have four travel actions (6 hours each):
    • Move to another hex.
    • Explore current hex. Reveals a hidden local sight (roll Survival DC-12).
    • Long Rest takes two travel actions. 12 hours are needed to prepare a camp, supplies, and dealing with environmental hazards.
    • Each day without a *Long Rest incurss 1 level of exhaustion.
    • Every other travel action, roll for an Encounter.
1. Encounter
2. Omen
3. A shift in weather
4. Loss of a resources (e.g., rations or other gear)
5. Gain 1 level of Exhaustion due to weather exposure
6-8 Nothing happens.

If you roll for an encounter, use the appropriate random encounter tables from Xanathar’s, based on the hex terrain type.

When encountering creatures, make sure to do an old-school Reaction Roll for the monster.

2D6 Monster/NPC reaction
2 Hostile, attacks
3-5 Unfriendly, may attack
6-8 Neutral, uncertain
9-11 Indifferent, uninterested
12 Friendly, helpful
The Town of Bracken and Surroundings. Source: Homemade

Figure 4.2: The Town of Bracken and Surroundings. Source: Homemade

Quick Hex Descriptions:

0101 Mountains. Secret feature: Grick lair

0201 Mountains.

0301 Mountains. Secret feature: Dwarven prospector camp. A dozen dwarfs from Rumnahold are exploring for promising mineral deposits. They operate in secret not to draw the attention of the BMC.

0401 Mountains. Secret feature: A nest of harpy’s (6 Harpies (MM)) with some treasure (determine randomly).

0102 Forest.

0202 Hills.

0302 Mountains.

0402 Mountains. BMC mine. Entrance is constantly guarded.

0103 Forest.

0203 Bracken.

0303 Mountains. Busy path from the BMC mine to Bracken. Actively patrolled by BMC guards.

0403 Mountains. Secret feature: Hidden path to the BMC mine that is not being surveilled (more information below).

0104 Forest. Secret feature: A cave with brigands. 8 Bandits (MM) and 1 **Bandit Leader*8 (MM). Some are scouting. The cave contains the bandit’s loot (45 gp and some useful potions).

0204 Hills and Trade Road. Likely to encounter traveling merchants, workers, and coaches transporting ore.

0304 Forest.

0404 Forest. Secret feature: A goblin scouting party. 3 Bugbears (MM) and 8 goblins (MM). Here to help Shargak escape.

0105 Forest.

0205 Hills and Trade Road. Likely to encounter traveling merchants, workers, and coaches transporting ore.

0305 Plains and the Wayward Inn.

0405 Forest.

0106 Plains and Trade Road. Likely to encounter traveling merchants, workers, and coaches transporting ore.

0206 Plains and Trade Road. Likely to encounter traveling merchants, workers, and coaches transporting ore.

0306 Plains and Trade Road. Likely to encounter traveling merchants, workers, and coaches transporting ore.

0406 Plains and Trade Road. Likely to encounter traveling merchants, workers, and coaches transporting ore.

4.5.1 Monster Hunt

The guardmaster of the BMC, Tolliver Lund (50s, hard eyes, clearly a veteran soldier), approaches the PCs. He wants to hire them for a task. His men are busy with keeping peace in town, guarding the mine, patrolling the road and they are not all of the highest quality. Given how the PCs handled the attack on the Wayward Inn, the head of the BMC, Godefrey Bast, thinks they are right for the job.

  • A few miners were hoping to explore some caves nearby, maybe a days march from Bracken. At night, they were attacked. One miner was killed, dragged towards the caves. Reward is 30 GP per person.

  • Talking to the miners: Martin, Oden, Trip went to explore some caves. Built a campsite not too far from the caves (Hex 0202). They got attacked at night. Trip was killed. Couldn’t really see much. A large creature, slithering on the ground.

  • Oden will not go, but Martin can show the players the location.

  • If the PCs are asking around for wilderness expertise or people that might know more about local monsters, sooner or later they’ll be referred to the dwarven ranger/beastmaster Osswald the Long, who patronizes the dwarven tavern The Well when in town. He has a huge red beard, braided in a multitude of ways, sunburnt, huge crossbow, and a warpick. He can give them tips on the area (and help them if the fight goes badly). He is eating a huge bowl of oatmeal, throwing carrots to his animal companion Fred the Goat (seems very unfriendly, has demonic eyes, stats of a Giant Goat (MM) with the ability to shoot a firebolt cantrip out of its eyes). He is scheduled to escort some loggers, already late by a day because the ladies at Renard’s requested him to stay.

Osswald the Long Medium humanoid (dwarf), chaotic good
Armor Class 16 (leather armor, shield)
Hit Points 7 (2d6)
Speed 30 ft.

14 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

Skills Stealth +6, Survival +3 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 Languages Common, Dwarf, Goblin
- Warpick. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 + 2 piercing damage.
- Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 1d10 + 3) piercing damage. - Spells Spell Attack: +4, DC 13, 4 Level 1 Slots, 2 Level 2, Known: Cure Wounds, Hunter’s Mark, Hail of Thorns, Ensnaring Strike

  • Near the campsite they can use Survival DC-12 to spot a few Grick trails (leading to Hex 0101), it has certain hunting grounds. Nature DC-15 check reveals the possibility of a Grick.

  • Creature info: dwells in caves, resistance against bludgeoning, slashing, piercing, attacks with tentacles, beak, tail. Hard to spot in rocky terrain. Gricks live in nests with Alpha Gricks.

  • Up to the players how to deal with this. Maybe they go right after it, maybe they want to lay a trap and lure the monster out. Maybe they want to hire Osswald to help.

  • The Grick Cave houses 2 regular Gricks (MM) and 1 Grick Alpha (MM). This fight can easily TPK the party if they aren’t smart about it. Make sure to foreshadow the danger. The cave has valuables worth 27 GP.

Campsite. Source: Homemade

Figure 4.3: Campsite. Source: Homemade

Grick Lair. Source: Homemade

Figure 4.4: Grick Lair. Source: Homemade

4.5.2 Escort Mission

Tolliver approaches the group for another task. This one requires some discretion.

  • PCs are meant to escort a cart from the BMC HQ to a way point 2 days West of the Wayward Inn (Hex 0106). Keep your hands of the cargo and keep your mouths shut. You will meet your hand-off crew at a crooked tree, a turn off the main road at sundown two days after tomorrow. The contact will have a code phrase for you: ``The price of saltpeter is unusually high in Rumnahold.

    • Reward: 20 GP each.

    • PCs can try to investigate the cargo but the driver (Willem, human, fat, balding, buggy eyes, crooked smile) will warn them off. If they can distract him or investigate secretly, they will discover four large metal lock boxes, each very heavy. Lockpicking DC-18 to open. Inside the three boxes are packages of wax paper wrapped, shiny metal ore pieces. Alchemy/metal work DC-22 check to identify the metal telerium. If players touch the metal, they’ll receive a blighted status for 3 days with hit points lowered by 3 and 2 levels of Exhaustion. The last box contains two sacks/ two pounds of purple dust / dream dust. It’s a drug won from fungi grown typically in the Underdark. Causes ecstatic dream-state. Nature-21 DC to identfy or familiarity with criminal enterprises.

    • The trip itself is uneventful.

    • The hand-off: A group of 6 riders approaches. They have leather armor, hoods drawn over their heads. The leader is a human. Group is a mix of humans, Half-Orcs, and dwarfs. All of them of visible tattoos. The leader does not give the code phrase right away. She asks if they have checked the cargo. Warns them again to keep their mouths shut and not talk about it. Get’s a bit confrontational. Any character with a criminal background or from Rumnahold can do a History DC-17 check, to place the colors and tattoos. They are part of the Blooded Hand, a criminal organization in Rumnahold and along the Northern coast. They are mostly engaged in smuggling.

    • As the meeting is ending, the group can make a Perception-18 check (plus dim light). They hear a branch crack and see some movement in some brush. They can go investigate and capture a young female dwarf (Kilia) that observed the exchange. She is from Bracken, loves to roam the countryside. She plans to become a ranger. She accidentally stumbled onto this meeting and got curious. Willem is concerned and says players were lucky that the contact didn’t see the kid. He suggests murdering the kid. Players need to Intimidate/Persuade Willem not to kill the kid (DC-20) or kill Willem (or find another solution). Intimidating/Persuading the kid is not hard DC-10.

    • This mission should clue in the PCs that he BMC is a ruthless organization and likely involved in some shady business.

4.5.3 Breaking the Strike

A messenger tells PCs to meet Tolliver at the BMC HQ. He meets them in the yard and escorts them to the office of Godefrey. Godefrey is a human, mid-40s, muscular build, short-cropped hair, wears leather armor, weathered face. He tells the players how impressed he is with their services. He could use their help with a delicate task:

The BMC has done a lot to put Bracken on the map. For four years we have poured resources into the town and slowly turned this into an increasingly successful venture. Providing good jobs for miners and prosperity for the town! We maintains the roads, offer security. We have plans to attract more families. This all rests on the support of the whole community. The BMC has done well running this town and making sure both humans and dwarven miners work together. This operation depends on the dwarven miners and engineers–there is a contract that spells out some rules (profit sharing, wages, expansion plans, no strikes, etc). This is delicate business. Sadly, we have had increasingly problems with the dwarven miners, especially since the Rumnaheim society has opened their chapter. The Rumnaheim society is agitating to break the agreement and take over the mine and possibly the town, expelling all humans. BMC can’t have that or any delays in our operations. The dwarfs need to be brought to reason. He has heard rumors of an impending strike. This is unacceptable. No more work delays and especially no strike. I figure, if you take out the ring leaders, this will put a stop to things. Time is of the essence. I think the dwarves will strike within the next 5 days, when a big ore shipment is due. My reward is 100 GP per person if you solve this problem. Pressure the ring leaders into submission or remove them from the equation…

  • If the PCs resist the idea, he ups the reward to 150 GP per person. If the PCs still resist, he pressures them. Tells them that the shipment they escorted contained illegal substances. He has sworn witness testimony and testimony from a member of the Blooded Hand that he will release to Helsundburg authorities that will make them hunted across the North, with a substantial bounty on their head.

  • Trouble maker 1: Falin Thurbrook, dwarven engineer, 133 years old. Experienced and well-respected mining engineer.

  • Trouble maker 2: Orin Stoutale, A cleric of the Rumnaheim Society. Use stats of a Priest (MM)

  • First step: investigate

    • Falin: is a trusted leader, has been here from the beginning, senior engineer at the BMC. Not been seen in public the last few days. Has two sons. Both are also mining engineers. One has a family. The other does not and likes to gamble.

    • Orin/Rumnaheim Society: arrived a few months ago, older dwarf, white beard, friendly eyes, dwarfs will say (DC-14) that the Rumnaheim Society is like a union. It is trying to lobby for better working conditions and provide help to dwarfs and their families. it advocates for a dwarven lifestyle. With a DC-19 check they can leanr that the Rumnaheim Society has become increasingly powerful politically, their leader Gilthur Goblinbane is a powerful paladin and is advocating for dwarven purity and segregation. Humans will say the Rumnaheim Society is a dwarven self-help organization, that the dwarfs speak highly of Orin, but some will also be of the opinion that it is a fanatical organizations, based on hate towards humans, and they want to take over the mine. Orin will be difficult to break. Nobody has any dirt on him. The ones that know him well are hardcore Rumnaheim members.

    • Issues at the mine: DC-12–the BMC has been expanding business, mining iron and copper ore. The BMC is mostly fair (for a large commercial concern), dwarfs are better paid than humans and, normally, dwarfs are in charge of planning etc. The dwarfs are upset that the BMC has taken much control over the mine engineering and planning in the last six months. A DC-19 check reveals there was a cave-in and a noxious gas was release a while ago. 26 people died (humans and dwarfs). The shaft was closed off for a while, then Godefrey sent in 6 dwarven engineers, some guards, human miners. Dwarfs never returned. That shaft is officially closed but heavily guarded and there is some activity. Only a few humans have access.

    • Both are currently holed up at the Rumnaheim Society House with 8 dwarfs (use stats of a regular Guards MM) and 4 dwarven warriors (use stats of a Berserker MM).

  • How to get access to the Rumnaheim Society? Below are some options, but let the players come up with a plan:

    • Break-in/storm (leads to a stand-off with the dwarfs).

    • Kilia’s parents can broker an introduction. They are allowed to enter but without weapons. Players have an advantage if a dwarf PC leads the interaction.

  • Talking with Falin and Orin:

    • If PCs start the conversation to inquire what the issues are–DC-14 for normal people, DC-10 for dwarfs:

      • Pay for dwarfs hasn’t been increased, even though they have been working under increasingly higher quotas and more difficult conditions.

      • BMC should pay for medical expenses–some miners have been getting sick.

      • BMC is recruiting too many humans and especially unsavory ones. Have to do more to support the moral fibre of the community.

      • Per original agreement, dwarfs are entitled to a 15% profit share. Want to increase this for future ore lines.

  • Insight-DC12/16 check reveals that there is something else. Persuasion-DC10/14 to convince them to share.

    • After the cave-in, the dwarfs were not allowed to recover the bodies of their dead. The team of engineers did not return. BMC said they got gas poisoning, dwarfs have no access to that shaft even though some mining is going on there. Dwarfs think the engineers are still alive. Godefrey seems to be hiding some mining and hiding profits–may have taken on a silent investor without informing the dwarfs, which would explain the rapid expansion over the last few months.

    • Dwarfs will not call off the strike. They ask the players for help. They want them to break into the mines, explore the closed off shaft, and get the miners out. This will allow the dwarfs to confront Godefrey and change the management of the mine. They can offer a magical item as a reward.

Note: if the PCs want to side with the BMC (who knows!), they’ll have to break the resolve of the dwarfs somehow. To get them back on the trail of Mencius, they might observe a meeting between Godefrey and Mencius, triggering a confrontation.

4.6 Going Deep

If the PCs side with the dwarfs, they’ll need to find a way into the mines.

  • Falin can help smuggle the players into the mining area. He sends one dwarf (Rufus) with them to guide them to the mine entrance. Players need to make some attempt at disguise/subterfuge. Smuggle in gear and themselves.

  • Enter through the BMC gates, pass through the main square, enter the mining area and make their way to Mine Shaft South-4 (which has been sealed off and dwarfs are not allowed)

  • Entrance is guarded by 2 guards (MM).

  • There is also a magical barrier–30 HP, AC-15, resistance against piercing and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons.

  • In the mine entrance area is an elevator platform. Three empty soles. 1st is 45m down, then 80m down, then 75m down, then another 80m down for the fourth level.

  • See below the map for Level 4 of the mine.

The Mine. Source: Homemade

Figure 4.5: The Mine. Source: Homemade

Level 4 of Mine Shaft South-4 is where the BMC is currently mining the poisonous but valuable ore telerium. This is also the reason why the river flowing into the Tallwood has been poisoned. The mining of the telerium in Mine Shaft South-4 is seeping into the river.

Mencius was pushing for deeper exploration in this shaft, secretly hoping to a) find telerium and b) push through into the Underdark to make contact with the Duergar. The collapse was a cover story for breaking through to the Underdark. He facilitated a deal between the BMC and Duergar from the Underdark. Mencius knew the Duergar were in possession of one of the glass shards he was looking for and could provide him with living sample of the purple fungus needed to create dream dust (an ingredient for the more potent Andromalion’s Blessing). In order to get the BMC to make a deal with the Duerger, he proposed the secret but lucrative mining of telerium under the leadership of the Duergar. The poison gas accident was his way of covering up the murder of any witnesses to the original breakthrough to the Underdark and preparing the Level for Duergar access and closing it off from further scrutiny. The dwarfs of Bracken would have never allowed the mining of telerium due to the hazard it poses. The duergar down here are using the re-animated corpses of dead miners and dwarfs to mine the telerium.

  • Encounters in the mine:

    • M1: Elevator

    • M2: Storage area. Here is were the telerium ore is being boxed for transport to the surface. 3 Duergar (MM) are on guard here.

    • M3: A chain shirt is glinting in the corner. A Gelatinous Cube is hiding in a hole in the ceiling. The ooze will drop down to cut off the exit of any creature that tries to get the chain shirt. Passive Perception DC-15 to notice the ooze outright.

    • M4: 1 Duergar Hammerer, 2 Duergar Soulblades patrol the area.

    • M5: 10 Zombies are mining telerium. Not aggressive unless attacked.

    • M6: Prison cells with rough iron bars worked into the stone. One surviving dwarf is held here. Guarded by 1 Earth Elemental (MM) and 1 Duergar (invisible).

    • M7: Duergar HQ. Door is locked (DC-15) and trapped with a crossbow trap (pressure plate when walking through). Crossbow trap: 2x +8 attacks, 1d10 damage each, DC-15 to spot, DC-15 to disarm, less than 6 triggers the trap. 1 Duergar Mind Master, 2 Duergar Stone guards, 1 Duergar Hammerer. Loot:

      • 2 common potions of healing

      • Enlarge / Reduce Spell Scroll

      • 8 +1 arrows / 4 walloping arrows

      • 1 Onyx (50GP)

      • Circlet of blasting

      • Elemental gem–yellow diamond–Earth elemental

      • Potion of growth

      • Ring of resistance

4.7 Confronting the BMC

The Mine. Source: Homemade

Figure 4.6: The Mine. Source: Homemade

Falin, upon receiving the news of the dead engineers and the Duergar mining operation, asks the players to storm the BCM main office to acquire documents of further proof. They’ll get to keep any valuables. Falin, Orin, and the dwarven warriors will come with them.

While the PCs were exploring the mines, Mencius has decided to tie up loose ends. He has acquired the glass shard and a sample of living purple fungus. He has no more need for Godefrey and plans to replace him with a loyal member of the Church of Andromalion. When the attack by the dwarfs happens, he is in Godefrey’s office, having killed the head of the BMC. He uses his magic to temporarily assume Godefrey’s identity.

  • Main goal:

    • Confront Godefrey

    • Find documents in main office.

  • Encounters:

    • Upon entry into the compound, the PCs and dwarfs will confront 25 guards (MM)–there does not have to be immediate violence. The guards will try to block access.

    • At some point, Tolliver (stats of a Veteran) and 4 more guards join. Players can convince Tolliver and his men not to fight.

    • If the PCs make it to Godefrey’s office, they’ll encounter Mencius, posing as Godefrey. For now, use the stats of an Illusionist (Volo’s p.214). 2 guards are present that are unaware that Mencius has killed the real Godefrey. Mencius will start with the Displacement special action. His mage armor is already active. He will use hypnotic pattern and magic missiles. Mencius will teleport away after some crowd control spells and summoning a Barlgura demon (the demon stays for 1d6 rounds after Mencius disappears). If the PCs manage to kill Mencius before he teleports, that’s ok. Let them have the victory. For one, the other Pillars can complete the plan. More importantly, Mencius has been growing a fungal clone of himself (via a casting of the Clone spell granted to him by Andromalion). In order not to cheapen the PCs victory in killing Mencius before the final chapter, the fungal version of Mencius is considerably weaker.

4.8 Conclusion

  • PCs find Godefrey’s dead body

  • Godefrey’s safe (DC-17): contains 400gp,his journal, and other documents.

    • The jorunal details his excitement for the silent partnership with the Helsundburg Merchant Bank. He hopes the capital will allow him to push out the dwarfs.

    • He meets Mencius as a representative of the Helsundburg Merchant Bank and his excitement increases further.

    • Has misgivings that Mencius is pushing for exploration in the B shaft.

    • Godefrey is enraged after the breakthrough to the Underdark. Thinks Mencius is crazy for thinking this a a good thing.

    • Scared to meet with the Duergar, but Mencius’ promises of increased profits makes him reconsider. Plus the dwarfs are getting on his nerves and the Duergar’s help will be useful.

    • Godefrey is excited about the prospect of telerium mining, starting to hire cheap labor in anticipation of the deaths that will eventually come with expanded telerium mining. Excited that the Duergar can raise the dead for mining. Mentions that Mencius is more focused on a side-deal with the Duergar.

    • Lures a group of dwarf engineers into the shaft to allow the Duergar to learn more about the rest of the mine.

    • On the suggestion of Mencius, he reaches out to the Blooded Hand to establish smuggling routes for the telerium.

    • Notes that he observed a secret meeting between Mencius with the Duergar, where the Duergar gave Mencius a glass shard and some living fungi. Mencius kept the shard and had Tolliver organize a transport of the fungus to Flowerdale.

  • Financial documents:

    • Contract for a silent ownership share for the Helsundburg Merchant Bank.

    • Letter that Mencius Moravian has been sent as Special Envoy of the Bank’s representative.

    • Financial transactions for hiring extra security for a transport of fungi.

    • Notes the location of Mencius’ office in Bracken.

Mencius’ office:

  • Large lockbox, locked, DC-14, inside: body of Lynn the Maid

  • Locked desk with a trap (poison dart), Inside: 90 GP, Perception DC-18 a partially burned letter in the hearth: …Dear Brother, We are all waiting with elation to hear about your progress. I hope the letter I sent to establish you as an envoy of the Bank has been helpful. The others and I are praying for your safe return. The shard…. on paper with the seal of the Helsundburg Merchant Bank. The letter also shows an odd, occult symbol.

Occult Symbol.

Figure 4.7: Occult Symbol.

Additional rewards from the dwarfs:

  • Absorb Elements Spell Scroll

  • Elemental gem–red corundum–Fire elemental

    • Potion of growth

    • Dust of disappearance

    • Hat of wizardy

    • Overall XP Reward: enough to advance to Level 3.

From here the PCs have two major leads, if they are inclined to investigate the mystery of Mencius and the shards:

  • Investigate the connections between Mencius and the Helsundburg Merchant Bank in the city of Helsundburg (see Coin and Dagger.

  • Pursue the fungal shipment to Flowerdale Flower Fields.

If they are not yet hooked, not to worry. Mencius has taken an interest in the PCs and, arrrogant as he is, wants to use them for his own purposes. He will contact the PCs through an intermediary (see A Hired Hand).