Chapter 12 Dreams of Andromalion

12.1 Overview

  • The PCs return to Helsundburg before Midsummer.

  • At dusk during Midsummer celebrations, Andromalion will emerge.

  • Mencius if in possession of at least 1 shard and some of Andromalion’s Blessing will commence the Suh-Harp ritual, putting as many citizens into a delirious trance as possible.

  • The PCs will have to dispatch Mencius, Vraxa Redstar, and banish Andromalion in order to safe the city.

12.2 Back to Helsundburg

The City of Helsundburg. Source: Watabou

Figure 12.1: The City of Helsundburg. Source: Watabou

  • Helsundburg has been locked down by the Order of the Crimson Heart.

  • The city is preparing for the festivities of the Midsummer celebration.

  • Gregor Silversword has been imprisoned under suspicion of treason by Vraxa Redstar. He is being held in the bastille of the Order of the Crimson Heart. If the PCs have the time and inclination to save Gregor, he can rally his city guards ot help the PCs.

  • The Order of the Crimson Heart controls access to the city and enforces a curfew in the lead-up to the Midsummer celebrations.

  • The Sewer Rats can provide the PCs with some limited mobility option within the city through the sewer system.

  • Mencius has poisoned the whole city with Andromalion’s Blessing by putting the shipment from Flowerdale into the Aqueduct supplying Helsundburg with fresh water.

  • Optional: If the PCs have gathered enough clues about the shipment of Andromalion’s Blessing, they may want to visit teh Aqueduct and limit any further contamination of the water supply. The Aqueduct is protected by a fist of the Order of the Crimson Heart: 8 Knights, 2 Blackguards, 1 Evoker, 1 Cult High Priest of Asmodeus.

  • The big Midsummer celebration consists of 8 processions to the central square in the Eyes of the Gods district. Each procession is organized by different city groups (5 processions from neighborhood associations, the Merchant Guild, School of the Arts, the Fellowship of the Pious, etc.). Each procession is a big March that includes effigies and masked dancers. The city streets are lined with spectators in costumes. All the processions meet at the central square in the Eyes of the Gods.

  • Usually, the masses meet on the square on front of one of the main temples, with representatives of the major religions kicking off the festivities with a ritual offering to honor the gods. Mencius will take over this part to conduct his Sun-Harp ceremony.

12.3 Mencius’ Plan

  • hen all the processions reach the central square, Mencius will use however many shards in his possession to play the Sun-Harp.

  • Playing the Sun-Harp will put a large part of the attending population, made pliant by poisoning through Andromalion’s Blessing, into a delirious trance. The masses will begin to sway and sing. They will eventually dance until death through exhaustion, releasing their souls to be consumed by Andromalion.

    • Andromalion will appear above the main temple, drawn by the music of the Sun-Harp, and begin his Hypnosis of the main population, while Mencius and his fellow cultists secure the area against any intervention by outsiders.
  • Without intervention, Andromalion will charm the nearly the whole population, which has been weakened by the drugs. People will start dancing into ecstasy and eventually surrender their souls to Andromalion, wiping out the city’s population.

12.4 The Final Battle

The Temple. Source: 2-Minute Tabletop

Figure 12.2: The Temple. Source: 2-Minute Tabletop

The Courtyard. Source: 2-Minute Tabletop

Figure 12.3: The Courtyard. Source: 2-Minute Tabletop

  • Mencius controls the square in front of the temple building as well as the inside of the temple. Mencius plans to use the square for his ritual, but if threatened, he may retreat inside the temple building. In the hours before the ritual, he is inside the temple building, preparing.

  • Enemies: Mencius, Vraxa Redstar, 6 Knights of the Order of the Crimson Heart are protecting the main stage. 4 additional Knights with crossbows are stationed on the rooftops surrounding the square.

    • Mencius: use tsats for a Warlock of the Fiend. Uses the Sunharp to cast spells. +8 spell attack/DC 16 (due to rod of the pactkeeper), 3 level 4 spell slots (+1), also knows: eldritch blast (2X 1d10+4), sickening radiance, shadow of moil, hypnotic pattern, counterspell, hold person, misty step (at will), has 1 Legendary Action (cast cantrip, recharge 1 spell slot, attack).

    • Vraxa Redstar: Use states of a Warlord with the Alert feat.

    • Knights of the Order of the Crimson Heart: Use stats of a Knightwith fewer HP and +6 to hit.

    • Crossbow shooters on the roof: Use states of a Knight with heavy crossbows. 1 attack with +5 to hit, 1d10+4 damage, and fewer HP.

12.5 Andromalion’s Emergence and the Banishment

  • Eventually, Andromalion will emerge in its initial form. They appear as in the traditional depictions of Andromalion: glorious, beautiful, butterfly wings of rainbow-colored light, floating in the air.

  • To start, Andromalion is immune to damage except two types (roll on the table below) and regenerates 25 HP at the end of start of their turn. Andromalion’s immunities can be further reduced by plunging the glass shards of the Sun-Harp into their skin. The PCs may possess some of the shards already or have to get them from Mencius. Plunging a shard into their skin removes two randomly determined damage immunities and reduces the regeneration by 5 points.

1D20 Damage Type
1-2 Acid
3 Bludgeoning
4-5 Cold
6-7 Fire
8-9 Force
10-11 Lightning
12 Necrotic
13 Piercing
14-15 Poison
16-17 Psychic
18 Radiant
19 Slashing
20 Thunder
  • Andromalion’s initial form: use stats of an Elder Orb. They also have Mass Hypnotic Pattern (like Hypnotic Pattern but with a 1 mile radius and the affected creature begins to dance. Creatures exposed to Andromalion’s Blessing and the music of the Sun-Harp have Disadvantage on the save) as a Legendary Action and Soulrend (collect 1d12 souls that have been charmed). Cannot be Banished. Also has Earthquake spell, Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting, Psychic Scream, Power Word: Pain.

    • PCs can become immune to Andromalion’s Mass Hypnotic Pattern by using the magical mirror from the Lost City of T’zza. To do so, they need to look into the mirror and see a true reflection of themselves. Players should discuss their PCs deepest flaws or insecurities. Andromalion preys on insecurities, by taking an honest look at themselves, the PCs will be steeled against any attempt to prey on them.
  • Strategy: Andromalion will at first ignore the PCs and collect souls of bystanders each round. They use Legendary Actions for Mass Hypnotic Pattern and main Actions for Soulrend. Once the PCs attack Andromalion and reduce them by 25% of their HP, they will start to attack the party.

  • Combat Environment:

    • Innocents bystanders will complicate the surroundings.

    • When Andromalion casts Earthquake, the Temple Columns will break down and the surrounding buildings will partially collapse, creating difficult terrain.

    • Andromalion will command a mob of charmed civilians to mindlessly attack the PCs.

    • Additional waves of Knights, Thugs and Archers.

    • Environmental Hazards: Andromalion’s presence will warp the environment, spots of difficult terrain.

    • If some PCs have failed to fulfill the contract with Paimoraxxas, he will intervene in the combat and impose Disadvantage on a PC’s rolls once or twice during the combat.

  • When Andromalion’s initial form is reduced to 0 HP and fails 3 death saving throws, their true form is revealed.

  • Andromalion’s true form: Cannot be Banished. Use Sibriex (new Mordenkainen p.217), slightly higher HP/Stats, additional spells: Also has Earthquake, Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting, Psychic Scream, Power Word: Pain. They will use their warping powers to affect PCs and impose Exhaustion.


  • PCs need to reveal Andromalion’s true form, weaken him, and then speak the Word of Banishment.

  • True form has to be reduced to less than 0 HP as well, then PCs have the chance to speak the Word of Banishment. A spellcaster PC can try a spellcasting check. If they sacrifice two attribute points, they gain +1, if they permanently sacrifice 10 HP, they gain another +1 on the roll. They can gain a max of +5 on a single roll. If they sacrifice their life, they gain Advantage on the roll. The DC is 25. They have to speak the word successfully 3 times before Andromalion reaches \(>\) 0 HP.

  • In its true form, Andromalion does not go unconscious at 0 HP. Track negative HP. While below 0 HP, they regenerate 10 HP per round. This means there is a small window of opportunity to complete the Banishment.

  • When the Banishment hits, a modified Contingency triggers a 20d6 Psychic Scream spell. Allow PCs a counterspell attempt.