Chapter 8 Mountains of Madness

8.1 Overview

  • The PCs are after the final missing shard, held by on old family friend of the Silverswords.

  • The PCs learn more about Shargak during their travels and meet Orin Stoutale, and Osswald the Long on the way. Orin is on the way to Rumnahold to petition for support from the Rumnaheim Society.

  • The PCs receive an audience with Gilthur Goblinbane and petition for researching the ancestral archives. They are sent on a quest to retrieve the hammer of Durin Silverbeard, the Sunforged Hammer of Dwarven Might, and the shard carried by Torgga Wyrmstalker.

  • Start of the expedition: Kathra Orcfoe, Orin Stoutale, and Osswald the Long and his demon-goat Fred and the PCs. Kathra will push for risky actions.

  • Mencius will be racing them for the shard (he has a fungal clone as a backup). Because of the flesh component for Clone, perceptive PCs can spot that Mencius us missing 2 fingers on his right hand. He is accompanied by a team of elite Doppelgangers, 1 Death Knight (a resurrected member of Durin’s warparty, Raugrim Blackshield). Theyare hunting the shard and have a head start. They know which way to go and are in possession of a dwarven runestone that helps them deactivate various war machines.

  • The PCs eventually will reach Drowblood Bridge. If Mencius has arrived before them, his Death Knight blocks the bridge and he has passed through the Drow Gate and sealed it. If the PCs arrive before Mencius, they can advance to the Temple with a head start.

  • With a closed Drow Gate, the PCs can try to unseal the gate or take a detour through Moradin’s Way.

  • Along that alternative path they are likely to encounter an several Underdark menaces.

  • Eventually, Mencius and the PCs will arrive at the Drow Temple. If Mencius arrives first, he makes a deal with the local Drow Priestess and gains access to the sanctum. If the PCs arrive first they can force the Drow out or make a deal with them themselves, while Mencius will attempt an attack during their foray into the temple sanctum.

8.2 Travel to Rumnahold

Benoit can tell the PCs that his family’s records indicate one shard was given to a family friend–a dwarven explorer and adventurer of the name Torgga Wyrmstalker, based in Rumnahold. He can also update the PCs that he is pursuing a rumor of a banishment ritual. His brother Gregor is doing their best to uncover the remaining network of the Church of Andromalion in Helsundburg. He can also host them for a night and then arrange passage to Rumnahold.

On the road, the PC meet Orin Stoutale (statistics of a Priest but has taken a vow of non-violence, 15 AC and 35 HP) and the dwarf ranger Osswald the Long (stats of an Archer with a light crossbow, Fred has the stats of a Giant Goat with AC 14 and 30 HP but can cast Firebolt) and a few fellow dwarven travelers. Their carriage has broken down and they could use some help. On the carriage is a cage with a Goblin prisoner.

  • Orin is traveling to Rumnahold for an audience with Gilthur Goblinbane–the leader of the Rumnaheim society. He wants his help in defending Bracken against the rising Goblin threat. Bracken has been doing well were it not for the constant raids by Goblins on outlying farms and merchant carriages. Osswald can confirm that the Goblins are operating out of the Tallwood. The forest has become very dangerous and outsiders enter at the risk of their lives. He used to stroll the woods extensively and but not anymore. Shargak seems to have found allies among the darker forces of the Tallwood.

  • Orin has with him a prisoner–a Herald of Shargak. He brought him to make his case to Gilthur Goblinbane. His name is Borgsnozzle, he is a scrawny Goblin, wearing a white, tattered nightshift, blind on one eye, wears a jester cap.

  • Borgsnozzle will be defiant at first but can be coaxed into talking and boasting about Shargak, e.g., by plying him with alcohol or food or goading him (appropriate skill checks). The Legend of Shargak, as told by a Herald of Nilbog:

    • 17 years ago, he was born during midwinter in the Tallwood, a small goblin child, sickly, one of five. His family sold him to three hags in exchange for food.

    • The hags made him work hard every day, beat him, played tricks on him, made him empty their chamber pots. Often he prayed for help, but Maglubyiet is unforgiving and cruel. In his deepest days of desperation he often thought about ending his life, but one night, he heard a voice–whispering to him that he was destined for more. He started to observe the hags, learn their cunning tricks. One night, during a difficult ritual, he pushed the hags into a big cauldron and stole their dark magicks.

    • He then wandered the lands, learning about the ways of goblin, bugbear, hobgoblin–how the Hobgoblins had enslaved the goblins. During his travels, the voice called out to him again, leading him to an old cave where he found a magic glass shard in a cave–the Shard of Truth. The shard revealed to him the truth–that Maglubyiet is a dark and corrupting influence on goblinkind, a usurper god. The truth shard connected him to a lost deity of the Goblins–Andromalion the Redeemer. Using the power of the shard, Shargak could show other goblins the truth about Maglubyiet. He gathered followers around him to upend the tyranny of the hobgoblins, liberate all goblins, and make them sing the song of freedom.

    • Many months later, a vile group of humanoid adventurers, sent by Maglubyiet, captured him and took the truth shard from him. He was thrown into a dark and cold prison cell in the town of Bracken–a vile, festering postule on the face of the earth, where they eat baby goblins and roast Bugbears. They tortured him for days and sentenced him to death. In this time of dire need, he spoke a prayer to Andromalion. The next day, in front the the jeering masses there to watch his execution, Andromalion answered his prayer and sent him the power to transform himself, allowing him to escape the dim humans and dwarfs.

    • Without the truth shard, he went on a spirit quest to learn a different way of exposing the lies of Maglubyiet and liberate his fellow goblin folk by telling the truth of Andromalion.

    • After wandering for 42 days in the mountains, Andromalion blessed him with a holy aura and gave him a mission: He will create a new goblin kingdom, bring civilization, goblin equality, reclaim the lost shard, and remove the influence of Maglubyiet. He will exact justice on the town of Bracken as well! He is gathering followers all across the land, uniting the tribes. He is the Chosen of Andromalion, the secret Goblin god, sent to upend the order of Maglubyiet—the Age of Goblins is Coming!! Gragnug (Liberty)! Ortug (Equality)! Pagnung (Fraternity)!

8.3 Arrival in Rumnahold:

Rumnahold. Source:

Figure 8.1: Rumnahold. Source:

  • Rumnahold is a settlement of about 5,000 humans and 4,000 dwarfs.

  • The topc ity is ruled by a council of merchant families. Rumanold proper is the underground dwarven city, ruled by King Irri Broadbeard. The Rumnaheim Society is an important faction in town, vying for dominance.

  • Notable locations:

    • Archive of the Fathers and Mothers of the Mountain (Headquarters of the Rumnaheim Society)

    • Hall of Forges: A central underground square for all the blacksmiths.

    • Orin can provide the PCs with a housing arrangement through the Rumnaheimn Society in their guest house.

8.4 Investigating Torgga Wyrmstalker

  • Asking around town. PCs can ask around Rumnahiem for the name Wyrmstalker but there is no clan of that name (some may remember that name dimly, not humans though). Torgga was not originally from Rumnaheim, only lived here for a while and kept a low profile within the city. She was known in certain circles dealing with adventuring. Social roll DC-12 to reveal people have heard of the name and that she was a non-local adventurer.

  • Orin can help the PCs learn that the Rumnaheim Society keeps detailed clan records for dwarfs in their Archive of the Fathers and Mothers of the Mountain. Orin can access this, dwarfs are allowed to enter, non-dwarfs are given a hard time (Social roll DC-18). Orin is willing to help if the PCs will support him in his request.

  • Research in the Archive. PCs should do an Investigation roll (if others aid, give Advantage). < DC10 research takes 7 days, DC10-15 research takes 4 days, DC16-20 3 days, DC 21-22 2 days, DC over 22 1 day.

    • Records of Torgga: she was a skilled explorer and adventurer that lived in Rumnaheim. The last mention of her is being part of a Crusade by Durin Silverbeard. He was a famed warrior, explorer and hero. Lived to the age of 413. The Rumnaheim society was founded in the wake of his death, he is considered an Ancestor of the Deep (like a saint).

    • Durin headed an expedition to the Underdark to claim a holy site–Graumagyr–which had been converted into a Drow temple (The Shrine of Jhaelrynna). The expedition got lost in the Underdark and was never heard from again.

    • They find a mural in the Hall of Ancestors of the expedition members: Durin Silverbeard in the middle (hammer in one hand, foaming magical tankard in the other, mighty silver beard), Raugrim Blackshield on the right (surly, heavily armored dwarf, black beard, black shield), The Brothers Braumann–Hurn and Harn (a famed artificer and a cleric), Torgga Wyrmstalker (strawblonde hair, fine leather armor and a pendant made of a glass shard). They were accompanied by 40 more dwarven warriors.

    • Durin’s Sunforged Hammer of Dwarven Might is considered a lost relic.

    • Details on the travel route of the expedition are under lock and key of the Rumnaheim Society. PCs need an audience with Gilthur Goblinbane

Meeting Gilthur Goblinbane I:

  • Gilthur is an old, but still impressive dwarf. A long blond beard with some grey, battle scars on his face, muscular build. Exudes old man strength despite is massive belly. A big axe leans next to his throne.

  • Gilthur is a warpriest that has fought in many wars against Orcs, goblins, Duergar, and Drow. He founded the Rumnaheim society 150 years ago to preserve dwarven traditions and heritage, give voice to dwarven interests and the `Olden Ways’. He hates Orcs, goblins, Drow, he is skeptical of humans and elves. Halflings and gnomes he considers non-threatening. He is vainglorious and he strives for more power and recognition. If he had his way, he would rule Rumnaheim and then further unite all dwarfs under the banner of the Rumnaheim Society.

  • PCs need to convince Gilthur to let the PCs go look for Durin and the shard and/or send help to Bracken.

  • Gilthur is skeptical about both requests. Wrt to Bracken, he does not like sending dwarfs above ground (but likes the idea of a re-newed Rummnaheim Society spreading dwarf values and fighting goblins). He is also skeptical about the expedition because he doesn’t like the idea of non-dwarfs finding the remains of Durin or recovering is famous Hammer. But he is secretly eager to reclaim the Hammer for himself. If the PCs suggest members of the Rumnaheim society should accompany them, he will jump on that. Otherwise, he will eventually suggest it himself.

  • Negotiation over the number of companions. They are being accompanied by Orin (optional), Osswald, and Kathra. Small group is deemed best, to attract less attention.

  • Kathra Orcfoe is a grizzled dwarfen fighter (stats of a Graveslayer, CC). She is instructed to push the group hard, take risks to attain glory and make sure to secure the hammer for dwarvenkind (and the Rumnaheim society). She will risk the PCs lifes without question.

  • Background on Kathra: An orphan (parents died in a mining accident), she was raised by the Rumnaheim Society. Early on joined the special order of the Graveslayers–warriors that protect the ancestors. A group of dour, serious paladins and knights. She is a woman of few words but competent.

8.5 Preparing the Expedition

  • PCs will have to venture to the Underdark.

  • Durin’s travel plan: 1) reach Rustmark’s Redoubt (a series of fortified tunnels and battlements that was once a front line in the battle against the Drow–think WWI trench warfare), takes 8 days of underground travel to get there, official entrance to the Underdark proper. Currently no-man’s land; 2) Drowblood Bridge (a massive stone bridge that spans a wide chasm, leads to Drowblood Gate. Drowblood Gate was the frontline fortification of the Drow against Dwarven incursions. Through Drowblood Gate 3 days travel to Graumagyr, the site of a holy shrine to Moradin. Was captured by Drow hundreds of years ago and turned into the Shrine of Jhaelrynna, consecrated to Lolth–Jhaelrynna was a powerful priestess of Lolth. During tried to recapture the site for the dwarfs. This was 130 years ago. Since the, the Drow have retreated due to a Drow civil war but nobody has claimed the territory–it is in the zone of influence of the Drow. Gilthur is angry at the leaders of Rumnahold for not having reclaimed this region sooner.

  • PCs should prep for 30 days of travel.

8.6 Reaching Drowblood Bridge

Hex crawl rules:

  • PC begin in Hex 0101

  • Only the surrounding hexes are visible. GM should provide some hints (smells, sounds, etc.) to help PCs choose direction.

  • Each group has 4 travel actions per day (6 hours each):

    • Move to another hex

    • Push Take either two Move or 1 Move and 1 Explore action. Incurs 1 level of exhaustion.

    • Explore current hex. Reveals local sight or a roll on the treasure table.

    • Short Rest fulfills daily sleep requirement, benefits of a short rest.

    • Long Rest takes two travel actions. 12 hours are needed to prepare a camp, supplies, and dealing with environmental hazards.

    • Each day without a Short Rest or Long Rest incurs 1 level of exhaustion.

  • Every other travel action, roll the Encounter Table.

  • Mencius begins in Hex 0602. Mencius has a dwarven runestone that let’s him safely pass any Clockwork Myrmidons and roughly knows the way. Randomize direction between Western and Southwestern path. Mencius will only short rest. Upon arrival at the bridge, Mencius takes 1 Short Rest Action and then spends 8+2d4 travel actions to open the gate at Drowblood Bridge, pass, and seal it again. This implies an average of 14 actions for Mencius to pass Drowblood Bridge.

  • PCs will need 25-30 actions to reach Drowblood Bridge, less then 20 if they push a lot and get lucky.

8.6.1 Hex Descriptions

Rumnahold. Source: Homemade

Figure 8.2: Rumnahold. Source: Homemade

Hex Description
0101 Entrance into Rustmark’s Redoubt
0102 Fewer battlements and an underground river. Treasure table if searched.
0104 The Dark Pool
0201 Many battlements in good shape. Treasure table if searched.
0203 Few battlements, acrid smell, glowing fungi cave. Tunnels are more natural and smoothed out. Explore reveals Secret passage to Hex 0302, takes two Move actions.
0301 Smells of smoke and ash, more evidence of fighting. Treasure table if searched.
0302 Abandoned barracks. Treasure table if searched.
0304 Entrance to Moradin’s Way. Connects Hex 0304 to Hex 0606. See entry on Moradin’s Way
0402 Huge old battlefield, dwarf and Drow skeletons. Treasure table if searched.
0403 See entry on Clockwork Myrmidons
0404 Remnants of a large battle. Gargantuan clockwork war machine ruin. Treasure table if searched.
0405 See entry on Drowblood Bridge
0406 Temple of Jhaelrynna
0501 Derelict dwarven battlefield shrine. Treasure table if searched.
0502 Partially collapsed tunnels. Costs extra Move to pass. Treasure table if searched plus search reveals large gem stone in the war machine worth 2,000 GP.
0504 Maze of trench tunnels. If searched, entrance to Moradin’s Way. Connects Hex 0504 to Hex 0606. See entry on Moradin’s Way.
0507 Part of Moradin’s Way.
0602 Other entrance to Rustmark’s Redoubt. Treasure table if searched.
0603 See entry on Clockwork Myrmidons
0606 Part of Moradin’s Way
0607 Part of Moradin’s Way and Lair of the Balhannoth.

8.6.2 Encounter and Treasure Tables

*1D100** Encounter
1-35 Nothing happens
36-40 Evidence of Drow Patrols. E.g.: evidence of a camp site, slain monster, dead Derro, dead adventurer.
41-45 Evidence of the Neothelid (slime, moved earth)
46-50 Evidence of Mencius. Physical evidence (traces of the group, golden hair) or dream spell attack (DC 15 WILL save, 4d6 psychic damage)
51-55 Exhaustion for the PCs. Long tight squeeze, sudden rushing water, falling rocks, etc.
56-60 Trap. 1-2: Pit Trap Gauntlet (20x10ft corridor, several pit traps with unreliable wooden planks across. PC can pass with good idea or risk DC 14 DEX save, 4d6+4 piercing damage, then DC 12 CON save for infection (1 level of exhaustion); 3-4 Arrow Trap Gauntlet: 30x5ft corridor with arrow slits on eithet side and the ceiling. Triggered by pressure plates. Disable or DC 18 DEX save for 5d6+5 piercing damage. 5-6 Magnet trap: circular room with a central pillar full of spikes. Skeleton in armor impaled on spike. Floor and pillar is of a strange metal. First 5ft in the room nothing happens, then magnet is activated and PC is pulled towards the spike. DC 18 STR save or 10d8+10 damage)
61-70 Derro Traders.
71-75 Fire Myrmidon. On watch, can be triggered to attack when approached without dwarven safe word.
76-85 Drow Patrol
86-95 Elite Drow Patrol
96-100 Mencius
*1D100** Treasure
1-40 Dust, crumbled battlements.
41-50 Weapon and armor rack: Old, rusted dwarven weaponry and armor. Still usable.
51-60 Dwarven workshop: thieves’ tools, carpenter’s tools, blacksmith’s tools.
61-65 Dwarven adventurer’s corpse: two weighted dice of the highest quality.
66-75 Field of corpses. Recover valuables worth 3d100 GP.
76-80 A cache of rare gems worth 5d100+100 GP
81-84 A cache of healing potions: 1d4 greater healing potions
85-87 Partially burned dwarven siege manual. If PCs reads dwarvish, they learn that war machines are controlled by runestones.
88-89 Dwarven runestone to control Fire Myrmidons
90-95 Roll on lootgen party level 5-10, pick minor item.
96-97 Map location of Drowblood Bridge
98-100 Roll on lootgen party level 5-10, pick major item.

Events and Locations:

Underdark. Source: Homemade

Figure 8.3: Underdark. Source: Homemade

Derro trading party. 1 Derro Savant (Nurmi), 5 Derro. Party is traveling through this region to deliver potions and some scrolls, held on a little strongbox two of the Derro are carrying. They are very cautious and mistrusting. History DC-14 identifies them as dwarfkin, blue-skinned Underdark folk. Known to me vicious, mad, and groveling to more powerful creatures. Afflicted by intense paranoia and have sorcerous powers. They only speak Undercommon. If attacked, they will try to run and ambush the PCs later (accompanied by a Derro Shadow Anti-paladin and a Dogmole Juggernaut). The Derro can be convinced to trade some of their goods for weapons/magic items. They can tell the PCs about Drow patrols in this region (range in size from 4-10, some are accompanied by Shadowblades), they can also reveal that Drow activity has increased around the abandoned Shrine.

Drow patrol. 4 Drow, 1 Drow Elite Warriors (moving at a distance and hidden).

Elite Drow patrol. 4 Drow, 3 Drow Elite Warriors, and 1 Drow Shadowblade (moving at a distance and hidden).

Fire Myrmidon in a fox hole: Elemental Myrmidons (used as war machines in past conflicts, they attack anything within a certain radius).

  • Entrance area, South of the barricade: PCs find a dead Drow patrol (4 dead, stripped of provisions), Perception DC-16 reveals lingering pleasant smell (PCs that had a dream with Mencius can identify him). Survival check DC-18 (group of PC party-size humanoids +1, 1 heavily armored dwarf.). Tracks get muddled not too far away but maybe only a day old?

The Dark Pond: 2 Cavelight Moss and 1 hidden Neothelid in the water. To the east of the pond, there is acid sludge on the ground and several bleached skeletons. A nature or medicine check reveals the sludge to be digestive fluid. 1 dwarven skeleton is on the cavelight moss next to the water, one dwarven skeleton is on a stone in the water. They are the remains of Hurn and Harn Braumann (Perception DC-14 to identify their gear). The body on the water has a dwarven rune key lying next to it. The rune says ``sleep’’ (turns the Clockwork Myrmidons off).

Clockwork Myrmidon Gauntlet: 7 Clockwork Myrmidons are blocking the way to the Drowblood Bridge. Visible dwarven runes on their armor. Arcana DC-17 and History DC-18 (15 for dwarfs) can reveal that these are old war machines of the dwarfs that are protecting the area. Runes say things like Attack'',Guard’‘, Follow'',Sleep’‘. The ``Guard’’ rune is lit up. You need a Rune Key to make them stand down / adjust their behavior.

Clockwork Gauntlet. Source: Homemade

Figure 8.4: Clockwork Gauntlet. Source: Homemade

Mencius: Mencius, accompanied by several elite Doppelgangers and 1 Death Knight.

8.7 The Battle at Drowblood Bridge

Drowblood Bridge. Source: Homemade

Figure 8.5: Drowblood Bridge. Source: Homemade

  • PCs arrive at the bridge and see a group of humans vanish through the gates. Perception DC-16: they see a glimmer of long, blond hair. A single dwarf stands to block the other side of the bridge.

  • Big fight on the bridge: Death Knight (Raugrim Blackshield). Death Knight has the Sentinel feat, axe and shield, 1 Legendary Action: single attack. Final attack option for the Dwarf Death Knight: grapple a PC and jump off the bridge into the lava: 90ft fall does 9d6 damage, 6d10 fire damage in the lava per round.

  • Other enemies: 8 Skeleton Archers with longbows cover the far side of the bridge, Ogre skeleton (stats of a Giant Skeleton rises behind the party. They are trying to cover Mencius’ advance.

The aftermath:

  • Doors are locked DC-20.

  • Inside they find Drowblood Gate–locked via ancient Drow rune magic (similar to Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum). Bars teleportation, opening etc. It would take ten successful castings of Dispel Magic against a level-4 spell and Arcana checks to undo the sealing. Alternatively, Shape Stone could also work, but would take 10+ castings.

  • Gate is blocked by a puzzle. PCs can try to solve the puzzle or go through Moradin’s Way.

  • Puzzle:

    • In the center of the gate is a mural of a spider. Five cylinders with Drow runes. Each cylinder can be turned to show the Drow numerals for 0-9. Above each cylinder a letter is etched into the stone. The cylinders spell out: L-O-L-T-H.

    • Around the arch of the gate, six words are displayed: Thorn, Night, Hate, Venom, Mother, Glutton.

    • Reveal this if PCs are looking around (no check needed): On the ground, etched into the stone floor:

    • ``You must separate the parts that make the whole. Pile like to like, only then will you pass. Four is all you need.’’

    • Four clues: There are 6 made of 32. 13 like piles. Four numbers is all you need. Counting each pile is all you need.

    • Old clues: There are 6 made of 32. First, you must separate., Put them into 13 like Piles. Only then will you escape the vile., Four Numbers are all you need. Counting each Pile is the key..

    • Solution: 6 words with 32 letters. Count up the letters: A:1, E:3, G:2, H:4, I:1, L:1, M:2, N:4, O:4, R:2, T:6, U:1, V:1. Pick the numbers 1, 4, 1, 6, 4 to spell out L-O-L-T-H on the cylinders.

  • Orin can tell them about Moradin’s Way. THIS CAN BE BYPASSED if PCs have a good idea. Moradin’s Way will lead them to the Shrine from the other side. Moradin’s Way is quicker but more dangerous (i.e., they can long-rest).

8.8 Detour Through Moradin’s Way

Moradin's Way. Source: Homemade

Figure 8.6: Moradin’s Way. Source: Homemade


  • Dark sludge pit: 4 Tar Oozes–can be avoided if PCs don’t step into the sludge and stealth around.

  • Path north: Long blond hair of Mencius and a trail in the dusty ground–the Balhannoth creates an illusion to lure the PCs in.

  • Webbed area: Ghostwalk Spider and 4 Giant spiders.

  • Second sludge area: 8 Intellect Devourers.

8.8.1 Lair of the Balhannoth

Lair of the Balhannoth. Source: Homemade

Figure 8.7: Lair of the Balhannoth. Source: Homemade

  • As the PCs get closer, the Balhannoth uses its lair action to target one PC (randomly). DC-16 Will ST or the target teleports to the center of the lair, the Balhannoth will be invisible to the target until it attacks. PC will see the body of Durin with his hammer and next to him Torgga on the ground. Then the Balhannoth will attack.

  • Other PCs will have to race after their friend.

  • Combat tactics: ambush single target, grapple, bite. When the others show up, Balhannoth can teleport with legendary actions. Emergency: use lair action with DC-16 Will save to teleport a pesky enemy away!

  • Optional loot: A control rune key or a powerful magic item.

8.9 The Shrine of Jhaelrynna

The Temple. Source: Homemade

Figure 8.8: The Temple. Source: Homemade

Drysimma and her group have been trying to enter the shrine and were surprised by Mencius’ attack. The PCs can attack her and her group or try to negotiate with her. She wants to undo the magical barrier and claim the site. A possible deal could be reached if the PCs are willing to take the hammer/shard in exchange for abandoning the site. Kathra will not be convinced by this and fight to death to stop this deal. Drysimma may or may not renege on the deal once the PCs have destroyed the barrier but it is entirely possible for her to honor the agreement, depending on how the negotiations went.

When approaching the Temple, PCs can find various tracks, indicating a fair amount of movement (Drow patrols, Drow traders, Derro and Duergar trada caravan’s). Drop hints that peaceful trade has been happening in this area to at least suggest a non-aggressive initial approach. There is a waystone not too far from the temple that indicates directions to Duergar and Drow cities, Derro camps, and the temple itself. If the PCs wait, they can observe a small Derro trading party approach and trade supplies for gold.

The Drow:

  • Outside defense: 1 Drider, 4 Drow Skirmisher, 1 Drow Sergeant, 1 Drow Dark Sniper, 4 Drow Soldiers, 1 Drow Mage .

  • Inside: Drysimma (Drow Priestess of Lolth, Ring of Evasion, Wand of Fear, 2 LAa to use the wand or a spell, extra spells: Toll the Dead, Spirit Guardians, Bless, (will summon a Yochlol, then Spirit Guardians at 5th level, then Wand of Fear and Mass Cure Wounds), 1 Drow Arcane Guard, 3 Drow Skirmisher, 3 Drow Soldiers

  • Ring of Evasion: Srezzrazan the Snake. An old Yuan-Ti artifact/magical creature of unknown provenance (might prove useful in Chapter 9 when dealing with Akuthla). Effects like Ring of Evasion but the PC has colder blood than usual (needs warmer clothing and likes to sit in the sun).

  • Halfaxxan the Grim’s Scepter. Magical scepter of an old Drow Priest. Made from Bone, carved faces, shown in agony. Effects as a Wand of Fear. Using the scepter is unsettling and paranoid visions and dreams are inflicted upon the character. Record every charge used–next time the PC has to save against a fear-like effect, increase the DC by the amount of charges used, then reset the counter to zero.


  • Southwest: supply room and field kitchen for the drow. Plentiful rations.

  • Eastern and Western sleeping rooms: make-shift sleeping areas. PCs can find random trinkets from the Drow soldiers. Each room has valuables worth 4d12 GP.

  • Eastern/Western Hallways: Laid into the walls in each hallway are three small vestibules (2 ft wide, 1 ft deep), filled with dwarfen bells. The bells are covered in runes and magical in nature. Hitting one of the bells has varied effects:

1D8 Effect of Moradin’s Bells
1-2 Moradin’s Thunder. All non-dwarven creatures roll WIS ST DC-15 or be stunned and deafened for 1 round.
3-4 Moradin’s Light. All non-dwarven creatures roll CON ST DC-15 or be blinded for 2 rounds.
5-6 Moradin’s Rumble. All non-dwarven creatures roll DC-15 STR ST or be proned.
7-8 Moradin’s Wrath. All non-dwarven creatures roll DC-15 WIS ST or be frightened for 2 rounds.
  • Study: personal items of Drysimma. Random spell scrolls of 2nd, 3rd, 4th level. Jewels worth 1000 GP.


  • The Inner Sanctum of the Temple is protected by a magical barrier that Drow cannot pass. No magic can pass through the barrier and all active spells are dispelled upon passing. Ranged attacks cannot pass through the magical barrier. Non-Drow can slowly walk through the barrier. It was created via the heroic sacrifice of Durin and his party, fending off the Drow. Their bodies lie in permanent Gentle Repose inside. Touching the bodies requires a successful WIS ability check DC-20 (DC-16 for a lawful good dwarf, a prayer to Moradin will give a +2, PCs may guess that a prayer to Moradin could work, or give them some hints). Inside the Sanctum, no teleportation magic is possible.

  • Mencius (stats of a modified Cambion Warlock of the Fiend, 2 LR, 2 LA for cantrip attacks or 1 LA spell) and several improved Doppelganger to match the party’s size. One Doppelganger will pretend to be bound and captured, so that the PCs suspect their own party member had been replaced earlier. They will try to grapple certain PCs and take on their look to confuse everyone about who to target. They have two Multiattacks +8 with 2d6+6.

  • Mencius is attempting to get the shard from the body of Torgga, who is lying next to Durin. The Doppelgangers will try to protect him as best as possible, confusing the PCs. Once Mencius gets the shard, he will try to fight the PCs but eventually will cross the barrier and plane shift away. If the PCs beat him, so be it–he has a fungal clone of himself prepared (the clone is weaker/twisted).

  • The bodies of they PCs copies are not quite human–they seem to be weird fungal copies and their flesh is grown through with fungus.

  • Durin is carrying is overflowing silver tankard (never-ending beer in social settings) and his sun-forged warhammer (BA to activate light, +2, +1d8 extra radiant damage against undead and fiends).

8.10 Post-Script

  • PCs may or may not get the shard.

  • They can claim Durin’s tankard and the sun-forged hammer. If Durin is resurrected, he will give them the tankard.

  • They also find 2,000 GP, a Robe of Eyes and a Horn of Blasting

  • Mencius will try to send the PCs a message via his dream spell ability. The goal is to gloat for having acquire the shard or to let the PCs know that he is not dead:

    • Dream spell attack by Mencius. If he died, this is to remind the PCs that he is still, in some form, around. If Mencius got away with the shard, this is his way of showing dominance.

    • Dream A: PC awakes in a dream, standing in a room with mirrors surrounding them. At first they only see regular reflections of themselves in the mirror. Once they look closer, they spot a lose flap of skin at their ear in the reflection. If they pull on it, they can take of a while skin flap on their face (without pain, just an odd pulling sensation). Under the flap is clean, white skin. If they keep going, they find Mencius’ face under their own and the reflection in the mirror starts laughing. If the PC punches the mirror, they cut themselves and find a similar phenomenon under the skin of their arm.

    • Dream B: PC has returned home to their loved one. They are having a family. Spouse asks the PCs to help them with something, their child has something on their back. If the PC investigates they find a fist-sized protrusion on the back. They can attempt a Medicine check to investigate. As they do, the protrusion starts to move. If the PC wants to remove it, they find a small version of Mencius’ face growing out of the back, starts laughing and shouting that they will never get rid of him.

  • Mencius will try to insinuate the PCs may be copies themselves, just a failed experiment on the loose. Aren’t their memories more real and fresh after they appear in Bracken? What do they really remember from their time before? He suggests they should cut themselves open to see for themselves.

  • If PCs start Scrying on Mencius at this stage, they have a chance of observing him (roll 1D10): 1–6 he is in his Private Sanctum, 7 he is walking around Helsundburg, 8 He is overseeing the unloading of a river barge, 9 He is meeting with an emissary for Shargak, 10 he is meeting with Knights of the Crimson Heart. He has a magical protection from Andromalion that muffles all sound as if perceiving through water, but the PCs can observe him and glean clues.

  • PCs return to Rumnaheim with the hammer (possibly with Durin and/or Torgga as well). Gilthur welcomes them and throws a celebratory feast for them. Depending on the degree of success (and RP), Gilthur will send dwarfs to the defense of Bracken. Minimum: 40 trained shield-dwarfs. Maximum: 40 trained shield dwarfs, 2 clerics of Moradin, 2 Fists of Moradin (Paladins), 10 Berserkers (barbarians). Osswald and Orin are determined to return to Bracken as quickly as possible–word has arrived that the attack is imminent.

  • There is also a message waiting from Benoit that he wants to talk with the PCs urgently and in person, he has a lead on a ritual to banish Andromalion.

  • If Torrga has been resurrected. They should talk with her to decide what to do with the shard.