Chapter 8 Flower Fields

8.1 Overview

  • If the PCs make their way to Flowerdale, they are likely pursuing:

    • leads about the Matron and large financial transfers from the Helsundburg Merchant Bank, mentioned in Klausman’s notes.

    • The shipment of live fungus from Bracken to Flowerdale, mentioned in Godefrey’s notes.

  • PCs arrive and encounter an unnerving town that openly workships Anromalion.

  • Investigating the Lady’s manor reveals that she is not present.

  • PCs may find a local elven settlement and find one survivor that can point them to a nearby forest.

  • PCs have to navigate a dangerous forest and discover the Canopy Gardens with the fungus farm.

  • Confront the Matron and destroy the fungus farm.

8.2 Travel to Flowerdale

Use the large regional map to manage travel to Flowerdale. The PCs might have to wrestle with randome encounters.

8.3 Flowerdale

Flowerdale Region. Source: Homemade

Figure 8.1: Flowerdale Region. Source: Homemade

Flowerdale Town. Source: Homemade

Figure 8.2: Flowerdale Town. Source: Homemade

Information on Flowerdale that can be researched before arrival:

  • A small county with maybe 15,000 citizens within the Kingdom of Helsundburg.

  • The major settlement is Flowerdale (2,500 inhabitants). There are small number of outlying villages and the town of Oakbrook South of Flowerdale (1,000 inhabitants). The population consists mostly of humans and halflings.

  • The economy focuses on agriculture, with a particualr focus on the growing flowers.

  • Geography: Old Baglun Forest in the West is a dark and thick forest, Ferroglen Forest in the West is elven territory, the Golden Hills in the Southwest house many halfling burrows and orchards. The Flower Fields Southeast of Flowerdale are the center of farming and horticulture. The Malven River flows through Flowerdale.

  • The regent of Flowerdale is Lady Linnea Halvermont. The Halvermont family has ruled Flowerdale for generations, even before the creation of the Kingdom of Helsundburg. Local traditions and customs have always been different from the rest of the kingdom. Other regions of the Kingdom consider Flowerdale a rural backwater.

  • Flowerdale is protected by the Flowerguard, a militia with 50 full-time members and a larger number citizens that can be mobilized in times of need.

  • There is a small elven settlement in Ferroglen Forest (Lorien in Elvish).

8.3.1 Arrival

  • PCs see the amazing, colorful flower fields as they approach Flowerdale. Fields of asters in bloom. Lots of carriages and river barges.

  • As the PCs are arriving in the town, a group of 12 children runs towards them and celebrate their arrival. They’ll ask a lot of questions: Where are you from? Why do you have a beard? What is that?. They are a mix of human and halfling children aged 5–13, healthy looking, grinning like crazy, wearing simple woolen clothing but in very good condition, flower wreaths in their hair.

  • The town itself is colorful–houses are painted in bright colors and buildings are in great repair. The streets are bustling with regular activity. People are greeting each other on the streets.

  • Notable details: People are very friendly, greet the PCs with huge smiles, the town is clean, everyone looks healthy, clean, and happy.

  • The Flowerguard Militia wears a variety of armors but they all have very colorful cloaks.

8.3.2 The Town and Important Persons

  • The Church: Located on the Northern end of the town square. Simple whitestone building, inside is kept clean and unadorned, stained glass windows in beautiful colors, central display is a vision of Andromalion. Two harps stand at the central altar. The Church congregation is led by Sister Mercy, a beautiful Tiefling woman with a brutal facial scar, wearing simple robes. She is the Hymnleader. Can explain that the town all worships together. It’s a simple religious community and they are no leaders. She arrived here 16 years ago, having been rejected all her live–was welcomed and joined the faith. She is the Hymnleader due to her musical talent. She can tell the PCs on a persuasion check that Lady Linnea brought the faith to Flowerdale after meeting a prophet of Andromalion nearly 20 years ago. Sister Mercy holds service once per day midday, Sundays is biggest meeting. Secret information: all local Church members are given living fungus that makes them particularly receptive to the teachings of the church.

  • Guildhouse: The central guildhouse on the market square is an office building that deals with all local guild business: there are florists, bargemaster guild, teamsters, millers, smiths, carpenters, tanners, etc. The Guildhouse is run by Jasper Llewellynfyr, a male Half-Orc in his 50s, wearing a nice vest. He is a bargemaster and the elected guild overseer. He can tell the PCs about the commercial aspects of the town. They are looking for a new baker (Isa Othman–baker passed away from a fever recently, which is a rare event). They are also looking for a new smith–Rickard Stubblefoot, halfling–is getting up there in age and he wants to retire.

  • Smithy: Rickard Stubblefoot runs the smithy with 4 apprentices. Mostly focused on farming equipment. Would like to retire soon and is looking for a master smith replacement.

  • Healer and Herbalist: Janne Svensdottir, human female, 64 years old. Grey hair, wrinkled face. Can sell healing potions and antidotes.

  • Magistrate’s Building: The local magistrate runs the town business from here. The current magistrate is Ula Widemarsh–a middle aged, matronly no-nonsense human woman. She collects taxes, organizes the market, maintains the town on behalf of Lady Linnea.

  • Flowerguard Militia: The militia is led by Flower-Guardian Raif Mellameer–Ranger, human, 41-years old, brown hair, short beard, fine leather armor, longsword and bow. The militia has 50 full-time soldiers, 30 stationed in Flowerdale, 10 in Oakbrook, and 10 stationed across Flowerdale or patrolling. They can mobilize up to 150 militia fighters.

  • The Spotted Pig: Local tavern, owned and operated by Willa and Willem Hillbark.

  • The Goldriver Inn: Place to stay at affordable rates.

  • Meekfoot’s General Goods: Owned and operated by Melvin Meekfoot and his halfling family.

  • The Manor: Residence of Lady Linnea. Flowerguard bar entrance for visitors. The Lady is about to give birth (see Rumors and Events).

8.3.3 Events, Rumors, Investigations

  • Passive perception 14: kids keep following the PCs around. They giggle and laug as they do.

  • The Strangers: There is a group of strangers in town that plans to steal the lockbox from Melvin’s Goods. They will ride into town and storm Melvin’s during the PC’s first day. Townsfolk will alert the PCs, who might confront the thieves and become town heroes.

Melvin's. Source: 2-Minute Tabletop

Figure 8.3: Melvin’s. Source: 2-Minute Tabletop

  • Fight: Maimofex the Red Menace (Half-Red Dragon Veteran), 1 Orc Eye of Gruumsh, 4 Orcs, 2 Knights, 2 Scouts. Maimofex is a well-known regional bandit leader. After the fight, Raif will thanks the PCs, the whole town is extra welcoming.

  • The Wedding: The town is set to celebrate a wedding the evening of the PC’s arrival. The PCs are invited. The groom is a member of the Flowerguard, the bride is the daughter of one of the bargmen. The wedding has a nice atmosphere, with a lot of singing and dancing, and good food. The PCs might spot that the bride is given elven jewelry (with inlaid amber) by the groom as a gift.

  • PCs may notice other townsfolk with elven jewelry (with inlaid amber).

  • Mass in the Church of Andromalion: PCs may want to observe a religious service. The congregation meets once per day at noon to sing. Simple 1 hour service. Sister Mercy has a beautiful voice, plays the harp well, the whole congregations gets an exalted look in their faces. Hymns are about Andromalion as a savior that brings eternal bliss and beauty. The Church preaches kindness and neighborly love. Eventually, the locals will try to make the PCs join the Church. This involves an induction ceremony with singing and the inductee having to eat some living mushroom. Sister Mercy keeps a golden ornamented box with active dream dust hidden in the altar. Sister Mercy feigns ignorance about the mushroom–she says she uses it for its light hallucinogenic effects to help the individual come closer to Andromalion. She says she bought them from a traveling alchemist.

  • The Lady: PC might inquire about the Lady. Lady Linnea is well-loved and thought of as a just regent. She is a 45 years old human female. Her family has been in power for hundreds of years and the Lady for the last 30. Her husband died young in a hunting accident. She is a painter. Always wanted to children and now, finally, Andromalion has blessed her. She is pregnant and about to give birth. To keep her under strict observation, she is not receiving guests in her manor. She has a new advisor, Thyrodax Ironfang, a learned dragonborn and scholar that has arrived in town four months ago. He is not seen often outside the manor. In reality, Thyrodax is a wizard (Conjurer) that was hired by Lady Linea for her alchemical research on dream dust.

  • The Offer: A NPC approaches the PCs–whomever they have had a good interaction with–and proposes the PCs settle down in town. Argues that they are needed. Start a family, live in peace. Goal is to make the PCs stay and join the Church.

  • The Dancer: old man, dances outside his house and collapses in ecstasy. Sometimes he dreams of Andromalion and gets so happy, he just wants to dance.

  • Asking about Yvenlorien: If the PCs get suspicious about the elven jewelry seen in town or just want to ask about the local elves, they hear something like this: We keep to ourselves but are friendly with the elves. Our farmers sometimes spot them at the edge of Ferroglen Forest. They never visit town. Why are you interested? You should stay here, they don’t like strangers, why don’t you come for dinner?

  • Old Baglun: We never go there, it’s dangerous, full of monsters. Once some bugbears stole a child and the Flowerguard had to venture in there. That’s when Raif made a name for himself, he found the child and killed 4 bugbears. Stay away from there!

  • Confrontations: Everybody is peaceful. If PCs get confrontational, locals give in. If PCs go too far, the town comes together and asks them to leave.

  • Visiting the Manor: PCs may want to infiltrate the Manor. When the PCs are stalking around town at night, they may encounter locals (adults or children) that will try to sway them from walking around at night. Staff live in the town and are absent during the night. The road to the manor is guarded by four Flowerguards (2x Archer, 2x Veteran). Doors and windows are locked DC-21. The entrance to the wizard’s tower is locked with Arcane Lock Level-5.

Mansion Level 1. Source: 2-Minute Tabletop

Figure 8.4: Mansion Level 1. Source: 2-Minute Tabletop

Mansion Level 2. Source: 2-Minute Tabletop

Figure 8.5: Mansion Level 2. Source: 2-Minute Tabletop

Mansion Level 3. Source: 2-Minute Tabletop

Figure 8.6: Mansion Level 3. Source: 2-Minute Tabletop

  • Entrance Hall: Stone floors, stone columns, paintings of ancestors. Painting of Lady Linnea: beautiful woman, red hair, green eyes.

  • Gallery: full of paintings, done by Lady Linnea. Depicts Flowerdale, the Church building, locals. 2 Helmed Horrors guard the room.

  • Dining Room: empty.

  • Small storage room: full of food supplies, drinks.

  • Room above the dining room: small kitchen.

  • North room: beautiful workshop, an unfinished painting of Mencius, covered by cloth. Alchemical bench: 2 minor healing potions, 1 greater healing potion, potion of firebreath, philter of love, potion of gaseous form, recipe for adamantine full plate. Enemies: 1 Alchemical Golem (ToB), 2 Animated Armors (MM).

  • Office: Secured by Arcane Lock and an Alarm spell. Some magical lights, documents that indicate: loans from the Helsundburg Merchant Bank, purchase of three new river barges (The Rose’s Thorn, The Amador, The Dilamook), invoice for additional customization/carpentry, large purchase orders for alchemical substances, Alchemist’s tools/Herbalist’s tools DC-16: ingredients are used for growing plants, extraction, concentration/increase in potency. The new river barges are not currently moored in town.

  • Wizard’s Tower: Thyrodax (Conjurer), a quasit familiar, and a Fire and Water Elemental. Thyrodax is a conjurer and alchemy expert. He was hired to help Lady Linnea refine the dream dust and got addicted in the process. Now, he feels captured and scared. He is willing to avoid a fight or will try to flee. The quasit is there to keep an eye on him and can command the Elementals. Magic items that can be found: a wizard’s spellbook, a modified Alchemical Compendium. If you haven’t used the possessed blade in Coin & Dagger, here is another chance to introduce a sentient and evil magic item. The Alchemical Grimoire has the listed spells (see Tasha’s) as well as Summon Abberation, Summon Construct, Create Homunculus. The book secretly it is Rinno’naggamon, Rin, a devil trapped in this book. The book can communicate telepathically with whoever attunes to it. At first, it has some spells. Rin will inform the PC that deeper secrets can be unlocked if the book is fed souls. Rin will pretend to be a simple magical spirit. PCs needs to use a Bonus Action to capture soul of a slain enemy (30ft range). After every 20 souls, the book adds new pages with more spells. After 77 souls, pages with Golem manual instructions appear (the pages vanish after Golem construction is completed). Eventually, a PC can trade 666 souls for 1 charge of summoning a pitfiend. Once the book is attuned, it takes a DC-22 Will save to break the attunement. PCs can also find 1 minor-uncommon, 2 minor-common magic items.

  • Library: full of books (history, literature, art, recipes).

  • Sitting room: empty.

  • 2nd floor: nothing of interest except a storage room full of art, including elven amber jewelry and wood carvings (worth 1,200 GP), an elven tattoo needle (random tattoo: spellwrought, barrier, coiling grasp, eldritch claw).

  • 3rd floor bedroom: unmade bed, some blood, evidence of a recent birth. Gold and jewelry worth 600 GP. Enemies: Four Helmed Horrors.

8.4 Yvenlorien

The PCs might want to visit the local elves at some point. Residents of Flowerdale will try their best to discourage them and distract them from their mission.

History DC-20 or ask locals with a Persuasion DC-22: Yvenlorien is a small elven settlement, hidden in the Lorien forest. The elves are known to be shy and peaceful but also fierce protectors of nature. Have had mostly peaceful relations with others humanoids in the region. Known for their artisan skills in shaping wood and incorporating amber gem stones–they have a secret supply.

8.4.1 Finding Yvenlorien

  • People are trying to stop them peacefully on the way. Involve them in conversation, invite them to dinner, ask them for help (broken down cart, damaged roof, injured husband).

  • Within the Ferroglen Forest, PCs can try to find it. For regular PCs, 1 survival check per day DC-19, needs 3 successes. For elven PCs the DC-16. Each day and night there is a 25% chance of a random encounter (use standard encounter tables).

8.4.2 The Last Dirge of the Elves

Yvenlorien. Source: Homemade

Figure 8.7: Yvenlorien. Source: Homemade

  • Yvenlorien is a typical elven settlement: houses formed from living wood with magic, they have a shrine to Rillifane Rallathil (elven goddess of nature). Local custom: two flower boxes flanking each house entrance. Elves wear simple, but well-made woolen and leather clothing.

  • The small elven settlement of Yvenlorien is currently devoid of life. The Lady tested the new amplified version of dream dust–called Andromalion’s Blessing–here.

  • 60\(+\) innocent men, women, and children dead.

  • Bodies are found throughout the small settlement.

  • Investigating the bodies: Medicine DC-16, Investigation DC-16 They died of exhaustion or a heart attack, manic smile on their faces. Some of fungal growths on their bodies.

  • As the PCs search the village, they won’t find anything valuable (all taken by the people of Flowerdale).

  • After some investigation, the bodies begin to stir in haphazard motion and a fight: 60+ Zombies 1 corpseflower. This can get quickly overwhelming. The PCs have to use good strategy or try and retreat. The corpseflower is hiding behind a house and will try to surprise the PCs.

  • 1 Survivor is hiding in the cellar of a building: the town drunk Quarion Cithreth. The settlement had a feast 3 days ago to see of a group of hunters and the town’s Paladin Veyriel off–they intended to go to the Old Baglun Forest to investigate some disturbing reports. Animals had reported to the village’s druid that parts of the forest had become more dangerous, infested with something dark and sinister. Quarion started drinking and went on a 2-day bender. When he woke up, he saw people starting to dance and laugh until they died. That was maybe five or six days ago. He has a foggy memory, there was something else that happened during his bender–Lesser restoration will help him remember another detail: he was sitting on the roof, marveling at the stars, drinking wine, when he saw a cloaked figure sneak into the village, towards the well. He was already drunk and thought he might have imagined it. He followed the figure toward the end of the village but couldn’t make out who it was. He can show them where the figure left the village–maybe they can still pick up a trail. Survival DC-20 points towards tracks that lead to Old Baglun Forest.

  • Quarion will ask the PCs to find Veyriel in Old Baglun and tell her what happened.

  • Quarion knows there is an old Gnome hermit–Yoikel Sneesnagg–that knows Old Baglun Forest best. He will know what’s going on. He is friendly if you bring him cheese.

  • The Well: PCs can investigate the water.Alchemy, Poison, Investigation check, DC-17: evidence of modified dream dust. A large amount was dumped here–this requires quite the production as far as the PCs can tell.

8.5 Old Baglun Forest

8.5.1 Exploring Old Baglun Forest

  • Navigating Old Baglun Forest is notoriously difficult. Thick forest growth, permanent fog, old magic that generates illusions that have let many a travelers get lost.

  • Weird feeling of decay is present, fungal growth is seeping into the forest from below.

  • PCs have four travel actions per day, but should use one to rest, otherwise they incur Exhaustion. They have to pick a direction to move: clockwise 1–6. Each moves requires a successful survival check against a varying DC (depending on weather and forest magic) roll D6 to determine the day’s DC: 1=10, 2=12, 3=16, 4=18, 5=20, 6=26. On a failed check, the PCs are moved in a random direction. The PCs can use 1 travel action to re-orient themselves. This requires a successful Survival check.

  • Every night during a long rest, PCs may be randomly moved 2 hex squares away (8–10 on D10, roll D6 twice to determine direction).

  • Magic protects the Canopy Gardens. PCs will be affected by the risk of losing their sense of direction and being moved randomly at night, unless they have Sneesnagg’s dowsing rod. With the rod, navigation becomes reliable and the rod points in the direction of the Canopy Gardens.

  • Some squares have planned encounters (see below).

  • Every day there is a 5% chance of a random encounter from the Forest Table in XGTE, this increases by 5% every day without an encounter.

  • Track food and water!

  • Animals will not talk to them (infected with the fungus).

Old Baglun Forest. Source: Homemade

Figure 8.8: Old Baglun Forest. Source: Homemade

Old Baglun Forest Event Areas. Source: Homemade

Figure 8.9: Old Baglun Forest Event Areas. Source: Homemade

Fixed locations and Events:

  • Hermitage–small rock with the red flag. The crazed gnome hermit Yoikel Sneesnagg lives here. He will be accosted by some Pixies when the PCs arrive. The pixies will Polymorph him into a chicken. Without the PC’s intervention, the Pixies will keep torturing him. He will be reluctant to help unless the PCs can succeed on a Persuasion DC-20 (DC-16 if they give him cheese). He can offer them refuge (mushroom soup!) and can point them to the location of the Canopy Gardens. This is where he thinks something is going on. He can give the PCs a Dowsing Rod that can lead them there. Note: if the PCs several harm one of the pixies, see Dealing with the Fey.
Yoikel's Hermitage. Source: 2-Minute Tabletop

Figure 8.10: Yoikel’s Hermitage. Source: 2-Minute Tabletop

  • Bugbear bandit hide-out–Big rock formation in the West. Hideout: outside guards are 2 Bugbears and 2 Bugbear Archers. First level: 4 Bugbear Brutes, 1 Bugbear Hunter, 2 Bugbear Archers, 2 Bugbear Warriors, Bugbear Shaman. Bugbears in the far right room have access to a secret tunnel they can use to double-back and ambush any intruders from the outside. Second level: 1 Bugbear Shaman, 1 Bugbear Champion of Hggruk, 2 Bugbear Warriors, 2 Bugbear Ambushers. Treasure in the hideout: Hggruk’s Throwing Axe (+1 hand axe returns after each throw), Bag of Holding, +2 minor-uncommon, 2 minor-common.
Bugbear Hide-out Level 1. Source: 2-Minute Tabletop

Figure 8.11: Bugbear Hide-out Level 1. Source: 2-Minute Tabletop

Bugbear Hide-out Level 2. Source: 2-Minute Tabletop

Figure 8.12: Bugbear Hide-out Level 2. Source: 2-Minute Tabletop

  • Northern swamp: pond with a Froghemoth and 6 Grungs and 2 Elite Grung Warriors–Some parts of the ground are sinkholes. DEX ST DC-16, on a success PC moves one square adjacent. On a fail, the PC is immobilized and sinks 1 foot each turn. Once the PC is swallowed, drowning begins. Others need to help with a STR check DC-18 to pull the PC out. The grungs worship the Froghemoth as a god. They liked to sacrifice outsiders to their god but can be bargained with. They are aware of the growing dangers in the forest and are unhappy about it.
Northern Swamp. Source: 2-Minute Tabletop

Figure 8.13: Northern Swamp. Source: 2-Minute Tabletop

  • Western Swamp: 5 trolls. Some parts of the ground are sinkholes. DEX ST DC-16, on a success PC moves one square adjacent. On a fail, the PC is immobilized and sinks 1 foot each turn. Once the PC is swallowed, drowning begins. Others need to help with a STR check DC-18 to pull the PC out.
Western Swamp. Source: 2-Minute Tabletop

Figure 8.14: Western Swamp. Source: 2-Minute Tabletop

  • The elven hunters–in the red tree grove. Remains of the elven hunting party, led by the palading Veyriel. Elves were not killed by the undead but by an ambush team from Flowerdale. Their bodies attracted the undead. If the PCs discover the bodies at night, there will be an attack by undead: 1 Banshee, 3 Wights, 3 Shadows. Treasure that can be found: 1 minor-uncommon.

  • 1 night ambush–determine randomly. Raif Mellameer (Champion with Ranger features like sharpshooter}, 4 Flower Guards (Veterans), 2 Archers (with sharpshooter). They’ll approach with Pass Without a Trace and try to get a surprise attack. They will target specific PCs to kill, i.e., attack even if a PC goes to zero.

  • Mencius’ dream invasion: at an increasing rate, Mencius will invade the PCs dreams to terrorize them. PCs will be confronted with a variety of dream scenarios (see below for examples), building on their back stories. PCs need to do a WIS ST DC-16. Regular failure: 1 level of exhaustion \(+\) roll a d6 that is the number of spell slot levels that do not recover (half of that for half-casters, i.e., a rolled 3 means 2 level 1 and 1 level-2 do not recover), a roll of 10 or more points below the DC means no long rest benefits and 2 levels of exhaustion.

    • PC back in their home village. Everyone is dead around them, struck down by disease. But they noticed their faces are smiling, their dead eyes look ecstatic. Suddenly they speak to him: We are now with him, he saved our souls, come join us, we need you, we are so happy, all hail to Andromalion. In the end, the whole village is singing a song to praise Andromalion.

    • Cleric PC is back in their old village. Exhausted after a hard day of caring for the sick. Everyone has the fever. They are happy though because their family has been spared so far. Returns home, their kids greet them. They are very excited–they have a surprise for them: Mom has the fever and Andromalion will taker her soon! She has the manic grin. Kids say Andromalion will come for them too. Why won’t you join us, don’t you love us?

    • In an empty building, long corridor, several doors. PC hears a faint voice calling for their help. They realize it their brother. Perception checks to follow the voice. They have to break down doors. Eventually, they find their brother, on a bed, looking very sickly. He reaches out to them and asks: Why didn’t you help me? Why weren’t you there when I needed you? His skin starts to undulate and worms break through and he dies in the PC’s arms.

    • Back in their village, they are young. A typical work morning in their profession. Their fellow apprentices are joking with them, talking about the dance tonight. They are asking her/him whether they think `he’ will ask them to marry them tonight? They say he is a good match, beautiful, a pious man, and truly in love with them. Then the scene shifts to them preparing for the evening–The PC has put on a nice outfit. At the dance, they look expectantly for their love interest. They spot them in the middle of the dance floor. The person turns around and it is Mencius. But instead of feeling revolted, they are overcome with a deep feeling of love and happiness. Mencius greets them and kisses them.

8.6 The Canopy Gardens

Canopy Gardens. Source: Homemade

Figure 8.15: Canopy Gardens. Source: Homemade

The Canopy Gardens are a forest dungeon. Twisted trees and thick brush form hallways, tunnels, and caves. The canopy of the trees blocks all sunlight. The air is thick of flowery and earthy smells. Mosquitos and other insects are buzzing about.

  • The regular vine barriers require attacks with slashing damage or fire to get through, immune to piercing, resistant to bludgeoning. They have AC-14 and 20 HP. You can try to look through them but it is difficult, i.e., heavily obscured.

  • Mushroom areas have dead bodies strewn around, weird mushrooms growing through them. This is were new the Underdark mushroom is grown to produce more dream dust. The dead bodies are used as fertilizer.

  • CG1: Growing area. 2 Deathcap Myconids, 8 Vine Blights.

  • CG2: 8 Gas spores, 4 Violet Fungi,

  • CG3: 1 Deathcap Myconid tending to fungi-corpses.

  • CG4: dead body of an elven ranger, an amulet worth 140 GP, 1 healing potion.

  • CG6: 2 Shambling Mounds squeeze out of the tree growth behind the PCs, cutting them off. 6 Vine Blights emerge out of the thick brush. In the Shambling Mounds, the PCs can find remains of several humanoids, valuables worth 430 GP.

  • CG5: A corpse with a sack of potions (random mix).

  • CG7: Vine trap. DEX ST DC-16, on a failed save PC is restrained and being drawn into the wall, takes 2d4 piercing damage from thorns and will start suffocating. Other PCs can helps by attacking the vines, AC-12, HP 50 to free one PC.

  • CG8: This were new fungus is brought and dried for further processing. 2 Spawn of Kyuss, 1 Deathcap Myconid, 4 Vine Blights on guard. Combat noises will alarm monsters in area CG9 and start a countdown until the river barge leaves. The PCs have 8 rounds before the the two remaing barges leave.

  • CG9: Vines blocking access have AC-14, 100 HP (resistant to bludgeoning, immune to piercing). 2 Cult Fanatics, 6 Cultists, 1 Bandit Lord, 2 Archers. Ships are loaded with Andromalion’s Blessing in a hidden compartment. flowers are the regular cargo. The hidden compartment also contains bribe money of 3,000 GP.

  • CG10: Lady Linnea’s sanctum. Lady Linnea is a Spore Druid that has been working on refining dreram dust into Andromalion’s Blessing. She has already produced one shipment and sent it to Helsundburg. Two more barges are being loaded. Use the stats of an Arch Druid with some special abilities:

    • She can shapechange into a Fleshpod Hornet.

    • Lady Linnea has a Spore Druid aura: any creature within 10 ft of her can be dealt 1d10 damage with a reaction at the start of their turn (CON ST against her spell save DC).

    • Legendary Resistances 2x.

    • Lady Linnea has a legendary action to cast a cantrip, shapechange, or cast a healing spell.

    • She will start combat by upcasting heat metal on a PC.

    • The Child (malformed, skin is a patchwork of soft, white baby skin and brown, thick leather, a vertical eye, other empty and oozing, one arm ends in a mouth, a scorpion stinger on the back). A gift from Andromalion. She is holding her baby, covered in blankets. Use stats of a Spawn of Akyshigal. Has a climb speed (will go up the canopy). Legendary Resistances 2x. The Child has a legendary action to create or command a swarm of insects.

    • As long as one of them is alive, there is a lair action: Vines will sprout from the ground randomly and ensnare/restrain 1 PC (DC-15 DEX ST), vines can be escaped every round with a DEX or STR ST or by attacking the vines (AC-12, 15 HP).

    -Additional monsters: 1 Cult fanatic spellcaster/lab assistant. Uses spiritual weapon, then hold person, consider command and inflict wounds.

    • If there is a TPK, Mencius/Lady Linnea will revive the PCs and put a Geas on them: retrieve the shard from Mountains of Madness.
  • Loot in Lady Linea’s personal laboratory:

    • Alchemical notebook: Lady Linnea’s personal research notes. PCs can learn that simple dream dust is made from dead fungus. Can be diluted to generate effects as in the House of the Red Door. Members of the church are regularly given living fungus to fester inside of them–ties them more closely to the Church, helps them keep secrets, allows Lady Linnea to affect their emotions. Notes mention Klausman’s experiments with dream dust and how he made his staff compliant, but not potent enough for their purposes. Notes then describe her research on amplifying *dream dust8. She hired a alchemical specialist to help her (Thyrodax). She developed Andromalion’s Blessing, which is dramatically more potent: causes extreme ecstasy, visions, and hallucinations, uncontrolled laughter and dancing–most subjects died in the end. Notes describe the results from the test on the elven village.

    • Ingredient and supply list: Lady Linnea had enough material for three ship loads of Andromalion’s Blessing.

    • Shipping notes: 1 large shipment has been sent weeks ago (no details on to where, but her notebook mentions her other journal, which is in the mansion).

    • Shipment is meant for next Midsommer, to prepare the offering for Andromalion.

    • Treasure: 1 major-uncommon, 4 minor-common, eldritch claw tattoo, longbow +1 (from the elven village), +1 moon sickle.

8.7 Dealing with the Fey

  • If the PCs attacked the pixies: A Pixie emissary arrives with a message for the attackers. The Wild Hunt has been called and you are its quarry. The Lord of the Hunt will send hunting parties for them–it does not stop! Every future encounter, there is a random chance a fey hunting party appears as well and targets them (20 on 1D20).

  • They can try to consult with a neutral fey, scholar, or expert to learn about the Wild Hunt. The hunt can be called off if he can offer something of equal value in a parlay. When encountering a hunting party, they need to utter an old Sylvan phrase to invoke the parlay. Rough translation: By the warm touch of summer and the cold embrace of winter, by hope of spring and the harvest of fall, I hereby invoke the old laws of the Fey Courts. Show me my accuser and let me enter a binding contest of wills. If they don’t speak Sylvan, they need to do an INT DC-17 check to say the words exactly right. On a success, the Fey will honor the request for parlay and escort them to a Feywild Gate (opened via a magical feather) and bring them to a meeting place.

  • PCs might know/guess that the pixie probably returned to the Feywild upon `death’ and thus wasn’t technically permanently killed (The Faerie was reborn as a massive Fomorian and will come to punish them).

  • Ranger friends can tell them about Fey weaknesses/strengths: cold iron, resistance to magic.

  • First Fey hunt team sets an ambush: Several Red Caps (regular and special from the Tome of Beasts) and a Fey Huntress: Thornwalker–Huntress of the Deepwood Vale (elven features, long, white hair, reaching to the ground, clothed in leaves and thorns, holding a bow made from bone, black eyes). Stats: 3 redcaps, 1 redcap leader, 1 summer Eladrin (longbow damage: 2d8+5 piercing and 3d8 psychic, can cast greater invisibility twice a day).

  • Parlay: PCs can meet the Fey on neutral ground and negotiate the Weregeld. Lord of the Hunt will preside. A little gnarled tree creature will be their translator and representative.

    • Let the PCs come up with some ideas for possible bargains. Here are some suggestions:

    • A duel to death. Offending character against the Pixie (The PCs don’t know the Pixie has re-formed as a Fomorian). This is to the death. No resurrection by others.

    • PC can offer a child. If the PC is male, they need to sleep with the Fomorian and sire their offspring

    • A sacrifice: The PC needs to sacrifice something valuable, e.g., the bow arm of a ranger, their eyesight, their dexterity, their subclass (e.g., become a Fey Wanderer), the ability to feel a certain emotion, memories.

    • Pledge their service