Chapter 2 The Setting

The specifics of the setting are largely left undefined and largely follow assumptions found on fantasy worlds like the Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, etc.

Geographically, the adventure takes place in the area surrounding the Northern city of Helsundburg (Hex 0603), with excursions to the town of Bracken (Hex 1403) and the city of Rumnahold (Hex 1103) in the Eastern mountains, Skral Island (Hex 0202),the town of Ridwall (Hex 0710), the Southern city of Mersenne (Hex 0713), the area of Flowerdale (around Hex 0311), and the desert oasis Kurun (Hex 1423).

The Kingdom of Helsund and the Southern Reach. Source: Homemade

Figure 2.1: The Kingdom of Helsund and the Southern Reach. Source: Homemade

Other parts of the map are left undefined for GMS to add additional, custom material.

Below, you can find short descriptions on each of the significant locations for the adventure. More details are provided in the specific Chapters.

2.1 Location Summaries

Helsundburg (Hex 0603). The Pearl of the North. Major trading hub and seat of government for the kingdom of Helsund.

Bracken (Hex 1403). Small but growing mining town in the Cloudsmoke Mountains.

Rumnahold (Hex 1103). A large human town with a dwarven ruled Undercity. Focused on processing ore from the Cloudsmoke Mountains, gem and metalworking. A freehold in the kingdom of Helsund.

Skral Island (Hex 0202). Prison island. Surrounded by harsh and cold waters. Used by the Kingdom of Helsund to exile the worst criminals and brigands of the realm.

Ridwall (Hex 0710). Small town on an in-land crossroads.

Mersenne (Hex 0713). Independent city state on the banks of the Azure Sea. Center of the spice trade. Cosmopolitan.

Flowerdale (around Hex 0311). Medium-sized town. Center of agricultural production. Part of the Kingdom of Helsund.

Kurun (Hex 1423). Small desert oasis in the Southern Reach.

2.2 Travel and Encounter Tables

The regional map consists of 24 mile hexes. Apply whatever hexcrawl exploration rules you favor. For 24 mile hexes, I typically allow a party of PCs to move one hex per day (two on trade roads) or explore a single hex for hidden features. If you aren’t into hexcrawling and exploration, handwave travel and just jump to the linear parts of the action.

If you want more of an exploration feel in your campaign, PCs should track their resources. Each PC needs to consume one unit of rations and water to stay healthy. Water can be carried or found with a successful Survival check. Failing to consume rations and water incurs increasing levels of Exhaustion after the first full day (using OneDnD playtest Exhaustion rules).

Roll for a random wilderness encounters twice per day.

1. Encounter
2. Omen
3. A shift in weather
4. Loss of a resources (e.g., rations or other gear)
5. Gain 1 level of Exhaustion due to weather exposure
6-8 Nothing happens.

2.2.1 Encounters

If you roll for an encounter, use the appropriate random encounter tables from Xanathar’s, based on the hex terrain type.

When encountering creatures, make sure to do an old-school Reaction Roll for the monster.

2D6 Monster/NPC reaction
2 Hostile, attacks
3-5 Unfriendly, may attack
6-8 Neutral, uncertain
9-11 Indifferent, uninterested
12 Friendly, helpful

PCs should be allowed to affect the initial disposition of the monster or NPC using role play or an appropriate skill check (if they so choose).